HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 19/00� OF p/�� .;1 S s r�' � R�PORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor DATE: Mey 1, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 19-00 SUBJECT: Noxious Weeds RECON;MENDATION: That Report CL 19-00 regerding Noxious Weeds be received; and That the Councii of the Corporation of the City of Pickering authorizes the publication of a Public Notice regerding the destruction of wecds under the provision of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter W.5 of the Province of Ontario and directs the Regional Weed Inspectors to cause noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner es they may deem proper, and That tha expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discherge of their duties shell be placed an the Collcetor's Roll of the City of Pickering egainst the respective parcels concemed and that such amount ahell be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. ORiGIN: Letter deted April 14, 2000 from the Region of Durham AUTHORITY: The Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter W.5 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Current Year - None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Attached to this report is wrrespondence from the Regfon of Durhem requesting Council to pass a resolution to authorize the publication of e notice to have all lend owners to destmy various weeds and to authoriu Regionet Weed Inspectore to enforcc tha provisions of the Wxd Control Act. :,12 4 t .,' ^ . ..... ��e .. �.�� . . . . . � wl��Y.>�(. 8 ...*', �. ♦ e _.... , , .� .. � .... Kepart to Council CL 19-00 ' Dete: May 1, 2000 •1 SubJect: Noxio!�sWeeds Page 2 187 This notia is published annually end givea lha Regional Weed Inepectoro the authoriry to enter upon privato property; to cut any noxioue weeds and to put thae wets on the municipel tex bill. The notice will be placed in the newspaper on May 16 2000 and will include the stetement advising tha pubUc that the dandeliuns vnd goldenrod are not considered to be noxious weeds. ATTACFIIvIENTS: 1. Cortespondence from the Region of Durhem deted April 14, 2000 Prepazed B • � _ ruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideretian of Pickering Ciry Councii , �� i � a �' G1U i mas J. Qu n, ChiefAdministrative OfTcer r4 � f ' � P ` r t - i � S l i 5 F C } .. } -;7 y 1 � {: t � �A 4 f. �� ��, .. s 5 I. t t } i � �, � . 1{ � �v t 5;J l ' 4' �z t � t e i '` �� �x tr - � . ; 4 � } _ � { 1�� t j }f � 1 t � S„a �i�i .} ,i � ..i Xi i } � � �; a �5�, ( i� -� � � '} � -i JtF � � i . ` : r �y �q � e ri . d i � ;: � '� [ � �, + i;�. j � f. Y r ,: i � ,�t E � r r �' • a� i t � L �� �� t !s� 5 . 3�' ._. . ..�_. , ... �..... � . . ,�, ,J. ,..._ ._... � . �., . ..� ., .,. . _ „ _ , , . ' . _ • . . . ',, 1 � , . . ! 1HS � . qTfACHMEr�'rr,. � TUREPOftTri«��-'�R�C�{VCD � Apol 14, 2000 ' . Clri OF PI;I(ERINO. APR 1 91000 �° . City of Pickedng . . C�RK'8 DIVI310N • 1 The Eeplanade . � Pickedng, Ontado ' . ' L1VBK7 . , Th� R�olond: , _ Munlalp��ily � '� . � . . . . , - . . � ol0urh�m ' • . � . . .. Attenlion, B. Taylor, . . . ' :Yorks - ' Clerk . DaPadment - • • . � � � � � � • � �.�' . Boz B23 . ' ' . ' . . � • ., . . �106 Coneumsn Dr.� Deaf Slr' ' ' • � � ' � • � ' - � � • Whltby.Ontedo , � ' . . . . . � . . Cenada L1 N BA3 • �� � - • �(805� 88&7�21 Q�• ENFORGEMENT OF THE WEED GONTROL AGT .'. , F� �aos� eee�zost , , � • v.ti aua.Ul.,...� In accordance with the Weed Control Acl R.S.O. 1990, Chapler W.S, lhe Regional . commi.ebner Munlcipa�ity ot Durham is reaponsible for the eniorcement of the Act wilhin lhe Region. olworke . aieene vuoie our rot As allowed for under section 18 of the Act, lhe Region requires Ihat your Coundl pass a � • resolutlan direcUng th : Reglonal Weed Inspeclor(s) to: � ' �, a Destroy any noxbus weeds or weed seeds on any subdivided por�ons of the munlcipailty and on lots not exceeding 10 acres. , . o The municipality advertise id a nowspaper having general circulalion in your municiprsflty not(ce of thls acUon. •, Enciosed Is a suggested 'Nolice lo Property Owners' to destroy noxiaus weeds and a suggosled resolution directlng Ihe Regional Weed Inspectors to enforoe lhe provislons of • . • Ihe Weed ConVol AcL In your municipatity. •We ahali requlre certifled copiea o( lh�� NoUce to Properly Owners end tho resolution, Tha Notico to Property Ownei�• ' ehould be advertieed In a newspaper belwoen May 15, 2000 and May 19, 2000. . Pleaae note on the draft NoQco to Property Ownera that wo ask you to typb in tho • Munlcipality and Clerk's nama. • Wa are again enclosing general InfortnaUon conceming weed cortrol for 2000. � We wouW elso request your co-operaUan In providing access to your assessment rocords in order lhef the fnspectors may detertnine Fropeity ownership (n your municlpallty. . Thank you (or your continued co-operation. . • Yours Uuly, . '. . . . � . • . ' • Mlke Slocombe, , . . , � ' OperaUons Technfcian • . ' . ' • MS:br , ' , : ' . • :.c. Gerie CharUer, Manager, Transportalion Engineedng & Planning . . � � � � : � " . � . . �aoM.vaicaw�w,. . 