HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 01/00. � OF P�� � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FAOM: Maurice Brenner DATE: June 15, 2000 Regional Councillor, Ward One REPORTNUMIIER: CO01-00 SUBJECI': Joint Emergency Services Facility RGCOMMENDA7'ION; 1. That direction be given to City sinff to discuss with the Region of Durham Emergency Medical Services Division smff a possible joint services faciliry to house both Fire and Ambulance Services to be lowted around Brock Road and Taunton Road. ORIGIN: AU1'HOR17'Y: FINANCJAL 1MPLICATTONS: 52,500,000 • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: . . � { - '''.1 l.�. S 3;_ f t t J �_ t } f.i.. , ., .. �._.. .. . ... .i , . � .. .,.. .i ,. ., .�.. _..... � Report to Council CO O1-00 Dnle: June l5, 2000 Subjxt: Joint Emergency Sorvtas Facil(ty Pege 3 DACKOROUND: In 1999, Council adopted a report prepored by CN Watson and Associntes Ltd, pertaining w projected infmstructure costs covered in t�e Davelopment Chnrges culculntion. As outlined in uttachments 1 and 2 to this aport, it was projected that by 2004 necessary equipment would be purchused in order to servicc a new four bay Fire Hnll that would be locnted in the Brock Road/faunton Roed erea The anticipated cost of the new fncility was estimntcd at S2.5 million plus equipment. During a recent Durhnnt Regionnl Health and Social Services Committee Meeting, stnff from the Emergency Medical Services Division reparted that the Province of Ontnrio, os part of en audit of ambulnnce services has identificd the need for nn additionul ambulnnce to service the south Pickering cammuniry. This would increase the existing fleet from 2 to 3. Because the existing fecility only provides a 2-vehicle buy in a rented facility, os well as other deficiencies in this site, a ne•n� sitc would bc required. In addition to incrcused demonds in the south urbnn Pickering aren, the Province of Ontario has also mcommended that, as u result of the urban sprnwl into ihe north, as well ag growing rurnl needs, tegether with Ihe ncw Highwuy 407, an ndditional facility is worranled to ensure adequnte response iime. Durham Regionai sinff, having reviewed these necds, havc dctcrmined thnt, mther than building two new facilities, it mude sensa to sccure u site within n gcographic location that would provide suitubla response time to both the urban und rumi nrens of Pickcring. It wns fclt lhat n locntion in the Brock Rond/fuunton Roud arcu would achicvc both objcclives. A tnrget of two yenrs is being considered.. It is also nnticipntcd, bascd on infortnntion nirendy brought to Pickering's nttention, thut the pending opening of Highwny 407 in 2001 wili rcquire somc enhancement to our existing fire responsc prior to 2005. While Ihe necessury rcquircments for Ihe Ambulnncc facility have not yet becn dctermincd, Regional staff will be procceding to request assisWncc from Regionnl Works in nssessing potential sites in their preferred area. It can bc assumed that thc Ambulnncc facility will require in excess of 3— 5 bays given the exisdng needs for both urbnn nnd rural Pickering and should be rcady around 2002 — 2003. Pickering, on the other hend, wiil ulso be seeking a sitc in n similar locotion within the r.ext 4— 5 yenrs to nccommodute 4 Wck bnys to house fire response vehicles. However, givcn the increusing demunds thot Highway 407 will place on our ability lo respond, this projected tnrget should be re-exnmined in light of the palential thnt now exists. Given the roles thnt both services pluy in rcsponding to emergcncy situations, meshing both undcr one roof would prove not only to be eRicient, but ulso provide a potentiul capitel savings to both Durham nnd Pickcring taxpayers. While a joint use swcture will still require the npproprinte number of bnys to house vehicles as projected, thea would be financial suvings on ihe necessary irifraztrucwrc required for tha building os weil as consWction costs. Building onc :;tructurc is chenpec than two, from the Innd assembly to the actual canswction. To not pursue this option would msult in unnecessary duplication that could hnve been avoided. . •�••x, , • • Report to Councll CO 01-00 , � Aate: Iune 15, 2000 Subjech Joint Emcrgency 5ervices Fnciliry Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: . : 1. Town of Plckering Development Charge Backgrowd Study (June 1, 1999), Pege B-4, SecBon 2. — Firo Protxtion 2. Town of Pickenng Devclopmrnt Cherge Backgrowd Study (June l, 1999), Page D-5, Table B-1,1999—Huildout ofNelghbourhoods l•16 3. Infiastructurc Costs: Covered in the DC Calcula4on, Page B-I1, Servicc: Fire Facilities 4. Infrastructure Costs: Covercd in the DC Calculation, Page [i-12, Srnice: Fire Vehicics Prepnred By: Councillor Maurica S. Brenner MSB:mr Attachtnenis Copy: T,J. Quinn, Chief Administrntive Officer Recommended for the considemtion of Pickering City Council T.1.Quinn, Chief Administmtive Officer 'r i � i? k � t .'. � ( 1 L � t t �; ��_ 4 a � l.q 1 �,` r i� " ..Fi x � f t _ � - , � � � ,. . � � J r � � � � �.. i -. F - v ���. _ .,F T 4i � } t 1� � � ,� 5i' 4� �4 5 t � { i " i � 4 i c1S% � �+� � tai e M �� � �-' �_ �k �i, €-` 3 h t i c.. dl at y r�' z -3 � F s : rr� f .�w � �� .`� � �1 M Y� i . �# }� � � b} r '"t `''r F ��f �' c� ° ; ,' � x � � rt � t ,�„ � '� i i ( � s �-. } � � � � �. I �„ p�{ �. r y; r � . ,�ti� r,. .., . ..... . �5.. 1..... .. ..`Y, �. .,... ,._. .. . , .. .. ._ , , :'' THE CORPGRATTONOF THE CITY OF AICKERINd ' BY•LAW N0. � . . . , ;_ , , � „ Bctng s bylaw to . .. �_. .,,. , WFIEREAS NOW THEREFORE THE: COUNCIL OE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINd HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: , L 2. . . BY-LAW rcad a first, second end Ihird time and finnlly passed this . day of , 2000. Wayne Arlhurs, Mayor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk ;�: it, ; `� ';