HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 05-16 Call 4 g Report to ° Council PICKERING�T�n ICKERII V G Report Number: FIN 05-16 Date: March 29, 2016 From: Paul Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget • Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 05-16 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be approved; and, a) That the 2016 Current Budget expenditure for personnel costs, consisting of salaries and wages (Account 1100), overtime (Account 1200) and employer contributions (Account 1400), in the total amount of$51,116,685 be approved; b) That the 2016 Gross Current Budget expenditures for City purposes in the amount of$36,520,945 (excluding personnel expenditures) less estimated current revenues of$29,815,786 (City Revenues of$29,069,786 plus $546,000 for assessment growth plus supplementary taxes of$200,000) and net transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $1,639,963 for"City operations be approved; c) That the Capital from Current expenditure in the amount of$1,043,100 funded from property taxes be approved; and d) That the total final City levy under paragraphs a), b) and c) above, plus an additional $218,000 for the Roads and Bridges Special Levy and $557,000 for the Accelerated Infrastructure Program Special Levy, for a total final levy of$57,999,981 being an increase of approximately 3.99% over the 2015 budget, be approved; 2. That the 2016 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $57,873,150 be reduced by $24,600,000 for the removal of the Operations Centre construction project resulting in a residual balance of $33,273,150 be adopted as presented: a) That the following capital financing sources be approved as presented in the 2016 Capital Budget: Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 2 Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $1,043,100 Transfers from Reserves: - Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021) 3,385,000 - City Share Dev. Charges Projects (7022) 1,249,769 - Vehicle Replacement Reserve (7040) 933,000 - Capital Replacement Reserve (7001) 317,450 - Don Beer Arena Surcharge (7033) 100,100 - Rec. Complex Core Surcharge (7034) 68,000 - Rec. Complex Arena Surcharge (7036) 32,700 - Self-Insurance Reserve (7020) 31,000 Transfers from Reserve Funds: - Operations Centre (7708) 1,400,000 - Development Charges (7605 to 7621) 4,598,031 - Federal Gas Tax Funds (7505) 6,575,000 - Roads and Bridges (7709) 801,260 - Third Party Contribution (7501) 600,000 - Parkland Development (7502) 110,000 Debt - 5 yr 200,000 Debt - 10 yr 6,760,000 Debt - 15 yr 2,250,000 Debt - 20 yr 650,000 Internal Loan - 5 yr 591,000 • Internal Loan - 10 yr 385,000 York Region Funding Agreement 490,000 Provincial Grant—Transportation Initiatives 250,000 Provincial Grant - Invest in Ontario 159,000 Provincial Grant - Ontario Communities Infrastructure Fund 198,740 Sale of Land 75,000 Donations 20,000 Total $33.273,150 b) That total external debt financed by property taxes of$9,860,000 for the projects identified in the 2016 Capital Budget, and as indicated in this report, in the amount of$200,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years, $6,760,000 for a period not to exceed 10 years, $2,250,000 for a period not to exceed 15 years and $650,000 for a period not to exceed 20 years be approved; Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 3 c) That the internal loans in the amount of$976,000 be undertaken at the discretion of the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer; d) That projects identified in the 2016 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval of the expenditure and the financing by Council; e) That any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be used to apply towards additional principal repayment, outstanding loan or debt charges or to reduce debt, internal loans or any other amounts to be financed; f) That all Capital expenditures or portions thereof approved in the 2016 Capital Budget to be financed through the issuance of debt may, at the discretion of the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be financed through internal loans, current or capital funds or a combination thereof; g) That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer, be authorized to make draws from Reserve and Reserve Funds for projects included in the approved capital budget up to the amount approved; h) That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds obtained through the issuance of debentures as provided for under Section 413 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; i) That Council authorize the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer to change the financing source from external debt to internal loans for the following capital projects: i) Fire Station # 5 - Renovations & Upgrades (Account 5340.1504.0000) ii) Fire Station #6 — Renovations & Upgrades (Account 5340.1505.0000) j) That Council authorize the consolidation of previously approved prior years capital projects into one project account (5321.1603) in the amount of $979,500 (not included in Recommendation 2a) for the construction and installation of streetlights and sidewalks on Kingston and Brock Road in conjunction with Durham Region's Bus Rapid Transit Program based on the following financing sources: i) That $474,750 of the project's capital cost be funded from the (7610) Reserve Fund DC — Roads Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 4 ii) That $354,750 of the project's capital cost be funded from the (7022) Reserve — DC's City's Share iii) That $150,000 of the project's capital cost be funded from (1623) Provincial Grant k) That Council approve the cancellation of the following approved prior years' streetlights and sidewalks capital projects: i) V-1 Kingston Road (South Side) - Brock Road to Hydro Corridor (Account 5321.1306) ii) V-2 Kingston Road (South Side) - Brock Road to Southview Drive (Account 5321.1307 iii) V-4 Kingston Road (North Side).- Brock Road to Bainbridge Drive (Account 5321.1308) iv) Kingston Road (North and South Side) - From Denmar Road to Bainbridge Drive (Account 5325.1301) v) V-13 Brock Road (East Side) — Finch Avenue to Duffins Creek (Account 5321.1309) vi) V-15 Brock Road (East Side) — Finch Avenue to Kingston Road (Account 5321.1310) vii) Brock Road (West Side) — Kingston Road to Finch Avenue (Account 5323.1604) I) That Council approve the addition of the Conservation Barn Reconstruction project in the amount of$900,000 (not included in Recommendation 2 a) and that this project proceed only if the City is successful in obtaining grant funding from the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund or other grants; and m) That Council authorize City staff to enter into an agreement in connection with plan subdivision 40M-2536 to reflect capital project account (5321.1601.0000); 3. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) Any surplus current operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 be transferred to the Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021); • b) Any surplus funds from the Emergency Operational Capital Needs Account (2901.0000.000) to the Facilities Reserve. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 5 4. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, to ensure that the budget plan accommodates any reallocation of 2016 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any reorganization or to accommodate any labour relations settlements; 5. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to fund Property Tax Write-offs account (2134.0000.000) that exceed the budget provision due to assessment appeals that translates into a deficit position for the corporation and this shortfall be funded from a transfer from the Assessment Appeal Reserve (7011) and if this reserve is depleted then the shortfall to be funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021) and that any shortfall from Payment-in-Lieu Education Share revenue estimates be funded from a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve (7021); 6. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to use any under expenditures from projects funded from Reserves or Reserve Funds to fund over expenditures for approved projects funded from the same source(s); 7. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to close any prior year's capital expenditure accounts and to first apply any excess funding from property taxes to any over expenditure in other accounts and to secondly transfer any remaining excess funding back to the original sources of funds; 8. That Council approve the cancellation of the following approved capital projects: a) Clements Road Operations Centre (Account 5315.1401) b) Clements Road Operations Centre —Additional Funds (Account 5315.1501) c) Clements Road Operations Centre (Account 5315.1502) d) Dunbarton Pool Deck Repairs (Account 5713.1502) e) Park Crescent Road Construction (Account 5321.1504) f) Diesel Generator (Account 5340.1401) g) BI-15 Squires Breach Road at Clements Road Traffic Signals — Design Only (Account 5321.0607) h) BI-15 Squires Beach Road at Clements Road Traffic Signals (Account 5321.0832) i) Squires Beach Road at Clements Road — Land Acquisition for Intersection Improvements (Account 5320.0912) Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 6 9. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to close any consulting account expenditure and corresponding revenue source that is over three years from the original purchase order date of issuance; 10. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to re- finance any capital expenditures that failed to meet the Federal Gas Tax reporting criteria from other sources including transfers of funds from reserves and reserve funds; 11. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to: a) Undertake transactions in the spot or forward (12 months or less) currency markets in order to effect United States dollar denominated expenditures in the Current or Capital Budgets; b) Sign leases or rental agreements on the City's behalf for the provision of vehicles or equipment required for temporary use during periods of equipment breakdown or repair or during periods of increased need (e.g. inclement weather); and c) Restate the 2016 Current Operating, User Fees and Capital Budgets to reflect: (i) any Council changes made at the March 29 Council meeting; (ii) any reorganization or personnel account changes (salary, benefits & overtime) that result from salary increases or negotiated labour settlements; 12. That Council approve to single source the following professional services as requested by the client departments in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy Item 10:05: a) The Engineering & Public Works Department request that Phase One of the LED Street Light project for consulting services in the amount of $120,000 be awarded to RealTerm Energy for the completion of an LED Street light Retrofit Audit; b) The Corporate Services Department requests that Public Sector Digest Inc., be awarded the contract to complete the City's Asset Management Plan in the amount of$135,000; 13. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to draw from the Winter Control Reserve to fund any current budget deficit as a result of higher than budget winter control costs; 14. That Council pass the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law and incorporate the user fee schedule into the 2016 Current budget; 15. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to adjust, where appropriate, the per kilometre travel expense reimbursement rate during the year Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 7 in order to maintain a reasonable level of reimbursement with any increase in cost being met from under expenditures in other accounts; 16. That Council approve the continuing engagement of the firm of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to be used for Development Charge issues and financial studies related to the City, Seaton and/or Duffin Heights; 17. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to transfer any funds received from the sale of lands located at 2510 Brock Road to the Operations Centre Reserve Fund; 18. That Council approve the continuing engagement of the following firms: Nixon Fleet & Poole LLP, Municipal Tax Advisor Group and Municipal Tax Equity Consultants to be used to protect the property tax base by defending assessment appeals through proactive assessment base management; 19. That the Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to transfer any green energy rebates and revenue associated with the Claremont solar roof rental project account (1530.2620.0000) to the Reserve for Sustainable Initiatives; 20. That the 2017 budget be developed with the following budget guidelines: a) That an additional up to 1% budget levy increase for a contribution to the Roads and Bridges Reserve Fund be strongly considered in the 2017 Budget; b) That a 0.41% budget levy increase for a one-time Fence Levy be included in the 2017 Budget; c) That the 2017 budget be developed with a priority given to maintaining service levels and existing infrastructure; and d) That the 2017 capital budget be presented in three sections: 2017 infrastructure renewal; Growth that includes expansion and enrichment and 2018 to 2021 capital forecast; 21. That Council amend the Community Grant policy to authorize the Division Head Finance and Treasurer to conduct post-grant reviews of grant expenditures and if any organization refuses to participate that they be deemed automatically disqualified to receive any future grant funding until they provide the required information; a) That the recommended grants to Durham West Blues Festival ($1,000) and Canadian Food Truck Festival ($3,000) be issued after the event; b) That the grant application deadline date for 2017 Budget considerations be September 30, 2016; and Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 8 c) That Council approve a grant in the amount of$500 for the Afghan Canadian Cultural & Education International Organization and the additional cost be offset by a reduction of$500 from the grants contingency account; 22. That any unused funds in excess of$1,000 for accessibility capital projects (6183) be transferred to the Reserve for Accessibility Initiatives; and 23. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: This report contains a summary of the 2016 Current and Capital Budgets and a discussion of the Recommendations contained in this report. Financial Implications: The 2016 Current and Capital Budgets, if adopted as amended, will result in a property tax levy increase of 3.99% (City Share Only) over last year which translates into a 1.16% increase in the City's share of the total property tax bill. This increase, when combined with the Region and the School Boards increase, results in an average increase of 2.07% on the total property tax bill. The above excludes any property tax shifts due to reassessment and potential Provincial tax policy changes. Any changes as a result of Provincial tax policy changes will be adjusted in the calculation of the final tax rates. The changes below resulted from the March 10, 2016 Executive (Budget) Committee's review of the draft Current and Capital budgets on a "page-by-page" basis: Current Budget Additions/(Reductions): General Government Section Grants Durham Youth Council $500 Pickering Rotary Music Festival 500 Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade 3,000 Asian Women Skills and Community Development Association 3,000 Grants Contingency (7,000) Total Net Current Budget Changes 0 Proposed Special Levies Additions/(Reductions): Roads and Bridges* (339,000) LED Street Lights (to be funded by 2015 Surplus) (180,000) Total Net Special Levies Changes (519.000) * The 2016 Roads and Bridges Levy is now $218,000 Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 9 Discussion: The Recommendations put forth are those necessary to adopt and provide authority and direction for the 2016 Current and Capital Budgets for the City of Pickering. Explanation of Key Recommendations Change in Financing Source from External Debt to Internal Loan — Recommendation 2 i) Fire Station #5 and Fire Station #6 The City's established external debt procedure is to have Council pass the external debt report and corresponding by-law before the work commences. In the 2015 budget, both Fire Station five and six were in need of major repairs for various items. The financing strategy was to "group" several of these repairs into one major capital project to be financed by external debt. Unfortunately, there was a need to replace and repair two items due to health and safety and damaged condition. (There was a need to replace the external sign in station five and there was a safety risk regarding the backup fuel tank for the generator in station six). The external sign and the emergency fuel tank generator work was completed in 2015. The remaining repair work for these two stations will be completed in 2016 and be financed by internal loans over a five year period. The change in financing sources from external debt to internal loans does not result in higher debt costs to the City. Consolidation and Cancellation of Previously Approved Capital Projects — Recommendations 2 j) and 2 k) Kingston and Brock Road Streetlights and Sidewalks - $979,500 (total approvals) 1 � M. 7‘ mw.u..rr . 5321.1309 . lik ¢U ■tr.. V-4 $165,000 5321 1308 V-15 ""-- ,..° - 2016 BUDGET [53211310 582,500 50,.16 ¢ 5323.1664 •` I a 1 IP' j cr° �O� 1 � I V-2 G ��Y y 5214.500 to f f+ 5321.1307 2 $198,000 �`I-NN ;or: / g § 5321.1 �,b L. 8 C} 9AiNRIDE /'' ' 2013 BUDGET 9' )�'' 5325.1301 BANBURY 1/ $ / co¢c $ r o¢ $240,000 c ouRT u y� 0 I § c BRT 71 oftivE p_/� - I CONSTRUCTION I § < i LIMITS G Jaz 1 ` ' - Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 10 This streetlights and sidewalks project consisted of six previously approved segments (projects) that were approved in 2013. These projects are all related to the construction of streetlights and sidewalks on Kingston and Brock Road and the work is to be done in conjunction with the Durham Region's Bus Rapid Transit Program. For housekeeping reasons, the prior year's funding for these projects is being consolidated into one capital project for 2016. In addition, the City can use more DC funds rather than debt by consolidating the funding into one project. Addition of Conservation Barn Reconstruction — Recommendation 2 I) On Tuesday, March 22, Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau presented his budget. Included in the budget is funding for the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund in the amount of $168.2 million over two years. For 2016, $83.8 million is being provided under this grant. It is staff's understanding that this fund would support renovation and construction of arts and heritage facilities. Staff are recommending that this project be considered as a candidate for this grant. With $83.3 million available (throughout Canada), staff believe it is important to select a project that "fits" the funding envelope. If the City is not successful, the project will not proceed. Deletion of Previously Approved Capital Projects — Recommendation 8 These recommendations are asking Council to delete previously approved capital projects as a housekeeping/accounting item. An explanation of each account is presented below: Clements Road Operations Centre— $30,604,500 (total approvals) This project was originally approved in the 2014 capital budget, with additional funding approved in 2015 for a new "green" Operations Centre. The Green Operations Centre project included geothermal, windmill and solar roof. In December 2014, City staff submitted the new "green" Operations Centre project under the Small Communities Fund. Unfortunately, the City was not successful and therefore, the prior years' budget approvals have to be deleted. This project is being redesigned with a smaller footprint and the design costs are included in the 2016 Capital Budget. The 2017 Capital Budget will include the construction costs and related financing strategy for the new Clements Road Operations Centre. Dunbarton Pool Deck Repairs - $300,000 This project was originally approved in the 2015 capital budget. Staff tendered this project last year and the tender results strongly indicated that the project was under budget. This project is now included in the 2016 Capital Budget in the amount of $900,000. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 11 Park Crescent Road Construction - $725,000 This project was included in the approved 2015 capital budget and consisted of reconstruction and urbanization of Park Crescent west of Cliffview Road in conjunction with servicing for the Orchard Ridge (Pickering) subdivision, SP 2013-01. This project is being re-budgeted in 2016 to increase the project budget by $50,000 to account for additional design and construction works required by the City and to reflect actual tender costs. The project funding has also changed to reflect the City's share of development charges. The 2016 capital budget now includes this project in the amount of $750,000. Diesel Generator - $35,000 This purchase of a back-up diesel generator for Fire Station #2 was originally approved in the 2014 capital budget. Staff solicited quotes but the purchase was not made as the quotes received were higher than the budgeted amount. The 2016 capital budget now includes the purchase and installation of an emergency generator at Fire Hall #2 in the amount of$60,000. Squires Beach Road Traffic Signals and Intersection Improvements - $310,000 (total approvals) The 2004 DC Study included $300,000 for the full signalization and associated road works of the intersection at Squires Beach Road and Clements Road. The detailed design for the traffic signals was included in the 2006 capital budget for $60,000. During the design phase the Region determined that land acquisitions would be required to complete the traffic signalization installation. The 2008 capital budget included $240,000 . for the installation and the land acquisition was included in the 2009 capital budget for $10,000. The project was tendered in 2015 and came in significantly over the budgeted funds available due to the time lag between the original estimate contained in the 2004 DC Study and the date of the tender. It was determined that rather than request additional funds for the project at the time of the award, it would be better to re-budget the entire project in the 2016 capital Budget. This project is now included in the 2016 capital budget in the amount of$685,000. Single Source Consulting: Awarding of LED Street light Retrofit Audit to RealTerm Energy - Recommendation 12 a) The first phase of the LED Street Light project is to conduct a street light retrofit audit that will provide detailed GPS/GIS maps, and design specifications for LED replacements. (The audit will include: size, location and type of the City's existing street lights). The City does not have the internal resources (staffing or equipment) to conduct such an audit. LAS acts as an agent between the City and RealTerm. AMO's Local Authority Services or LAS is the City's current vendor for electricity and natural gas and they have proven to be a reliable vender for the last ten years. The LAS LED Street Light Retrofit Program has signed over 120 Ontario municipalities for LED retrofits, working as a reliable, trusted vendor on behalf of municipalities. (RealTerm Energy specializes in street light systems). Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 • Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 12 Recommendation 12 a) is recommending that RealTerm Energy be awarded a $120,000 contract to conduct the audit. It is important that this project proceed as quickly as possible due to the fact any time delays reduce possible LED street light energy and maintenance savings. Single Source Consulting: Awarding of Contract for the Development of an Asset Management Plan (AMP) to Public Sector Digest - Recommendation 12 b) The City has to complete an AMP by December 31, 2016 in order to meet Federal Gas Tax (FGT) reporting requirements. If the City fails to meet this reporting requirement, the City's 2017 FGT grant may be at risk. The AMP requirement is part of the FGT agreement that the City signed in April, 2014. It is staff's understanding that the AMP should be completed for all tangible capital assets of which the City is in receipt of FGT funds. In addition, last year's Development Charges Act changes now requires an AMP to be part of the DC Background Study. The City is planning to start its next DC background study in 2017. In the last few years, senior government grant funding programs have required AMP's. Recommendation 12 b) awards the AMP contract in the amount of$135,000 to Public Sector Digest. Public Sector Digest specializes in providing infrastructure and asset management information systems and consulting services. They have completed over 120 asset management plans in accordance with provincial standards. The City's AMP will be written to meet the Province of Ontario's "Building Together: Guide for Asset Management Plans". 2017 Budget Guidelines — Recommendation 20 Many municipalities develop budget guidelines for the following year's budget while reviewing the current draft budget. The detailed review by Council of the current year's budget usually helps frame the following year's budget development and preliminary establishment of budget goals and objectives. Recommendations 20 a) and b) seek the approval of Council to consider as the top budget priorities an additional up to 1% levy for roads and bridges, a 0.41% one-time fence levy and also that the budget be developed in the following expenditure priority sequence: maintain existing infrastructure and service levels. If Council adopts these recommendations, the 2017 budget levy report would be developed with these budget principles. Staff would incorporate these budget principles in the development of the 2017 budget that usually starts around June of each year. These principles would guide the development of the capital and current budget projects. These recommendations will assist the City in meeting its overall objectives in a financially sustainable manner. Grant Policy Changes - Recommendation 21 Staff are proposing a few minor changes to the City's grant policy. Staff are requesting that the policy be changed to permit staff to conduct grant expenditure reviews. These reviews would be conducted on a random basis and it is staff's preliminary plan to conduct Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 13 two to four reviews per year. The grant review component also includes the provision or "carrot"that if the organization refuses to participate, they will be excluded from future grant funding. It is staff's intent to communicate the results of the expenditure reviews through the budget process. The grant application deadline date for 2017 will be September 30, 2016. It is staffs intent to bring a budget levy report in November that would capture known and anticipated budget pressures including grant requests. If the 2017 grant funding requests greatly exceeds the planned budget envelope, staff would include this information in the budget levy report. The City received a late grant request from the Afghan Canadian Cultural & Educational International Organization or ACCEIO. This late grant request was identified in the 2016 Grant book. Unfortunately, this grant request was missed at the Executive Budget meeting of March 10th. Staff are recommending that this organization be provided $500 and these funds will be used for education and counselling for immigrants and refugees. The cost of the grant will be offset by a reduction to the grants contingency. 2016 Current Budget During the budget discussions last spring, staff presented a proposed 2016 base services budget levy increase in the range of 2.75% to 3.75%. This forecast was based on information available at that time and to continue current City service levels. At the March 10 Executive (Budget) Committee meeting, Council was presented with a proposed budget levy increase of 4.90%. As noted earlier, Council made a small number of changes to the General Government Grants Section of the Current Budget and reduced the proposed special levy for Road and Bridges. Staff had also proposed a special levy to fund the debt service costs of the debt financed portion of the LED Street Lights project, however, Council decided to use the estimated surplus from 2015 to reduce the need for debt financing. As a result of these changes, the proposed 2016 budget levy increase was reduced from 4.90% to 3.99%. Based on an average assessment of$376,900, the 3.99% increase (excluding the impact of reassessment) will result in an average increase of approximately $56.62 per year or $1.08 per week for the average residential dwelling in Pickering. Unlike goods purchased by consumers where there is a tangible product that is received each time there is a transaction, many City services provided to residents such as park or road maintenance are not paid for as the services are used or received. For this reason, many residents, may not be aware of the costs associated with the vast array of services offered by the City. The table below shows a breakdown of the cost of services that make up the average City share tax bill of$1,475 (based on an assessment of $376,900). Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 14 Table One 2016 Average Budget Allocation for City Services (Dollar amount. Based on average residential City Share tax bill - $1,475) Dollar amount, based on the average residential tax bill — Municipal portion of property tax $1,475 Fire Services(Suppression & Prevention) s _ $372.33 Roads, Sidewalks and Streetlights F- Alk 41E111W"1111111111= $265.31 City Facilities and Recreation Programs hi, AIIMINIPPW11111111 $200.24 Library $126.77 Parks $94.38 City Development $86.05 Engineering Services $72.04 Corporate Services (Finance, S&S, IT, & Legal) $64.54 Office of the CAO (Customer Care, HR) I♦ $52.67 Contributions to Capital Projects $44.41 Other Expenditures =I $35.29 Mayor, Council & Support MN $26.88 Clerks Office • $22.39 By-law Services ■ $11.70 0 100 200 300 400 Tax Increase Summary The 3.99% City share tax increase translates into an increase of 1.16% on the total residential tax bill. The 3.99% levy increase compares favourably to other municipalities, especially when one considers that Pickering has had the lowest tax rate among its Durham Region Lakeshore neighbours for over eighteen years (1998 up to 2015). Adding the Region's (1.65%) tax increase and Pickering's (3.99%) and the School Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 15 Board's estimated 0% increase, the total increase for the average residential ratepayer will be approximately 2.07%. The chart below provides a property tax summary of the last few years. The proposed 2.07% overall increase this year falls within the mid-range of the last six years. Chart One Comparison of Property Tax Increases from 2011 to 2016 Levy Increases from 2011 to 2016 3.99% 4.00% la Blended Tax Bill 3.75% 3.75% 3.79% o City Share 3.50/0 2.99010 0 293/0 3.00% ; ° �'j; 2.36° ,: 2.50% 2.16° 2.11° I °a 2.00% 1.65° ���,. III i A 1.50% ■ , ■ 1.00% ■ t s.■ 0.50% , ,,'; , 0.00% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Table Two below provides a summary of the financial impact of the proposed 2016 tax levy increase based on various assessed values. Table Two Financial Impact of Budget Increase City Share Only Residential Assessment $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 Increase (Oyer 2015) _ $25.45 $36.71 $47.92 $59.22 This is the fourth year of the Province's four year reassessment cycle. Assessment- related increases are phased in over four years and assessment related decreases are implemented immediately. The City does not receive any additional revenue as a result of reassessment. The corresponding property tax rates are adjusted for the increase in reassessment values to create an overall property tax neutral position on a total property class basis. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 16 The impact on the individual homeowner is based on their specific reassessment increase, relative to the City-wide average of 3.24%. There are also assessment-related tax shifts for the Region and Education. These impacts will be based on the average reassessment increases on a Region-wide basis and for Education on a Province-wide basis. Reassessment Assessment Related Increase Impact on Taxes Below 3.24% Decrease Equals 3.24% No Impact Above 3.24% Increase Risk Analysis At its core, the municipal budget is a projection of inflows and outflows for the coming year. Due to the timing of the budget preparation and approval, many of these projections need to be made with less than perfect information. In addition, these projections need to consider future events and circumstances that are often beyond the City's control. Therefore, as with any budget, there are risk factors associated with the draft 2016 City of Pickering budget being presented to Council. The following is a list of some of the most important risks and related mitigating measures. A There is currently $3.4 billion in outstanding assessment appeals for the commercial and industrial property tax class for the City. These are multi-year appeals ranging from 2005 up to 2015. These appeals are complex and involve commercial "chain stores" where the property owner has many locations throughout Ontario. The chain store appeals include popular commercial retailers such as Loblaws, LCBO, Canadian Tire and Home Depot. Unfortunately, the majority of these appeals were not resolved in 2015. Therefore, these appeals are automatically deemed outstanding for the 2016 taxation year. Every year these appeals remain outstanding, the settlement cost increases, creating additional financial risk to the Corporation. Assuming a 10% reduction in assessment value for each appeal, the City share is roughly estimated to be as high as $1.30 million for 2015 plus an additional $700,000 for 2016. For 2015 appeal costs, the City set up a provision of $775,000 and $525,000 for 2016. Recommendation five provides the treasurer the authority to fund any budget shortfall from the assessment appeal reserve and if the • assessment appeal reserve is depleted, then from the rate stabilization reserve. It is our Understanding that the Assessment Review Board (ARB) has stated that its goal this year is to clear up the large backlog of appeals in 2016. If the ARB is successful in clearing the backlog, there would be a corresponding decrease in the assessment base that would directly impact the assessment growth for 2017. Based on the Pickering's current low assessment growth phase in conjunction with the ARB appeal clean up —there is a possibility that Pickering could have negative assessment growth for the 2017 taxation year. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 17 B Fuel costs have been volatile over the last few years. The 2016 fuel budget includes a small decrease. While fuel prices have fallen from their all-time high, there remains a risk that prices could increase in 2016 to their 2014 levels. Furthermore, there is always a risk that a global crisis may increase fuel costs in the future. The possibility of fuel prices being volatile during 2016 is high and the cost risk will be accommodated through the General Government contingency account. C During the last few years, there has been no predictable weather pattern for winter control activity/costs. The 2014 and the first half of the 2015 winter season was one of the worst on record. Based on the first two months of 2016 snow fall activity, there have been a slight adjustment downward for the winter control budget. If the current winter weather pattern changes, any additional cost pressures would be absorbed through the Winter Control Reserve ($700,000) or through the General Government contingency account. D Utility costs continue to increase for the City in excess of the inflation rate. The overall budget increase for utility costs is 9.0%, with hydro having the largest increase. Budgeting for utilities costs is based on prior years' consumption and known utility rate increases. The unknown factor is the actual use, as this component varies each year. The 2016 capital budget (LED street lights) and 2017 to 2020 capital forecast include energy efficient projects that should result in lower hydro consumption and a decrease in the rate of growth for hydro costs. E The City is able to retain the education share of the Payment-in-Lieu (PIL) property taxes for federal, provincial and regional properties located in the City. The largest properties are the OPG nuclear plant, the Hydro One transformer station, the airport and the water pollution control plant. The Province has not yet released 2016 final education rates and therefore, the budgeted PIL revenue is an estimate. 2016 User Fees & Charges Schedule Every year, the City reviews its user fees, mainly for various recreational and cultural programs, to partially reflect the cost of delivering these programs. Council passed Resolution #149/03 confirming the City's existing user fees through a specific by-law. This By-law has been updated as part of each year's budget process. Other fees have been introduced to address industry trends and their associated costs. The basic theory of user fees is to recover the cost of a service from an individual that is directly benefitting from that service. User fees promote efficient allocation of municipal resources because direct benefit recipients pay for the service they consume. The City of Toronto has adopted the philosophy that "it should charge full cost, without subsidy, for any service that delivers a direct benefit to individuals." If user fees don't recover the full cost of providing the service, by default, the property tax payer indirectly subsidizes the user. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 18 The Business Case for Infrastructure Investment & Special Levies Municipal infrastructure is vital to the health and prosperity of our residents and businesses as it supports our economy and quality of life. Public infrastructure defines how we get from home to the workplace, options for participation in recreation, cultural activities and the provision of fire services to residents and businesses throughout the community. This infrastructure is expensive to build, renew or replace. In the early 1970's, the Ontario Government introduced unconditional grants to assist municipalities in the development of their infrastructure. Up to the mid 1990's, the City was still receiving unconditional grant funding that was used for capital investments. From the mid 90's to the present day, grant funding (excluding Federal Gas Tax) has been provided on an ad hoc basis that does not allow municipalities to properly plan for infrastructure expenditures. The most recent funding model is application based that penalizes municipalities that have a strong balance sheet. In the last few years, the City has put forth innovative and creative applications only to be denied due to the City's strong financial position. Table Three below provides a comparison of Durham Lakeshore municipalities from a tangible capital asset perspective: gross book value, Net Book Value (NPV), NPV after depreciation and on a per capita basis. The 2014 audited financial statements of each respective municipality is the source of information. Table Three Durham Lakeshore Comparison Tangible Capital Assets (TCA) (As of December 31, 2014) Municipality TCA (Cost) TCA (NPV) Population Assets Assets Tangible Net Per Capita Per Capita Capital Asset Book Value NBV Cost Pickering $420,168,970 $214,410,833 95,345 $2,249 $4,407 Ajax $704,245,339 $517,753,596 120,540 $4,295 $5,842 Whitby $955,991,604 $618,221,623 132,345 $4,671 $7,223 Oshawa $922,425,313 $574,878,247 160,000 $3,593 $5,765 Clarington $650,388,952 $408,538,974 89,931 $4,543 $7,232 To partially reduce the impact of municipal size (population), the financial measures of "Assets per Capita Cost" and "Assets Per Capita NBV" are used. As the above table indicates, Pickering's assets per capital on a net book value basis is substantially lower than its lakeshore neighbours. With Pickering being in a slow growth phase during the last few years, it was expected that the City would be somewhat below its neighbours. In addition, in the 1980's, the City experienced a residential building boom. The corresponding municipal assets, roads, bridges and sidewalks are now thirty years old. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 19 The age of these assets is reflected in Table Three and Chart Two. The chart below presents the table three information graphically. Chart Two Comparison of Infrastructure Assets for Durham Lakeshore Municipalities Infrastructure Assets $8,000 •NBV Per Capita $7,000 •Assets •er Ca•ita Cost $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 I WI $3,000 I I $2,000 $1,000 Pickering Ajax Whitby Oshawa Clarington The comparative data indicates that the City's infrastructure is older relative to its neighbours and requires additional funding. The 2016 budget includes two special levies focused on infrastructure investments: Accelerated Infrastructure Program and the additional levy increase for roads and bridges. Accelerated Infrastructure Program (AIP) The 2016 City budget includes a 1% special levy (AIP) that will generate $557,000 in funding that can be leveraged through debt to generate $4.5 million in project spending. In the 2016 Capital Budget (page 8) is a list of projects to be funded from the AIP special levy. In the 2016 Federal Government budget there was a specific reference that uncommitted funds from older federal infrastructure programs (page 89) be flowed through the Federal Gas Tax Program to municipalities. The Federal budget document did not provide a dollar figure. Staff are recommending that the additional FGT dollars be applied first to cover any project shortfall listed on the top of page 8 and if any remaining funds are available, to those projects listed on the bottom half of page 8. 