HomeMy WebLinkAboutWCCSept 19 2013 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee September 19, 2013 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: J. Berry K. Corcoran J. Dike K. Falconer M. Robbins P. Short-Gallé J. Veronneau S. Wiley D. Shields, City Clerk A. Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Gord MacPherson, TRCA L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Dickerson Councillor O’Connell Also Present: C. Beattie A. McKinnon B. Skitch Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions D. Shields welcomed members and guests in attendance to the meeting. 2.0 Agenda & Minutes Moved by J. Dike Seconded by J. Berry J. Dike noted the June 20th minutes did not reflect information on reporting of the pilot program and requested that this be included. That the Minutes of the June 20, 2013 meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved, as amended. Carried 3.0 Delegations Gord MacPherson appeared before the Committee on behalf of TRCA, and through the aid of a power point presentation, he Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 outlined the development of a recreational fisheries plan. He outlined the development plans, noting a public meeting will be held here at the City of Pickering on the evening of October 24th in the Council Chambers. Through his presentation, Mr. MacPherson outlined the following; Mission • West shore of Lake Ontario is the most heavily studied area • Identify strengths and weaknesses • Recommend strategies for improving public access as well as enhancing and maintaining • To promote fishing Objectives • Obtain local support as well as Provincial and Federal • Identify state and health of fish communities • Identify areas where recreation fishing can be promoted • Identify areas to improve – work with tourism industry, recreational stakeholders as well as media in promoting public fishing opportunities • Promote in a variety of ethnic communities Mr. MacPherson outlined the timelines, noting they had begun holding meetings in February and March, and hope to finalize by April, 2014. He noted they are working on a draft fish management plan with other areas as well as Pickering, which will be directed at shoreline improvements, be an easy to read document, help to improve on access and hopefully lead to government funding. He also noted everything in the plan is in accordance with the Waterfront Master Plan. Discussion ensued with members commenting as follows: J. Veronneau noted concerns with respect to the boat launch and location of fishing nodes near the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club which could be a potential conflict during regattas. He also noted concerns with the use of cattails that are proposed as part of the fish habitat creation on the south shore, noting that this could be a safety issue if a canoe tips and the occupants need to be able to reach the shoreline safely. K. Corcoran commented that she thought natural vegetation was the goal. Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 J. Dike requested clarification on the wetland restoration, where the work is happening. G. MacPherson indicated the areas on the map and also explained how they are incorporating vegetation. J. Veronneau also questioned who has the final word at TRCA. Gord responded that all approvals come from the Chair of the Board. C. Beattie appeared before the Committee to express her concerns with a plan to encourage fishing. She questioned why promote this when hunting is not promoted. She noted it should not be TRCA’s concerns to help raise money for commercial stores. She noted fishing is not that popular any more, as most fish are not edible, it’s done mostly for sport. She noted concerns as follows; • tangles of fishing line under the pedestrian bridge • swallows get trapped and die • hooks in wildlife, on the beach • the amount of garbage left behind by the fishermen • fighting that occurs over the best fishing spots • lack of control A. McKinnon appeared before the Committee and questioned how the open house would be advertised. He also expressed concerns over this plan, noting he has witnessed altercations over fishing spots. He also noted concern with a lack of enforcement and the amount of trash left behind. He noted the plan is wrong if it does not have these issues worked into it. K. Falconer noted that while he respects the concerns noted, he indicated that the City of Pickering does put up signage regarding trash. He also asked the delegate, Mr. MacPherson, to respond to the question regarding fish being edible as well as whether the proper species of fish are being put back into the Bay. G. MacPherson explained how they are improving fish habitat, noting a lot of time has been spent to carefully understand how to do the proper thing. He noted this is a multi-faceted plan which they are coordinating with other municipalities. He also explained how when you improve access, it can become self-policing. He noted signage is an important factor. He also noted that funding from the Federal government, whether Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 regulatory or financial, would greatly assist. S. Wiley stated he was in favour of promoting improved access to the shoreline, but it must be done in a logical manner to avoid conflict. Improving the health of the shoreline is critical. He also noted education is key with a need to promote proper ethics, stating that the plan should improve on this. He noted the great results seen in Toronto as a result of the work by TRCA. Gord noted that currently there are no rules or restrictions in place on fishing. He explained what is being done in other areas and how it has become self-policing, noting how education is being done. C. Beattie questioned who pays for enforcement as well as confusion as to improving access while also restricting it with respect to the boat launch. Gord explained the design, which is all within the scope of the plan as well as enforcement. K. Falconer noted he concurs with S. Wiley’s comments and also questioned the washroom facilities. Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by J. Veronneau That City of Pickering Facilities Staff be consulted prior to construction of the washroom facilities on the west spit to better understand issues such as accessibility and what would best serve the west spit. Carried J. Dike questioned the quality of fish which is edible. G. MacPherson explained the testing of the fish, stating it is no different from fish caught in cottage country. He noted very stringent restrictions are carried out here. He noted one area of concern being the Niagara River, which contains 80% of the toxins. 