HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 15-00„ ,r � i � i - '�' ,�' ,� `` IOO� ,rOR�/ � . �`� �; REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: June 5, 2000 Division Head Municipel Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 15-00 � SUBJECT: Public Works O�cials Within Durharn Region "Who Does What” Committee Services Reviaw Stage I Report RECOMIvtENDATION; 1. Thet Repod MPE 15-00 ngarding the "Who Does WheP' services review ba received for information and 2, That the "Who Does What" Srnices Review Stage I Report, May 2000, undcr separate wver, be received for infocmaticn, and 3. That lhe recommrndalions within lhc "Who Does WhaP' Service Review Stagc I Report be endoraed, and this endorsement be fonvarded to Rcgional Council prior to June 28, 2000,and 4. That Council cndorse Pickering's participntion in the prepnration oF Slage II Temis of Refercnco to detrnnine business cases end implementution strategies for the service delivery concepts idcntified in 1hc Stage I Repori. OR[GIN: Resolution of Ragionni Council May 3l, 2000, requesting comments from Area Municipal Councils by lune 28, Z000. Resolution M 53/00 — Appendix #I, passed by City of Pickering Councii on April 3, 2000, endorsing Pickering's participation in this services review process. AUTHURITY: Resolution if 53/00 — Appendix #1, passed, April 3, 2000. FINANCIAL IIvfPLICATIONS: The financial implications with renpect to the Staga II rcport will be prcsented for wnsideretion in thr ^all of 2000. Tho Stage I repocYa finencial impact, which is tho cost of the study was prese:rced iu Report MPH OS•OD. .. .: , _ , . .�... r. ' : . 3. . ,'. _ � �. . Y: ',+� _ y i { � � � -` RepoR to Council MPE 1 S•00 Data: June 5, 2000 , 101 Subjwt: Public Works Officials Wlthin Durham Region "Who Does Whet" Cmnmittco � , Srnices Roview Stage I Report Pagc 2 EXEC"tJTNB SUMMARY: Ainslie Wood of Wood-Sioan Inc., who has facilitated this proccss, will be in attendance lo present the Stage I Report's findings, conclusions and mommrndationa, Tho Stage I Rcport recommrnds conClpte far service delivery ihat the "Who Does What" Committa has considered. A?I recommrnded concep!s require validation tivough a comprehcnsive business casc and implei,:entaUon atrategy to be conducted at Stute II. Thc Tenns of Reference and estimatod wsts for a Stago II Report will be developed by Fall 2000. BACKGROUND: On January 26, 2000, t�e Council of the Region of Durham provided direction to lhe Public Works Officiels witl�it� Durham Region to prepare a report on tha "Who Does What" Sc�vices Review and to present lha findings by May 31, 2000. On April 3, 2000, the Council of the City of Pickering passed Raolution # 53/GO — Appendix #l, fomially endo�aing ataff to participate in the process. On April 5, 2000, ihe Interim Report of the "Who Does WhaP' Committee wos presented to Ihe Regional Works Committec, under cover report 2000-W-31and fonvarded to the City of Pickering. The Stage I RepoA, dated, Mey 2000, wns presenled to the Regionul Works Committte under cover reporl 2000-W-56 on May 23, 2000, and fonvarded to Regionol Council on May 31, 2000. TFc Regionnl Council receivcd the rcport and rcqualed it bc fonvarded to Area Municipal Councils for commrnt by Junc 28, 2000. The Stege I Repon nviews 11 l public works srniccs end provides several recommendations for servicc delivery concepts, all of which require furiher atudy/considcration. A Stage II report is rccommended to provide the business case and implementation strategy for the service delivcry conccpts idrntified in the Stege I RepoA. The "Who Does WhaP' Committee plans to develop Tcrms of Referencc and estimatcd cosls by September 2Q00. Thc Stege II report is anticipated to tnke eix months to complete from �he award of the nssignmrnt. IMPACT ON THE C[TY OF PICI�RING Thc Stage I Reporl presents U�irieen recommendations covmng a specwm oPservices, as well as the aspects of a Stage II RepoA. The following ia a brief comment on what the individuul recommendations mean to Pickering, as it alates to servicc delivecy. ROdD RITIONAWZATTON Retionalizing the road network, as ouUinul in Appendix G and discussed in Sxtion 6.1 would rosult in the following roads bcing trnnsferred to tha City af Pickering, ROAD FROM TO LENGTIi 1 Whitea Road— RR38 Ba 1 Street - RR22 South Limit 800 BrockRoad—RRI Ba 1 Street—RR22 SouthLimit 2100 � Finch Avenue RR37 Altona Road — RR27 Brock Road RRl ` 5 800 Liv ool Roed — RR29 Kin ton Ro¢d — RR H 2 i Finch Avmue RR37 1200 TOTAL ? 