2016 Federal Budget and Opportunities for the City of Pickering The recently tabled budget by Finance Minister Bill Morneau provides the City with possible funding dollars to address its infrastructure needs. The federal budget document provides a high level overview of possible application based funding opportunities. However, without the grant program details, staff cannot provide a detailed list of possible funding opportunities. Staff are committed to applying for every major grant funding opportunity in order to maximize scarce property tax dollars. Based Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 20 on staffs review of the Federal budget, the following preliminary grant funding opportunities have been identified with a corresponding project. Grant Opportunity City Project Enabling Accessibility Fund City Hall Accessibility Upgrades - Washrooms Canada Culture Spaces Fund Conservation Barn Reconstruction Public Transit Infrastructure Fund BRT Kingston Road Streetlights and Sidewalks Members of Council should note that the above list will probably change during the year as additional projects may be eligible for grant funding once the detailed application information becomes available. Hopefully, there will be more opportunities for the City as the detailed information becomes available. Debt Financing of Capital Projects The 2016 Capital Budget uses $10.8 million of internal and external debt to finance various projects. (Included in this figure is the $4.3 million of AIP debt financed projects). However, only $4.5 in debt charges is funded through the property tax base. Chart three below, provides the debt payment (principal & interest) forecast for the next four years and excludes the corresponding debt charges associated with any major capital projects. Chart Three Actual Debt Charges & Forecast $10.0 $9.0 $8.0 - $7.0 $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 $2.0 $1.0 $0.0 I I I I I 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Council has the ability to control the increase of future debt charges by either deferring debt financed projects or trying to reduce a project's size. In addition, senior level government grant announcements may also have an impact on the rise and slope of the debt forecast line. The City's maximum borrowing capacity is measured by the Annual Repayment Limit or ARL which is a tool to calculate the municipality's ability to pay back its debt. The maximum ratio of "annual payment" to "own source revenue" is set at 25%. The City's repayment limit maximum as calculated by the Province is $15,644,950 and the 2016 Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 21 budget for debt charges is $5.0 million. Staff are not recommending that the City reach this ceiling. In 2013, Council adopted a higher standard where the City cap is set at 15% of the total . taxation revenue. The debt capacity used for 2016 is estimated to be around 8.6% which is below the 15% cap and well below the 25% Provincial limit. (Attachment One provides the 2016 Provincial ARL for Pickering). Chart four provides a summary of the City's projected debt charges in relation to the City's 15% cap rule. Chart Four Debt Charges as a % of Taxation Revenues 16% 14% 12% ,••'E3 10% . . ... 8% .,,�••• 6% 4% 2% 0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 —•—Council Target As the above chart indicates, for 2016, the City is well below the 15% debt target limit. However, future debt projections based on the multi year capital forecast indicate that the City will have some fiscal challenges in the next few years. Council can control the slope of the line by deferring projects and or increase funding through special levies. In addition, senior government grant funding can also have a major impact on the amount of debt financing in the future. As shown above, the City is well below its 15% cap guideline. Borrowing or debt financing should not,be viewed as a negative. The proper use of debt is an essential component of prudent fiscal strategy. The use of debt promotes intergenerational equity. By borrowing, Pickering can distribute the cost of the asset over the lifetime of the asset. Pickering should take advantage of current low interest rates but balance its use so that the City does not overextend itself beyond the 15% cap. 2016 Tax Rates As has been the case for the last few years, the 2016 Property Tax rates and corresponding levy By-law will be presented to Council after the City has received the education tax rates from the Province. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 22 2016 Capital Budget This year, the draft Capital Budget totals, $33.3 million, which includes $5.5 million for the LED Street Lights and $4.5 million for the Accelerated Infrastructure Program. The debt financed capital projects are listed below. Table Four External Debt and Internal Financing of Capital Projects City of Pickering 5, 10, 15 and 20 Year Debt Financing 2016 Capital Budget Capital Project Code Debt - 5 Years ($) Description 5320.1603 $200,000 Loader Replacement 5323.1605 150,000 Reconstruction of Waterfront Trail 5780.1616 130,000 Greenwood Baseball Fencing Replacement 5800.1603 125,000 Petticoat Creek Library Reading Garden Enclosure 5780.1614 100,000 Kinsmen Park Maintenance Road 5744.1601 86,000 Conservation Barn Health & Safety Upgrades Total Five Year Debt $791,000 Capital Project Code Debt - 10 Years ($) Description 5320.1632 $1,550,000 Westney Road Reconstruction 5320.1631 1,550,000 Sixth Concession Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Replacement 5320.1630 1,100,000 RU-13 Salem Road Reconstruction 5321.1605 980,000 B-32 a,b,c Krosno Creek Culvert Replacements Construction 5713.1601 900,000 Dunbarton Pool Deck Repairs/Reconstruction 5715.1606 480,000 Don Beer Arena West Roof Replacement 5320.1633 300,000 B-29 Sandy Beach Road — EA, Design &Approvals 5325.1601 200,000 Kingston Rd. —Whites Rd. Section New Streetlights & Poles 5320.1617 85,000 Westshore Neighbourhood — Breezy Drive Road Reconstruction Total Ten Year Debt $7,145,000 Capital Project Code Debt - 15 Years ($) Description 5735.1604 $2,250,000 Delaney Arena Improvements Total Fifteen Year Debt $2,250,000 Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 23 Capital Project Code Debt - 20 Years ($) Description 5320.1604 $650,000 Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Total Twenty Year Debt $650,000 Total Debt Financed $10,836,000 Projects The major capital projects are listed below: LED Street Lights 5,500,000 Accelerated Infrastructure Program 5,900,000 Delaney Arena Improvements 2,250,000 Civic Complex Accessibility 1,300,000 LED Street Lights Project ($5.5 million) The LED street lights project consists of two phases: Street light audit and implementation. It is anticipated that the first phase will be completed by mid-August. The data and information from phase one will be used to prepare a report to Council for September's meeting. This report will include a refinement to the project's construction cost and recommend a strategy regarding the selection of the vender. Council will have to decide as to whether to single source the implementation phase to RealTerm Energy or to proceed with a "RFP" selection process. If Council selects RealTerm Energy, the $120,000 audit cost would be deducted from the implementation cost. 2017 - 2020 Capital Forecast Included in the capital budget book is the City's 2017 - 2020 Capital Forecast. This document outlines the City's current financial plan including a listing of major capital projects. On page 132 of the Capital Budget, you will notice that the total capital forecast (excluding major capital projects) is for $110.9 million of which $43.7 million will be funded from debt and internal loans. This means that for every dollar spent, $0.394 is projected to come from debt financing sources. On page 134 of this document, you will notice a major capital project listing with an estimated gross cost of$67.5 million and these projects are currently not included in the multi-year forecast figure due to their high cost. Last year, this list included the Seaton Fire Hall and this project is now being accommodated in the City's multi-year financial plan. Phase one and two of the Seaton Fire Hall are included and funded in the 2016 budget. Multi-Year Financial Plan Last year, staff presented to Council a multi-year high level financial plan for the years 2015 to 2019. At the Executive Budget Committee meeting of March 10, 2016, staff presented a financial projection for the years 2017 to 2020 based on a "status quo" scenario. Report FIN 05-16 March 29, 2016 Subject: 2016 Current and Capital Budget Page 24 Attachments: 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing'2016 Annual Repayment Limit 2. By-law to Confirm General Fees and Charges 2016 3. Budget Presentation, March 10, 2016 Prepared By: James Halsall Stan Karwowski Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit Division Head, Finance & Treasurer Approved / Endorsed By: Tom Melymuk Paul Bi!i',ni Director, City Development Directo Corp. ate Services & City Solicitor Marisa 4rpino R Horn Director, Culture & Recreation Diictor, Engineering & Public Works // / /49 etut44,416-- si---- • PL John Hagg Cathy Gra Fire Chief Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Library Recommended.for the consideration of Pickering City Council Oae-10/1 iC• Z3, 2o/6 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 ATTACHMENT # 1 TO REPORT # u J o - I Co Ministere des affaires municipales et du logement 777 rue Bay, Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 The repayment limit has been calculated based on data contained in the 2014 Financial Information Return, as submitted to the Ministry. This limit represents the maximum amount which the municipality had available as of December 31, 2014 to commit to payments relating to debt and financial obligation. Prior to the authorization by Council of a long term debt or financial obligation, this limit must be adjusted by the Treasurer in the prescribed manner. The limit is effective January 01, 2016. ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#E.J . 7-iL The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/16 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 6191/03, as amended, on October 14, 2003 to confirm general municipal fees. Whereas Schedule "I" to By-law 6191/03 was updated and replaced under By-law, 6338/04, By-law 6519/05, By-law 6652/06, By-law 6677/06, By-law 6748/07 By-law 6857/08, By-law 6951/09, By-law 7032/10, By-law 7119/11, By-law 7194/12, By-law 7268/13,By-law 7339/14 and By-law 7411/15; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "I" to By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. By-law passed this 29th day of March, 2016. David Ryan, Mayor • Debbie Shields, City Clerk Schedule I • Cali 4 PICKERING Summary of Fees & Charges* 2016 Corporate Services Department To be considered by Executive (Budget) Committee on March 10, 2016 and approved by Council on March 29, 2016 Disclaimer: The following are a list of the current fees and charges in place in the City of Pickering at the time of printing. These fees and charges are subject to review and change. Please contact the appropriate City Department for the actual fees iii place at any specific time, or if you require any further information. E. & O.E. By-law and Animal Services HST User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee Appl cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (YEN) Effective Date Body Rub Licences Owner- not operator $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Operator- not owner $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Owner/Operator $500.00/yr $500.00/yr N No Increase Attendant $150.00/yr $150.00/yr N No Increase Business Licences Home Base Business $50.00/yr $50.00/yr N No Increase Wrecking Yard $20.00/yr $20.00/yr N No Increase Markets (<100 stalls) $200.00/day $200.00/day N No Increase Markets (>99 stalls) $1000.00/day $1000.00/day N No Increase Public Hall $10.00/yr $10.00/yr N No Increase Temporarily keeping a prohibited $200.00/day $200.00/day N No Increase animal Pet Shops $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Boarding Kennels $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Breeders $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Horse Riding Establishment $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Late fees- (Boarding, Breeders, $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Pet Shops & Horse Establishment) Taxi Licences Plate Owner Licence $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Brokerage License $150.00/yr $150.00/yr N No Increase Taxicab Driver's License (Two $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Years) Clean Air Cab Plate License $1000.00/yr $1000.00/yr N No Increase Plate Owner Licence-Clean Air $125.00/yr $125.00/yr N No Increase Cab City Plate Licence $2000.00/yr $2000.00/yr N No Increase Other Taxicab Fees Transfer of owner's plate $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Appeal $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Replacement Driver's Licence $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Replacement Taxicab Plates $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Replacement of Tariff $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Card/Passenger R & R Change of Registered Vehicle $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Lease Filing $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Re-inspection without taxicab $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase meter Re-inspection with taxicab meter $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Late Cancellation/No Show for $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Inspection Plate Eligibility List(annually) $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase , By-law and Animal Services HST User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee Appl cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (YEN) Effective Date Cat& Dog Licences Sterilized $20.00/yr $25.00/yr N January 1, 2016 Unsterilized $50.00/yr $50.00/yr N No Increase Microchip- sterilized $15.00/yr $20.00/yr N January 1, 2016 Microchip- unsterilized $40.00/yr $40.00/yr N No Increase Replacement* $5.00/ea $5.00/ea N No Increase Impoundment Fees Impoundment of dog or cat wearing current animal licence tag or microchipped 1st occurrence $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase 3rd or subsequent occurrence New $125.00 N January 1, 2016 After regular working hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/day $20.00/day N January 1, 2016 Impoundment of dog or cat not wearing current animal licence taq or microchipped 1st occurrence $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase 3rd or subsequent occurrence $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase After regular working hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/day $20.00/day N January 1, 2016 Service Fees -Owner Transfer of ownership of an $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase animal. Non-Resident-Transfer of $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase ownership Pick up and disposal of deceased owned animals Small- medium size $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Medium -extra large size $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Adoption Fees Dogs $200.00 $250.00 N January 1, 2016 Cats $100.00 $120.00 N January 1, 2016 Obedience Dog Training $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase Adult Video Owner/Operator $1,500.00/yr $1,500.00/yr N No Increase Owner- not operator $1,400.00/yr $1,400.00/yr N No Increase Operator- not owner $100.00/yr $100.00/yr N No Increase Fireworks Permits $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase By-law and Animal Services , 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date Hawker/ Peddler Licence Temporary Use (per day/per $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase location) Stationary Use $250.00/yr $250.00/yr N No Increase Signs Temporary Sign -one month $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Portable Sign Licence $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Banner and Inflatable Sign $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Sidewalk Sign $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Billboard Annual Licence $500.00/ea $500.00/ea N - No Increase Additional fee for any sign $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase installed prior to licence insurance Redemption Fee-election signs $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase Redemption Fee-all signs less $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase than 2 m2 Redemption Fee-all other signs $50.00/ea $50.00/ea N No Increase Sign Variance-all other signs $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Fence Variance Supported $100.00/ea $100.00/ea N No Increase Contested $250.00/ea $250.00/ea N No Increase Sidewalk Snow Clearing Less than 50' $93.75 $96.25 N January 1, 2016 Greater than 50' or corner lot $112.50 $116.25 N January 1, 2016 Pre-salting Less than 50' $25.00 $32.50 N January 1, 2016 Greater than 50' $40.00 $51.25 N January 1, 2016 Traffic & Parking Removal of obstruction from City $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase road Return Fee- basketball net or $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase other item Return Fee-shopping cart $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Park Vendor Permits Kinsmen Park $3,000.00 $3,000.00 N No Increase Dunmoore Park $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase Bev Morgan Park $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Chris Graham Fields $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase Princess Diana Park $2,500.00 $2,500.00 N No Increase St. Mary's Sports Field/Amberlea $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Park (one vendor to service both sites) Minor Sports Organizations $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase By-law and Animal Services HST User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee Applicable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (Y/N) Effective Date Other Permit Tree Cutting Permit $100.00/each $100.00/each N No Increase • • City Development Department 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable • (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (�,/N) Effective Date These fees are imposed under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.P.13 Planning Documents Pickering Official Plan $150.00 $200.00 N April 1,2016 Official Plan Compendium $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Seaton Sustainable Placemaking New $50.00 N April 1,2016 Guidelines 1 City Centre Urban Design Guidelines 1 New $50.00 N April 1,2016 Development Guidelines $5.00-$20.00 $5.00-$20.00 N No Increase Special Studies $10.00-$20.00 $10.00-$20.00 N No Increase Zoning By-laws 5-$10.00/ea 5-$10.00/ea N No Increase Summary Residential Applications $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Mapping $5.00-$25.00 $5.00-$25.00 N No Increase Address Booklet $25.00-$50.00 $25.00-$50.00 N No Increase Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies N No Increase Special Mapping Requests $44.25/hr $53.10/hr Y April 1,2016 Photocopies-6 or more pages $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Y No Increase CD Copies of Documents New $10.00/document Y April 1,2016 Planning Applications Telecommunications Tower Approval $3,000.00 $4,000.00 N April 1,2016 Minor Variance Accessory Structure $250.00 $260.00 N April 1,2016 At Grade Residential • $525.00 $540.00 N April 1,2016 All Other Land Use Categories $1,650.00 $1,700.00 N April 1,2016 Application Tabling $250.00 $260.00 N April 1,2016 Special Meeting $850.00 $875.00 N April 1,2016 Zoning By-law Amendment Zoning By-law Amendment-Major 2 $12,500.00 $12,800.00 N April 1,2016 Zoning By-law Amendment-Minor 3 $6,500.00 $6,700.00 N April 1,2016 Zoning By-law-Recirculation $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Moraine or Greenbelt Zoning By-law-Removal of Holding $2,500.00 $2,600.00 N April 1,2016 Zoning By-law-Extension of Temporary $2,500.00 $2,600.00 N April 1,2016 Use By-law Minister Zoning Order Minister Zoning Order Amendment- $1,800.00 $1,900.00 N April 1,2016 Major 1° Minister Zoning Order Amendment- $1,200.00 $1,300.00 N April 1,2016 Minor 11 Official Plan Amendment Pickering Official Plan Amendment- $20,500.00 $21,000.00 N April 1,2016 Major4 Pickering Official Plan Amendment- $10,500.00 $11,000.00 N April 1,2016 Minor 5 Pickering Official Plan Amendment- $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Recirculation Additional fee if within Oak Ridges $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Moraine or Greenbelt . City Development Department 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap(1;�N)ble Effective Date Regional Official Plan-Amendment(not $5,500.00 $6,000.00 N April 1,2016 part of a Pickering OPA) Neighbourhood Development Guideline $500.00 $600.00 N April 1,2016 Amendment 6 Land Division Comments $775.00 $800.00 N April 1,2016 Clearance of Conditions $400.00 $400.00 N No Increase Council authorization to proceed by land $2,500.00 $3,000.00 N April 1,2016 division instead of draft plan of subdivision 8 Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Conveyance • For the creation of up to 3 $5,000.00 per lot . $5,150.00 per lot N April 1,2016 additional lots For the creation of more than 3 5%of the value of the land 5%of the value of the land N No Increase additional lots Draft Plan of Subdivision Base Fee $11,250.00 $11,500.00 N April 1,2016 Per Unit Fee $160.00 $165.00 N April 1,2016 Recirculation $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Additional fee if within Oak Ridges $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Moraine or Greenbelt Revisions to Draft Approved Plan- $1,200.00 $1,300.00 N April 1,2016 (redline revisions) Draft Plan of Condominium $7,000.00 $7,200.00 N April 1,2016 Recirculation . $1,000.00 $1,100.00 N April 1,2016 Condominium Conversion $1,200.00 $1,300.00 N April 1,2016 Revisions to a Draft Approved Plan - $1,200.00 $1,300.00 N April 1,2016 (redline revisions) , Site Plan • Residential $3,000.00+$200.00 per $3,200.00+$200.00 per N April 1,2016 dwelling unit dwelling unit Commercial $3,000.00+$950.00 for each $3,200.00+$950.00 for each N April 1,2016 2000m2 2000m2 Industrial $3,000.00+$550.00 for each $3,200.00+$550.00 for each N April 1,2016 2000m2 2000m2 Minor Revision $850.00 $900.00 N April 1,2016 Major Revision $3,000.00 $3,200.00 N April 1,2016 Compliance Inspections $300.00 $350.00 N April 1,2016 Other Fees Peer Reviews 9 Full recovery of City costs + Full recovery of City costs + 10%admin.fee 10%admin.fee N No Increase Minor Revision to Approved Condo Site $100.00 $100.00 . N No Increase Plan (by unit owner)I.e.decks,sheds, fences File Reactivation 7 $500.00 $1,000.00 N April 1,2016 Opinion Letter'for Complex Inquiries $500.00 $550.00 N April 1,2016 1. Fee applicable after Council adoption. 