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 4.1) Wetland Restoration at North End of Frenchman’s Bay D. Shields noted a letter has been drafted as a starting point for the motion made at the June 20th meeting, to request TRCA look into wetland restoration at the north end of Frenchman’s Bay. D. Shields noted that Council would like to see a copy of the letter prior to forwarding this onto TRCA. Copies were passed around to members with their input being requested. It was suggested that the draft letter be forwarded electronically to the members for their input. Responses from the Committee would then be incorporated into the letter, and sent out once more before being finalized. Comments were noted as follows: J. Dike stated that he felt the letter does not emphasize the serious concerns of the Committee for the quality of the wetlands and that it requires more background as to the nature of our concerns. J. Veronneau noted concerns with the north side. P. Short-Galle questioned whether the City has any control over the work done by the Harbour Co. J. Dike suggested the Committee’s concerns be incorporated into the draft letter before being forwarded onto the members again. It was noted that the letter would be forwarded directly to the Board for TRCA once approved. 5.0 New Business 5.1) Frenchman’s Bay Harbour Entrance A. Mostert provided an overview of the progress to date on the Frenchman’s Bay Harbour entrance. Through the aid of a power point presentation, he provided photos of the work to date, noting that boat traffic had continued. A. Mostert noted a delay in work as a result of the Ministry of Labour addressing the procedures related to the lifting of the armourstone. Gord provided a presentation outlining the dredging process at the harbor entrance. He noted the rocks and timber cribs will be repurposed and also indicated where the proposed storage Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 6 CORP0228—2/02 for dredging would be located. He stated they are pleased with the progress to date and also indicated that community concerns had been addressed. B. Skitch – questioned if historical investigations had been done on the original location of the lighthouse as he thought that it was located farther into the lake. Archaeological investigations have not indicted that this was the case. J. Veronneau questioned the timing of the project and whether it was on budget. G. MacPherson explained how work had continued during the delays, noting no significant impact on the budget and stated they still plan to finish by next year. He also explained the beneficial use of the dredging material and noted TRCA is working with the Harbour Co. and assisting them with placement of the dredging materials. 5.2) Linton Farmhouse A. Mostert informed the Committee the drawings had been submitted in order to obtain the required permit. This has gone out to tender, and work will proceed once the permit has been issued. Mr. Mostert also noted that the building will be insulated which will provide the option of utilizing the washrooms during the winter months, as requested by Councillor Dickerson. K. Falconer requested staff investigate whether the interior of the house would be renovated and who would be responsible for the costs. He noted this had been brought up at a previous meeting. It was noted that there currently is no use for the building, therefore interior renovations were not being pursued at this time. 5.3) Milfoil Weeds J. Dike provided an update on the Eurasian Water-Milfoil weed. He noted that when viewing the bottom of the Bay with an underwater camera in early Spring, very little invasion of the weed had been noted. However, in early July, with 5 very warm days in a row, they found an area with heavy growth. At that point, they arranged for 20,000 weevils to put in this test site and would look again next week. He stated Allies of A. Mostert to action Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 7 CORP0228—2/02 Frenchman’s Bay Association will continue to hold meetings and gather information, indicating they had met with and received a quote from Lake Savers of $5,800 to put an aeration system test site near the Canoe Club – on Pickering Harbour Company lands. 5.4) Doors Open A. Mostert provided an update on the Doors Open – Frenchman’s Bay Walking Tour program which will be held on October 5th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at Progress Frenchman’s Bay East Park. He noted the following participants; • Becky George – Pickering Public Library • TRCA – display showing natural features on the Bay & electro-fishing demonstration – 11:30am to 12:30pm. • Canoe Club demonstration - 1:00pm to 2:30pm. • Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club demonstration at 2:30 • PARA – unconfirmed at this point A. Mostert encouraged members to come out, noting this is a free event. Discussion ensued with respect to parking concerns at the bottom of Liverpool Road. J. Dike questioned signage for parking to direct residents on available parking areas. It was the consensus of the Committee to have staff look into further information in this regard and report back at the next meeting. D. Shields to action 6.0 Other Business 6.1) D. Shields noted that accessibility training was mandatory for all members of Advisory Boards and Committees. She stated that it had been arranged to have this occur at the next meeting. She also requested that you advise her of your attendance as this is a mandatory training session, other arrangements will be made if members cannot attend the session at the next meeting. 6.2) D. Shields provided an update on the Pilot Program for Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Advisory Committees. She stated Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 8 CORP0228—2/02 that she would be recommending to Council that these positions be returned for the balance of this term, and that this take place at the next scheduled meeting. She will be bringing forward a report to Council in 2014 that will recommend a facilitator beginning with the new term of Council. K. Falconer requested clarification on the Chair and Vice-Chair terms, and whether this break in service was being considered. P. Short-Galle questioned whether the report would be available prior to going to Council. D. Shields provided details, noting that anyone who had served a 2 year term would need to be re-elected unanimously. She also noted the report would be going forward to the Executive Committee prior to Council, giving the public the opportunity to view and provide comments. 6.3) K. Falconer advised members that the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean up would be taking place this Saturday, September 21st. They would be working in conjunction with PESCA and the Nautical Village. 7.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Next Meeting: November 21, 2013 Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 pm Copy: City Clerk