HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 46-0011 -; yr -��-��, i _- �[�:��Ic�l�� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Curmll DATE: December S, 2000 Director, Plenning & Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 46•00 SUBJL�C1': Review of the Durham Regional O�cial Plan RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council advise the Region of Durham that ►here is a need to revicw ihc Dutham Rcgional O1Tcia1 Plan and supports thc Region continuing with this inilialive; 2. Thal Council endorse Report Numbcr PD 46•00 and request that the Region of Durham address lhe issucs raised in Report Num6er PD 46-00 in its rcview of Ihc Durham Rcgional Official Plan; nnd, 3. 7'hat Council direct ihe City Clcrk to fonvazd n copy oC Rcport Number PD 4G•00 to thc Region of Durham. ORIGIN: Thc Regional Planning CommiUce, at its May 23, 2000 meeling, invitcd public input on the need to revicw lhe Durham Regional Official Plan and dirccled that Regional Commissi, ner's Report 2000-P-43 and the background paper cntided 'Regional Oflicial Plan Review, First Step - Issues", be circulaled to arca municipalities and othcr intcreslcd stakeholdcrs for rcvicw and comment. AUTHORITY: The PlannrngAc�, R.S.0.1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL Q�iPL[CATIONS: No direct costs to the Ciry are anticipated as a result of the recommendations contuined in this repoA. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: On April t5, 2000, Regional Council endorsed a lwo phaseJ approuch to thc rcview of tlic Durhum Regional Official Plan. As pnrt of thc first phasc, thc Rcgion of Durhnm is sccking comments an the need for a rcview of its Official Plan, which was udoplcd in 1991. Regioiinl Planning haa reportcd on a proposed proccss Cor the rcvicw, and presentccf a background report thal includes n summary of thc curtcnt atatus of thc O�icial Plnn, changes that hnvc occurted in the Region since 1991, ond an outline of fivc specific policy issucs suggestcd for revicw and possiblc rcvieion to tha Durhnm Plan, In nddition, Regional Planning CommiUcc hcld u smwrory mceting to hcar comments on the nccd to revicw thc Regional Plan. � Repori to Council PD 46-00 Date: Duember 5, 2000 Q(� 3 Subject: Review of Durham Rogionnl Official Ple�i Page 2 Pickering Planning & Development Depariment staff have revie�Hed thc background report and the Durhem Regional OfTiciel Plan. Staff believe that review of the Regianal Plan is necded at this time to address the fvc policy issues identified by Regional Pianning, to inwrporate iransportation system and E,olicy changcs that ure the subject of thc ongoing Durham Mobility Study, to update population and employment figures and projcetions, and lo address a number of other issues. It is further suggested that the Durhtun Regional O�cial Plan be reviewed to cither remove policies that duplicate adopted local otTicial plan policies or otherwise clarify lhat some Regional policics are nol to be applied whcre approved locai policies are in place. A general upgrading of thc Durham Regional Otiicial Plan is suggested to present a more progressive imaga fc� the new millenniutn. Staff supports the review of the Collow;ng policies as suggested by Regional Planning: • growth; . urban fotm; • commcrcial slruclure; • Oak Ridges Moraine; • non-Farm rural dcvelopment; and, • the transportation policies and system. Other issuea idcntified by Pickering stuli for rovicw include: • review and updnte of housing policies to reflcct changes lo Provincial legislation and progrums; • consideration of rcmoving urban scparator dcsignutions Gom ihe major opcn space system; . specific dcsignations far u fulure cxtcnsion of Clemcnts Road in Ajax, Finch Avenue west oCAltona Road and Townline Road north of Finch, Dixie Rond, and Uie freeway lo frecway connector between Highwny 407 to Highway 401; und, • n number of technical issues lisled in thc tcchnical appendix (sce Appendix n. In uddition, it is suggcsted that the study process be altercd to provide local municipalities with an opportunily to providc input to thc discussion papn�, and with thc opporlunity to obtain Council comments on them, prior to thcir adoption by Rcgional Planning Committce. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Overview I.1 Need For A Review The currenl Durham Re�ional Oflicial Plnn, which replaced the 1976 Plan, was odopted by Regional Coun�'I in t991 and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs nr.d Housing in 1993, The Plwming Act requires municipalities thnt havc udopted official pinns, "not Icss Gequently thnn every five yeurs, to hold a spcciul mceting of Council, opcn to the poblic, to detertnine the need for rcvision of thc Oflicial Plan". On April 15, 2000, Regionul Council cndorsed a two phascd upproach to thc rcvicw of the Durham Plan, Subscqucntly, an May 23, 2000, Regionul Plnnning Committcc rcccivcd Commissioner's Report No, 2000-P•43 (acc Commissioner's Rcport, Attachment NI) and thc background paper "Rcgional Otiicial Plan Rcvicw, First Step — Issucs" (scc First Stcp Rcpon, Attachment �2), invited public input on the necd to rcvicw the Durham Regional 011icial Plnn (DROP), and directed that thc repode bc cicculutcd lo areu municipnlidcs and othcr intcrostcd I O� 4 Report lo Council PD 46-00 Subjxt: Review of Durhem Regional O[ficial Plan Date: December 5, 2000 Page 3 stakeholders for review end comment. In addition, a statutory public meeting to hcar views on the need For a review was authorized. 1.2 Fronosed Process For A Review Regional Planning Repori No. 2000-P-43 outtined lhe proposed method for rcview of the Durham Regionel Official Plan (DROP). Phase 1: Phnse 1 of the review, intended to identify issues for the review, is cuRently undenvay. Stcps wilhin Phase 1 include thc following: . the "First Step" backgound repod; • tha statutory and other public meelings; and, • a second report intended to form a basis Car discussion on the need to rcview the Regional Plan, to ennlyce comments reccived, and to recommend n course of action and work program for the review. fhe Region held the slatutory public meeling in June of this yeaz, und over the summer, held othcr public meelings nnd reccived comments on the need for n revicw. Currently, the Region is reviewing lhe comments that were receiv�d. Thcir report on the need to review the Durham Plan, along with the nnalysis of the comments rcccived, is intended to proceed to Regional Planning Commitice in January of 2001. Pickcring's comments contained in Reporl PD 46•00 are intended to provide input to that repon. Phase 3: Phace 2 of the Plan Rcview program is to include n number of discussion papers on significant issues and to recommend amendments to the Regional O�icial Plan for the considerntion of the Regional Planning Committee and Regional Council. 1.3 The Region's Pr000sed Issucs For Rcview Thc "O�icial Plan Review - First Step - Issucs" bac�;�ound report briefly discusses rccent changes to the papulation, housing, cmployment, economy and agriculture in the Region of Durham und lhe other Regions in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The report then summarizes the stnicture and policies of the current Rcgional Plan, ihe unresolved issues (defertals) and amendments made since the 1991 DROP was adopted, identifies othar Regional initiatives that will impact on Ihe review of the Plan, and presents five issues as possible areas Cor rev�ew. The five issucs ;denlified Cor review include: • growth; • urban fortn; • commercial swcture; • the Oak Ridges mornine; und, . non-Farm rural development. 2.0 Comment� On The Proaosed Revlew Of The Durham Reelonal O(fictal Plan 2,1 General Commenls Staffs comments arc based an a review of Rcgional RcpoA No. 2000•P-43 and thc "Firsl Steps" backgound report, the existing policies of thc Durham Regional OCficial Plan, nnd provious commcnls provided by thc City on particulur issuea either uffecting lunds within the City of Pickering or that olhenvise involvc planning policy issues having nn offxt on Pickcring. . , Report to Council PD 46•00 Datc: December 5, 2000 O� 5 Subject: Review of Durham Regional Otiicial Plen Page 4 A review of the Durhazn Regional U�ciel Plen is needed at this time. Nearly ten years have pnssed since Regional Council adopted ihe cwrent Official Plan and some dramatic changes have occtured in the Region that ahould be reflected in changes to tho Official Plan. Population, employment, housing and economic growth has produced a need to examine transportation, agricultural and environmental systems and other policies to ensure they still guide development properly for tha future. in general, there is a considerable amount of duplication of Durham Regio��al Oflicinl Plan policies wilh lceal municipal Official Plans. When the Region of Durham adopled ils first official plan, some area municipalities wilhin lhe Region did nat have their own official plans or those plans were not compahensive. Now, almost ull local municipalities have adopted sophisticated local plans. The older local plans may not have contained policies to ensure appropriate protection for thc rural areas, end thus, relied on the Regional Plan. The Region has approved new local plans and remains the authurity for local official plan approval. It is suggesled that ihe Region streamline its Plan to become more stratcgic. This could be accomplished by review of its policies either removing those that have been effectively dealt with by local policies, or by clarifying that certain sections only apply in lhe absence oF local policies. Unnecessary policy duplication makes it confusing for property owncrs, developers and government o�cials to determine how lhe dillerent policies affecl their interests. A further gcneral observation is that the Durham Regional Oflicial Plan deserves a gcneral polishing to reflect a more progressive image Cor thc new millennium. Principles to guidc such a rcfinement should includc on cditing to improvc llie ularily oC meaning of some of the policies, an upgrading of print-style, graphics and format, presenlalion of a cicar philosophy for the intent of the Plan and to fine•lune, streamline, and remove duplication in policics. The proposed process for rcvicw of the Durham Regionul 0(ficial Plun is suppoAed ns n sound basis to teview the policies of lhe O(iici�l Plan generally, although greater clarity is required in Phase 2. Specifically, n local municipal rolc in preparing nnd revicwing the discussion papers is lacking. Local municipalities should be atTorded an oppoAunity to provide input to the discussion papers before their rccommcndations arc udopted as positions of the Regional Planning Department. Both n municipal stukeholders mecting should be convened to provide input to druR discussion papers and thc discussion papers should be circulutcd for comment of locu! Councils bcfore Rcgional Planning Committec or Rcgional Council adopt recommendations that may be contained in the discussion papers. We request that the Region umend ils process accordingly. Commenls on the policy issues thal should be reviewed are presented first w�der lhe headings oC the issues identified for review in the Region's background report, then under issues idcntified for review by Pickering in the same order as the scctians used in thc Durham Regional Otiicinl Plen, and lasfly under technical issues suggested by Pickering in Ap�.