2. An application for an amendment that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor zoning amendment,and which may have greater impact beyond the subject lands,as determined by the Director,City Development or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following conditions: -applications relating to more than one property -a site specific application,if considered to represent a large scale redevelopment -any change in use and/or zone category,except as identified under a minor amendment -an application involving significant changes to the development standards or general provisions of the by-law City Development Department User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee A HST cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) pplica Effective Date 3. An application for minor or small scale zoning amendment having no significant impact on adjoining lands,as determined by the Director,City Development or designate. Minor applications must be site specific and meet one or more of the following conditions: -request for additional permitted use,within an existing building with no significant impact on existing development standards -changes in development standards or zone to accommodate a residential severance to create one additional lot -application for Temporary Use 4. An application that is more significant in scale and scope than a minor amendment and which may have greater impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands,as determined by the Director,City Development or designate. Major applications must meet one or more of the following conditions: -applications relating to more than one property -a site specific application if considered to represent large scale redevelopment or significant change to the designations and permitted uses -an application involving significant changes to the policies of the Official Plan 5. An application for a minor,site specific and small scale amendment or exception to Official Plan policies and designations,having limited impact or policy implications beyond the subject lands,as determined by the Director,City Development or designate. 6. An application to amend a Neighbourhood Development Guideline when the development proposal would necessitate an amendment to the Guideline or there is no other planning application being processed by Council. 7. Fee applies to planning applications that have been inactive over 1 year but less than 2 years. If the file has been inactive 2 or more years,the file will be closed without notice and a new application will be required with current application fees being applied. 8. Charged only if no other planning applications are being processed by Council. 9. The applicant is responsible for the City's full costs of undertaking the peer review of any studies or drawings submitted in support of the application. This requirement applies to matters such as,but not limited to,the peer review of traffic,marketing,environmental,noise,engineering drawings and reports,and architectural drawings. 10. A major Minister's Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards do not comply with the City's zoning by-law and a Report to Council is required. 11. A minor Minister's Zoning Order application is where the proposed use or standards comply with the City's zoning by-law. Building Permit Fees These fees are imposed under the authority of the Building Code Act, 1992,C.23 Demolition Permit $10.25/each 100m 2 of GFA min $10.50/each 100m 2 of GFA min N April 1,2016 $125.00 $125.00 Conditional Permit 10%of Appl. Permit Fee to a 10%of Appl. Permit Fee to a N No Increase max of$2,750.00 in addition to max of$2,750.00 in addition to applicable fee applicable fee Change of Use Permit $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase Authority to Occupy Permit $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase Alternative Solution $150.00/hr(4 hour min) $150.00/hr(4 hour min) N No Increase Resubmission of Incomplete Application 25%of Application Fee 25%of Application Fee N No Increase Revision to Permit(houses) $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Revision to Permit(all other building 15%of applicable permit fee to 15%of applicable permit fee to N No Increase types) a max of$2,750.00 a max of$2,750.00 Transfer of Permit $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Re-examination Change in House Model $500.00+fee prescribed in Part$500.00+fee prescribed in Part N No Increase B for any additional area B for any additional area Re-examination Other Than Above 10%of applicable permit fee to 10%of applicable permit fee to N No Increase a max of$1,250.00 a max of$1,250.00 - Certification of House Models $5.00/m 2 of GFA $5.50/m 2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Re-certification of House Models $400.00 $400.00 N No Increase Reactivation of Dormant File $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Building Permit Surcharge 25%of Fee($125.00 min) 25%of Fee($125.00 min) N No Increase Additional Inspection $125.00 $200.00 N April 1,2016 Minimum Building Permit Fee $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Assembly Occupancies $14.00/each m2 of GFA $15.00/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Institutional Occupancies $16.50/each m2 of GFA $17.50/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Residential Occupancies $11.50/each m2 of GFA $12.00/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 City Development Department 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date Business&Personal Service(single $9.00/each m2 of GFA $9.50/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 storey)&Mercantile Occupancies Business&Personal Services(multiple $12.00/each m2 of GFA $12.50/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 storey)&Mercantile Occupancies Farm&Unserviced Storage Buildings $4.25/each m2 of GFA $4.50/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Parking Garages Industrial occupancies to Industrial occupancies to N No Increase include parking garages include parking garages (see below) (see below) Industrial Occupancies $7.50/each m2 of GFA $8.00/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Interior Partitioning&Finishing $3.00/each m2 of GFA $3.50/each m2 of GFA N April 1,2016 Minor Residential Structures and $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Alterations Temporary Tents $125.00 Delete Temporary Sales Centres $1,250.00 $1,250.00 N No Increase Minor Non-Residential Structures $250.00 $300.00 N April 1,2016 Alterations, Building and Structures $11.00/each$1,000 of $12.00/each$1,000 of N April 1,2016 Not Provided Above , construction value construction value Solar Collector for Single Dwelling Unit $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Solar Collector for All Building Types $150.00/10 panels $150.00/10 panels N No Increase Wind Turbines $10.50/each$1,000.00 of $10.50/each$1,000.00 of N No Increase construction value construction value Grading&Final Inspection Performance $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Deposit(new detached and semi- • detached dwelling units) Building permit fees are required to meet the City costs to administer and enforce the Building Code Act. Building permit fee amounts will not exceed the anticipated reasonable City costs to administer and enforce the Act following implementation of the changes in this schedule. Note,GFA represents Gross Floor Area. Sign Permit Fees Ground Sign $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase Wall Sign $175.00 $175.00 N No Increase Development Sign $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase Billboard Permit $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase Additional fee for any sign installed prior $275.00 $275.00 N No Increase to permit issuance Sign Variance-ground sign,wall sign or $525.00 $525.00 N No Increase development sign Miscellaneous Charges • Lawyer Compliance Letter-within 10 $150.00 per request $175.00 per request N April 1,2016 days Lawyer Compliance Letter-within 2 days $250.00 per request $275.00 per request N April 1,2016 Recovery of costs for Grow-Op $2,100.00 per investigation $2,100.00 per investigation Y No Increase Investigations (minimum) (minimum) Administrative Fee for Processing $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Grow-Op Investigations Request for Building and/or Planning $50.00/hr. $50.00/hr. Y No Increase Records After Hours Inspections $125.00/hr.(4 hr. min) $125.00/hr.(4 hr. min) N No Increase Licence/Zoning Compliance Letter $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase Records Management Fee $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase (houses and other minor residential alterations) Records Management Fee 0.5%to a maximum of$150.00 0.5%to a maximum of$150.00 N No Increase (all other permit applications) ($10.00 min) ($10.00 min) City Development Department User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee A H cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) pplica Effective Date Sustainability&Economic Development Filming Fees(general) Parks Use $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Road Use $200.00 $250.00 Y April 1,2016 Fire Services Fees Actual Costs Actual Costs Y No Increase ,Staff Overtime Actual Costs s Actual Costs Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Fitness Services Personal Training Personal Training Individual Session -Members $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase -Non-members $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase Personal Training Intro Pack -Members $89.25 $95.00 Y July 1,2016 -Non-members $105.00 $112.00 Y July 1,2016 Personal Training 6 pack -Members $273.00 Delete -Non-members $321.00 Delete Personal Training 5 pack -Members New $230.00 Y July 1,2016 -Non-members ' New $269.00 Y July 1,2016 Personal Training 12 pack -Members $497.00 Delete -Non-members $584.00 Delete Personal Training 10 pack -Members New $445.00 Y July 1,2016 -Non-members New $521.50 Y July 1,2016 Personal Training 18 Pack -Members $755.00 Delete -Non-members $876.00 Delete Personal Training 15 Pack -Members New $645.00 Y July 1,2016 -Non-members New $756.00 Y July 1,2016 Personal Training 24 Pack -Members $965.00 Delete -Non-members $1,135.00 Delete Personal Training 20 Pack -Members New $840.00 Y July 1,2016 -Non-members New $984.00 Y July 1,2016 Buddy Training 4 pack,4 Buddies -Members $80.75 $80.75 Y No Increase -Non-Members $95.00 $95.00 Y No Increase 4 pack,3 Buddies -Members $107.95 $107.95 Y No Increase -Non-Members $127.00 $127.00 Y No Increase 4 pack,2 Buddies _ -Members $161.50 $161.50 Y No Increase -Non-Members $190.00 $190.00 Y No Increase Pickering's Biggest Winner Rec Complex 12-1 hour classes $85.00 $90.00 Y July 1,2016 Pickering's Biggest Winner Non-Member 12-1 hour classes $185.00 $200.00 Y July 1,2016 Buddy 2-3 persons $50.00 Delete 5-class $212.50 Delete Semi Private Pilates Reformer 5-1 hour sessions New $198.00 Y July 1,2016 Nutritional Consulting Full Service Twelve-30 minute consults,Member $423.38 $423.38 Y No Increase Full Service Twelve-30 minute consults, Non-member $498.09 $498.09 Y No Increase Initial Consultation -Member $72.25 $72.25 Y No Increase Non-members $85.00 $85.00 Y No Increase • Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Follow Up Session -Member $34.00 $34.00 Y No Increase -Non-members $40.00 $40.00 Y No Increase Nutrition Programming Nutrition-Come as You Are Workshop Series-8-one hour $159.30 $159.30 Y No Increase Nutrition-Everyone Can Cook Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Simply Delicious Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Look Great at Any Size/Shape Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Meal Planning for Me Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Shop Healthy Supermarket Tour Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Food is Medicine Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Table for One Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-Gluten Free Diet Workshop-1.5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition-We can Cook Together Parent&Child Workshop 1 .5 hours $20.00 $20.00 Y No Increase Nutrition Six-90 minute classes $159.30 $159.30 Y No Increase Child Supervision Service C.S. 1 Hour -Member $3.50 $3.50 N No Increase C.S. 10 Pass -Member $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase C.S..1 Hour -Non-members $5.00 $5.00 N No Increase C.S. 10 Pass -Non-members $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Friendship Club New $15.00 N April 1,2016 Programs _ Fitness Registered-Children Yoga-Children Eight-50 $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Zumba Kids Jr Eight-30 minute classes $38.00 $38.00 N No Increase Zumba Kids Eight-45 minute classes $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered-family Family Fit Assortment Eight,50 minute classes, 1 adult&1 child $98.00 Delete each add. Fam mem(per class) $30.00 Delete Family Fit Yoga Eight 50-minute classes 1 adult&1 child $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase each additional Family member $30.00 $30.00 N No Increase Family Fit Cardio Box Eight 50-minute classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase each additional Family member $30.00 $30.00 N No Increase Family Drums Alive Eight- 50-minute classes 1 adult&1 child $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase each additional Family member $30.00 $30.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered-teens Operation Fit Eight-1.5 hour classes $72.00 $72.00 N No Increase Operation Fit Challenge One class $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Teen Kickboxing Eight-50 minute classes $68.00 $68.00 N No Increase Yoga-Teen Eight-50 minute classes $68.00 $68.00 N No Increase Teen Fitness Camp Five,6-hour classes $298.00 $298.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered-Adults Zumba Eight-50 minute classes $68.00 $68.00 N No Increase Pilates Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 N No Increase Reg Fitness Membership classes One class $8.74 $8.74 • Y No Increase Tai Chi Eight-50 $69.92 $69.92 N No Increase Yoga Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 N No Increase Culture & Recreation Department . 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Baby Boot Camp Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Stroller Fit Six-50 minute $53.10 $53.10 Y No Increase Yoga Pre-natal Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Mom&Baby yoga Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Total Barre Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase BOKWA Eight-50 minute classes $69:92 Delete BollyFuze Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Core&More Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Cycle Fit Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Cycle Pump Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Essentrics Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Fitness Kickboxing Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Full Body Fusion Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Nia Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Pilates Reformer Five-1 hour classes $128.32 Delete Pilates Reformer Eight-50 minute classes New $106.00 Y July 1,2016 PiYo Strength Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Socacize Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Yogalates Eight-50 minute classes $69.92 $69.92 Y No Increase Salsa Babies Eight-50 minute classes New $69.92 Y July 1,2016 Kettle Bell Eight-50 minute classes New $69.92 Y July 1,2016 Pole Walking . Six-50 minutes classes New $54.87 Y July 1,2016 Boot Camp Twelve-1 hour classes $130.09 Delete Boot Camp Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Finish Line Twelve-1 hour classes $130.09 Delete INSANITY Sixteen-1 hour classes $130.09 Delete Use It&Lose It Twelve-1 hour classes $130.09 Delete Use It&Lose It Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Weekday Warrior Twelve-1 hour classes $130.09 Delete Weekday Warrior Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Women's Weigh Training Twelve-1 hour classes $130.09 $130.09 Y No Increase Women's Weight Training Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Men's Weight Training Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Early Riser Eight-1 hour classes New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Still Winning Eight-1 hour classes Member New $75.00 Y July 1,2016 Non-Member New $98.00 Y July 1,2016 Reg Fitness Membership{Yoga) 75 mins $18.25 Delete Fitness Registered-adult 55+ Nia 55+ Ten-1 hour classes $48.01 $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Bone Fit Ten--50 minute classes $48.01 $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Keep Fit Ten-50 minute classes $53.10 $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Yoga 55+ Ten-1 hour classes $60.18 $60.18 Y No Increase Zumba Gold 55+ Ten-50 minute classes $60.18 $60.18 Y No Increase Cycle Fit 55+ Ten-1 hour classes New $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Cycle Fit 55+ Eight-30 minute classes $33.63 $33.63 Y No Increase Aging Stronger Eight-1.5 hour classes $86.75 $86.75 Y No Increase . Fit Fusion55+ Ten-50 minute classes $42.48 $42.48 Y No Increase Keep Fit Ten-1 hour classes $53.10 . $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Stretch&Strengthen Ten-1 hour classes $53.10 $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Ten-50 minute classes New $60.18 Y July 1,2016 Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed A HSable Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee(Excl. �Y/IV) Effective Date HST) _ HST) Aquatic Programs Swim Preschool Ten-30 minute classes $90.00 $90.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 1-5 Ten-30 minute classes $90.00 $90.