'rt _ i_ + i �� � 1 2. ATTACHMENT #�TO REPORT #« �� ' � :' ► h �tu: �► . i �� ;� Tho follo�ving have been appoinlal Regionai Wecd Inspcctors Cor 2000 with their areas of reaponeibility indicated: jpgpGC(Qt Pri� Areas Vem Mason Ciry of Pickering Town ofAjax Townships of Uxbridgc, Scugog and Brock Reg Perker Municipnliry of Clarington Dan Adams . Town of Whitby City of Oshuwa Mike Slocombe Region of Durham '1`he inspcetors may be reached by cnlling the Region oF Durham, Works Department at: (905) 668-7721, extension 5219 or 1-800-372-1103. Sation 3, of the Act states that "every person in possession of land shall destroy nll noxious wceds on i1". Regional Wced (nspcctors can issue ordcrs lo destroy noxious wceds hll1 they have oo aulhority to ordcr weeds to be destroyed that are pot on the No:iaus Weed List. Thc schedule of weeds in tho Regulalion lists 23 specics of pla�its as noxious weeds nnd they are as follows: 1111� � / t. Poison ivy 2. Poison Hemlcek 3. Cnnada Thistle 4. Nodding'Ihisllc 5, Bull Thistic 6. Sow Thistle 7. Scotch ThisUe 8. Russian Thistle 9. Colt's Foot 10. Common Barberry 11. Tuberous Velchling l2. Proso Millet, black aceded 13. Ragwced 14. Milkwecd 15. Johnson Gcass 16. Wild Carrot 17. GoaCs•Beard 18. European Buckthom 19. Dodder 20. Knapwced 2l. Yellow Rocket 22. Cypress Spurge 23. LcaCy Spurge Dandelton� eod Coldeerod sre eot coesidered noxtou� weeds, under thc Weed Cantrol Act. Dandelions and Goldenrod are easily controlled with 2 4•D, Killex, etc. , r. ., . , _ .. . � ,. . . � �196 ATTACHMENT #_L TU REP�R'f t�« / g-°D 3. Whero a munidpallry has appointed a"Municipai" Weed Inspalor under Soction 8 of tho Act, it may by bylaw designate additional weeds as noxioua in all or part of tho municipality. Such a by-law rcquirea epproval of the Minister. 4. Regional Weed Inspectors may, in some instances, not be ablo to order weeds to bo cut that the public may da�n should be destroyed. Section 22 of the Act exempts from its requiremenW those weeds, which are faz cnough away &om eny land used for agricultural or horticultural purposes that they do not interfere with thnt use, S. In order to comply wilh the provisions of Section l5 of the Act, a stalement of tha expenses incurted by the Regional Weed [nspector, which has not been paid within filteen (15) days aRer request for payment shall be presented to the Council of lhe Municipality in which the land is locatecl, Section 15 oC the Act reads as follows: (1) �2) �3) (4) (5) (6) If nn order served under Section 13 is not complied with, the inspector may cause the noxiaus wceds or weed secds lo bc destroyed in the prescribed mnnner. Inspectors shall keep a rccord of thc cxpcnses incurred wder subsection (l) wiQi rospcct to each pazccl of land. Thc expenscs shall be submitted to thc clerk of the municipality who shall have u stntement of qic expcnses nnd n natice requesting payment scrved on the person in possession of Ihe Innd nnd on its awncr. 'fhc statement end noticc shall be serviccd in the same manner as an order undcr scction 13. ICthc person upon whom a statcment and noticc wcre served fails to pay the amount set out in thc statement within fi4een (15) days aRer Ihe service of the notice, the clerk shall give the statement to the Councii of Ihc Municipnlity in which thc land is located, nnd thc Council shall ordcr lhc amount to be paid out of the gcneral funds for tho municipaliry. ?hc amount paid by the municipality sliall be dcemed to be taxcs and shall be addcd to lhe coilector's roll againsl lhe receptive parcels concerned and collectal in ihe samc manner and with lha same prioritics as municipal taxes 1968, c.51.s.15. + � ,�[ :4�' , .. g 1~ 1 f 5 \ . __ 1 ._ , . .. , �� . .. .. � . . � . . � Al"fA�f,�1re�"_l��r�i�i'�1�r�t«!9• vtl •'' Su�ated Nodce for PubllaHda In Local New�papsrt 1�], NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY �YOXIOUS WEEDS . � � Notico is hereby givrn to al! pe�sons in possession of land, in accordance with the Wecd Control Act, RS.O.1990, Chapte; W.S, Sxdons 3, t 6 and 23, that wless noxious weeds growing on the'u lands withltt the Municip�lity of � ace datroyed by Junc 1,1999, and tluoughout tho season thereafter, tl.e weed inspector may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the c�sts against the land, and that such emounts shall be collected by the municipaliry in the sarne mwner as taxes under the Municipal Act. 0 Dandelioas and Goldea Rod are not noxious weeds wder tho Weed Control Act. �For furlher informatloa regardtng enforcement cail t6e Regiou o[Durham at 905-66&77Z1 � or 1-800-372-1103. (Name) Clerk Municipalily Sugge�ted Resolutton RESOLUTION OF THE COUIYCIL OF THE AREA MUMCIPALITY � MOVED BY: BY: Resolved that this Council aulhorizes the publication of a Public Nodce, regarding the daWcdon of weeds undec tha pmvision oCihe Wad Control Act, RS.0.1990 Chepter W.5 of the Pcovince of Ontario and dirocb Ihe Regional Weed inspato�a ro cause noxious weeds or weed seeds to be dptroyed in suc6 a menner as they may deem proper and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in thc discharga of their dutios shail be placcd on the Colicctors Roli oC this municipality against the respcctive pa�els concaned and that such amounts ahall bo collxted in the same mannor aa taxa undu The Municipal Act. ,� � , r. - �,.;;