��dix I to this report. 2.2 7'he Re¢ion's Sug¢ested Issues 2.2.1 Growth On the gowth issue, the background report notes that since papulation und employment turgets for 2021 provided in the 1991 Durham Plen now appear overly embitious, thesc targels and the urban land designated to support them should be rc-evaluated. Pickering ugrees that chnngcd population and employment growth forecnsts merit a revicw of growth policies. in order to respond to Ihe slower populetion end employment growth, howevcr, it may bc mone eppropriute to extend thc time frumc wilhin which it is projected to uchicvc thc spccificd Icvcls of growth in the Ofiicial Plan ralher then dropping the target numbers nnd rcdesignating urbnn lend for non-urben pu�poses bceause of the slowcr growth rntea Provided urban scrviccs and rcquired capital improvements arc implcmented incrcmentnlly as dcvelopment occurs on urbun lands, lhia ahould not nault in inefficient or prcmnture dcvelopment of Durhnm's utbnn areas. O� 6 RepoA to Council PD 46•00 Subject; Review of Durhem Regional Official Plan 2.2.2 Urben Focm Date; December 5, 2000 Page 5 On the issue of urban fortn, the background repoA suggests that a better understanding of the relationship between transportation and land use is necessary since increased drnsilies and more mixed•use development along erterial roads couid better utiliu existing transportation systems. Yet, intensification, higher densities and mixed use buildings are not occurring to any significant degrec. Pickering agrees that a better understanding of the market forces and thc building industry mny lead to improved land use (end other) policy and initintives. 2.2.3 Commercial Swcturo On tha issue of commercial swcture, the background report notes that there has been a resWcturing of the rotail economy. There is a need to review the policies of the Durham Plan, which are bazed on an ald commereinl hierarchy model, to ensure that community needs for retailing are uddressed. Pickering supports an evaluntian oCthe commercial structure policies of tha Durham Regional O�ciul Plan. Greater clarity on the Regionai interest in responding to retniling trends is required. The curtent Ievel of detail is unnecessary. The specific allocntions of retaii Iloor space pertniued in the different central nrea designations of thc Regional Plan nre too rcstrictive to permil appropriate response lo markct demands for retail space in a growing urban arca. The concept of'centres' in each neighbourhood appears to be being replaced, in somc instances, by a more linear pattcm. 2.2.4 Oal: Ridges Moraine On the Oak Ridges Morainc issuc, the background repott proposes that thc work donc to date to prcpare a co-ordinated sUategy by a parincrship af the Regions of Durham, York and Peel be integratcd into lhe Ofticial Plnn Revicw process. Pickering agrccs that a review of policies to enhance Ihe protection of the importanl environmenlal resource of the Oak Ridgcs Moraine is timely both to demonstrate the continucd importnnce of environmental protection and possibly an input lo n new Provincial palicy for the Oak Ridges Morainc. 2.2.5 Non•farm Rural Dcvclopment On the issue of non-farm cural developmcul, the background report proposes to confirtn curtent Regional policy by evaluating policics for severances of retirement lots, surplus fartn dwellings and non-farm uses such as golf courses and country residential subdivisions. Fickering supports a review of lhese policics and reminds the Regian of a recent Pickering Council resolution on this mauer. In Fcbruuty 2000, Pickering Council recommended approval of the A. Christ application (OPA 99•OO8D) to amend the Regional Plan to enable the severance of 4 dwellings duc lo the acquisition of non-abutting farms. Regional Council implemented this rccommendation by adoplion of Durham Plan Amendment 64 on April 20, 2000. However, in conjunction with the Christ amendment, Pickering Council also recommended that the Rcgion roview policy 12.3.12 of the Durham Plan to restrict new residential dwcllings on retaincd farm parcels to prevent incremental fragmentation of agricultural areas (see Rcsolution H17/00, Attachment N3). 2,2,6 Trnnsportation The ba;kground sludy indicntes that thc Durham Mobility Study will examinc transportation issues to guide the Region's transportation plans and investment. Thc pwposc of thc Mobility Study ia to roview the trensportation system through a series of working pupere to dcvclop thc � Region's Tronsportation Mester Plan, Thc rosulls of thc Mobiltiy Sludy should bc translotcd into new transportetion policies and designatlons for Ihe Rcgionnl OCficial Plan, [n addition, rosolution of a numbcr of trnnspodnlion issues and designations, which hnve bcrn raiscd by Pickering 1n the past, heve been defeRed until tho Durhnm Mobiliry SWdy is complcicd, , Report to Council PD 46-00 Date: December S, 2000 O�� Subject: Review of Durham Regional Official Plan Page 6 In its adoption oC thc Town of Ajax Offici¢I Plan, Regional Council dcCcrred the proposul deletion oC tha extension of Clements Road from Westnoy Road in Ajnx lo the Pickering/Ajax boundary for consideration as part of the Durham Mobiliry Study. Pickering considers that the Ctements Road extension should remain as n future erterial road in the transportation plans of both the Regional Plan and lhe Ajax O�cial Plan as an nitcmative to Bayly Slrcet and Highwuy 401 for ensUwest traffic between Ajax and Pickering. On April 10, 2000, Pickering Council requested the Region of Durhnm to redesignate Finch Avenue west of Altona Rond, and Townline Road soulh of Taunton Road trom Type'B' arterinl roads to Type'C' arterial roads in order to shilt their roles to n neighbourhood focus as a result of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study (see Council Resolution N58/00, Attachment #4). The deferrai of Dixie Road as a Type B arterial road (from Kingston Road north to, and including, the proposed crossing of West Duffins Creek), should be resolved through the Durham Mobility Study und implemented through the review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. The location of the north•south frcewav to freeway connector. bclwecn Highway 401 and Highway 407, is curtenlly deferrcd. Its location should be confirtned through the Region's official plan review since Highway 407 is curtently undcr construction lo Brock Road, und ils eastedy extension may be expected shortly. Pickering Council, through an carlicr resolution, supported n connector located cast of Lnke Ridge Road in Whitby. 2.3 Olhcr lssues Suggestcd For Rcvicw These issues are nddrcssed in Ihe samc order as thcy appear in the Durham Regional Official Plan. 2.3,1 Environmcnt Policy The "First Stcp" background report indicates that the Environmental Impact Study Guideline has bcen prepamd to clarify that environmentnl impacl studies are required for development epprovals. Policy 2.3.17 of thc Durham Plnn, which rcquires that thc Region conduct such studies in the evuluation of certain types of development applications, should specify that the Reeion shall conduct the environmcntal impnet studics only be rcquircd when a Re¢ionnl Official Plnn nmendment is nccessary. The environmentally sensitivc nrcas designations should bc updatcd, in addition, lhe uniqueness of the I.uke Iroquois Shoreline could also be recognized in policy and designatcd as nn environmental fcature with npproprinte protections for its associated natural functions. 2.3.2 Housing Policy Housing policies should be reviewed and updated in response to changes to Provincial policies nnd programs since the DROP was udopted in 1991. In addition to the items dctailcd below, several housing issues oFn technical nnturc are addressed in the Appcndix lo this Repoct. The tecent tmnsFer of social housing rcsponsibilities to the Region suggests that revicw of relalcd policies may ba uppropriate. Since progrums nnd funding for further social housing have bccn tertninated and Regional Housing Statements were previously rcquircd pnrtinlly as a condition of social housing funding in a municipality, thc Region may wish to rcvicw thc uppropriatcncss of the curtent policies m subscction 4.2.5, 4.2.6 und 4.2.7. In addition, since thc Provincc has replaced the Land Uac Plnnning For Housing Policy Stntement (LUPHPS) with the 1997 Provincial Policy Statement, further change may be wnrtanlcd. Palicy 4.3.5 is supported as a etrong policy that protccts rcntal housing from convcrsion to condomin3um tenuro es long ns the rcntel vacuncy mtc rcmains below 3°/a. It continues to be ; ,;. , RepoA to Council PD'A6•00 Date; December 5, 2000 0�a ; Subjcet; Review.ofDurhemRegtonalOffcielPlan Page7 applicablo even though the Provinco abandoned ihis palicy field by ite repeal oC the Rental Housing P[oteclion Act (RHPA) several years ago. Policy 4.3.6, which deals with the necessary suppocting infortnotion for applications for convoraion of rentat units to wndominium, requires emendment ar repeal now that the RHPA .� has been repealed. No similar policy on conversion of rentai units to condominium is containcd in the Tenant Protection Act which replaced iha RFIPA, pnrts of thc formcr Landl�rd and Tenant Act and ihe fonntt Rent Control Act. Since policy 4.3.5 still has force as en official plan policy to regulate this issue, the Region may wish to rovisc policy 4.3.6 to direct local municipalities in their impiementation of condominium plan upprovals for existing rental properties, in light of the agreed-on delegation of condominium approval to local municipalities wilhin lhe Region of Durhem which is to take effect in 2001. Po►icies 4.3.7, which promotes the utilization of Federal and Provincial programs for social housing for families, seniors and special needs groups, should bc refocuscd to urgc the 1'cderal and Provincial govemments to re-instute �uch programs. It may no longer be necessary for Policy 4.3.8 to npply to tnrgcts for furlhcr social or assisted housing, since thc senior govemments have abandoncd that progam and policy field. Policy 4.3.11 (u) should be changed to remo�•c thc rcfcrence to the former LUPHPS and to rellect the Provincial Policy Statement provisions that urc now in cllect. 2.33 Employment Areas The characteristics of cmploymcnt uscs are continuing lo cvolve. The approprinlcness of the cucrent rcstriclive list of uses should be reviewed. In addition, lhe adequacy of the amount und location of cmployment arca lands should also be rcviewed. 2.3.4 Major Open Spacc Systcm Open Space designations that identify lands containing significant ccological features and functions, as well as lands for urban area separator purposes arc confusing to users. Considerntian should be given ta dropping Ihe urban separator purposc Crom the major open space designation, or in thc altemative, adding an ovcrluy designation to idcntify lands with significant naturnl features and functions. 