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 6-10 Ten-45 minute classes $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Summer Swim(DIP)Session Nineteen-45 minute classes $153.00 $153.00 N No Increase Youth Programs Ten-.45 minute classes $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Canadian Swim Patrol Ten-1 hour classes $95.55 $95.55 N No Increase Bronze Star Ten-1.5 hour classes $111.00 $111.00 N No Increase Bronze Medallion&Emergency First Twenty-four hour program $219.00 $219.00 N No Increase Aid Bronze Cross Twenty-four hour program $164.00 $164.00 N No Increase NLS Forty hour program $270.00 $270.00 Y No Increase Leader/Assistant Instructor Forty hour program $226.00 Delete Water Safety Instructor Part 1 Eight hours New $199.13 Y January 1,2016 Water Safety Instructor Part 2 20 hours New $110.62 Y January 1,2016 Lifesaving Society&Emergency First 24 hours New $177.00 Y January 1 2016 Aid Society Red Cross/Lifesaving Society Water Forty-five hour program $270.00 Delete Safety Instructor Withdrawal fee for Leadership Sixteen hours $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR Sixteen hours $104.00 $104.00 Y No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR(Staff)(New) Sixteen hours $73.50 $73.50 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert Eight hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert(Staff) Eight hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase CPR Six hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase CPR(Staff) Six hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase CPR Recert Four hours $35.00 $35.00 _ Y No Increase CPR Recert(Staff) Four hours $25.00 $25.00 Y No Increase Aqua Adults Ten-55 minute classes $88.50 $92.00 Y September 1,2016 Aqua Adults Ten-30 minute classes $75.00 $78.00 Y September 1,2016 Private Classes Ten-30 minute classes $265.00 $270.00 N September 1,2016 Semi-Private Classes Ten-30 minute classes $160.00 $160.00 N No Increase Aquafit Ten-55 minute classes $84.07 $84.07 Y No Increase Aquafit Twenty-55 minute classes $146.02 $146.02 Y No Increase Aquafit Thirty-55 minute classes $170.79 $170.79 Y _ No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Ten-40 minute classes $72.57 $72.57 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Twenty-40 minute classes $107.08 $107.08 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Ten-40 minute classes $72.57 $72.57 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty-40 minute classes $107.08 $107.08 Y No Increase Aquafit Pay As You Go $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Aquafit Pay As You Go Senior $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase 5 Pass $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase 10 Pass $120.00 $120.00 Y No Increase Senior 5 pass $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Senior 10 pass $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase High Five for Aquatics Four hours $66.38 $66.38 Y No Increase Private/Semi-Private 30 minutes $28.00 $28.00 N No Increase Deep Water Aquafit Ten-40 minute classes $72.57 $72.57 Y No Increase Youth Swim Fit 1 One Hour $95.00 $95.00 N No Increase Museum Education Outreach Programs(for students and non-students) (Per Student Fee) No HST for students/HST for adults/seniors Weaving Wizards One-2 hour class $4.75 $5.25 N/Y April 1,2016 Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YIN) Effective Date HST) HST) Buzzsaws&Building Blocks One-2 hour class $4.75 $4.75 N/Y No Increase Wonderful Wool One-45 minute class $3.50 $3.50 N/Y No Increase Thingamajigs One-1 hour class $5.00 $5.00 N/Y No Increase Settlers Workshop Fracture One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase Christmas Past One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase Fracture One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase Sheep to Shawl One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase Stunning Stencils One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase Wordsmiths One-2 hour class $5.25 $5.25 N/Y No Increase The Hand That Rocks The Cradle One-2 hour class $215.00 $215.00 N/Y No Increase Museum Guest Speaker Presentations (Flat Rate Cost) , The Hand That Rocks the Cradle One-2 hour presentation $221.24 $221.24 Y No Increase Guest Speaker Presentations One-1 hour presentation $106.19 $106.19 Y No Increase Preschool Programs Artful Toddler Twelve-1.25 hour classes $131.00 $135.00 N September 1,2016 Kindergarten's Coming Twelve-2 1/4 hour classes $170.00 $175.00 N September 1,2016 Exploring Math Twelve- 1 classes $104.00 $107.00 N September 1,2016 hour classes Tots In Action Twelve-2 hour classes $145.00 $149.00 N September 1,2016 Wiggles'n Giggles Twelve-45 minute classes $92.00 $95.00 N September 1,2016 Tumble Tots Twelve-45 minute classes $92.00 $95.00 N September 1,2016 Bouncin' Buddies Twelve-45 minute classes $92.00 $95.00 N September 1,2016 Jumpin'Jax Twelve-1 hour classes $107.00 $110.00 N September 1,2016 Junior Gym Twelve-1 hour classes $107.00 $110.00 N September 1,2016 Fun for Families Twelve-1 hour classes $123.00 $127.00 N September 1,2016 Alphabet Yoga Twelve-1 hour classes $104.00 $107.00 N September 1,2016 Parent&Tot Skate Twelve-30 minute classes $82.00 $82.00 N No Increase • Beginner Skating Twelve-30 minute classes $82.00 $82.00 N No Increase Advanced Skating Twelve-45 minute classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase Sportball Ten-1 hr classes $158.00 $158.00 N No Increase Reading Rangers Twelve-1 hour classes $104.00 $107.00 N September 1,2016 Writing Wizards Twelve-1 hour classes $104.00 $107.00 N September 1,2016 Playtime for Little Ones Twelve-1 hour classes $104.00 $107.00 N September 1,2016 Craft Club Twelve 1.25 hour classes $130.00 $134.00 N September 1,2016 Children&Youth Programs Creative Steps Twelve-30 minute classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Pre-Ballet Twelve-45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Hip Hop Twelve-45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Jazz Twelve-45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Bollywood Dance Twelve-I hour classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase Acro for Dancers Twelve-I hour classes $118.00 $118.00 N No Increase Combo Dance(Jazz/HipHop) Twelve-45 minute classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Musical Theater Twelve-1 hour classes $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Children's Art Ten-1.25 hour classes $75.00 $78.00 N September 1,2016 Painting with Acrylics Eight-1.25 hour classes $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Model Magic Eight-1.25 hour classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Young at Art Eight-1.25 hour classes $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase Youth Art(does not include supplies) Ten-1.5 hour classes $69.00 $69.00 N No Increase Cartooning for Kids Ten-1.25 hour classes $75.00 $78.00 N September 1,2016 Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (Y/N) Effective Date HST) HST) Babysitter's Training Course Eight-1.5 hour classes $67.00 $70.00 N September 1,2016 Home Alone Four-1.5 hour classes $39.00 $45.00 N September 1,2016 Breakdancing Ten-1 hour classes $61.00 $63.00 N September 1,2016 Mad Science Eight-1 hour classes $142.00 $142.00 N No Increase Children's/Teen Guitar-Level 1 Eight-1 hour classes $72.00 $75.00 N September 1,2016 Girls Night Seven weeks-2 hour classes $61.00 $63.00 N September 1,2016 Karate Four months-1 hour classes $135.00 $155.00 N September 1,2016 Badminton Twelve-1 hour classes $68.00 $75.00 N September 1,2016 Summer Assistant Counsellor Minimum 4 weeks $110:00 $114.00 N September 1,2016 Counsellor in Training Ten-6.5 hour classes New $298.00 N September 1,2016 Recreational Basketball Clinic . Six-2 hour classes $47.00 $49.00 N September 1,2016 Recreational Volleyball Clinic Six-2 hour classes $47.00 Delete Ball Hockey Ten-1.5 hour classes $62.00 $63.00 N September 1,2016 High Five One Day-7 hour class $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Indoor Games Ten-1.5 hour classes $62.00 $63.00 N September 1,2016 Table Tennis Ten-1.5 hour classes $72.00 $75.00 N September 1,2016 Cooking for Teens Eight-1.5 hour classes $81.00 $81.00 N No Increase Art(11-14yrs) Ten-1.5 hour classes $67.00 $72.00 N September 1,2016 Teen Photography Six-2 hour classes $52.00 $60.00 N September 1,2016 Parent/Child Photography Six-1.25 hour classes $90.00 $90.00 N No Increase P/C Photography(2nd child) Six-1.25 hour classes $36.00 $36.00 N No Increase Mother/Daughter Hip Hop Twelve-45 minute classes $85.00 • $85.00 N No Increase M/D Hip Hop(2nd child) Twelve-45 minute classes $43.00 _ $43.00 N No Increase Tap . Twelve-30 minute classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Cirque d'Kids Twelve-1 hour classes $1,180.00 $118.00 N No Increase Carroms-Family Board Game Ten-1 hour classes $73.00 Delete Sportball 6-9 yrs Ten-1 hr classes $158.00 $158.00 N No Increase Teen Cake Decorating Ten-1 hr classes $51.00 $51.00 N No Increase Youth Badminton Twelve-1 hour classes $68.00 $75.00 N September 1,2016 Wacky Writing Workshop One 3 hour class _ $24.00 $24.00 N No Increase Sportball Fit Kids 9-12 yrs Ten-1 hour classes $158.00 $158.00 N No Increase Recreation Basketball Clinic-winter 10-2 hour classes $60.00 $63.00 N September 1,2016 Cricket 8-12 yrs . Eight-I hour classes $57.00 $67.00 N September 1,2016 Gym for Homeschoolers Eight-2 hour classes $97.00 Delete Twelve-2 hour classes $145.00 Delete Youth Volleyball Ten-1.5 hour classes $72.00 $78.00 N September 1,2016 Learn to skate Twelve-45 minute classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase Balloon Twisting Eight-1 hour classes $85.00 Delete Chess&Scrabble Ten-1 hour classes $73.00 Delete Kids Baking Six-1.5 hour classes $80.00 $92.00 N September 1,2016 Sewing&Needlework Eight-1 hour classes $67.00 $67.00 N No Increase Friday Night Fun Centres Friday Nights-2 hours $4.00 $5.00 N September 1,2016 Paper Creation Workshop One-3 hour class $38.00 $38.00 N No Increase Adult Programs Art Ten-2 hour classes $83.18 $83.18 Y No Increase Adult Guitar Eight-1 hour classes $64.60 $66.37 Y September 1,2016 Portrait/Figure Drawing Ten-2 hour classes $83.18 $83.18 Y No Increase Ballroom Dance Ten-2 hour classes $94.64 $94.64 Y No Increase Bellydance Twelve-1 hour classes $77.87 $77.87 Y No Increase Ladies Tap Twelve-1 hour classes $77.87 $77.87 Y No Increase Spanish,Beginner/Int. Ten-2 hour classes $77.87 $77.87 Y No Increase Photography, Beginner Six-2 hour classes $50.44 $50.44 Y No Increase Karate Four months-1.5 hour classes $119.47 $202.00 Y September 1,2016 Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Skating Twelve-45 minute classes $89.38 $89.38 Y No Increase Men's Power Hour Twelve-1 hour classes $49.56 $58.41 Y September 1,2016 Badminton Twelve-1.5 hour classes $71.69 $87.61 Y September 1,2016 Cricket Eight-1.5 hour classes $90.27 Delete Volleyball,Competitive Ten-2 hour classes $72.56 $97.35 Y September 1,2016 Volleyball, Recreation Twelve-1.5 hour classes $65.48 $87.61 Y September 1,2016 Cake Decorating I/II Ten-2.25 hour classes $69.91 $69.91 Y No Increase Easy Meals Eight-2 hour classes $123.90 $123.90 Y No Increase African Drumming Ten-1.5 hour classes $65.48 Delete Digital Camera WS's One-2 hour class $23.89 $23.89 Y No Increase Bellydance Twelve-1 hour classes $77.87 $77.87 Y No Increase Paper Craft Workshop One-4 hour workshop $39.82 $39.82 N No Increase Improve for Adults Ten-2 hour classes $92.92 $92.92 N No Increase Line Dancing Ten-2 hour classes $94.64 $94.64 N No Increase Chess Ten -1.5 hour classes $74.33 $74.33 N No Increase Ladies Self Defense Eight-1.5 hour classes $62.83 $62.83 N No Increase Conversational French Ten-2 hour classes $77.87 $77.87 N No Increase Older Adult Programs Line Dancing Twelve-1 hour classes $34.54 $41.59 Y September 1,2016 Ten-1 hour classes $32.72 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Latin Line Dancing Ten-1 hour classes $32.75 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Clog Dancing Ten-1 hour classes $32.75 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Belly Dancing Ten-1 hour classes $32.75 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Art Class Ten-2 hour classes $43.80 $43.80 Y No Increase Sewing for Seniors Ten-2 hours classes $32.75 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Social Crafts Ten-2 hours classes $32.75 $34.52 Y September 1,2016 Specialty Spring Flowers One-1 hour class $22.12 Delete Clutter Therapy Workshop One-2 hour class $22.12 Delete Cocktail Weddings One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Food Stations One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Garden Design One-1 hour class $22.12 Delete Garden Seduction One-1 hour class $22.12 Delete High End BBQ's One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Home Colour Schemes One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Rehearsal Dinners One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Staging Your Home One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete The Three Tenors One-1 hour class $22.12 Delete World of Window Treatments One-2 hour class $30.97 Delete Vertical Vegetables One-1 hour class $22.12 Delete Life Writing One-2 hour class $8.85 $13.27 Y September 1,2016 Chocolate Sleigh Workshop One-2 hour class $17.70 $22.12 Y September 1,2016 Sweet Treats for Summer Workshop One-2 hour class $15.66 $22.12 Y September 1,2016 Introduction to Chocolate Workshop One-2 hour class $13.27 $22.12 Y September 1,2016 Writing for Children(for Seniors) One-2 hour class $8.85 $13.28 Y September 1,2016 Blogging 55+ One-2 hour class $8.85 $13.28 Y September 1,2016 Museum Programs Kids in the Village Summer Craft& One-2 hour class $7.08 $7.08 Y No Increase Games Program Christmas Craft Club Combo Four-2 hour classes $56.64 Delete Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (Y/N) Effective Date HST) HST) Mother's Day Tea One-1.5 hour sitting $22.12 $22.12 Y No Increase Summer Solstice/Harvest Suppers One-3 hour class(weeknight) $53.10 $53.10 Y No Increase Christmas Craft Club One-2 hour class $15.93 Delete Hearth and Home Cooking One-2.5 hour $33.65 $33.65 Y No Increase Workshop class Hearth Cook and Dine One-5 hour class $44.25 $44.25 Y No Increase PMV Workshop One-3 hour class $19.03 $19.03 Y No Increase Back in Time Tea and Tour One-2 hour presentation $8.41 $8.41 Y No Increase Pioneer Immersion(Home School) Nine-2 hour classes $100.00 $125.00 N April 1,2016 Give it a Try One-2 hour class $8.85 $8.85 Y No Increase Camps March Break Camp(Arts/Sports/Mini/Skate) Extend a Camp Five days $70.00 $72.00 N September 1,2016 • Full Day Program Five days $178.00 $183.00 N September 1,2016 Mad Science Five days $240.00 $257.00 N September 1,2016 Drama Camp Five Days $205.00 Delete Junior Chef Camp Five Days New $250.00 N September 1,2016 Xbox&PC Video Game Creation Five Days New $315.00 N September 1,2016 3D Printing&Modelling Five Days New $315.00 N September 1,2016 Breakdance Camp Five Days New $178:00 N September 1,2016 Museum Time Traveller Camp Four days $143.00 Delete Five days $178.00 Delete Summer Camps-Adventure/Art/Sports/Mini Pidaca/Time Traveller Full Day Program Four days $143.00 $147.00 N September 1,2016 Five days $178.00 $183.00 N September 1,2016 Summer Camps-Dance/Drama Full Day Program Four days New $165.00 N September 1,2016 Five days New $206.00 N September 1,2016 Act One Drama Club $205.00 Delete Counsellor in Training Ten days $250.00 $298.00 N September 1,2016 Summer Assistant Counsellor Minimum 4 weeks New $149.00 N September 1,2016 Summer French Program 5-1/2 day classes New $97.00 N September 1,2016 Extend-a-Camp 4 Days $57.00 $59.00 N September 1,2016 5 Days $70.00 $72.00 N September 1,2016 Contract Camps Skateboard Camp $170.00 $170.00 N No Increase Mad Science Camp Five Days $240.00 $257.00 N September 1,2016 Xbox&PC Video Game Creation Five Days New $324.00 N September 1,2016 Redstone Inventions in Minecraft Five Days New $324.00 N September 1,2016 Memberships: Pickering Recreation Complex *Pre Expansion Memberships Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) *Health Club Adult,full Annual $510.00 $510.00 Y No Increase Adult,daytime Annual $459.00 $459.00 Y No Increase Adult,grandfather,full,corp Annual $383.00 $383.00 Y No Increase Adult,grandfather,day,corp Annual $328.00 $328.00 Y No Increase *Squash Adult Full,Annual $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Adult Daytime,Annual $537.00 $537.00 Y No Increase Adult,grandfather,day,corp Annual $384.00 $384.00 Y No Increase *Racquetball Adult Full,Annual $516.00 $516.00 Y No Increase Adult Daytime,Annual $464.00 $464.00 Y No Increase Adult,grandfather,day,corp Annual $331.00 $331.00 Y No Increase * • Combination Adult Full,Annual $635.00 $635.00 Y No Increase Adult,grandfather,full,corp Annual $508.00 $508.00 Y No Increase Night Hawk Annual New $230.00 Y September 1,2016 *Tennis Adult Resident, Full,Annual $541.00 $541.00 Y No Increase Adult Resident, Daytime,Annual $466.00 $466.00 Y No Increase *Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full,Annual $612.00 $612.00 Y No Increase Adult Non-resident, Daytime,Annual $550.00 $550.00 Y. No Increase *Golden Adult Full,Annual $1,203.00 $1,203.00 Y No Increase Adult Daytime,Annual $1,029.00 $1,029.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $2,309.00 $2,309.00 Y No Increase *Fitness Class Memberships Fitness Memberships Annual $396.00 $415.00 Y September 1,2016 Seasonal $165.00 $173.00 Y September 1,2016 Youth Annual $165.00 $173.00 Y September 1,2016 Family Annual $827.00 Delete New Expansion Memberships Basic Health Adult Annual $486.20 $425.00 Y September 1,2016 Seasonal $220.00 $231.00 Y September 1,2016 ' Adult corporate Annual $325.00 $340.00 Y September 1,2016 Family Annual $835.00 $862.00 Y September 1,2016 Youth Annual $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $113.00 $113.00 Y No Increase Health+ Adult Annual $585.00 $615.00 Y September 1,2016 Adult Seasonal $265.00 $277.00 Y September 1,2016 Adult Corporate $470.00 $495.00 Y September 1,2016 Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 HST User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed A licable Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee (Excl. �Y�N) Effective Date HST) HST) Youth Annual $295.00 $295.00 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $133.00 $133.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,175.00 $1,210.00 Y September 1,2016 Student Annual $260.00 $260.00 Y No Increase Student Seasonal $130.00 $130.00 Y No Increase Super Health Adult Annual $770.00 $690.00. Y September 1,2016 Adult ' Seasonal $345.00 $310.00 Y September 1,2016 Adult Corporate $615.00 $550.00 Y September 1,2016 Youth Annual $300.00 $270.00 Y September 1,2016 Student Annual $350.00 $315.00 Y September 1,2016 Student Seasonal $155.00 $140.00 Y September 1,2016 Youth Seasonal $155.00 $140.00 Y September 1,2016 Basic Squash Adult Annual $550.00 $550.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $235.00 $235.00 Y No Increase Adult corporate Annual $430.00 $430.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $220.00 $220.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $105.00 $105.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,045.00 $1,045.00 Y No Increase Squash+ Adult Annual $675.00 $675.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $305.00 $305.00 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $540.00 $540.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $320.00 $320.00 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $144.00 $144.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,340.00 $1,340.00 Y No Increase Student Annual $315.00 $315.00 Y No Increase Student Seasonal $155.00 $155.00 Y No Increase Basic Racquetball Adult Annual $490.00 $490.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $220.00 $220.00 Y No Increase Adult corporate Annual $392.00 $392.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $220.00 $220.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $105.00 $105.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $945.00 $945.00 Y No Increase Racquetball+ _ Adult Annual $615.00 $615.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $277.00 $277.00 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $492.00 $492.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $320.00 $320.00 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $144.00 $144.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Y No Increase Basic Tennis(Resident) Adult Resident Annual $515.00 $515.00 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $232.00 $232.00 Y No Increase Youth Resident Annual $230.00 $230.00 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $105.00 $105.00 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Family Resident Annual $990.00 $990.00 Y No Increase • Tennis+(Resident) Adult Resident Annual $680.00 $680.00 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $306.00 $306.00 Y No Increase Youth Resident Annual $330.00 $330.00 Y No Increase Resident Seasonal $149.00 $149.00 Y No Increase Family Resident Annual $1,365.00 $1,365.00 Y No Increase Basic Tennis(Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident Annual $585.00 $585.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $263.00 $263.00 Y No Increase Youth Non-resident Annual $255.00 $255.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $110.00 $110.00 Y No Increase Family Non-resident Annual $1,175.00 $1,175.00 Y No Increase Tennis+(Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident Annual $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $338.00 $338.00 Y No Increase Youth Non-resident Annual $355.00 $355.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Seasonal $160.00 $160.00 Y No Increase Family Non-resident Annual $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Y No Increase Golden Adult Annual $1,575.00 $1,575.00 Y No Increase . Adult Seasonal $710.00 $710.00 Y No Increase Adult Corporate $1,260.00 $1,260.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $540.00 $540.00 Y No Increase Youth Seasonal $243.00 $243.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $3,020.00 $3,020.00 Y No Increase Fitness Class Memberships Basic Fitness Adult Annual $375.00 $395.00 Y September 1,2016 Adult Seasonal $169.00 $178.00 Y September 1,2016 Youth Annual $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $74.00 $74.