900 r� _ _ _ '• j Q 2 Repoit to Council MPB t 5-00 ' Dete: Iwio s; 2000 . Subjoct: Public Worka Ofliciele Within Durhem Reglon "Who Doea What" Commiueo Servicta Roview Stago I Reporl Page 3 The only road is this group with financial wnsideration approved in the Region'e "fivayear forecast, (2000-2004) dated April 2000, is Finch Avenue. Tticre is St50,000 in Environment AssessmenUDesign works and S1,500,000 for phazed canswction. � Tho Collowing roads would be transferted to the Region of Durham. ROAD FROM TO LENGTH Rossland Road(lhird Brock Road Pickering/Ajax Boundary 400 Concession Road RRl RECIONAL ROAD MAfNTENANCE The concept of Arca Municipalities providing mainlenance on Regional Roads is recammended. Aspecis of maintenance being considercd include road surface, shoulders, drainage, shuctures, roadside and winter control. As the Region would atain ownership and jurisdiction over the roads lhat are subject to this recommendation, the Region would also remain financially responsible for the maintenance costs. The City of Pickering and the Region oC Uurhem would discuss nnd agree on the extent oC Regional Roads that would be maintained by the City of Fickering, the timing/phasing•in of the secvice delivery, end the cost of providing thc scrvicc. RATIONAL/ZED DEPOT LOCATIONS The repon recommrnds thet Pickering's Works Centre remain in operetion as a depot for the Ciry of Pickering. The Regional Depot for Ajax and Pickering, which is located in Ajax, is recammrnded to be rotained and the Town of Ajax operation would also work out of this location. Thia muy result in somc Regional Scrvices for Pickering that cucrently work from this depot being relocated. ' PROJECT DES(GNAND SUPERt�lSlONOF CONSTRUCTION As Pickering and the Region alrcady have a cooperative arrangement on road end services conshuction projects, thero will be very little change as a result of this recommendation. The Ciry could design watermein and sanitary sewcrs on behalf of the Region of Durham for works on City roads, but finencial arrangements will be made to wmpensate. ENGINEERING DL VELOPMBNT APPLICATIONS The recommendation is for the Area Municipaliry to take the lead role in processing engincering developmrnt applicadons. This would result in Pickering reviewing and approving regi� nal services within subdivisions based on establiahed guidelines and criteria. This would be done by ihe Planning end Development Departmen� {f'E8D CONTROL Nsving Pickering rnforea the Weed Control Act on behalf of the Region of Dwfiam requires e , legislative change and would be done by Municipal Iaw Enforccmenl Oflicers of lho Clerks Divieion. COOPBR�TTVB VEHICLE/BQUIPMBNT PURCNASINC Thie mey allow for more compoNtive pricing, duo to volume. This would involvo thc Supply and Services funcdon of lhe Finana Department ' .. _ . _ .. ,, ,.. _ , - •r; , _, �_. , .. --- 1: }� i c;. : � Repod to Counctl MPB 15-00 Date; June 5,1000 1 n 3 Subjxt: Publ[c Worka Otficiale Within Durhem Region "Who Doea What" r.ocnmittee - : Services Revicx' Stage I Rcport Page 4 LICBNCESANDPERM/TS Pickering would bo able to takc applicadons and issuo certain pennits for Regional Roads within Pickering, which provides a onawindow epproach to servico delivery. SOL/D WAST6 COLLECTION The recommendation ro transfer the responsihility of sold waste collcetion to the Regional levol aftecta jurisdiction of the acrvice. Pickering's coilec6on is contracted out, so the impacts rolate to contract administration, customer service, levels of service, end services provided (what ia collected and how), all being transCerted to the Region. The concept of having one level of govemment rapansible for all aspects of solid waste allows for future efiicirncies in the service, and increased diversion from lendfill. Pickering ia currently working wilh t\jax and Whitby on a Cooperative tcnder for collection prepared by the Region, which could conform to this recommendetion if endorsed. STANDARDIZJNC CNARCEBACRS This recommendation would formulize and make consistent many of the inCormal arrangemrnis across the Region wlun x�ork is done by onc municipality on behalf of another. 'I'his would affecl Pickering's boundary agrcements for roads, as well as administration and supervision se�vices on Capital projects, such as rond reconstcuction with Regional components. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Region of Durhnm datcd June 2, 2000 2. Rovised Commissioner's RepoR of Works Committee dated May 23, 2000 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Ri Holb , Division Head Everett untsma, irec r 'cipal ecty & Engineering Operadons & Emergency Secvices RH:ds; Attachmenis u�cooriccav,�a i sm.noc Copy. Chief Administrative Offcer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council � � , ,,l/ ` . �. � M . . . . . � � - .. /'- ee J. ef Admi ' ivi cer ,. . , . ,... �- . ATTACHMEN7N�TOREPORTM�15rb0. � '" 1Q4 . , � : .' RECEIVE� � ; . . . • CiTV ryp pICKEflINq ' . . JUN �'5 2000 od.ilawmi«o.mu . . • 'June 2, 2000 . • .: • . � : CLERK'0 DIVI810N. ' euc� u �!