3.0 Concluston It is time that thc Durham Regional Official Plan undcrgo a comprehensive rcview, Revicw of the Durham Plen will allow an update of statistics and projcctions, and a re•evnluation und amendment, where necessary, of the policics identified by the Region in thc "First Step" background report, trunsportation policies, and the othcr issucs rnised by the City of Pickering, other local municipalities and other slakeholders. It provides an opportunity to polish, fine-tunc and streamline both the role and the Cortnat of the Plun. A revicw will permillocnl nnd Rcgional officials and the many other stakeholders to revisit the Durham Regional Oflicial Plan tcn years after its lest revicw. Pickering requcsts that the mntters raised in these comments be addresscd in the L'urham Regional Official Plan roview. Stnf� look fonvard to an apportunity to further discuss and clerify thesc comments during the rovicw process, , ReporEto Council PD 46•00 Date: Duember S, 2000 O� 9 SubjecF Review af Durha�.� Regionnl0�cial Plan Page 8 ATTACHMENTS: L Regionel Planning Commissioner's Report No, 2000•P-43 2. Regional Pianning Background Report "Officiel Plan Revicw — First Step — Iasues" 3. Pickering Council Resolution M17/00 (Christ application) 4. Pickering Council Resolution #58/00 (Finch/fownline designation) Prepared By: Approved ! Endorsed by: (1(w��Y�l ��� Q. Steve Gaunt � Neil Catro , CI , RPP �;0�/ Planner 2 Director, P ng & Development ���� - Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy SG/CLR/pr Attactunents Copy: Chicf Adminisirative Officer Recommended Cor thc considcrotion of Pickering Ciry Council . n �' ca.y p Th nas J. Quinn, Ch' f Ad nistrativ ftice , �:i . :`.�. . �10 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 46-00 SUGGESTED TECFINICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE DURHAM1t RF,GIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN: I t uc io Thc background report notes that the Region is actively participating in n number of GTSB initiatives including the GTSB drafl Strategic Transporintion Plan and Countryside Strategy. There are u number of sections oC the Durham Plan that could refer to inCormation sharing and co-operation wilh the GTSB including the inlroduclion and the sections dealing with policy for cconomic devclopment and transportation systems. Economie Develooment Policv The meaning of "employment related to the population" in policy 3.3.5 and the associated table is unclear. It should be clarified. Housing Policv Policy 4.33 (b) that supporls convcrsion of induslrial and commercial buildings to residential units appears to be barred from implementalion in employment azeas unless u site•specific official plan amendment to thc Durham Plan is npproved to pertnit a residential usc in lhe emplovment arca. If it is the intent that this policy oniy apply to such buildings located outside employment areas, this should be clarified. Policy 4.3.4, which supports rcnovation of existing housing providcd it is not at the expcnse of a�'ordable liousing, is only achicvable if the costs of rcnovation nrc not passcd through to tenants or boma by owncr•occupants. Any incrcase in rcnls or cartying costs would udvcrsely a(�ect the affordability of that housing. It is suggested thal lhe policy be reviseJ to support rcnovalions to existing hausing provided the costs are nat bomc by the occupants. The reference in 4.3.5 (n) lo a bi•annual rcntal vacancy survcy conducted by CMHC should be amended to reflecl thc current annual Gcqucncy of such survcys. Mnjor cn Spacc Svstcm Policv Policy 14.3.25 for Major Open Space lands and policy 20.7.12 for scvcrenccs on Major Open Space and Agricultural lands pertnit sevcranccs for agricultural and farm-related uses if they meet u number of conditions. As several of these conditions apply only to Agicultural or Pertnanent Agricultural lands, it is uncicar that they will permit such severances on Major Open Spacc lands. In order to clerify thc meaning of lhese policies, it is suggested that policies 14.3,25 and 20.7.12 of the Regional Plan specify the conditions undcr which such scverances will be permined on Mnjor Open Space lands. It is unclear whelher lhe Durham Plan pertnits construction of a dwelling unit on u vacant property designated Major Open Space or Agricultural Area if the property is not used Cor agricultuml or farm-related uses. The approved Pickering 0llicial Plan permits "n new residential dwelling on a vacant IoP' on lands designatcd Agricultural or Nntural Area. The lack of clarity leads to delays in responding to inouiries. It is suggestcd that thc Durham Plnn be umended to udopt a specific statement similar k� the Pickering Official Plan policy to clarify for the public what is permitted on such lands. ' Fortnat ofthe Durham RePionul0lficial Plan The acale of the land use and othcr Schedules in the Durham Plun is so smull that consultation with Regionnl pinnning stn[f is otlen nccessnry to oscertnin the corrcet designntions for particular properties. In order to provide greuter clurity for the genernl public and local oflicinls, a scparatc achedule for ench municipality, idcntificution of local municipal boundarics and additional landmnrks could ba considered on larger acale schedulcs. Thc addition of an index lo the Rcgionnl Plan would make it casier Cor uscrs to locute policics conteined in tha Plen � ATTACHMENT/ � TD REPOHT / PD- 6 ro � 1� Plann(ng Department Commissioner's Report to Plann(ng Commitlee Report No. 2000-P-43 Date: May 23, 2000 SUBJECT Revtew oi the Durham Regional OHiclal Plan, File: 4.12 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ' THAT Commissfoners Report 2000•P-43 and background paper entitied "Regional Ofticial Plan Review, First Step - Issues' be received for . informalion; • 2. THAT steff be authorized to adveAise in the appropriate newspapers that ` Planning Committee is seeking public input on the need to revlew the Durham Regfonal Official Plan as tha inilial step in the review process; and 3. THAT a copy of the Commissioners Report and background paper be circulated to the area municipalities, Conservatfon Authoritfes In Durham, the Minfstry of Municipal AHairs and Housing, and other public agencies and (nterested stakeholders for the(r revfew and comment. REPORT 1. Backqround and Puroosa 1.1 On April 5, 2000, Regional Counc(I endorsed a two-phase approach to the review of the Dufiam Regional Of�cial Plan (ROP). Phase 1(s fntended to (denlify issues as a first atep in the review process. The second phase is to focus on the analysis of strategic Iseues (dentif(ed (n Phase 1, public consullatfon on these issuea and ultimately, consideration of amendments to the ROP. The general outl(ne of the twaphase process and overell timfng Is outlined in Attachment L �12 ATTAdM�ENT1 � TO REPOHT I PD N 4• 11A Commissioners Report No. 2000-P-43 Page 2 1.2 This second report under Phase 1 presents a background paper intended to form the basis for discussion on the need to review the ROP. The (inal report under Phase 1, to be presented in September, will analyze the results of the consultation process and recommend a course of action. A proposed work program for the Regional Official Plan review will also be � presented, 1.3 In this context, lhe purpose of lhis Report is: •, to seek Commitlee's aulhorizalion lo hold a special public meeting to ' hear the views of the public on the need to revfew the Regional Official Plan. The in(tlat(on of a public consultation process is the f(rst step in the revlew process; and • to highlight the tind(ngs of the background paper entitled "Reglonal 011ic(al Plan Review, First Step - Issues". 2. Publlc Meetina end Consultatlon 2.1 Accordingly, the next step in Phase 1 is to hold a statutory public meeting as required under the Plannfng Act. This will launch an initlal consultation process intended to identify issues that should be examined as pa�l of the Otficial Plan review, The statutary meel(ng will provide the public with an initial opportunity to make subm(ssions direclly to Committee. The process will also give the public, area municipalit(es and agencfes subsequent opportunity to make written submfssions on the need (ar a revlew, To sUmulate discussi��n, this report end a background paper wili be made available lo the public, area mun(cipaliUes and other agencies in advance. 3. Backarowid Paoer 3.1 The background paper, attached to this report, provides information about our communiry, and fdentjf(es Durham•wide issues Ihat should be conafdered In an Otficlal Plan review. The report will provide the stimulus tor Ihe initial discussion of (ssues at the atatutory publlc meeNng and by those wishing to meke written subm(ssion. f, - . � . ... . . �AITACHMENTI TO ' ;'. q REPOAT � PD ' ti�'_ : :. �. , . �- _.. .. �:.. . � ..-. � . , . � . �� . �1J . Commissfoners Report No. 2000-P-43 Page 3 • Parts One and Two of the background paper provides a general description of Durham and statistfcal data for the Inst ten years on population; housing, emp�oyment and economy, and agriculture, This statistfcal information illustrates trends wh(ch wili be an important consideration in lhe future plann(ng of Durham. •• Part Three reviews the pianning (ramework, goals and policies of the Regionel Ofticial Plan that gulde development fn Durham. • Parl Four pruvides an overview of the stalus of referrals and deferrals to tho Regional 011icial Plan, resulting (rom the Ministers approval (n 1993. • Part Five analyses the nature of the amendments to the Regional Official Plan, which fnvolve changes within the urban end Nral areas, � pol(cy refinement, end amendments to enable approval of area municipal oflicial plans. • Part Sfx identifies severel Regional In(tiatives currently undervvay. She Durham Mobll(ry Study, the Oak Fiidges Morafne Sludy, and the Durham Region Economic Devalopment Advisory Commlttee's update of the 1996 Economic Plan, will serve as input to the Reglonal O�icial Plan rev(ew process. • PaR Seven identifies issues that should be examfned In the review of the OBiciai Plan. 4. Conclusion 4.1 The Regfonal Offlclal Plan prov(des a sound basfa tor managing growlh, conserving resources and protecting the environment in the Region. The palicies have been contlnuously monirored and, where appropdate, changes have been made ta ensure ongo(ng eNect(veness. As a Brst step In the review process, the publ(c meeUng and a consultalion process will eatiety the atatutory requirement of the Planning Act and provide an InlNel opportunity for all s(ekeholde�s to eicpress their opfnion on th0 nead to review the Regional Ofticlal Plan. - ' ` ATTACHIAENT /�TO ,0 �^ REPORi / PD_ N G• Ap Y Commissfoners Report No. 2000•P-43 Page 4 4.2 It is, therelore, recommended that Comm(tlee authorize stafi to adveAise a special meet(ng of Committee to be held on June 6, 2000 (or the purpose of hearing the views ot the pubiic on the need lo review the Regfonal Oltic(al Plan, The ad would invite written submissions from those who cannot ettend the public meeting. It is also recommended that thfs Report be circulated to various stakeholdeis in Durham for their review and comment. � A. L. Georg e, .C.I.P, R.P.P. Commissione� of Planning Allachments: 1. Process and Tim(ng�of Regional Offfciat Plan Review 2. 