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $790.00 $840.00 Y September 1,2016 Specialty Fitness Adult Annual $560.00 $560.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Memberships: Pickering Rec.Complex and Dunbarton Indoor Pool Aquatic Memberships Adult Annual $175.22 $175.22 Y No Increase Family Annual $297.63 $297.63 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $116.81 $116.81 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $77.88 $77.88 Y No Increase Family Seasonal $111.61 $111.61 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Seasonal $49.56 $49.56 Y No Increase Kick-Start Program $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase • Admissions&Passes Pickering Museum Village Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed A HSable Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee(Excl. �Y�N) Effective Date HST) HST) Season Pass Family/Daycare(2 adults,5 children) $57.52 $70.80 Y April 1,2016 Season Pass Twin(1 adult, 1 guest) $39.82 $42.28 Y April 1,2016 Season Pass Day Care(2 adults, 10 children $97.35 $123.90 Y April 1,2016 Admissions&Passes Fitness Admissions Fitness Room Single Admission $11.68 $11.68 Y No Increase Fitness Room Five Pass $58.40 $58.40 Y No Increase Studio A, B,C and Aquafit One and half class $17.56 $17.56 Y No Increase Studio A,B,C and Aquafit Drop in Non-Member $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Studio A,B,C and Aquafit Drop in with Plus Health $6.00 $6.00 Y No Increase Registered Group Fitness Programs-Non Members $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Drop-In Pricing Registered Group Fitness Programs-For Plus Health $6.00 $6.00 . Y No Increase Drop-In Pricing Members Registered Group Fitness Programs-For Specialty $3.00 $3.00 Y No Increase Drop-In Pricing Health Members Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission-Youth $2.88 $3.10 . Y August 1,2016 Ten Pass-Youth $23.01 $24.78 Y August 1,2016 ` Single Admission-Adult $3.98 $4.20 Y August 1,2016 Ten Pass-Adult $31.86 $33.63 Y August 1,2016 Family Pass $8.85 $13.27 Y August 1,2016 Family 10-Pass • $50.44 $66.37 Y August 1,2016 Parent&Tot Single Adult Admission $1.77 $2.66 Y August 1,2016 Senior Skate Single Admission $0.89 $0.89 Y No Increase Shinny Single Admission $4.43 $4.43 Y No Increase Twenty Pass $70.80 $70.80 Y No Increase Special Promotion(Toonie Skate) $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase • (Family Day Skate) Youth Single $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase Family Single $4.43 $4.43 Y No Increase Racquet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $13.35 $13.35 Y No Increase Non-prime Time $10.89 $10.89 Y No Increase Tennis Prime Time $33.01 $33.01 Y No Increase Non-prime Time $26.02 $26.02 Y No Increase Family Day Activity Passport $13.27 $15.00 Y January 1,2017 Swimming Admissions Youth/Senior/Disabled Single Admission $2.43 $2.43 Y No Increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten Pass $19.47 $19.47 Y No Increase Adult Single $3.76 $3.76 Y No Increase Adult Ten Pass $31.86 $31.86 Y No Increase Family Single $7.30 $7.30 Y No Increase Family Ten Pass $63.14 $63.14 Y No Increase Family Day Swim Youth Single $1.77 $1.77 Y No Increase Family Single $4.42 $4.42 Y No Increase Museum Admissions-General Public Admissions Adults Single Admission $7.08 $7.08 Y No Increase Student/Senior Single Admission $6.20 $6.20 Y No Increase Children Single Admission $4.43 $4.43 Y No Increase ' -: Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YIN) Effective Date HST) HST) Family Single Admission $22.13 $22.13 Y No Increase Museum Admissions-Education Tours School Tours-Basic Half day,per student $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase School Tours-Christmas in the Village Half day,per student $8.50 $8.50 N No Increase School Tours-Community Connections Half day,per student $7.75 . $7.75 N No Increase School Tours-School Days Half day,per student $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase School Tours-Stencilling Half day,per student $7.75 $7.75 N No Increase School Tours-Wonderful Wool Half day,per student $7.50 $7.50 N No Increase School Tours-Candlemaking Full day, per student $15.00 $15.00 N No Increase School Tours-Weaving Full day, per student $13.00 $13.00 N No Increase Multi Day Tours Full day, per student $12.75 $12.75 N No Increase School Tours-Conflict and Change Full day, per student $13.50 $13.50 N No Increase School Tours-Toys,Games and Leisure Activities Full day, per student $11.50 $11.50 N No Increase School Tours-Stencilling Full day, per student $11.50 $11.50 N No Increase School Tours-Blacksmithing Full day, per student $14.50 $14.50 N No Increase A Spirit Walk Student Performance/Educ. lesson $10.00 $10.00 'N No Increase School Tours-Underground Railroad Full day, per student New $13.50 N April 1,2016 School Tours-WWI Education Day Full day, per student New $20.00 N April 1,2016 Museum Admissions-Public Tours School Tours-Basic Half day,per person $7.50 $7.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Christmas in the Village . Half day,per person $8.50 $8.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Community Connections Half day,per person $7.75 $7.75 Y No Increase School Tours-School Days Half day,per person $7.50 $7.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Stencilling Half day, per person $7.75 $7.75 Y No Increase School Tours-Wonderful Wool Half day,per person $7.50 $7.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Candlemaking Full day,per person $15.00 $15.00 Y No Increase School Tours-Weaving Full day,per person $13.00 $13.00 Y No Increase Multi Day Tours Full day,per person $12.75 $12.75 Y No Increase School Tours-Conflict and Change Full day,per person $13.50- $13.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Toys,Games and Leisure Activities Full day,per person $11.50 $11.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Stencilling Full day, per person $11.50 $11.50 Y No Increase School Tours-Blacksmithing Full day,per person $14.50 $14.50 Y No Increase No Increase Rental Fees: Pickering Rec.Complex and Don Beer Arena Ice Rental Rates Pickering Youth Affiliate Hourly rate, prime time $173.19 $173.19 Y No Increase Hourly rate,non-prime time $126.44 $126.44 Y No Increase Adults&Residents Affiliate Hourly rate,prime time $194.21 $204.42 Y September 1,2016 Hourly rate, non-prime time $142.77 $150.44 Y September 1,2016 Commercial&Non-Resident Hourly rate,prime time $215.23 $225.66 Y September 1,2016 Hourly rate, non-prime time $168.29 $176.99 Y September 1,2016 Elementary Schools Hourly rate, prime time $173.19 $173.19 Y No Increase Hourly rate, non-prime time $60.00 $60.00 Y No increase High School Hourly rate, prime time $194.21 $194.21 Y No increase Hourly rate, non-prime time $60.00 $60.00 Y No increase Industrial Hourly rate, prime time $194.21 $204.42 Y September 1,2016 Hourly rate, non-prime time $110.13 $150.44 Y September 1,2016 Summer Ice Hourly rate, prime time $215.23 Delete Pad Rental Leagues Hourly rate $76.54 $78.83 Y September 1,2016 General Flat rate,full day $1,750.57 $1,785.58 Y September 1,2016 General Hourly rate $81.13 $83.56 Y September 1,2016 Day-Camp Use(Weather related) Hourly rate $12.50 $12.50 Y No increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 HT User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed ApplSable Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YIN) Effective Date • HST) HST) Pickering Museum Village Schoolhouse(rentals available year round) Resident Flat rate,whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $274.34 $274.34 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours'day of rental $327.43 $327.43 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,-max.4 hours $128.31 $128.31 Y No Increase Chapel(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $274.34 $274.34 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $327.43 $327.43 Y No Increase Oddfellows'Hall(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) Resident Flat rate,whole day $407.0$ $407.08 Y No Increase . Non-Resident Flat rate,whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $194.69 $194.69 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $230.09 $230.09 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 hours • $123.90 $123.90 Y No Increase Bandstand(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $247.79 Delete Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $296.46 Delete Grounds for Photos(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) _ Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $97.34 $97.34 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $115.04 $115.04 Y No Increase Photography Club Flat rate,max.4 hours(public hrs.) $123.90 $123.90 Y No Increase Picnic Shelter(Rentals available from April to October Resident Flat rate,whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $194.69 $194.69 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $230.09 $230.09 Y No Increase Grounds for Picnics/Social Gatherings(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) Resident Flat rate,whole day $407.08 $407.08 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,whole day $486.73 $486.73 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,4 hours $128.31 $123.31 Y No Increase Redman House(rentals available from April to October,before dusk) Resident Flat rate,whole day $292.04 $292.04 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,whole day $353.98 $353.98 Y No Increase Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $92.92 $92.92 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate,2 hours day of rental $110.62 $110.62 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 hours $128.31 $128.31 Y No Increase Chairs(up to 100 chairs) Per chair $1.33 $1.33 Y No Increase PMV Education Kits One week rental $26.55 $26.55 Y No Increase Rentals-additional staff Hourly rate required for additional staffing $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase requirements for large bookings at events Pickering Rec.Complex&Dunbarton Indoor Pool r Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YIN) Effective Date HST) HST) Pool Rentals Private Rental-Rec Complex Hourly rate, max 19(RC) $105.30 $105.30 Y No Increase Private Rental-Dunbarton Pool Hourly rate,max 19(DIP) $93.72 $93.72 Y No Increase Private Rental-Rec Complex Hourly rate, max 50(RC) $127.05 $127.05 Y No Increase Private Rental Hourly rate,max 50(DIP) _ $111.00 $111.00 Y No Increase Synchronized Pool Rental Hourly rate, non-prime(DIP) $72.10 $72.10 Y No Increase Pickering Swim Club Hourly rate, prime time(RC) $68.70 $68.70 Y No Increase Pickering Swim Club Hourly rate(DIP) $72.10 $72.10 Y No Increase Master Swim Program Hourly rate(DIP) $85.20 $85.20 Y No Increase Extra Lifeguard Hourly rate $23.06 $24.22 Y September 1,2016 Instructor Hourly rate $27.13 $28.49 Y September 1,2016 Board of Education Hourly rate $64.81 $64.81 Y No Increase Swim Meet Hourly rate $130.76 $130.76 Y No Increase Additional Facility Staff for Swim Hourly rate $41.74 $41.74 Y No Increase Pickering Rec.Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Training Hourly rate $23.50 $23.50 Y No Increase Martial Arts Hourly rate $28.00 $28.00 Y No Increase Boyz and Girlz and Fitness Birthday 2 hours $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $109.44 $109.44 Y No Increase Pool&Fitness Meeting Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, 1.5 hours $39.00 $39.00 Y No Increase Meeting Room 1 . Resident Flat rate,whole day $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day $210.00 $210.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,resident Flat rate,business hours $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,non-resident Flat rate, business hours $140.00 $140.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate, max.4 hours $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Meeting Rooms 1 &2 Resident Flat rate,whole day $265.00 $265.00 - Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day $360.00 $360.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $65.00 $65.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,resident Flat rate,business hours $140.00 $140.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,non-resident Flat rate,business hours $185.00 $185.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 Hours $65.00 $65.00 Y No Increase Meeting Rooms 1,2&3 Resident Flat rate,whole day $430.00 $430.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day $540.00 $540.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $65.00 $65.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $90.00 $90.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate,business hours $195.00 $195.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate,business hours $270.00 $270.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 hours $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed A HSabie Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee(Excl. �Y�N) Effective Date HST) HST) New Year's Eve,resident Flat rate,whole day $860.00 $860.00 Y No Increase O'Brien Meeting Room A or B Resident Flat rate,whole day $225.00 $225.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day $290.00 $290.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $65.00 $65.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,resident Flat rate, business hours $95.00 $95.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business,non-resident Flat rate,business hours $140.00 $140.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 hours $40.00 $40.00 Y No Increase • O'Brien Meeting Rooms A&B Resident Flat rate,whole day $460.00 $460.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day . $565.00 $565.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $90.00 $90.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $125.00 $125.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate,business hours $195.00 $195.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate,business hours $275.00 $275.00 Y No Increase Tournament bookings Flat rate,per day $230.00 $230.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate,max.4 hours $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve Flat rate,whole day $915.00 $915.00 Y No Increase Pickering Rec.Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate,whole day(Monday-Sunday) $690.00 $690.00 . Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day(Monday-Sunday) $900.00 $900.00 Y No Increase Sunday,resident Flat rate,daytime $430.00 $430.00 Y No Increase Sunday,non-resident Flat rate,daytime $540.00 $540.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets Flat rate, max.4 hours $140.00 $140.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,resident Flat rate,whole day $1,580.00 $1,580.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate,whole day $1,740.00 $1,740.00 Y No Increase Special Events Musical Flat rate,resident/community group $1,825.00 $1,825.00 Y No Increase Resident 1/2 Day Flat rate,max.6 hours $360.00 $360.00 Y No Increase Non-resident 1/2 Day Flat rate,max.6 hours $465.00 $465.00 Y No Increase Pickering Recreation Complex East&West Salons(Both Rooms) Resident Flat rate,whole day(Monday-Sunday) $1,280.00 $1,280.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate,whole day(Monday-Sunday) $1,665.00 $1,665.00 Y No Increase Sunday,resident Flat rate(daytime) $810.00 $810.00 Y No Increase Sunday,non-resident Flat rate(daytime) $990.00 $990.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,resident Flat rate $2,395.00 $2,395.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $2,635.00 $2,635.00 Y No Increase Special Events Musical Flat rate-resident/community group only $3,650.00 $3,650.00 Y No Increase Entertainment/Private Concerts (New)*** Deposit $625.00 $625.00 Y No Increase Resident 1/2 Day Flat rate,max.6 hours $665.00 $665.00 Y No Increase Non-resident 1/2 Day Flat rate,max.6 hours $810.00 $810.00 Y No Increase Petticoat Creek Community Centre • _ Paris or Franklin Meeting Room Resident Flat rate $360.00 $360.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $545.00 $545.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate $95.00 $95.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate $125.00 $125.00 Y No Increase • Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YIN) Effective Date HST) HST) Community Group Flat rate $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $80.00 $80.00 Y No Increase Paris&Franklin Meeting Rooms Resident Flat rate $655.00 $655.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $850.00 $850.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate $175.00 $175.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate $260.00 $260.00 Y No Increase Community Group Flat rate $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Resident Hourly rate $80.00 $80.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Hourly rate $115.00 $115.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,320.00 $1,320.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets,resident Flat rate, resident/community group $125.00 $125.00 Y No Increase Don Beer Banquet Hall Resident Flat rate $540.00 $540.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $570.00 $570.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate $190.00 $190.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, non-resident Hourly rate $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase Sunday,resident Flat rate(daytime) $380.00 $380.00 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate(daytime) $520.00 $520.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets(Community Flat rate $130.00 $130.00 Y No Increase Group Only) Tournament Rate Flat rate,daily, Don Beer only $260.00 $260.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,resident Flat rate $1,040.00 $1,040.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,non-resident Flat rate $1,271.60 $1,271.60 Y No Increase • West Shore Community Centre _ Resident Flat rate $690.00 $690.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate $900.00 $900.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, resident Flat rate • $180.00 $180.00 Y No Increase Daytime,business, non-resident Flat rate $270.00 $270.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday,resident Hourly rate $85.00 $85.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday,non-resident Hourly rate $120.00 $120.00 Y No Increase Friday, resident Flat rate $520.00 $520.00 Y No Increase Friday,non-resident Flat rate $675.00 $675.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets(Community Flat rate $130.00 $130.00 Y No Increase Group Only) New Year's Eve,resident Flat rate $1,400.00 $1,400.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,non-resident Flat rate $1,695.00 $1,695.00 Y No Increase East Shore Community Centre Room 2 or Room4-Meeting Resident Hourly rate $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Gymnasium-Meeting/Sports Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Hourly rate $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase Room 2 and Room 4-Social Resident Flat rate $240.00 $240.00 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed HST Proposed Fee a 9 Applicable (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) Non-Resident Flat rate $330.00 $330.00 Y No Increase New Years Eve-Resident Flat rate $485.00 $485.00 Y . No Increase New Years Eve-Non-Resident Flat rate $665.00 $665.00 Y No Increase Gymnasium-Social Resident Flat rate $515.00 $515.00 Y No Increase Non-Resident Flat rate $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $990.00 $990.