HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 29/00, � OP P/C � � 169 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Brucc Taylor DATE: July I6, 2000 Ciry Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 29-00 SUBJECT: Appointment of Animal Control Personnd as Municipal Law Enforcemrnt OfScers RECOD�IIv(EENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint the Anima! Control personnel as Municipal I.aw Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing and administering the City's animal control by-laws be enacted. ORIGIN: Request of the Town of Whitby dated ]uly 4, 2000 AUTHORITY: Section I S(I ) of 1he Police Servicu Act FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Not appiicable EXECUTIVE SUMhtARY: In a letter dated Iuly 4, 2000, the Cierk of the Town of Whitby is requesting thet the Councils of the Ciry of Pickaing end Town of Ajax appoint the animal control personnel es Muniapal Law Euforament 06'icero for Pickering end Ajex respcctively in order to propedy enforce and administer thc Ciry's animal contral by-laws. • BACKGROUND: As you know, the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax is under contract with tha Town of Whitby to carty out enimal control services in Pickering and Ajex. Please 6nd attached to this Report a letter from the Clerk of the Town of Whitby dated luly 4, 2000 requesting that Pickering and Ajax eppoint the enimal control peraonnel, who are employed by the Town of 1Vhitby, as Municipel Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Ciry's animal control by- Iswa The two by-lawa that are enforced by the enimal wntrol pereonnel erc Bylew 4423/94 being the Cat end Dog By-law end By-law 1769/83 being tho by-law to regulate the keoping of livestock end exotic enimels. _ .,.,/2 . . ,. . , _ .. . . _ `v . .- � .. . �'7 0 � ' Report to Council CL 29-00 Deta July I8, 2000 Subject: Appoint of Mimal Control Peraonnel es M[,EO'a Page 2 The appointment of the animal control persannel es Municipal Law Enforcement Otlicers will ellow them to properly and legelly enforca these by-lawa in accordence with the Municipal Act, the Police Services Act and the Provinciel Oflonces Act. The Town of Whitby has aiways appointed the enimal control personnel as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers but their appointment by Pickering and Ajax has been overlaoked over the'years. ATTACI�IIvffiNTS: 1. Letter from Town of Whitby dated July 4, 2000 2. Draft by-law Prepazed � ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM � Ciry Clerk Anachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council , �� � �[YI /d omas J. nn C ef Adm� ' t tive ff cer YT t ...: .�:. �-: 1 .:' ` �'.� :,. � �� S i �+ i .. . � , , , ... .,.,. , .,s. _., ... ,.. . . , ��_ ..,._, .. . . . ._ . . ATTACHMENT# � TO REPORT-� vc�c_ �.q - vu , THE CORPqRAT[OT( OF ?NE 70w�F WHI7B1' ' ,,. In the Reglonat Munlcipality oi Ourham 1 r!1 TJ�►Ye�� � MUNICIPAL BUILDM6 9os•est�etol 575 Ro��land Road G�t i•ro.ts W61tbY� Onlarb 90l-N61611 � . Fu R���I�e��'� r x L N2M8 f0.1�6e6400! ��T.. . . •-�Np R�� F^ p a r, 1r n � PJ .... 1 ' LU�O CITY t': , - ,3 JUi n �;'lGUO CLERK'S DIVISION —J July 4, 2000 Cl,EflK'S DIVISION File: A-2180 (Animal Control)' "—" Bruce Taylor, City Clerk � City oi Pfcker(ng One The Espianade Pickedng, Ontario L1V BK7 Re: Appo(ntment of Animal Control Personnol as Muntcipal Law Enforcement Otflcers The following animal control persannel are employed by the Town of Whflby for the purposes of adm(nistering and enforcing the animal control by-laws of the City of Pickering and the Town's of Ajax and Whitby: Sylive Koch, Supervisor af Animal Conlrol Services Brian Booth, Animal Control and Pound Attendant Ken Cartwright, Animal Control and Pound Attendant Scoti Glbb, Animal Control and Pound Attendant Dean Harbridge, Animal Control and Pound Attendant Peter Pfefffer, Animal Control and Pound Attendant Karen.Wilson, Animal Cantrol and Pound Attendant Anlhony Woodward, Animal Controi and Pound Atlendant As a housekeeping matter, your Cauncil should pass a by-law appaintfng them es municipal law enforcement o�ice�s for the purposes of administering and enforc(ng your municipality's an(mal control by-laws. � Donal� Town DGMIcb cc: S. Koch, Supervisor of Anlmal Canlrol Service: t�. 4� �..�... . • ' A7TACHMENT#?' TOREPORTp �c ��. � 172 • THB CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING . � lu � ; Being a by-law to eppoint the animel wntrol pereonnel employed by the Town of Whitby es Municipal Law Enforcement 06cers. WFIEREAS pursuant to section t5(I) of the Police Services Act., RS.O. 1990, c.P. I5, es amended, s municipal council may appoint persons to enfarcc the by-lews of the municipality; end WIiERLAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement oH'icero erc peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal bylaws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i. Thc following persons bo hercby appointed as municipel law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to asco�tain whether ihc provisions of By-laws 4423/94 and 1769/83 or their successors erc obeyed and to enforcc or carry into et%ct the said IIy- laws: Sylvic Koch Drien Booth Ken Cartwright Scott Gibb Dean Herbridgc Peter PCcifTer Kazen �Iwn Anthony Woodward 2. The euthority granted in section t hereto is apecifically limited to thet set out in section 1, and shall not be dcemed, et eny time, to acceed the authariry set out in section l. 3. The eppointment of any or ali the persons listed in section 1 ahell expire upon the peraons ceasing to be employees of thc Town of Whitby or ceasing to be an employee responaibie for cerrying out animal wntrol services or upon the Town of Whitby ceasing to be an agent of thc City of Pickering for the purposes of carrying out animal wntrol services, whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a Grst, second and third time and finally passed this 8th day of August, 2000. Wayna Mhurs, Mayor Bruw Taylor, Clerk