8ackground Paper entitled "Regional OBicial Plan Review, — Flrst Step - Issues" RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE � � . H. C itt, M.S,W., C.A.O. 11FS PL000210ATA�DATAW Apnbpn�l�w�b�ckprp�y6,do� 0 � ATTACHMENT/ TO REPORi I P0� O�. 5 • ' Attachment 1 Process and Timing of Regional Officlal Plan Review ' rnase i Authorizetion To Advertise And Distribute Background Paper To Public, Area Munlcipalities and Agencies for Comment May 2000 -�- � Hold Speclal Publlc Meeting on Oflicial Plan Review June 2000 • • -.Qx- Receive Input And Comments From Public, Area Municipatities And Agencies July/August 2000 � Input Analyzed — StaH Report With Recommendatlons to Committee September 2000 Phase 2 * Consideration oi Discusslon Papers ey Planning Committee -�- Consideratlon ot Dratt Amendments By Plenning Committee � Adoption of OHiclal P�en Amendmenta by Reglonal Councll , ' Phase 2 t(ming to be determ�ned � . ' ' AiTACH61EN1/ . TO �' O 1 6 AEpORi / Pp,_ 1 � �'ll • • � • DUftNAM '� r • � REGION' �I � � �' � � � � � . I \ � REV��W ` FIRST STEP - ISSIJES Nanninp D�parlm•,�f Moy 2000 ATTACNMENT I_�,_TO (IEPURI � PO- �{b • AO O� ry ( • , � ��%;,';:.DUrham Reglonal Of/iclal Plan Revlew FOREWARD On April 5, 2000, Durham Regionat Council endorsed the (n(tiatfon oi a Durham Regional Off(cial Plan Rev(ew. The tirst step in the process of examinfng the second generation Officfal Plan, is the cansideraqon of the need tor a review . In order to provide an opportunity for the public to express thefr views on the issues thal should be addressed (n a review, Regional Planning Commitlee has scheduled a speciel public meeting for June B, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. at the Durham Regfon Planning Department Main Boardroom. Th(s meetfng w(II provide Durham's residents, businesses and other stakehotders with an tnitial opportuniry to identify issues of (nterest, suggest changes, and make submissions on the need for a review. It yau are unable to attend the pubi(c meeting, written submissions will also be rece(ved by the Regionai Planning Department by July 31, 2000. This background paper en8tled `Regional Oft(cial Plan Review, First Step — Issues", provides general tacts on Durham Region and outlines the basic struclure oi the Regional OBiclal Plan including lhe status of deferrals and referrals to the Ofticfai Plan, All amendments to the Regional Otficial Plan s(nce ils approval are listed and Regional fnitiatives currently undenvay are described. Durham-wide issues that should be consfdered fn a review process ere also identified, This paper Is intended to provide the stimulus for the fnitial discussion of fssues at the statutory pubi(c meeting and subsequentiy (or lhose wishing to make written subm(ssions. A report prov(ding an enalysis of the results of the consultatfon process and recommend(ng an approach to the review of the Official Plan will be presented to Planning Commfttee in the fall of 2000, There will be opporlun(ty (or further pubiic consultation dudng the Ofiicial Plan Review process. We are inviting yau to participatb by: • Attending the stetutory public meet(ng and making your views known; • Submitling your written views by July 31, 2000 to the address below; ancUor • Contacting planning stai( i( you w(sh further Intormation on the Reglonel ONic(al Plan Rev(ew process. You may contact us at the tollowing postal or e-mall address, phone number, or fax number. Plann(ng Department The Regional Municipality of Durham Box 823 -1815 Dundas Street Easl 4'� Floor, Lang Tower Weat Buitding Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3 Tel: Whitby (905) 728•7731 Toronto (905) 686-1851 e-mail: Plann(ng� � Id�.�,��.�� JUN 2 yppp �� ���ERINO u+n�r Durhem Hepion Plenninp Department Pe� � � � ATTACHMENT/ , TO 0.1 o REPUAI N PD v t�,, ;�;'; purham Reglonal OH`Jc1al Plan Revlew TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1 2. DURHAM WITHIN THE GREATER TORONTO AREA ...............................................1 POPULATION...................................................................................................................1 HOUSING........................................................................................................................ 2 EMPLOYMENTAND ECONOMY�............� ...............�.....�.��.......�.......�..........�............��..�.�...�..3 AORICULTURE...........................................................................:..................................... 4 3. THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN ............................................................4 BASICDIRECTIONS...........�.�.� .....................��..�..�......��...�......�..��...........�.�.........����.....�.�,.. 5 ENVIRONM ENT ................................................................................................................ 5 STRUCTURAI. ELEMEMS .,..� ............................................................................................ 6 UrbanAreas .......................................................................................................... 6 RuralAreas ............................................................................................................ 7 _ Transportatlon Sysfem ........................................................................................... B 4. REFERRALS AND DEFERRALS TO THE REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN ..................8 5. AMENDMENTS TO THE REGIONAL OFPICIAL PLAN ..............................................8 CHANGES WITHIN THE URBAN AREA ................................................................................. 8 CHANGES WITHIN THE RURAL AREA .............�..�..��.�.�..�.�.....�.�.................�............�....�..�.�.. 9 POLICYREFINEMENT ....................................................................................................... 9 AREA MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL PUWS .................................................................................... 9 6. REGIONALINIT'IATIVES ............................................................................................9 DURHAM MOBILITY SiUDY .................�.�....�.�....���.�.�........�....�...........�.....�............��........... 9 DURHAM REOION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTADVISORYCOMMfTTEE ................................10 OAK RIDGES MORAINE STRATE�Y ....�..........�..�...........��.�......�.........�.......�.........��..�........10 GREATER TORONTO SERVICES BOARD (GTSB).���....�.��.......�.�.....��..� ..................�.�...�.�.�.10 � 7. ISSUES ......................................................................................................................10 8. NEXT STEP ..................................:.....................................�............................,.........11 MAP — REGIONAL STRUCTURE ...........................................�........................................12 REFERRALS TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFlCIAL PLAN ......................................13 DEFERRALS TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFlCIAL PLAN ......................................17 AMENDMENTS TO THE DURHAM REOIONAL OFFlCIAL PLAN ..................................20 Durhem Roglon Plennlnp Depertment Page II ATTACIIMENT I TO REPDAi / PD � ��9 .���+;`,Durham Re ,;:'�,.,; g/onalONlclal P/an Revlew 1. INTRODUCTION The Reglonal Municipal(ty of [lurham was created fn 1974 encompass(ng approximately 2,600 square kilometres. As a community, Durham otfers a m(x of urban and rural environmenls, small hamlets and bustling towns and ciHes, speciality farmlands and Rensitive natural areas. The relat(veiy ;;at Leke Ontado shoreifne area, wooded creeks and ancient shoreline features, contrasts with the roiling topography of Ihe Oak Rfdges Moreine running parallel to the shoreline 24 km to the north. This diverse landscepe ot woods, headwaters, ridges and hoilows gives way to rolling farmlands and Lekes Scugog and Simcoe lo lhe north. The Reglon stretches (rom Lake Ontado fn the south to the Talbot River (n the north, It shares a common baundary with the City oi Toronto end York Reg(on on the west and e�ctends eastedy to border with Northumberland and Victoria Counties. to the east, and Simc-0e County to the north. 2. ' DURHAM WITHIN THE GREATER TORONTO AREA The Greater Toronto area (GTA), includes the Regfons of Durham, York, Peel, Halton and lhe Cfty of Toronto. Durham attracts popuiation and economic growth by virtue ol its location within the GTA, end by its attractive, hlgh quality I(ving environment. Poaulation °opulation in ihe GTA is expected to increase from 5 mill(on to close to 7 mill(on by 2021. Durham's populetion is expected to fncrease (rom its cunent 5�5,000 to approxfmately 900,000 over the same per(od, The amount ot growth has been much higher fn the Regfons, vihere popuiation has been growfny almost three times that of the City ot Toronlo. Population Orowth (000's) within the OTA GTA 4,377 4,781 0,260 B,�J75 Durham 424 474 710 � 900 Halton 323 350 500 810 Toronto 2,350 2,q63 2,g55 p,gi5 Peel 758 BB2• 1,1&5 1,350 York 622 812 1,010 1,200 Rs: suwua oe, W rapwaon icei, +ese; .nd ar� au.m� cammmN a.canmma,a PopWatbn Faxup. Durhem pepbn Plannlnp Depertment pe� � r. \ 020 ATiACHMENTI %� REVOPt I PD �T, •�STO ,�p(;'.:Durham Reglonal OHiclal Plan Rev/ew Of Durham's eight area municipalities, Cladngton and Whitby expe�fenced the highest rates of populatfon growth from 1991 to 1996, wilh (ncreases of 22°/a and 20%, respectively. Pickering and Ajax also had fncreases of 15% and 12°k, respectively. Popul�Uon Orowth by Ana YunicipalNy � lnaa°wi m iS io e o N° axt�wra�taqop�y�. ■�»,.i� ■�wa,a, o,r�i.uw so�cs: suwup c.r�de. te�t ard teea voqn.na� cwu�. Houstna Demand for housing in Durham conGnues to grow in response to an increasfng population, and changing household formation and composition. Dufiam's average household sfze was 2,98 persons (1996), down marginaliy from 3.00 (1991). The trend to smailer households is expected to continue in the GTA as the popuiation ages. . The number ot buildfng permits issued for new residential units in the GTA has been ateedily increasing over the lasl (our yeers. All o} the Regions and the City of Toronto experienced fncreases In the number of new units constructed. Rosidential Buildl�g permfts Issuod in the OTA Regions — �89&1989 Municl- II 1998 1997 1998 1999 Halton 2,305 3,252 3,331 4,566 Pael 5,338 8,036 7,888 9,007 York 4,994 9,156 10,297 12,911 Toronto 4,123 7,075 7,535 7,356 Durham 3,337 3,734 3,043 4,082 Saucr Slatletla Groda, 1888, 1897,1988 en01899 FapWtbn Cauw end Dwham Repbn flarninp Dopartment Butd'np PartnN Summerlae, Of Durham's new residential productfon (4,082 units (n 1999), 78°/a were single and semi-detached dwellings. The remafning 22% were h(gher densiry housing (orms, such as row houses, duplexes or apertments. R�ddmUal Bu�lding P�rmib Is�ued �n Durfiam 1998 on,�tia N% Y�� 17% �. `""' a�en.a � t!x Cwuu: UuAam Repbn Plaminp Daperhnent BWdiq PcrtMi summ.no.. In t995, the Province set the affordable house pdce at $163,500 tor Durham, wh(ch was considered affordable tor households earn(ng $65,000, Based on ihis dellnitlon, approximately 46% ol al� •1997 new house sales In Durhem were eftorclable. This exceeded the Regional OB�clal Plan and Regional Housing Stetement ta�get of 2b°6, Durhem Repbn Planninp Oepertment Pepe 2 � � ATiACHMENT/ . TO �voRi r Po 021 �:<;,�. .r:�:,�FDurham,Reglona/ Ofliclal Plan Revlew Emptovment and Economv The GTA is the pdnciple tinancial, adm(nfstrative and service centre o( Ontado and Canada. Its diverse economy and wide rango o( employment opportunities also ensures its prom(nence in a North American context. 