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve,non-resident Flat rate $1,210.00 $1,210.00 Y No Increase Community Room Daily Flat rate $320.00 $320.00 Y No Increase Meeting-Resident Hourly rate $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Meeting-Non-Resident Hourly rate $45.00 $45.00 Y No Increase Social-Resident Hourly rate $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase Social-Non-Resident Hourly rate $70.00 $70.00 Y No Increase Rental Extra Fees Listing Community Groups 12 bookings $133.00 $133.00 Y No Increase Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Maintenance Fee Hourly rate $29.43 $29.43 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit(Jack&Jill $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Parties) New Staff Overtime for Event Hourly rate $40.00 $50.00 N July 1,2016 (early/late opening) Performing Rights Tariff Without Flat rate(301 -500 capacity) $61.69 $61.69 Y No Increase Dancing-Banquet Hall Performing Rights Tariff Without Flat rate(1 -101 capacity) $20.56 $20.56 Y No Increase Dancing-Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris Room, Petticoat Creek Community Centre Franklin Room,O'Brien Room A, O'Brien Room B,East Shore Community Centre Community Room, East Shore Community Centre Room#2 and East Shore Community Centre Room . #4 Performing Rights Tariff Without , Flat rate(101 -300 capacity) $29.56 $29.56 Y No Increase Dancing-West Salon, East Salon, . O'Brien Rooms,Don Beer, Westshore Community Centre, Petticoat Creek Community Centre Banquet Hall and East Shore Community Centre Gymnasium Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate(301 -500 capacity) $123.38 $123.38 Y No Increase Dancing-Banquet Hall Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate(1 -101 capacity) $41.13 $41.13 Y No Increase Dancing-Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris Room, Petticoat Creek Community Centre , Franklin Room,O'Brien Room A, O'Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre Community • Room, East Shore Community Centre Room#2 and • Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 HT User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed Applsable Proposed Fee (Excluding Fee(Excl. (YEN) Effective Date HST) HST) East Shore Community Centre Room Flat rate(1 -101 capacity) $41.13 $41.13 Y No Increase #4 Performing Rights Tariff With Flat rate(101 -300 capacity) $59.17 $59.17 Y No Increase Dancing-West Salon, East Salon, O'Brien Rooms, Don Beer, Westshore Community Centre, Petticoat Creek Community Centre Banquet Hall,East Shore Community Centre Gymnasium Events Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $7.74 $7.74 Y No Increase Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $5.31 $5.31 Y No Increase Big Band Single Admission $5.31 $5.31 Y No Increase Big Band(Seniors Month) Single Admission $5.31 $5.31 Y No Increase Museum Events Adults $8.85 $8.85 Y No Increase Museum Events Students/Seniors $7.08 $7.08 Y No Increase Museum Events Children $5.31 $5.31 Y No Increase Museum Event Family $26.55 $26.55 Y No Increase A Spirit Walk Single Admission $17.70 $17.70 Y . No Increase Miscellaneous Replacement Access Card $10.62 $12.00 Y September 1,2016 Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Set dressing&clean Up,hourly $85.00 $85.00 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Shooting time, hourly $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Shooting time, hourly after 14 hours $275.00 $275.00 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Hourly Fee-additional site supervisor $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Kindergym Birthday Parties $140.00 $150.00 Y September 1,2016 Creative Play Birthday Parties $147.00 $150.00 Y September 1,2016 Dance Birthday Parties $145.00 $150.00 Y September 1,2016 Fitness Birthday Party $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Kinder Surprise Birthday Parties(Addition) $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Princess Birthday Party 11 children New $175.00 Y April 1,2016 Super Hero Party 11 children New $175.00 Y April 1,2016 Heritage Birthday Parties 12 children $163.72 Delete Mystery Parties 12 children $163.72 Delete Tea Parties 12 children $163.72 Delete Museum Birthday Parties 12 children New $163.72 Y January 1,2016 Equipment Rental(Gym @ ESCC) Charge for usage of sports equip. (no $23.89 $23.89 Y No Increase staff) Games Room Party(PCCC/ESCC) 12 children $137.25 $141.30 Y September 1,2016 Games Room Party(PCCC/ESCC) 24 children $159.29 $164.06 Y September 1,2016 Sensational Sports Parties 12 children $137.25 $141.30 Y September 1,2016 Sensational Sports Parties 24 children $159.29 $164.06 Y September 1,2016 Recreation Complex Filming Hourly $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Program Administration Fee HST will be added to applicable programs $9.43 $9.43 Y No Increase Membership Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase NSF Charge Per cheque $42.50 $46.00 N April 1,2016 Additional Receipt Charge Per family $4.72 $4.72 Y No Increase Marketing Promotions City Brochure Advertising Full page $691.13 $691.13 Y No Increase Half page $466.80 $466.80 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Department 2015 Current 2016 User Fee or Charge Fee Proposed A HST Proposed Fee App HST (Excluding Fee(Excl. (I,/IV) Effective Date HST) HST) *Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks **Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks.Single class participation is available ***Must also provide completed criteria listing prior to confirmation • Development Services • 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date Development Services Curb Cut-new development not Min charge$207.00(5.3m or Min charge$225.00(5.3m or Y April 1,2016 assumed by municipality, infill building less) less) permit or industrial/commercial $39.00/m(5.3m plus) $42.00/m(5.3m plus) . Y April 1,2016 development Municipal Consent Fee $350.00/application $350.00/application N No Increase Curb Infill $185.00/m $185.00/m Y No Increase Sidewalk Repair $250.00/m $175.00/m2 Y April 1,2016 Pre-installed Storm Sewer Connection Contract cost+admin fee Contract cost+10%admin fee Y No Increase Residential Lot Grading Review Fee $65.00/unit $65.00/unit N No Increase Stormwater Maintenance Fee $2,000.00/hectare $2,200.00/hectare N April 1,2016 Processing/Review Fee for Non-Potable , New $250.00 Y April 1,2016 Site Conditions Standards Cash in lieu of water quality treatment New $40,000.00/imp.ha N April 1,2016 Newspaper Box Pad Permit Application $50.00/box $50.00/box N No Increase Newspaper Box Installation $250.00-$500.00 $250.00-$500.00 N No Increase Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15.00/box $15.00/box N No Increase Road Cleaning Contract cost+15% Contract cost+10%admin fee Y April 1,2016 • Damage Deposits Pool $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Water/Sewer Connection $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Rural up to$4,500.00 up to$4,500.00 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Urban up to$5,000.00 up to$5,000.00 N No Increase Commercial Building $5,000.00-10,000.00 $5,000.00-10,000.00 N No Increase Pool Enclosure Permit $350.00 $350.00 N No Increase Fill/Topsoil Permit One Year Permit $1,000.00+$1,000.00/hectare $1,000.00+$1,000.00/hectare to N Feb. 1,2016 to a max of$5,000 or$1.00/m3 a max of$5,000+$2.00/m3 of whichever is greater imported fill One Year Extension $500.00 $1,000.00 N Feb. 1,2016 Penalty&Investigation Fee New $5,000.00 N Feb. 1,2016 Erosion&Sediment Control Security New 100%of estimated cost of N Feb. 1,2016 Erosion&Sediment Control Measures • Road Damage Security Rural Paved Road $5,000.00/km $5,000.00/km N No Increase Rural Surface Treat/Gravel Road $10,000.00/km $10,000.00/km N No Increase Subdivisions Development Services Based on Total cost of Municipal Based on Total cost of Municipal Works3 Works3 Engineering Review Fee' 1.25%with a minimum of 1.25%with a minimum of N April 1,2016 Detailed Design Package $2,000.00 $5,000.00 Surcharge for 4th Submission of 33.3%of total Engineering Design 33.3%of total Engineering N April 1,2016 Detailed Design Package(payable Review Fee Design Review Fee with a at submission)2 - minimum of$2,600.00 Additional surcharge for 20%of total Engineering Design 20%of total Engineering Design N April 1,2016 Submission of each Detailed Review Fee Review Fee with a minimum of Design Package after 4th $2,600.00 Submission(payable at submission)2 Development Services 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap )ble Effective Date Inspection Services Based on Total cost of Municipal Based on Total cost of Municipal Works3 Works3 <$250,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 N No Increase $250,000-500,000 6.00% 6.00% N No Increase $500,000-$1.5 million 4.50% 4.50% N No Increase $1.5 million-$5.0 million 3.75% 3.75% N No Increase >$5 million 3.50% 3.50% N No Increase Site Plans Development Services Engineering Review Fee 1 Development Site Area<= 1,000 Development Site Area<=1,000 N No Increase Detailed Design Package m 2,fix fee of$1,000 m 2,fix fee of$1,000 Development Site Area Development Site Area N No Increase 1,001 m 2 to 3000 m 2 fix fee of 1,001 m 2 to 3000 m 2 fix fee of $3,000 $3,000 Development Site Area Development Site Area N No Increase >3,001 m 2 based on the sliding >3,001 m 2 based on the sliding scale of Total cost of Civil Works scale of total cost of Civil Works4 noted below noted below <$250,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 N No Increase $250,000-$500,000 6.00% 6.00% N No Increase $500,000-$1.5 million 4.50% 4.50% N No Increase $1.5 million-$5.0 million 3.75% 3.75% N No Increase >$5 million 3.50% 3.50% N No Increase Surcharge for submission of each . $2,600.00 $2,600.00 N No Increase Detailed Design Package after 3rd submission(payable at submission)2 Inspection Services Based on Total cost of Civil Based on Total cost of Civil Works Works <$250,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 8%with a minimum of$5,000 N No Increase $250,000-$500,000 6.00% 6.00% N No Increase $500,000-$1.5 million 4.50% 4.50% N No Increase $1.5 million-$5.0 million 3.75% 3.75% N No Increase >$5 million 3.50% 3.50% N No Increase Surcharge for more than two inspections $820.00 per inspection $820.00 per inspection N No Increase required due to unaddressed deficiencies identified during earlier inspections(payable at inspection) Land Division Development Services Engineering Review 2 proposed lots New $250.00. April 1,2016 3-4 proposed lots New $500.00 April 1,2016 5-8 proposed lots New $1,000.00 April 1,2016 >8 proposed lots if not completed New $2,500.00 April 1,2016 as a Draft Plan of Subdivision Clearance of Conditions 2 proposed lots New $500.00 April 1,2016 3-4 proposed lots New $1,000.00 April 1,2016 5-8 proposed lots New $2,000.00 April 1,2016 >8 proposed lots if not completed New $5,000.00 April 1,2016 as a Draft Plan of Subdivision Development Agreements Inspection Services New 4%of the total cost of Municipal April 1,2016 . Works Development Services 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date • Other Fees Re-circulation of Drawings due to $2,600.00 • $2,600.00 N No Increase • revisions by Owner(payable at re- circulation) Engineering Studies 5(payable at N No Increase submission of study) New Study $7,500 per Study $7,500 per Study N No Increase Update or amendment to existing • $2,500.00 per Study $2,500.00 per Study N No Increase study Peer Reviews 6 Full recovery of City costs+ 10% Full recovery of City costs+10% N No Increase admin.Fee admin. Fee Miscellaneous submissions not identified greater of percentage fee(based greater of percentage fee(based N No Increase under a fee category as determined by on Total cost of civil works)6.6% on Total cost of civil works)6.6% the Director,Engineering&Public Works or estimated hourly rate$125/hr or estimated hourly rate$125/hr or designate min of 4 hours min of 4 hours Footnotes 1.75%of the Engineering Review Fee payable at 2nd Submission,with the resulting 25%payable at signature of subdivision/site plan agreement. 2.Above noted surcharges shall be discounted by 50%should less than half of the total plans/reports require revisions at the discretion of the Director,Engineering&Public Works or designate. 3.Municipal Works are defined as all future owned Municipal Works,excluding sanitary and water distribution works. • 4.Civil Works are definded as all privately owned Civil Works,excluding sanitary and water distribution works. 5.Review and approval of large scale major studies(Master Transportation Study, Master Environmental Servicing Plan, Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report for major complex Sites and/or to clear Draft Plan Conditions,major Official Plan Amendment,major Zoning or major Site Plan application on a large complex site. 6.Applicant is responsible for the City's full costs of undertaking the peer review of any study, report,drawing submitted in support of the design. This would include, but is not limited to hydrogeological,geotechnical&Slope stability,fluvial geomorphology,soils etc. • Finance Division User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee A HST cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) p(�,/N) Effective Date Bidders cost to pick bid document package. Range: Range: Price range based upon the size of the $50.00 to$250.00 $50.00 to$250.00 N No Increase document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports-relative to the size of the project Letter of Credit Administration Draw Fee $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase (Excluding Subdivision and Development Agreements) Returned Payments $45.00 $46.00 N April 4, 2016 Electronic Payment Correction $45.00 $46.00 N April 4, 2016 Post Dated Cheque Retrieval Fee $45.00 $46.00 N April 4, 2016 New Roll Number Set Up Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Residential Apportionment Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Commercial Apportionment Fee $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Ownership Change Administration Fee $30.00 $32.50 N April 4, 2016 Preparation of Property Tax Registration $450.00 $600.00 N April 4, 2016 Extension Agreement Receipt for Income Tax(per roll number) $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase *If you are 65 years of age or older as of $0.00 $0.00 N No Increase December 31, 2016, the fee for an Income Tax Receipt will be$0 for those properties in the RT tax class Property Tax Account Analysis/Research- $35.00/hr $35.00/hr N No increase includes archival records(One hour min.) Addition of water/sewer lien per roll number $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Addition of POA lien per roll number $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Addition of Development Charges lien per roll $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase number Duplicate Tax Bill per roll number $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Statement of Account per roll number $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase • Overdue/Arrears Notices $5.00 $5.00 N No Increase Tax Certificates-No Verbal provided $65.00 $65.00 N No Increase Tax Certificates Faxed (24 hour turn around) $85.00 $85.00 N No Increase 357/358 Applications $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase (Depending on value of rebate) Fee for section 357 applications be waived for tax relief applications filed under s.357(1)(1.d)for poverty and sickness. _ Tax Collection/Tax Registration Letters $30.00 $35.00 N April 4, 2016 Tax Billing for Mortgage Company $12.50 $12.50 N No Increase (Annual fee for Final Payment Listing Per roll number) _ Farm Debt Letter $65.00 $65.00 N No Increase Fire Services Department 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap )ble Effective Date Information Copy of Fire Incident Summary Report $125.00 $150.00 N April 1, 2016 Fire Reports/Records(not applicable to formal $125.00 $150.00 N April 1, 2016 requests in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, including requests from property owner and/or other government agencies) File Searches (Searches from our existing filing $125.00 $150.00 N April 1, 2016 network) Inspections Legal Inspections (Generally requests from legal $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 firms) Multi-Unit Residential Inspections $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 (upon request) Boarding/Lodging/Rooming House Inspections New $200.00 Y April 1, 2016 (upon request) Institutional Inspections (upon request) New $200.00 Y April 1, 2016 Educational Occupancy Inspections(upon New $200.00 Y April 1, 2016 request) Mercantile Inspections(upon request) $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 Business and Personal Services Inspections $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 (upon request) Industrial Inspections (upon request) $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 Day Care Inspections(upon request) $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 Group/Foster Home Inspections $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 (upon request) Occupant Load Inspections(upon request) $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 Liquor Licensing Requests(includes occupant $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 load calculations) (upon request) Inspection requests not within scheduled hours Actual Costs Actual Costs N No Increase of work (if applicable, includes (if applicable, includes other additional rates) other additional rates) Federal and/or Provincial Property Inspections $300.00 $410.00 N April 1, 2016 (upon request) (Not applicable to properties with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)) Alarm Response First response to malicious and/or nuisance Nil Nil N No Increase false alarms,for same address, within 12 month period Second and subsequent malicious and/or $410.00 $450.00 N January 1, 2016 nuisance false alarms,for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched First response to false alarm as a result of work Nil Nil N No Increase being performed on a fire alarm system or emergency system, for same address,within 12 month period Fire Services Department User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee A HST cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) pplica Effective Date Second and subsequent false alarm as a result $410.00 $450.00 N January 1, 2016 of work being performed on a fire alarm system or emergency system, for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched First response to unapproved open air burning, Nil Nil N No Increase for same address, within 12 month period Second and subsequent response to $410.00 $450.00 N January 1, 2016 unapproved open air burning, for same address, within 12 month period, per fire apparatus dispatched Fires on or beside rail lines (Railway properties) Actual Costs Actual Costs N No Increase (if applicable, includes (if applicable, includes use of fire apparatus use of fire apparatus and other additional and other additional rates) rates) Other Security Key Safes(Boxes) $125.00 $150.00 N April 1, 2016 If it is necessary to retain private contractor, rent Actual Costs(If Actual Costs(If N No Increase special equipment not normally carried on a fire applicable, includes applicable, includes apparatus in order to determine origin and use of fire apparatus use of fire apparatus cause, suppress or extinguish a fire, preserve and other additional and other additional property, prevent fire spread, make safe or rates) rates) otherwise eliminate an emergency Standby for movie shoots Actual staffing costs Actual staffing costs N January 1, 2016 plus$200.00 per hour plus$450.00 per hour for use of fire for use of fire apparatus and any apparatus and any other additional rates other additional rates Propane facility fire protection and safety review $300.00 $300.00 N No Increase of Risk and Safety Management Plan Fire Extinguisher Training $150.00 $200.00 N April 1, 2016 Fire apparatus on scene of a motor vehicle $410.00 $450.00 • N January 1, 2016 accident and/or fire for non resident(MTO Rates) Legal Services 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date Notary $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Draft Plan of Subdivision Agreement $7,000.00 $7,000.00 Y No Increase Amending Subdivision Agreement- Major $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Y No Increase Amending Subdivision Agreement-Minor $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Site Plan Control Agreement(Standard $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase Form) Site Plan Control Agreement (Custom $2,000.00 $2,500.00 Y January 1, 2016 Form) Amending Site Plan Agreement $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Development Agreement- Major $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Y No Increase Development Agreement-Minor $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Y No Increase Development Agreement-Amendment- $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase Major Development Agreement-Amendment- $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Minor Combined Site Plan/Development $6,000.00 Delete Agreement Approval Package Fee (Release to $1,000.00 $1,250.00 Y January 1, 2016 Registry Office) SDA Approval Package Fee (Release to $1,000.00 Delete Registry Office) Part Lot Control By-law -Base Fee $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase - Per Unit Fee $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase -Secondary Process Fee $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Assumption Package Fee $1,500.00 $2,000.00 Y January 1, 2016 Road Dedication/Naming $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase By-law Proc. Road Closing Process (Preparation of all $1,000.00 $1,200.00 Y January 1, 2016 documents to stop-up and close, i.e. Notices, RTC, By-laws) _ Transfer of Land/Easements $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Transfer Release&Abandonment $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Model Home Agreement $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Miscellaneous Agreements/Processes/By- $1,200.00 $1,200.00 Y No Increase laws(road improvements, servicing, spacial separation, noise related) Miscellaneous Agreements (spacial $900.00 Delete separation/noise related, etc.) Pre-Servicing Agreements New $3,500.00 Y January 1, 2016 Right of Re-entry Letters/Assumption $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Request Documentation Search Fee Process-Per PIN $25.00 $25.00 _ Y No Increase Document Download-Teraview(Per $15.00 $15.00 Y No Increase Document) Administration Fee- Letter of Credit Draw $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Insurance (Per Draw) Legal Services 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Ap�Y/N)ble Effective Date Miscellaneous Reporting/Disbursement $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Fees(up to 5 Documents) Each additional document $50.00 $50.00 No Increase Teraview/Document Review Sign-off $60.00 $60.00 Y No Increase Release of-Agreements- Development $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Related Release of Agreements- $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Encroachment/Licence/ Miscellaneous Release of Easements(Preparation and $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase processing of By-laws, RTC, Resolutions) Release of Miscellaneous • ,$300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Documentations(Certificates/Orders, Postponements, Notices) Encroachment Agreement $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase (Renewal/Assignment) Encroachment Agreement $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Y No Increase Demolition Agreement $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase • • • Legislative Services Division 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable Effective Date Lotteries Bazaar, Break open Raffle 1.5% of gross prize 1.5% of gross prize N No Increase value(minimum fee of value(minimum fee of $15.00) $15.00) Other Marriage Licence $125.00/ea $125.00/ea N No Increase Marriage Ceremonies $250.00/ea $250.00/ea Y No Increase Burial Permits $25.00/ea $25.00/ea N No Increase Tree Cutting Permit $100.00/ea Moved to By-Law Photocopying Up to five pages free—additional pages $0.50/ea $0.50/ea Y No Increase Council Agenda $350.00/yr $350.00/yr Y No Increase Executive/Planning Agenda $350.00/yr • $350.00/yr Y No Increase Commissioning &Certification of $20.00 up to 5 $20.00 up to 5 N No Increase Documents(commissioning for signatures signatures pension forms is unofficially exempt) $5.00 per signature after $5.00 per signature 5 after 5 • • • • Public Works HST User Fee or Charge 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee Appl cable Proposed Fee (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) (YEN) Effective Date Sports Tournaments - User Fee $500.00/weekend $500.00/weekend N No Increase Excludes league tournaments (2-3 days) (2-3 days) $250.00/day $250.00/day Sport Camps- User Fee $500.00/week(Full Park) $500.00/week(Full Park) N No Increase $250.00/week(Partial $250.00/week (Partial Park) Park) Park Permit Fee $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Temporary Fence Enclosures(Beer $175.00 $175.00 N No Increase Tent) Sport Field Lighting Fee Youth Groups$11.00/hr Youth Groups$11.00/hr N No Increase Adult Groups$21.00/hr Adult Groups$21..00/hr Sports Field Booking Permit Fee $25.00/field/season $50.00/field/season N April 1, 2016 Artificial Turf Soccer Field. Rates to be Youth Groups$30/hr. Youth Groups$40/hr. N April 1, 2016 phased in over 2015 and 2016 Adult Groups $60/hr. Adult Groups $80/hr. Road Occupancy Permits $55.00 $55.00 N No Increase Road Occupancy Permits with $55.00 $55.00 N No Increase Barricades (including street parties) Special Events/Picnics/School Events- $100.00 $125.00 Y April 1, 2016 Picnic Tables (5 per load)- Delivery& Pick Up Special Events/Picnics/School Events- $25.00 $30.00 Y April 1, 2016 Garbage Cans (5 per load) Delivery& Pick Up Special Events/Picnics/BBQ's/School $25.00 $30.00 Y April 1, 2016 Events- Barricades(5 per load) Delivery& Pick Up Road Cut Degradation Fee NeW $25/m2 of pavement cut N April 1, 2016 Driveway Entrance Curb Cut Min Charge$207.00 Min Charge$225.00 Y April 1, 2016 $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $42.00/m (5.3m plus) Driveway Entrance 9 metres x 400 $1,600.00 $1,650.00 N April 1, 2016 millimetres Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 $1,600.00 $1,650.00 N April 1, 2016 metres Plus$165.00 per metre Plus $175.00 per metre in in excess of 9 metres excess of 9 metres Plus$45.00 per coupler Plus$45.00 per coupler when required when required Public Works 2015 Current Fee 2016 Proposed Fee HST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding HST) (Excluding HST) Applicable (Y/N) Effective Date Driveway Entrance extension of $175.00 per metre $175.00 per metre N No Increase existing culvert Plus $45.00 per coupler Plus$45.00 per coupler Min Charge$250.00 Min Charge $250.00 Driveway Entrance, culvert other than Contract Cost Contract Cost Y No Increase as described above (time and material) (time & material) New rural driveway entrance $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase (No Culvert) Commemorative Tree and Plaque $600.00 $600.00 N No Increase Commemorative Bench and Plaque $1,200.00 $1,200.00 N No Increase Hydro/lighting charges for tennis courts $300.00 per court per $300.00 per court per N No Increase season season Encroachment Agreement(New)— $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase must be registered • Encroachment Agreement(Renewal)— $200.00 $200.00 . N No Increase must be registered Registration of Encroachment $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Agreements Assignment of Encroachment $200.00 $200.00 N No Increase Agreements Seniors and Persons With Disabilities $30.00 $30.00 Y No Increase Snow Removal Program • For those individuals receiving $0.00 $0.00 N No Increase GAINS*, the fee for the Seniors and Persons With Disabilities Snow Removal Program will be $0.00 * Guaranteed Annual Income System • • • ATTACHMENT#3 °® REPORT#Fijti 09/03/2016 2016 Draft Current&Capital Budgets , March 10.2016 • Introduction Budget Development Principles • Maintain our level of services • Addressing our Infrastructure Deficit(1%Special Levy) • • Opportunity&Flexibility(Grant funding opportunities) • Preparing for Growth(Seaton Fire Hall) z • Asset Management Plan or AMP Reporting Requirements Federal Gas Tax or FGT agreement approved by Council in April 2014 requires the •City to have an AMP by December 31,2016. The AMP is required for ALL tangible capital assets using FGT dollars. Without the AMP—Pickering may lose some or all of its FGT dollars($2.6 million). Last year's changes to the DCA,require an AMP to be part of the DC Background Study. The AMP would have to include the following: • Description and condition of the asset-Outside experts •Level of service—i.e.are the roads safe,reliable,speed limit adjustments •Planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected level of service • Financing planning 8 long term budgeting(10 year infrastructure budget) 3 • 1 09/03/2016 • Outstanding Assessment Appeals .462,000; 1' CVA UNDER TAX YEAR .APPEAL.._ -_4OF APPEALS. • X2621000.' 1 '.'.:254,629,000 5: '.111;552;040 32 ' x'758,039,649 • . 102 826,655;000 •60. -`:890.2.51;-704"`!-:,. :64'..': "Total ^3403,353:389 ?. 4 Source: MPAC Data, February 23,2016 Who Has Filed These Appeals? (Provincial Based Appeals) -._.PROPERTY.__ -__ CANADIRNTIRE CORPORATIONITO - -- •d • CINEPLEXENTERTAINMENTLP • . HOMEOEPOTHOLDINGSINC • LIDUINICONTROLROARDOPONTARIO 2• IORTAWPROPFR3ESLTO- - ''-4 LOwESCOMPANIES INC '3:'� SEARS CANADA INC. 24''.. SHOPPERSDRUOMART• - - 3 TARGETCANADA-CO.- - . - THE 6RICR WAREHOUSE - 3 TOYS°R505'(CANA00)TI) •3. WAL-MARTCANADA LORP . �'3 WINNERSMFOCHANTSINTERNATIONAL LP - - -_3' 5 Source: MPAC Data, February 23,2016 Pickering's Appeal Funding Strategy For 2015 and prior year's appeals-$775,000 • For 2016 appeals only-$525,000- Budget report will include the following recommendations: That the Treasurer be authorized to fund property tax write-offs that exceed the budget provision from the Assessment Appeal Reserve if the property tax write-offs create a deficit position for the City. If the Assessment Appeal Reserve is depleted,a further recommendation will provide the Treasurer the authority to fund additional property tax refunds from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. - The net outcome from the appeals could be low or negative assessment growth for 2017. 6 2 • 09/03/2016 • • Preparing for the Next Re- Assessment Cycle Outside consultant has identified 30 to 40 commercial/industrial properties that are under assessed Outside consultant will meet with MPAC representatives to discuss findings and analysis. Strategy is to have the assessment values corrected for the next re- assessment cycle that starts on January 1,2017. In December 2016,staff will receive the new tax roll for the 2017 taxation year. If the consultant is not successful— staff would recommend to Council to file assessment appeals by March 31,2017(Budget Report) 7 2016 Uncontrollable Cost Pressures • Hydro 9.0% • Road rehabilitation materials&supplies 5.75% • Durham Region Water 5.0% • Commercial software&Maintenance contracts 10.0% Declining Dollar • - • Current level: $1 CDN= $0.71 USD (was$0.87 USD Dec 2014) • Direct impact -City buys large equipment/vehicle items ' from the US such as major fire vehicles,dump trucks, heating and ventilation equipment. 2016 Draft Budget Summary 2016 • .' Increase I :Draft BLIP= aleatusl e tgam A Gityi i g¢ces ';;,,357425,576".s1e139.366.`}':*8,864.9,W !Rate Stabilization Crams Return of Prior Y 5 rolu es) BTo471,1) w. ; iWe,963eg d BaSeBudget POShc011�.s55785,613't3/,Ne,aei 557:224,981. um. (Proposed Special Levies For Council Consideration I I linrrastructureinvestments IReads 8 Bridges Specie)Low(Year 3) 55rpoo r 557iono r,coy BlAccelerated lnfraeiuqure rograrn(211P) Il u�rwr�'„� ;6jas troy _ ISab,Total-, x;,51 114;000,C51114,008 f on F ILE°Streetlights Replacement Program Il iau.oar75, - opt; G Recommended aidget'position s2.ria..3aBB 778 Ise;le 981_4.90%,( 9 • 3 09/03/2016 How is the Residential Tax Bill Split? • Pickering 29.41% •Durham Region 55.36% •School Boards 15.23% ,,, ie_.) s ;. Reidential?ax•Bill`°'"—"Pickering Share' 10 2016 Draft Budget Residential Property Taxpayer Perspective L_Budget Levy Impact On Total Residential Property Tax Bill _ L I' II I ! Proposed i : Tax Levy % 811 �- -- �';Increase 1 Atdcatlon lmpadt I_clty8ase§lemces 260•/. E i2941°6'17,06. ' :Special Levies For Council Consideration —jr • Infrastructure lmesen Ms _i.i Roads B Bridges(Year 2) 1.00% i I 0.29% . AIP' 1.00% ' II 029% laub Total(B»e a IMt>abucture) H 1.34% LED Street lights 1 O.so% .. II 009% . - PPP Cam"(! ,:-;..i. 90%..—.... "ir69%'.:r. __ Add: _.. I._ Durham Region f j 1.65% _ 55.36%] 0.91% _ Total Levy Impact:! 2.34% LIP.,� mla�„ nm I I. n 2016 Tax Rate Progress with our GTA Neighbors (York Reoion I C !Richmond Hill I p 2;'57/o _1 !Markham 2.06% !Vaughan ' I 2.00% !Newmarket I 1 2.35% (Peel Region I ..:1., — s c 2 !Mississauga _! E '2_5D/o ?"P.ackenng. IBrampton I ry,,,,2i9D/o,_' \ ?_ Marton Region i IBudington --- L 2.45/ i Oakville -- I1.66% IMOo _ _ 71/n i i !Halton Hills I 2.30% I 12 4 • 09/03/2016 Durham Lakeshore Levy Increases Ajax 2.75% Oshawa 2.52% Whitby 4.59% The was no information available on the Clarington website regarding their proposed 2016 levy increase. 13 • 2016 Budget Property Tax Impact 1 Financial Impact of Budget Levy Increases on Residential Property Taxes -_- _ For Average Residential Assessment School j Assessmentl city 3€nion Boa@ Total I I 2015 II 376,900 I$1,419.04 102.670 87 I; $734.96J1$4,824.87 2016 Base Len Increases;I 2.60% 1.-:,65% J Dollar lnctease $36:80 5+14'.07 8097 2016.8 eLevyl --- � 1 $4,90584^ • • se 2016 Special Levies Roads&Bridges(1.014) r1111'21-61 $14.19 AIP _ l■ 14119'. 14.19 LED Street ligyJT) ,".v 5 I 11___52§))_ )_ Total Spedal Levies _ 9264;1 I54.938464. The above alwbton gnares pertyur shifts...seasonal roletetl increases above 324%. ■ 14 • Durham Lakeshore Comparison Infrastructure Assets Municipality TCA(Cost) TCA(NPV) Population Assets Assets Tangible Net Per Capita Per Capita Capital Asset Book Value NBV Cost rckerig9 5420,786,970 5214;470833 _C-6-71-146. A)ax 5704,245,339 1 $517,753 596�� 120.540 1 54 295 $5 842, • Whitby r $95.5 1604[$618221,623 132 6/ 345 $41 ". .37.223 Oshawa- sh 5922 425 31311 0574.878 247 160.000 11 03,593_ $5 765 'Clam'ng[on �$&SO,Sli6852�$40Bfi38974�89,987 I $4,Sg3' �,$7 The above information is based on the 2014 Audited Financial Statements. 15 5 09/03/2016 Another Perspective—Comparison of Infrastructure Assets infrastructure Assets scam ��:6�i>Gia aAn«xvw Gxe you sawn nektriu9 6ja WIAtay Oshwa C-larhlawn 16 Roads&Bridges 1%Special Levy Council Rpt ENG 21-13,established the City's asset management plan for roads and bridges.(RAMP—Roads Asset Management Plan). RAMP report identified the need for the City to spend$100.0 million for roads and bridges infrastructure over ten years or$10.0 million per year. The long term goal is to have$5.0 million in sustainable funding to help address the infrastructure funding deficit. Staff are asking for Councils support to have an additional 1%special levy for roads and bridges in 2016. The 2016 capital budget uses$801,260 in financing from the roads&bridges reserve fund. 17 • Recommended Roads&Bridges Special Levy s,2so0,000,�• s,1A0n,000 • 5,1-500,000.1` 14, s,t,doo.000 ,p 2015 2016 2017 2018 it Yr 1 Levy is Yr 2 Levy r Yr 3 Levy•Yr Levy The 1%special levy compound special levy will be required for the current term of Council. Durham Region has successfully employed a similar dedicated"Step approach." 6 09/03/2016 • . Accelerated Infrastructure Program or A.I.P. Staff are asking for a 1%special levy to be applied towards the roads and bridges infrastructure deficit. The 1%special levy funding would be used to participate in the Federal Government anticipated infrastructure funding program. In the most recent Federal Fiscal update,the Government stated that it is still committed to"growing the economy through infrastructure investments." 19 Accelerated Infrastructure Program or A.I.P. 1%Special Levy $4.5 million—10 Yr Debt $557,000 Capital Budget Book Page 6 Anticipated Federal Government Infrastructure Initiatives (Assume:Historical 1/3 funding Relationship—Federal,Provincial&Municipal) $4.5 million-10 Yr Debt $4.5 m Capital Budget Book _ - 1/3 Funding Model /i could range up to — $13.5 M. tft Bottom(Page 8) 1 ; 20 How Will the AIP Work? • March 22nd Federal Budget Released •Staff will study/analyze budget documents regarding grant/infrastructure programs •2016 Budget report will update Council on possible grant/infrastructure opportunities. Federal Government Infrastructure Program Application based funding model—staff will prepare applications for the those projects that meet the criteria Grant funding model—similar to FGT. Budget report will include preliminary direction/strategy regarding projects. 21 7 • • 09/03/2016 • LED Street Lights Project LED Street light Project -- tMIIiiont !Project Cost j !Less: ,saseoNenergy incentives(Est.), I 0.70: INetproject Cost t, • !Funding Sources: !Federal Gas Tax $4.00 .10 Year Extemal Debt 1.512 Total $5.50 ,. .•Incentive Itincling is received otter the project is completed and the energy.yings are unrifled. • The$5.5 million cost includes replacement of all of the Bay Ridges neighbourhood • wooded poles(approximately 300). Wooden poles have a life expectancy of 20 to 30 years. In addition,there are sufficient dollars to replace other wooden poles in other areas such as West Shore Neighbourhood. 22 Current Street Light Costs • 2014 2015 2015 'Streetlights• ACtuals YTI) lApprovedlINC./OEC. Budget • Actuals ! Budget I lExpendltures 'Insurance Premium 7,2191 7,6461 7,7041 0, 7,704 • iConsulting&Prof essionaH 0, 50,000L-34,962 15,038 I Misc Equip Repairs 386,9401 507,440, 500,0001 -50,000 450,000 I Utilities-Hydro 710159 ::7789,739 790,119! 770121 7 867131 • I Other Minor Fixed Assets 15,473; 65,990, 45,0091 -20,000, 25,000 Total Expenditures 1,119,801; 1,364,81511,397,823 -77,980r 1,364,873 ITrans.Cont.Studies Res. 01 0. fE -5,038! -5,038 Total Transiers 0" -5,038 -5,038 Net AMM' AMM144UM 4DLZIZ 22.1%increase in hydro costs in 2 years. . • 23 Current Budget Book-Page 220 • Bay Ridges Wooden Poles • 24 Current Budget Book-Page 228 • • 8 09/03/2016 LED Street Lights Project 0.30%Special Levy Street Light Operating Costs(Hydro&Maintenance) • Cost UNA..4 Savings 0250.010 5'756%040 5500.040. 050.040 -F" Sheet Oahu It is estimated that the City could save$4.6 million in six years due to lower energy and maintenance costs. 25 • 2016 Capital Budget Capital Budget Summary 2006 to 2016 0440 ran, MAMA. LED Streetlights MectOPOte— Twee Campy Replacement cleMence t. - 1011com Entree°. etetalateent it CPO. 11-1111-111 I.& e e re' e e e • • 2016 Capital Budget 2016 Capital Budget$57.87 Million By Project Classification trttrxstrucro 27 • 9 • 09/03/2016 2016 Capital Budget 2016 Capital Budget$57.67 Million • ByAsset Category 8zeewr 15 I Sywtten.15.51 10% J.lei• f l'ahbiwB EVwCmm: �S•5�'7998 l L2c,n.55C.5x The 526.0 million"fillings Rd Op Centre has skewed the breakdown for 2016. 28 2016 Capital Budget By Financing Source 2016 Capital Budget by Financing Source($57.87 Million) 216 nert, v w:.n Hobo 29 2016 Major Capital Projects Pilings Road Op Centre $26.0 million LED Street lights 5.5 AIP 4.5 Delaney Improvements 2.2 Civic Complex Accessibility 13 Sub Total $39.5 million 2016 Funding Request for Design&Construction in Future Years'Capital Budget Seaton Fire Hall—Design($356,500)-Construction($5.3 million) 30 10• 09/03/2016 • Tillings Rd. Op Centre Tillings Rd Op Centre Financial Summary_ i :Phase One-Design&Project Mgmt 1 ! $1 400 000 (Phase Two-Construction Costs I _•600 000 Total Project Cost r M r 41 , i — —_ (Funding Sources: __- I.( I I DC_operations Centre—0 I I 3%183,200 !Operations Centre Reserve Fund' __16 816 800 +'Total Funding Sources ! $26-000-000• "The Budgetplan is based on the City selling the surplus land on Clements and Brock Rd to generate in excess of 512.850 million. - • It is strongly recommended that the City does not start Phase Two until the land revenues have been received by the City. 31 Seaton Fire Station Operating Costs • (Annual Estimated Operating Expenditures (Full Year Costs) ;Salaries&Benefits(20 staff) i$ 2,059,050 II Fi`fighter equipment 82,650 I Utilities I 25,000 (Fuel • i 18,000 ;Other 125.000 ;Total $ 2,309,700 Funding Sources— (Seaton Pro( Taxes ; $ 2,309,700 !Total $ 2,309,700 I i , ITnirxl of the fire hat is related to the development(growth) jot Seaton. You would need approximately 1,370 homes in Seaton to cover the estimated Seaton fire hall operating costs. 32 Debt Management • The citys debt guideline limits the total debt charges to 15%of taxation revenues. • Debt Charges as a%of Taxation Revenues 16% • 14% I -~ 12%�- -------10% : • 6% 4% _ •- 2% I 0% 2012 2013 2014 3215 2016 2017 2018 2018 2032 —Council Target -.-Debt Charges as%of Taxation Revenues • • • • 11 • 09/03/2016 • City of Pickering Forecasted Draft Debt Charges(Interest&Payments) $Millions $10.0 $9.C• JA— -- $8.6—-------- ------ ---------- ---__. . $7.6 $6.0 ►j $2 G-- $1.0-- — --------- --- S0.0 2012 2213 21" 2015 2016 2017 201E 2219 2020 The City's debt commitments as of December 31,2016 is estimated to be$34.3 m Council can control the timing of capital projects that in-turn will impact on the debt payments. • as Long Term Financial Forecast �IT3 ":.2016 j720.17. -201117,"2019 2020 ' 1� Draft y�Proform (Prof r a.:_Prot m Prof Profoa'.. l tSUDGETot6UOGET 9UDGET: BUDGET 's$8Drala F cay Bare Butlpe I--- — Le (Inc.Growth I I 50% .01-ceuralcormek,A k•-• IDeaee.n Drew Ram stabarcatton 11 -. at. 1 .5o i; _ ii 77 _ --{ Roads 8 IP Be L VY L W 1.W% 1 1.00% ._- I LED Str teLg I 30 I' 1f it , 4S% f.m-430X +aex oo_oaf,."a.so ssoi: Fence Levy IC4y Share DCF rd rgl I L '-_ I 035, oso, `it=.]5X_ There are many factors that may change the financial forecast such as: assessment growth,interest rates and senior level grant funded capital projects. 35 Grants Budget Housekeeping This is the second year for the grants policy The grants policy needs to be tweaked from an accountability perspective. 1. That the City's Treasurer be authorized on a random basis to conduct an annual review of grant expenditures. If any organization refuses to participate in the review-that they be automatically disqualified from future grant funding requests. 2. That the grant application deadline for 2017 be September 30,2016. 36 • 12 • 09/03/2016 2016 Budget Report Recommendations will include the following: 1. Council to confirm that the budget was developed using the cash basis of accounting as per Ontario Regulation 264/09. 2. Any committee decisions to be re-allocated to their proper cost centre for accounting and expenditure control purposes. • 3. Grant housekeeping recommendations. 4. Delete prior capital budget approvals such as Clements Rd Op Centre and 2015 Dunbarton Pool project. • • • 37 March 22"d—Federal Budget • 2016 Grant Ready Proiects . • (AIP)for Roads&Bridges • Accessibility—First Floor Civic Complex Renovations Major Grant Opportunity—Apply for the entire project Minor Grant Opportunity—Apply for the washroom component($65k) • Heritage Grant Opportunity—Conservation Barn Project 38 • Thank You • Questions? 39 13