��� '��`�-- ., . . . . . . . . ' n»nw�«� :. . M_,r�. a lor . , RECEIVED � o��owtw�i e�l fK y. . . , '. . ' . . � Tha CorporeUon of the City of Pickedng, .. ••• ' JUN 5-.2000 .'. aB� °opYt�� : One The Esplanade ° � CtTY pF : ,,;KERINO ' ' ���!�� Pickering, Onta�io ' ' . �rucsKmn�nrrsr�w�o eaeoKdxi . L1V8K7 . . . . • • wnmyc oro�to .. . � . • . 0 ..qnsd�L1NW . � . , . . . . . '. . . , . ��80�6°°'n�� . Re rt from the Publlc Works Ofticlais "Who.Does What" Committee .� r� ��os� eee-� Po - 12000•W-691- Our Ref: D08-02 � • � • P.Y.M�dB4�eL.' ' , . , p� ��` •� Mr, Taylor, the Works Committee of Regfonal Council considered the above .� • .' �: matter and at a meepng held on May 31, 2000; Council edopted the following �., . recommendatlon of the Committee, as amended: • 'THAT Report *2000-W-59 of the Comm(ssioner of Works and the.'Who , • ,:. Dcea WhaY SerVice Review - Stage 1 Report from lhe public Works • ' Officiala within Dufiam, be received for fnfonnadon; and be forwarded to Regbnal Council and !hd Area Municipaiitiea tor a response back to Regional . . ' , � Councfl by June 28, 2000; and .. . ' , : � �. . .. Tha following recrommendeUon ot 1he Finance & AdministraUon Committee �. ''• .., '.., was conaidered in canjunction N�th the recommendaUon o� the Works� • • . .. . Committee:, • .� �. `. THAT the Finance Uepartment, elong tvitti Public VJeiks Officials Wl)W Committee request tho Regfonal and Area Treasurat� to exemine the •. ' isauo of atenderdiz(ng charpebadcs between and among munic(palities for .: ' work carrfed out on the others' behalf."• . � ' � Enclosed, es dfrected, ls a copy of Report #2000-W-69 and the Mlho Does • . .• What' Servfce Review — Stage 1 Report. � ., . � ' ' P,M. Madql, AM.C.T. ' � . • " : • Regional Clerk . . '. . . ' , PMMIcs . . � ' . .. • ' � . .. Encl. • ' . . . , . . , x: ; • V,A. Silgall('s, Cortim(ssioner of Works . � ' . • • ' ' ' ' • , . '� � ;' . . �•� � � ,� _ . r• r ATTACHMEM r+ .�- TO REPORTq N� (5 � REV/SED Regioad Munidp�liry of Dnrh�m ` 1 n5 Worky Department . Commtesloner'i Report of Worke Commlttee Report 20U0-W59 Date M�y 13, 2000 Subiect , REPORT FROM THE PUHLIC WORKS OFFICIALS "WHO DOES WHAT" COMMITTEE �commendadan THAT Report N2000-W59 of the Commissioner Of Works and the "Who Dow What" Service Review Stage i Report from the Pubiic Works Otticiels within Durham, be received for information; and be fonvarded to Regional Council and the Area Municipalities. Rc°ort In rapanse to the direction of Regional Cauncil on Jenuary 26, 2000, the Public Works Officials within Durham have ban mating bi-wakly to wntinue the "Who Does What" Services Review, in order to repon back to Regional Councii by May 31, 2000. The Stnge 1 report, included separately, contains Ihe findings, conclusions and recommendations of the committee to date. . . During the course of the review, i l i Services contained in 8 servia area cfitegories, were identified, It wu acknowledged by the membero from the outset that it would not be possible to come forwerd with a saies of definitive recommendations, rather the commince hes developed a seriw of service delivery wnapts which it feels merit further study/consideration. SSI ' ' . �P f; .. . . = " ; _ .. . ..�;� . IT � . �. . . - ' . .. 44 . ,n , k ,t G `/z 3 �'\ ( � , i ?�s �' � F.- S.'�. f � V! S 1. `. J i . *: ��� ys e�`e � . Report 2000-W- 59 D�te , M�Y �� Z� >t Reoort contd Beforo wnsidcring implemeatetion of the proposed service delivery concepta, the Committa „ . requals additionnl, resources to essist it with Stage Il of this Review. Financial, Human Resources, Engineering, end Project Manegement resources are required to complete the • Review. The Committee enticipates the Stage lI Review will teke approximetely 6 months from the award of confract to completa It is planned that Tams of Refuena for Stege II, with utimated costs, will be pruented for the wnsider�tion of Works Committee and Council in Septembu of this yeaz. tinslie Wood of WoodSloan Inc., who has feciliteted this process, will be in auendana to present the atudy f ndings and to answer any questions related to the report. . • L� • � •G..: � V.A. Silgailis, . Eng. Commission of Works Recommended for Presentation to Committee ; ,/�' � itt, M.S.W.. ' Chief Adminiatrative Officer � . . . • , 45 ,. , . :,, :, . _� ,�j� .< < d J 1t.. . . . . �.. �v � ` ', �.... .