1996 Census for labour force acti�ties fndlcated that Durham Region had a better particfpation rate and unemployment rate than prov(ncial and nalional averages. These are fndicators ot e healthy economy. Durham has also (ncreased its share of the GTA Labour Force trom 8% (n 1981 to 10°/a in 1996. Shan at OTA 4bour Fore� raY 11% :ti�,;i'�¢, Ovlw .:4:�1+e�r f0% _ j�+i�� T� '`}F�^:�� � ) .'J, � 3 � J�� '-.ti � F�d 1H1 8owce: Statl�lla Cenada. C� d PoqA�tlay iBBB In terms of labour force by industdal sector (or type of employer), the service sector (govemment, educatfon, health and social aervices) made up lhe largest share (39.3%) of Durhem's labour torce, followed by menutecluring (19.4�), and retall and wholesalo trade (17.4°h), L�bour Forca by Ssetor � u.,wnw�o aw.wm.ar rr.e� T�uYNlCpmuyryp� n�re.a� r.s�...�o an+wm n� o io m a a w wm«+ sa.c.: s�au�uc. ce�.m, c«uw a PoPweuo�, iees Where people Iive and work provides an insight Into ihe travel characteristics of (ndividuals. Wfth(n Durham, the areas cioser to Toronto (Pickering —15,5%, Ajax —15,7% and Uxbddge —18.4%) had the lowest percentege of the(r labour force working within their communfry, while other areas further east and north had a stronger live-work relationship. �.�1f� � p PrCMO b. .1D m f0 0 �� Iju �orrw� Wqoy�� MW swoe: sun�na caosda c.mw a poPwnon, �eae Durhem Repion Planninp Deperlment p� 3 _ . . . _ ;� 022 ATiACHMENT/ a flEPURI I PD�� ���;' �;' Durham Reg/onal O/llcial Plan RevJew Agriculture The 1998 Census reported that approximately 308,000 ha. in the GTA were classifled as farmland, of which 108,000 ha. or 44% were situated fn Durham. Accord(ng to the Agrfcultural Economic Impact Study commiss(oned by the GTA Federations of Agdculture, Durham's larmland declined from 156,000 ha. in 197610136,000 ha. In 1996, a 13% decrease. Farmland Heetaroi in the OTA by R�gional Munlctpdity c� a��'a�n+n�'� ��e, �esi, �eee, �es�, �ece In 1996, almost 47% of all farmland in the GTA was rented. Thfs percentage is greater than the provincfal average of 30%. In Durham, only 37% of the land was rented compared to York (56%) and Peel (53%). According to the Study, rented lend (n the GTA is owned by speculators, govemment ,non-farmers and retired farmers, Durhem Repion Plennlnp Department Fartnland that ta Own�d end Rented in IanE TMI b Onn�O �nd RmbA In pi� OTA P�Olon�l YunkID�1�W�.1Y011eomp�� a p� ProrinN u � ��eN) Proru¢� � i � Durtum � Yoilc � ■%0 ■%P P�N �i H�pon ox zox �ox aox eow, souru: sleuaua Carua Carow a Apkultwe 199e In 1996, there were 4,621 farms in the GTA. 2,001 (43%) were fn Dufiam. The average farm sfze in the GTA increased from 55 ha. (1976) to 66 ha, in (1996), suggesting a Irend to larger farms. Durham is recognized as the most signi(icant area for fruit production in the GTA. Flgures for 1996 ind(cate lhat 69 of the 175 fruit (arms in the GTA, were located fn Durham, Total GTA fruit farm receipts were $13.3 millfon, with $5 million (38%) credited to Durham. 3. THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFlCIAL PLAN The Regfonal Of(ic(al Plan establishes a broad planning pollcy tremework that balances growlh while conserving resouroes and protecting the environment. � The Regional Oflicial Plan is organlzed Into the follow(ng major parte; • Part A— Baelc Directions, eatablish the context and fundamenlal pdnciplea for the Plan. Pepe 4 � � ATTpCHMENT /_�,_TO NEPUHT / PD N(e 0D 023 a: �:; � Durham Reglonal OH/clal Plan Revlew • Part B— Structural Policies, establish a development pattem for Durham wh(ch fs intended to reinforce the Regfon's Identity, to efficiently utfflze the land, resources and 8nances, and to minimize land use contlicts. • Part C— Special Areas, designates Special StudyAreas, Spec(al Policy Areas, and Resource Extraction Areas. • Part D — Implementat(on and Interpretation, sets out approaches to making the policies a realiry. • Part E — Schedules. - Schedule 1- Map A- designates the various components of the Regional Structure, i.e. Urban Areas and Rural Areas. - Schedule 2- Map B— dei(nes a 1'ransportatfon Sys;em Including freeways, aAedai roads, transit spines, GO Rail service, railways, airports and ha�bours. - Schedules 3, 4 and 7-(dentify high potential eggregate resource areas and related sites. - Schedule 5 - Identities country resldential aubdivislons. - Schedule 6 - identifies rural emptoyment areas, Basic DlrecNona As noted in Part A above, the fundamental planning princfples establfshed fn the Reglonal Of�clal Plsn include the follow(ng: . � diatinct urban areas; utilize land eNiciently; protect algnilicent feetures of the naturel environment; Durham Reglai Plennlnp Deparlment � . . . . . . encourage development that will not have adverse cumulative impacts on the natural, built and cultural environments; increase employment opportunities; balance growth in popuiation with growlh in employment; (ncrease mixture oi housfng by type, size and tenure; urban areas should be people- oriented; protect agrlculturai lands; encourage land stewardsh(p; fmprove transportation Iinkages; be liscally respansible; have regard for policies of upper tier govemmerits; and Identity and protect resources. Environment The Environment policies of the Fian promote the preservation, conservatfon and enhancement of the Region's natural environment. The polfCfes recognize that the natural environment is Iinked to the built and cultural envfro ments. There is also the recogn�lon thet development may (mpacl on environmentaily sensitive areas. To complement these policies, a Guideline has been prepared to provide (urther directfon and cledf(cation on reglonai policy for tho preparation of en environmental impact study (EIS) for development applicetions. Page 5 024 ATiACHMENT/ TO AEPOAi I PD `�`-;��w�Durham Reglonal OH/cial P/an Revlew The Gu(deline addresses the (ollowing: • roles and responsibiiitfes; • altemative approaches to preparing an EIS i.e, a full EIS, peer rev(ew, end scoped EIS; and • criteda esteblishing when an EIS is required, including distances Irom environmentally aensitive areas and deHnitions, Structural Elements The Regional Ofticial Plan de8nes the following maJor structural elements whlch are illustrated an the attached _ Appendix 1: U�ban Areas • Urban Areas are varied (n size and character, distinct and separated trom each other and Rural Areas by clear boundaries. The Regional Oflicial Plan identities; • ihe Whitby/Oshawe/Coutlice Urban Area as the tocal point ot the Region; • the Pickering/Ajax Urban Area forming the westem anchor; • the Bowmanville/Newcastle Village Urban Area form(ng the eastem anchor,and • the smaller urban areas of Beaverton, Cann(ngton, Sundedand, Uxbridge, Port Perry and Orono as the centres oF our rural communities. Urban Areas are planned to meet Ihe neede of the preaent end future residents ol the Region, Deve�opment is based on the prfncip�es of compact urban form, mfxed use and good urban design. Development is to be transit supportive, and serviced by a grid system of arierial roads and full municipal services. Urban Areas consist ot: Central, L(ving and Employment Areas that are (ntegrated and supporlive of each other, Cenfral Areas Central Areas, shown as rose on the Map, are major (ocal points o( activity for residents and visitors to the Region, These areas prov(de opportunities for a wide and mixed range of aclivities. The C�ntral Area policies promole; • the creation of people•odented places with a high qualfry pedestrian environment Including civic squares, parks and walkways; • the Integration of retail(ng with other traditional Central Area functions such as employment, housing, recreation and community uses; and • the preservation and enhancement of historic downtowns, includfng cultural heritage resources. Living Areas Living Areas, shown es yellow on the Map, encourage a full range of hous(ng, as well as opportunities }or communiry, commercial, employment and open space uses. The LF�Ing Area polic(es promote: • the creatlon and melntenance of atlractive I(ving environments that are _ sefe, energy eff(clent end in hartnony w(th nAture; • the deflnitlon of boundaries (n area munictpal ofilcial plans; Durham Reybn Planninp Deparlment Page 6 ATTACHMENT I � TO flEPORi / PD__ • 00 025 �r;w;;'�.�'Durham Reglonal Of/lclal Plan Rev/ew • the development of a vadety of densities and housing forms (n each community; and • the achfevement of h(gher densities by (ntensifying and redeveloping existing areas. Employment Areas Employment Areas, shown as blue on the Map, ere reserved lor industry and business, taking advantage of the Region's location and labour resou�ces. The Employment Area policies promote: • the maximizetion of economic and employment opportunities; • the provision ot sites with a hfgh degree of exposure and good access for employment fntensive uses; • a supply of vacant serviced land to meet immediate and future demands; and • the visual enhancement of strategic sites adjacenl to major transportation cor�dors. Rural Areas 85% of the Reg(on's land mass Is Rural. — Rural Areas play a signiticant role (n supporting: large blocka ot agriculturai land for tood producUon; a major open space system; Nral aettlements, with hamlets as the preferred location for Umited serilement; and aggregate resource Induatdea. Agdcultural Areas Agricullural Areae, ahown as wh(te and brown on the mep, recognize and give pdodty to the agdculturel induatry and Durham Reylon Plenninp Depertmenl the needs ot the (arming community. Agriculture is also encouraged in other parts of 1he Rural Areas, including the Major Open Space System. Ma/or Open Space System The Major Open Space System, shown as green on the Map, consists pdmar(ly of creek valley lands, waterfronts, and the Oak Ridges Moralne. The Open Space policies promote; • lhe protection of a continuous system of open apace for public and private recreation; • the preservstion of prominent (rreplaceable natural features such as the Oak Rfdges Moraine; • a clear de((nition of urban boundaries by establishing urban separators that act as natural "lungs" of the Regfon. Rural Setflements L(mfted development (n Hamlets is the preferred Iocetion for ►urat settlement. Limited residential development is also permitted in clusters, country residential, shoreline residenUal and farm•related residential us� . Resource Extracflon 91 existing Iicsnsed aggregate extraction areas are recognized In the Officfal Plan. The Resource Extraction Aree policles promote achieving a balance between the need to extrect aggregate resources end the need to protecl the Region's nalurai environment, aignificant landscepe featurea and residents, trom the edversa Impacts of exlraction activities. To echfeve this belance, new Pape 7 026 ATiACHMENT/ a TO REPORT � PD_ �� D . ��?;=� `,D'urha�r► Reglonal ONIcIaI Plan Revlew extraction areas and expansions lo existing pits or quarries are considered by amendment to the Oflicial Plan. Transoortatfon Svstem The Transportation System is designed to fntegrate all the land use components of the Reg(on, in a safe and efticient manner. The system supports the movement of people and goods within the Reg(on and the Greater Toronto Area. The Oflicial Plan promotes a balance between the provision of an accessfble transporlation system, consisting of an integrated public transit and road — nelwo�k and the development of the Region. There is also a recognition of the importance of the freeway system - Hfghways 401, 404 and 407- in tosterfng continued economlc develapmenl and reducing congestion at the westem Iimit of Region. 4. REFERRALS AND DEFERRALS TO THE REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN At the time of the approval of the Regional Of�cfal Plan, the Mfnistry of � Municipal Affafrs and Housing made 39 referrais to the Ontario Municipal Board and Ident(fied 20 deferrals (see Appendices 2 end 3). Most of the refenals and de(errais were (nitiated by property owners seeking a chenge to the Regional Official Plan to permit specific land uaea. All of ihe referrals and tweive of the deferrals have been reaolved. The integrity oi the Regional Structure and general policy directions of the Officlal Pian have been maintained. The following efght deterrals rema(n: Where possible, steps are befng teken to resolve these remaining deferrals. 5. AMENDMENTS TO THE REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Sinca the approval of lhe Reglonal ONiclal Plan, the Region has adopted sixty-five amendments of whfch sixty- one have been approved (see Appendix 4 for the complete lisling of the Amendments). ' Chenaea wlthin the Urben Area Ten emendments dea�t with the redeaignation of lands, wilhln Urban Areae, to pertnit the development ot a Dur�em qeplon Plennlnp Department Pape 8 ATIACHMENT/ TO RENUNT / PD � 02! • ����`>'�`"Durham'Reglonal Of/lc/al Plan RevJew :,;�, specific land use. For example, (our amended designatians irom Employment Area to Living Area, to permit residentiai or small-sca�e commercial development. Chanaes within the Rural Area Thirty-five amendments relate to the Rural Area, This fs to be expected, given thnt the Plan requires a rigorous assessment of the land use impacts as a precondition for development to prceeed in the Rural Areas. Thfs approach achfeves a balance between the acceptability of a proposal and the need to protect the Reglon's rural resouroes. Seven of the amendments pertnitted the sevorance of a farm dwell(ng rendered surplus. The remaining amendmenls relate to uses such as: non-farm res(dential lots, golf courses, pit expansions and municipal service extensions. Policv Reiinement These amendments changed the Regional OHicial Plan by re(ining existing policy or by adding new policy directions for speciflc land uses. For example, retail warehouse, ten acre lot and farm- related industdal rural development amendments were initiated by the Region. Area Munlciaal OH(ciel Piena The Region has approved the Munlcipaliry of Clarington, City oi Plckering, Township of Scugog and Town of Whitby Official Plans. To enable portlone of these otficial plans, emendments to the Regionai Official Plan were required. Six of the seven amendments have been approved. Amendment No. 63, which was recently adopted by Reg(onal Council, has been appealed to the Ontario Municipai Board. This Amendment, if approved, would enable the approval of certain parls of Amendment No, 19 to the Township of Uxbridge Official Plan. These amendments to the Regional Plan fine•luned the urban land uses address(ng local conditions. 6. REGIONAL INITIATIVES Currently, there are several reglanal (nitiatives underway which will assisl with the review of aspects ot the Plan; Durham Mobllitv Studv The Durham Mobility Study (DMS) will examine transportation issues facing Durham, and produce recommendeilons to guide the Reg(on's transportation pians and (nvestments over the next lwenty years and beyond. This study will set out the strategy to prepare an environmentally responsible course at action that will 'move` Durham (nto the new millennium, Over the coming year, the Durham Mobility Study will review all aspects ot the transportatfon system. The revlew will be presented in a sar(es of Work(ng Papers Durhem Region Plenninp Dapertment Papa 9 � � ATTACHMENTI_�TO O n o REPOAI � PD_- H 6� 0� GO � `)�°.�.}'`'� i� „�.,t,;,, _.., urhani Reglonal OHlcial Plan Rev/ew Durham Realon Economic Develoament Advisorv Committee The Durham Region Economic Advisory Committee (DREDAC) has in(tiated a study to update the 1996 Economic Plan with a new Economic Plan (or the Millennium. This new Plan wfll oNer guldance on economic development activity (n the Region. Its focus is to build on Durham's current strenglhs, targeting new opportunities and gafning the most irom new investments. Oak Ridaes Moraine Strateuv The Ragion of Durham In partnership with the Regfons of York and Peel are proceeding to prepare a caordinated atrategy (or the Oak Rldges Moraine. The work of the Technical Working Committee undertaken for the 1994 Oak Rldges Moraine Stretegy wili be a reference tor the initiative that will result In amendments to the respective Regional Off(cial Pians, Greeter Toronto Servicea Boerd GTSB The Greater Toronto Servfces Board was created by the Province and began operation in January 1999. The Regfon of Durham and Its munic(palfUes are members of the Board. Durham is actively participating in a number of ihe GTSB activitiea including the dreft Strategic Transportation Plan and the Countryside Strategy. The ongofng work on these initiativea will comptement the review of the transportation and rural area polices in the Regfonal Off(clal P�an. Durhem Repion Planninp DepeAmeN 7. ISSUES The Regional Official Plan providos a sound bas(s tor managing growth, conserving resources and protecting the environment in the Region. However, to stimulale discussion on the need to review the Plan, five issues have been identified as possible areas of investigation; Issue — Growth Recent population and employment trends indicate that the long-term 2021 population and employment targets provided in the Reglonal Officlal Plan will be achieved atter 2021. As such, it fs tfinely to evaluate the population and employment targets and the adequacy of urban land designated to support these act(vities, Issue — Urban FoRn The Regional Oftfcial Plan promotes compact urban form, intensffication of existing uses, and mix and integretion oi uses along arte�lal roads and wilh(n Centrel Ar�as. Increased densities and more mixed-use developments along artertal roads would betler utfflze existing trensportation systems to move peopis and goods, A better understanding ot the relatfonship beriveen trensportation and land use is necessary, )ssue — Commercial Structure Rapid restructuring of the retell sector of lhe economy (s occurring wfth retail activitiea becoming Increasingly diverse. There Is a need to review the commerclal at►ucture eslabllshed in the Regional Ofticial Plan to enaure Pape 10 . ' �- � ATTACHMENT / , TO REPORT � PD O 2 9 �"I`'"�" �Durham Reglonal OHIclal Plan RevJew ..7Atii'�l:��- community needs lor retailing are . addressed. The Regionel Piann(ng Department wfll also receive writien submiss(ans Issue — Oak Rfdaes Moraine regardfng the need far a review untii July The MaJor Open Space policies have 31, 2000. been effective in protecting scenic and naturel features wflhfn the environment such as streams and valleylands, wellands, and marshes, and acting as urban separators. However, a lang•lerm strategy tor the protectfon and menagement of ihe Oak Rldges Moraine ' Is needed. The Region of Durham in partnership with Ihe Regions of York and Peel are proceeding to prepare a caardinated strategy tor the Oak Ridges Moraine, This work will be integrated into the O�icial Plan Review process Issue — NornFarm Rural Develooment The Reglonal Ofiicial Plan restricts the amount of non-farm related development in the rural areas. A major fssue is the con(lict between agdcultural operations and non-agdcultural uses. An evaluation ot Regional polfcies pertaining to severences Inciudfng retlrement lots and surplus farm dwellings, end non-farm uses auch as golf courees and country residential subdivisions, will conf(rm the eNectiveness of Regional poiicy. 8. NEXT STEP The next step fs to hold a apeciel public , meeting to provide Durham residents, businesaea and other stekeholdera wilh an Initlal opportuniry to express their viewa on the need lor a review. Thla • meeting le echeduled tor June 6, 2000, at 10:00 a.m, at the Durham Region Planning Department, Mein eoardroom. durhem Repion Plennlnp DepartmeM Pepe 11 030 _ � �/ 1 �i . '7 — � . [ ' � • • � • ' �'' .� �/ . �. •• �/ "I�� • .: � • . . �i��i.: ♦ ♦ � � �+j�' � . .L:�+: � .;.a.,,'.1� �1'. �... •.. s " � ,� 'k , 1�1`,� ° " • �, �. �.�. . •.: � r_n � RTTACHMENi I TO REPORT / PD Appendix 1 EXCERPT OF MAP "A" FROM THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REGIONAL STRUCTURE �... 1�eeElABPd1 Y6luROrLdtlydfrl17m1 .�. uxeuiu�aanaun L�J oNCaroo�uon�rt+e .�' �� ea►nurc 0 uuonavo�ewcE � w�r�uaart • u,wwrtaiu� wpaim�ac4mnv� � waaMnr�Mu AOItlCLLitBALdELd! lNNO NEA Q WWVEMMNICI�Tl1I1PEBFIN! � EYPLOY1ENfMEA -GE16]ULMIIILULTNLMEA \�� EI�CEN�IT'NIREYRr2 �IALKIIIOLtlIf E�EIlI.lmOO �� REO�ONlLNOOE � � (!E!lECTIOIIIIf01tOFBdUPfqln O WIRlf11YRElIOEN7IAL&1801VIlION (IEL' DtlEDUL { ipl DEBCRIPIqN) O R(�IFIRUEYROYIQR/AEA IORROCISf1011) m � � � �1 �.... • • /" . , _r i '' : . 7;� �s •' � ♦ ���1v���:+-;':1i �il � � � �Y, ' . JI/ •in{i':�ia.F�� . ii�� + �y?.� . : Y% !'w �� ` ,1, � •.�.4;f� � � `\. : R a 7,�.;e,�� ;� h .�w.r�.�.rth+ � Durham Repbn Plannitp Depertment Pepe 12 ' ' ' ATTACHMEN7/ Z HEPOHi / PD • (�0 � 0.;� Appendlx 2 REFERRALS TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN io.• uescnpuon , � - - Acpons Landa (n part ot Lot 30, Concession 3, ' Process esteblished by Clatlngton to 1 Municipality of Clarington (Darlington). prepare a Ferewell Creek Watershed Requesting Living Area. (bngsberry Properties) Study (Work ProJect No. 35. Lands were included within Special Study Area 3, end epproved by MMA on January i nu mam �ernrai Area symooi es snown on Map SubJect of OMB hearing in 1994. OMB 2� A5 and all lands within the Bowmanville Main order issued: Amendments were not 21 Central Area (as shown in Amendment Nos. 255 approved. The Main Central Area and Amendment No. 290 to the 1976 Plan, the symbol was replaced with iwo Main 200,000 sq. m Bovrmanville Iloorspace ellocation Central Area symbois, Sections 82.1, (n Section 9.3.3(a) (Bowmanville Mall). 9.2.2 and 9.2.3 were epproved, and Section 9.3.3(a) modified by adding 'East and West' eller'Bowmanville'. Sectlon 16.3.32 in its entirety. Reques8ng gas Referral withdrewn end sect(on 16.3.� 3 stetlon et the northeast comer of Lakeridge Rd. approved by MMA on Apfll 10,1995. end Highway No. 2, Town of WhKby.(Maclok ' Develo ments Lands In part ot Lot 21, Concession 4, Town of Feferral withdrawn by letter dated 4 Whitby. RequesUng readymix concrete plent. August 24,1995. Area approved as (James Dick Construction) MaJor Open Space by MMA on Se tember 18 1995. Lends in part ot Lota 33 and 34, Concession 3, Refortat withdrawn by letter dated 5 Municipeliry ot Clarington (Derlington). March 11, 1994. Area approved as RequesUng Living Area. (Akal Prope�les) Major Open Spece by MMA on June 3, 1994. Lsnds in part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Amendment No.14 approved by MMA 8& Munfdpality of Cla�ington (Darlington). on February 22,1998 to permit e golt 37 Requeating motel and restauranl Also relerral of driving renge. Referral withdrawn and severance implementation polides in Section lands approved by MMA on February 20.7 Reterrel No. 37. Mark Tomfna 26 1996. Lenda in ihe east AJax Urban Area expanaion Referral was withdrewn. OMB ober — 7 erea on Map A4; the related urban area Issued August 1,1995 epproWng boundary; and, the designetion of Audley Road relevent designations and policies. as e Type B Artertai Road es ahown on Mep 82. Requesting lhe meintenance of MaJor Open S ace S tem desl netlon. Hf hland Fartns Sectlon 19A.3,11 (n its enArety relaqng to Section approved by MMA on August 8 real8ource extraction in agdculturai landta, only 14,1995, with modHicetion, i! the lends ere rehabilitated to the same acreage and soil capabiliry. (Aggregate Producers' • Aw.��1�Y���In�����♦ ao �wnuo m pa� � vi wi au, wncassion z, V MC Oen^' J �tBla OD UCt008f 1 B, 1885 9 Town ol Plckering. (Richerd Werd) OMB da;,s on Isaued October 28,1996 aaarovina the landa es Livfna Area. Dufimn Replon Plennlnp Department Pege 13 . . , ATIACHMENi I_,.�TO REPOR71 PD Nb.nn _ 032 lo. Descriptlon Actfons . Lands in paA of Lot 28, Concesslon 2, Reterral withdrawn end area epproved 10 Municipaliry of Clarington (Clarke). Requesting as Permenent Agricultural Reserve by Lends In pert of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 7, Reterral withdrawn. Area approved by 11 Township ot U�rfdge (Scott). Requestfng MMA as Major Open Space Syslem Country Residential. (413209 Ontario Ltd.) and Permanent Agrfcultural Reserve on November 15 1994. Lends in pert of Lot 1, Concession 4, Town ot Re(erral withdrawn and erea approved 12 AJax, Part af Lot 35, Concession 4, Town of es by MMA as MaJor Open Space on Whitby and part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession t, October 23, 1995. Town oi AJax. Requesting future urben area. Eatete of E. Stroud Lends (n part of Lot 5, Broken Front Concession, Letter from Region dated September 13 Town ot Ajax. Requesting Uvfng Area for 18,1995 not(ng that deleiled land uses tableland portion of property. (Hi-Rise Sirudures to be identiiled in AJax plenning Inc.) documents. Refertal withdrawn end lands epproved by MMA es MaJar Open _ 14 12.3.5.b in Section 20.112 and those lands in residenlial development permitted on part ol Lots 9 end 70, Broken Front Concession the site. Ajax acquired the lands lrom II, Town ol AJax. Requesting deletlon of Marina HI•Rise on July 31,1996. Lends requirement. (Hi-Rise Structures Inc.) epproved as Ma�or Open Space by MMA on Se tember 11 1998. Lands bounded by Taunton Road, Sideline 16, Refercel withdrawn end erea epproved 15 proposed Highway 407 and Lekeridge Road, es MaJor Open Space by MMA on Tovm of Pickering and Tovrn ot A�ax. Requesting August 14,1995. luture urban area. Bitondo Those lands IdenUfied by Regional Node J. Refertal withdrawn on June 5,1997 end 1 B Requea8ng additionel uses within the Node. area epproved by MMA as Regionai Mos rt Perk Nods on June 11 1997. The cluster ol Brownsville insolar as it is not Amendment No. 910 the Ourham Plan 17 designated Hemlet. (168215 Cenada Ltd.) adda hemlet symbol lor Broxmsvfila. Amendment and referral epproved by MMA on Au ust 14 1995. ' The overpass of Regional Road No. 36 over Referral withdrawn on December 14, 18 Highway 401 in the Town ol Whitby as shovm on t995. Overpess epproved by MMA on Ma B2. Lebovic Ente dses Inc. Janue 11 1998. Lands in Lot 7, Concession 8, Township ol Refertal withdrawn on February 22, 19 Uxbridge on Mep A2 and SecUons 2.3.14,14.3.4 1995. Approved es Major Open Space end 14.3.b fn their entlrety ae ihey apply to the by MMA on April 10,1995. sub ect lands. Lekerid e Resorta Ltd. Lends in peA ol Lot 28, Conceas!on 3, Re(ercal withdrewn on June 20,1995. 20 Municipelitv ol Clar(ngton (Derlington). Area epproved es Major Open Space Requeatln6 Living Area. (Eyman Eetales Ltd.) and Oenerel Agricultural Area by MMA on Se tember 18 1995. Sectione 8.2.1, 9,2.2 end 9,2.3, relatinp to the Sub�ect of OMB hearing In 1994. OMB 21 devebpment ot Central Areae, in thelr entirery order Issued. See Referrel No. 2, Ineolar ea they pertein to Relerral M2. Durhem R!qbn Planninp Depertment Pape 14 � � ATTACHMENT/ TO REPORI I PD n.r�'j V 7J na; .yeacnpuon _ _ . - �Actions 4 ti�t':•.. �4'� ' Lands in part of Lots 4-11, Broken Front Amendment No. 12 designatea area as 22 Concesslon, Municipality ot Clarfngton Living Area. Referral withdrawn on (Darlington). Requesting L(ving Area to October 23,1995. Area epproved as Imp�ement Port Darlington Secondary Plan. Living Area by MMA on January 11, Haas et al 1998. Lands fn part of Lots 32-35, Concession 1, Area approved es Spectal Study Area 23 Municfpality of Clarington (Clarke). Requestfng by MMA on April 10,1995. S ecial Stud Area. James end Dfck Lovekin Lands in part ot Lot 35, Concession 1, OMB decision of July 17,1998 24 Municipality of Clarington (Clarke). Requeating approved Pertnanent Agriculturei S ecial Stu Area. James Lovekin Reserve desi natlon for the lands. Lands in part af Lot 9, Concession B, Town of Pickering Town Council adopted 25 Pickering, Requesting a MaJor Open Space Amendment No 88 (LOPA 95-001lP to designatlon and cemetery. (908127 Ontario Ltd.) thetr Plen on September 18,1995 to permit a cemetery on ihe lands. Local amendment approved by Region on January 18,1998. Referral wfthdrevm and Permanent Agricultural Reserve designatlon approved by MMA on Feb. 28 1998. _ Sections 8.2.1 and 8.32, relat(ng to the Section 8.3.2 epproved by MMA on 28 development of urban areas, Insoler as they June 3,1994. Amendment No. 5 to the affect the lands covered by proposed Durham Plan, whlch moditted Section Amendment No. 287 to the 1978 Oflicial Plan for 8.2.1, and Referral approved by MMA the Region o} Durham. This Relerral Is related to on August 14,1995. See De(errai No. Deferrai No.13. (Teunton Community �3, Landownera Grou i The populetlon target of 17,500 for the Relerrai withdrawn by letter dated 27 Newcastle Village Urban Area as set out In Table September 8,1895. Populatton target 3.3.5. Concem populaUon number may Impose approved by MMA or September 18, ,,.,...,.... �:_�._.,--- -- -- . _ ... .. - - ....._.._..._ ................,.,��a..a.,���,.�a� 28 Hospital and Parkwood Eetete. (Chr(s Keene) Plan also relerted. OMIl Hearfng held in 1995. Re tonal Node a roved. Lands in pert of Lots 23•27, Concasslon 8, Golf course approved by OMB on 29 Township ot Uxbridge. Requesting a goll course. November 14,1993. " clMte Foxbrid e Grou Secpons 13.3.5, 13.3.8,13.3.9.e,13.3.10 end Sections epproved by MMA on April 10, 30 13.3.21.h, relat(ng to the development of 1995. ' hamlete, in thelr entirery ae they pertain to the Hamlet of Tyrone. (Armstrong Harrison Associates • Lands in pert of Lata 31 end 32, Conceesion B, Amendment No, i 1 to the Durham Plan 31 Township of U��idge, (783806 Ontarlo Ltd.) to Include lands as Living Area wlthin Requestinp LlvinO Area. the urben erea wae edopted by Reglonal Councli on September 13, 1995. LiWng Area was epproved by Du�ham Repbn Planninp Depertment • Pape 15 , ATTACNMENT/ _ TO REPOflT/ PD 034 Vo. "DdscdpUo� Actlons Lands In part of Lols 31 and 32, Concession 3, Referrel withdrawn on Oclober 25, 32 Town ot Whliby. Requesting Living Area. (Whilby 1995. Reterral resumeci by MMA and Lanes) put into Delerral No. 3 area on October Lentls on the nortn side ot Ghamplain Avenue, Reterral witnarawn on October 27, 33 immediately east ot the Durham College 1995, Area approved on Jenuary 11, campus. Requesting commercial uses, (Bay 1996 by MMA 34 corner of Taunton Road and Gerrard Roed, Hezard Lend in Whitby Council Adopted . Town o( Whitby, Trowbridge Development. Plan. Region Councfl re-solution on Requesting Llvfng Area. June 5,1991 stattng that Whitby Otticlal Plan will deilne the land use boundariea, Area epproved by MMA on Janue 11 1998. Lenda in part ot Lots 19 end 20, Concesslon 6 Area epproved by MMA as Living Area 35 end 7, Town of Whitby. (Markborough south of Columbus Road end Properties) Permenent Agricultural Reserve north of Columbus Road on Februery 10, 1894 Lands (n Lot 12, Concessfon 3, Municipality of OMB order issued on September 8, 36 Clarington (Clarke); Secliona 2.3.6, 2.3.7, 2.3.8, 1995. Hearing will be In 2 phases, pre� 2.3.9, 2.3.10 end 2.3.11 fn their entfrety; hoaring to resume September 26,1995, modiiication 18 of this ceAfifcate pege In fla and hearing sterted on December 11, entirety; moditied Sections 2.3.14 end 2.3.21(g) 1995. OMB decision on Phese 1 issued Insofar as they relate to waste management; on July 10,1996. Laidlaw fnformed lhe Sections 7.2.1 end 7.3.1 insotar as they fail to OMB that they do not wish to proceed recognize waste menagement sites as part ot the with Phase 2. regionel structure; end, Sections 12,14 end 20.4.4 as they relate to the lends subJect ot thls Seclion 20.7, Severance Implementauon, only as see Reterrai No. �. 37 it applies to the lands shown es Referral No. 8 on Ma A5 Mark Tomfna Amendment No. 268, which edds Aggregate See Deterral No.18. Relerral — 38 Area No. 82 in part of Lots 1 B end 17, wilhdrawn. Concession 5, Tovmshlp of Brock. N1.N.R. has elso received a referrel 1or the eggregete Ilcense, O.M.B. Flla M950018. Vicdom P. � C. Mezze Former Deferral No. 8 erea, Part of Lots 31 end Proposed settlement to designate the 39 32, Concesalon 3, Municipality of Clarington erea es Speclal Study Area, which wes (Derlington), epproximately 140 acrea. Pdncipel epproved by the MMA on Apol 17, iand ownere, Tonno Construction. Area relerred 1998, by Stan Racansky who wishes the preparalion of Dufiem Reglon Plenninp �epartment Pape 18 ' ; � � � . ,,.+ '� • ATiACNI.!ENII_ TO • , flE?U01 i PU,���_ O,� 7 APPENDIX 3 DEFERRALS TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN •.:wcnpuun acuons� Section 1 B22 (Specfal PolicyArea'B') ^� Enisting dock isLpermifled in the'1991 plan, 1 reiated to the St. Mary's Cement aggregate and Special Policy Area B conteins extrection operetion end dock fecility on AAap proNslons lor the dock's expansfon. A5, elong the Bowmanville waterlront Is deferred. All paAles are working towards resolving the Wests(de Marsh concem. Lands tn the Oek Ridges Moraine on Maps A New desfgnation 'Permanent Agricultural 2& A3, A4 and A5, which were Ceslgnated as Reserve subject to Section 14.3' was 19 Pertnanent Agricultural Reserve in the 1978 approved by MMA lor the lands on July 4, Plan. 1996. 3 West Whitby urban expansion area and the Delerred pendfng Iinal decfsion on freeway treeway Ifnk on Maps A4, Bt and 82 end the link alignment. .e�e�d,.,a.,.--•--'-- -� L(ving Area on Map A5 and Ihe related urban area boundary�to h�e east s(de of urban area bouodary. Hi hwa 115. 5 Lands fn the Worth Newcastle �Ilege Living Lands epproved as Living Area by MMA on Area on �taF A5 and ihe related urban area January 11, 1996. bounda . e Lands fn the North Coun(ce Living Area on Lands referred to the OMB by Stan Map A5 and the releted urban area Recansky on October 23,1 gg5 (see boundery. Relerral No. 39 tor more infortnation). Settlement reached and lands approved es Special Study Area on April 17,1 gg6 by MMA• Process established to prepare a . � no uusiynauon or uix�e Hoan es e Type B Pickering Council resoluUon of June 27, Artertal Road and Regional Translt Spine on 1994 suppoAing the deletion at the Type'B' Map B2; the ebsence of Regionel Transit arierial end Regionel Trensk Spine on Dix(e Spine destgnatlons for Whites Raed on Map Road and ils proposed luture extensfon _ 82; and, Sectbns 8.3.3.f, 8.3.4 and 8.3.5. norlh and south, Town is preparing e Toxm Road cannections to Seaton. Inclusion ot Centre West Lend Use Study (LOPA 94- Seaton as an tntegral part oi Ptckedng. ppq/p� Deviatlona irom designetiona to Map A4 es related to Seaton do not require an amendment to Durhem Plan. Region tu underteke study of the steging and timtng of Aasessment of change oi Ii�ng environment I r V��yy tlNNwvea oy mmA on lor realdents In the vicinity ot axtrection D�'rfiem Replon Planninp Deperfinenl Paye 17 '� � .` . , ` ' �n��ri ro �36 I�POflII PD uescnpuon, • .. ,;:. : .Acttons: r � : • � - ' ' . Section 18.3.6 (now+16.3.7) in fls entirety . reiating to Hfghway 401 and 407 treewey --- --•-r--- �� �u��� �„ rivurspace flnocqllOfl OI tiU,000 SC�.fD. Secibn 9.3.3(e): Whitby (Gerden St. and approved by MMA on Januery 11,1896. C7necle...1 od 1 �nn nnn .._ _ --...-----�.--.-'......�._..�-.....w..� .,o�anwm�wwivaNpiwaaDyifIBMMA0f1 policies tor severences. February 10,1994, except as it epplies to Reterral Nos. 6 end 37, which were approved by MMA on Februery 28,1996. See Referral Nos. 8 end 37 for more information. 12 Lends In the Columbua Living Area on Map To be dealt with in the Oshawa off(cial plan A4 and the related urban area boundary. review. See Deterral No. 20 for defeRal ol roads In Coiumbus. 13 The words'shall be' in the second sentence Deferral of Section 8.3.2 lifted by IviMA on ` ol Section 82.1 and Section 8.3.2 In its June 3, 1994. Section 8.2.1 modilled by ent(rery. Development of urban ereas based Planning Committee July 12,1994. certain princfpies and destgn competit(on }or Section 8.2.1 approved by MMA on August devetopment of large tracts of land. Releted 14,1995 as Amendment No. 5, end to Referrel No. 28. deferral Iifted and approved on September 18 1995. 14 Sectlon 20.11.3 as it relates to Amendment O.M.B. approved Amendment No. 283 Nos. 249, 250, 251, 260, 281, 2;J, 283 end (Invar) on January 25, 1994. . 289. Amendments to the 1978 Durham Plan Deferrals Iifted b'y MMA es follows: which remain in eflect. Amendment Nos. 2A9 and 250 on February 10,1994. Amendment Nos. 283 and 289 on June 3,1994. ' Amendment Nos. 251, 281 and 2B9 on November 15, 1994. Amendment Nos. 260 and 280 deleted " Irom SecUon 20.11,3 by MMA on May 30, 1997, ea lhe applicants wilhdrew thelr intent to ursue the Amendments. 15 Rural Employment Area No. 4 on Schedule Regional Council adopted Amendment No. , 8, In pert ot Lots 12,13 and 14 Concesslon 223 to lhe 1978 Plen on ��ay 29,1989 1, Town of Uxbrid8e• deslgnet!ng lands Speclal Policy Area D. In November 1989, MMA epproved north porlion end detened aouth portion ol the Area, South portion is Defercel No.151n , the 1991 Plen. 18 Sectlon 16.3.19 In Ite entirety, relaling to the ModHlcatlon to Secdon 18,3.19 adopled by • protection of the eddlUonel road Iinke; Committee on November 12,1998. Bayly/Lswrence; RosaiandlF7nch; end bth ModlHcation epproved by MMA on Jenuery /�nnweee�nn/IA11. A..w�..� _" '___ Ourham Repbn Plannlnp Departmant Pape 18 ' ATTACHMENT/ _ ip REPOAi I PD 0 � ! ;:�..' '.: . �: �._ .. ���. �.' � . �_ �� �. � _., �.. � . i! . Dufiem Raylon Plenninp Department Pepe 19 � '� ' ATTACHMENT/ _ TO O.�S ��RT / PD Appendiz 4 AMENDMENTS TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN (Categorized by Type of Change) Durham Heplon Plenninp Department � Pepe 20 ,�. �. : � �� 1 No. � Appticent 27 � Stendard Aggregnte 33 34 38 Ontario Realiry ATTACHAfENT / - TO HEPONT � PD Change Increase the size ot Resource Exlraction Area t i (rom 127 ha. to 144 he. (Uxbddge). Increase the size ot Resource Extraction Area 30 �.3 � Actiona Permanent Agricultural Reserve to MaJor Open Approved Space to permit an 8-lot country resldential development (Pfckering). Permit ihe severance ol a surplus rurel res(dentlal Approved dwelling in the Pertnanent Agricultural Reserve Uxbrid e). Recognlze en exfstfng retail use In the MaJor Open Approved S ece Oshawa . In�rease the maximum number ot lote in Couniry Approved Residential Subdfvfalon 201rom 51 to 52 (Cladn ton . Pertnfl lhe sale ot anorox(matelv 2.000 ha. ot Anomved — Corporallon provinclally-ovmed lends end recognize existing le al contormin usea Pickerin . 38 Please Save 8 Recycle Pertnit a golf course in the MaJor Open Space (2� ha Scu o , 39 Neil and Cathy Bacon Pertnfl an euction salea busfness in the MaJor 0 en S nce (31 he Scu o). 40 Imperial Oil Pertnit Ihe extension o1 sanitary sewer services beyond the urban area to service en eutomotive servlce centre/restaurant Clarin on . 47 Town of AJax Pertnit ihe extension of weter and sanitary sewer seMces beyond lhe urban area boundary to service a munic( al recreaUon facfli (A ax . 42 Harvey Adon PertnR a contractors yerd (n Resource Extraction Area 38 Scu 43 B, 8H. Puckdn Pertnit the severance of non•(nrm residenUal lot li � the Oenerai A r(culturel Area Scu 44 Bedgerow & Grant PertnR 2 rural residential lota in ihe MaJor Open S ace U�rid e . 45 D. & E. Cordingley Pertnk the severence of non•larm reaidenUal lot li the Permanent A rfcultural Reserve U��1d e. 47 J. & T. Palladino Pertnit the severence of a non•farm resldenNal lo� In ihe Mejor Open Spece — Oak Ridgea Moreine Uxbrid e . 48 J. 8 E. Micheol Permit the eoverence of a eurplus ferm dwelling fi a non•ebu�ing fartn percel in the Qene�al � A dcuNural Area Cledn ton . • 49 Paula Llehman umited Add Section 12.3.18 to pertnk a fur perment manutecturino (acilitv (n the Permanent Approved APProvad Dufiam Repbn Plennlnp Departmen! Pape 2i , �• , ATTM�IMENTI TO 040 RfPORT1 PD No. Applicant Change Acdons 52 Grenhe Club Ltd. Permit e golt course In the MaJor Open Space — Approved Oek Rfd es Moraine 12he Uxbrid e. 53 J. & G, Millson Permit the severance of e non-farm residenlial lot Approved in the Pertnanent Agriculturel Reserve Clarin ton . 55 Youngfleld Fartns Ltd. Pertnit the oeverance ot a larm dwelling rendered Approved surplus ae e reault of the consolidation of non- abutting farms in 1he Permanent Agriculturei Reserve Scu 57 Walter Hele in trust Pertnil the severence of a term dwelling rendered Approved surplus as a result of the conso�fdation of non- abutting fartns in tho Permanent Agricultural Reserve Cladn ton . 58 Brooklin Mews Ltd. Permit a golt course use In the Permanent Approved A riculturai Reserve (79 ha (Pickerin . 59 D. 8 L. Lartner Permit the severance of a feim dwelling rendered Approved — surplus as e result of the consolidation ot non- ebutling fartns in the Permanent Agriailturel Reserve Scu o ). 81 L Bruce Permit one eddiUonel non•(erm residenpa� lot in Approved lhe General A dcultural Area Scu o. 82 Lodwick Trensport Permit the development of a transport truck Approved Llmited terminal Brock . 84 Nser Farms Permit the aeverance ot four surplus (erm Adopted dweilings and a lot iine adjustment to a rurai but not yet resldenUallot Pickerin . a roved 85 Jack Lelly, on behalt of Permlt a nine hole golf course Adopted R. and M. Guy but not yet _ 4 Region ot Durt�am Add Section 13.3.15 to pertnit severances tn ereas Approved with e concentretion ot 4 ha. (i0 ac) lota In the rural erea. 5 Ciry of Oshavre Change Sectlon 8.2.1 that establishes the general Approved rfnci les for the develo ment of urban areas. 20 Reglon cf Durham Change SecUon 11.3.10 to pertnit other Approved employment uses in edditton to preatige uaea along Ireeways end Type A& B arterial roads in the Em lo ent Area. • 21 Region a9 Durham Chanpe to Soction 12.3.8 to pertnit tarm releted Approved industrlel uses wftfiout an amendment lo the Durhem Plan. 28 Repion ot Durham Add SecUone 11.3.17 end 11.3.1 B to permlt retail Aooroved Ourham Hepbn Plennlnp Department Page 22 � � � � ATTACHMENT I TO �aa'T � �n 04 � C Durham Repbn Plannlnp DepaAment Pape 23 � � � � � � ATTACHMENT/ 3 O'i 2 REPOHT I PD_ �TO ' 6xcerpt from Pickering Councll Reeolulfon Nl7/00 (Adopted by Pickcring Council February 21, 2000) 4. T6at Picker(pg Council recommend to the Region ot Durdnm that, subsequent to consideration of OPA 99-008/D, a rev(erv be undertaken of policy 12.3.12 of the Durdam Regiooul Oflicial Plun, (which provides for the severaace ot farm dwellings reodered surplus as result of ihe consolidation of non-abutttng farm parcels), rvitd the Intent to establtsh provistons restricting t6e future construcNon of residenlial drrelltngs on retained farm parcels, t6rough tec6ntques such ns ofRc(al plan poltcies requlriog rezon(ng of retatned tarm parccls, as Is currenlly used in t6e Niagara Reg(on, to successfully prevent aver the loog term, tocremental tntrus(ons io aod fragmentatton ot agricultural areas. ,� 1/� 1! a,F � � � � � �,. ;� - ��. : � j /J�� �� , , - t��'� ATTACNMEHT/ T0 HEPORT/ DD� 04.� � E:cerpt trom Pickering Couocil Raolut(on N58/00 (Adopted by Pickoring Council April 10, 2000) 6. Thot Council request t6e Rcgion of Durham consider the redes(goat(on ot Finc6 Avenue west of Altona Road, aod Townl(oe Road soutd of Taunton Road, from Type `B' Arter(al Roads to Type'C' Arterlal Roads, durinR preparaHoo of the Reg(on of Durham Transportatioo Masterplan Study. ' . . . . - :'1�� _ � . • �� � . ;� . ._ .. . . . . , � . ., .. .. .,. . . ;� . � .