HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 12/00\ty OF P/C� � � o REPORT TO COUNCIL 105 FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, Clvflvl DATE: Mazch 20, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 12-00 SUBJECT: Compuisory Rabies Immunization of Domestic Animels RECOMIvIENDATION: That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby supports the compulsory rabics immunization of domestic animals as proposed by the Region of Durham Health Department. ORIGIN: Motion of the PAW Committee dated Merch I, 2000 AUTHORITY: Health Protection and Pramotion Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In a letter dated January 27, 2000 to the Mayors of lhe area municipalities, the Ragional Chair of ihc Health and Social Services Committee is requesting the wmments of the area municipalities on a proposal by the Healih Department to provide for the compulsory rabies immunization of ell domestic animals ns sel out in Regulation 567 of lhe Health Protection and Promation Act. This requcst was fonvarded to the PAW Committee for its comments and that Committec has responded with a recommendation that the Councils of the three municipalities suppon this proposal. BACKGROUND; Please be advised that the PAW Committee passed the following motion at its meeting af March I, 2000: ThAt the Pfckering, Aju, Whitby Joiot Animnl Control Committa recommend thAt the Councib of Aja:, Pfckering And Whttby eupport the compu�ory n6id immunhattoo of damatic anim�l� ae propoud by the Region of Durham Hwith Uait. Attached hereto is a copy of PAW Treesurer's Report 2-00 regarding this issue which the PAW Committee considered in conjunction with the ebove motion. ..n Report lo Council CL 12•00 Date: March 20, 2000 ,i�`6 . Subject: Compulsory Rabies Immunization of Domestic Animels Page 2 The Ministry of Health has strongly recommended thet all health unitn in Ontario introduce compulsory rebies immunization of domestic animals es provided for in Regulation 567 of tho Health Protection and Promotion Act. There is a concem that there wuld be a spread of rabies in the raccoon population which poses a high risk of infection to humens if they ere acposed to this VINS. This matter was tabled by the Regional Council in December, 1999, pending fuAher information on this issue from stafi end was tabled agnin irt lar.uay, 30Q0, pending the comments of the area municipalities on this proposal. ATTAC[IIdENTS: t. PAW Treasurer's Report 2-00 Prepared By: �_ -2 Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council . n / I,,� (/ �c.(� /��0I ✓ � � . . . T omu J. u nn C iief Ad ' rative Officer ;�'� , . .n � '' �• � �. ATTl1CHMENTt� � TOkEPOR7N« /2'ao in,� II.. u _ � A11� ' S 1: '�: � 1. y. : ► �.Il%, � ►i :► u:_ �ill'�. •uul� March 1, 2000 Compulsory Rables Immunizatlon of Domestic Mimals �5�111'1!�5�1 �r � i s s• That the Pickerfng, Ajax, Whitby jolnt Animal Controi Committee recommend the Coundls of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby support the compulsory rabies fmmunizatlon of domesdc animals as proposed by the Reglon of Dufiam Health Departrnent The Regfon of Durham Health Departrnent has Invited tl�e area munlclpalitles to commenton its proposal to make rables fmmunfzatlon ofdomesticanimals (I.e. pts and dogs) mandatory In the Region of Durham. A copy of the Health DepartmenYs letter is attached. In ]uly of last year, the Brst conflrmed pse of raccoon rebles in Ontario was reported near Prescott The risk of human exposure to rebid raccoons is considered reladvely high once the virus becomes established in the raccoon populatlon, According to the Ministry of Health, there are approximately one milllon raccoons In the Province of Ontario. Outbreaks of raccoon rebies in the M(d•Atlandc States fndicate that once the Infection is endemir., the rabies front tends to move at a rate of approximately 50 kilometres per year. The Ministry of Natural Resources has implemented a"polnt infectlon control plan" to elfminate the risk before the raccoon straln of tf�e rabies virus becomes establlshed in Ontarfo. The Ministry has attempte� to trap and humanely euthanize ali foxes, skunks and raccoons in a.5 kilometre redius of the locatlon where the rabid raaoon was found near Pres��tt. In the zone from a 5 to 10 kilometre radius, the same species have been trapped, vacdnated and released. Experience in the Mid-Adantic States Indlcates that raaoon rables is transmitted malnly by reccoons but cross-specles Infecdon does oavr, especially with felines. In New York Shate raccoon �ables has increased the number of rabid ani�als from 20 to 50 per year to more than 2,000, To ald In the prevendon of the spread of rables in Ontario, the Ministry of Health has strongly recommended that a�l health units Introduce mmpulsory rables ImmunlzaGon of domesdc animals. In Ajax, Pickering and Whitby all dogs are requlred to be fmmunized agalnst rebles as a conditlon of Ifcensing. Currendy, there is no mResponding requirement for ats to be Immunized, . • .108 ' �-. �� ,-,,.� ���� �� .,�,_;, It is recommended that the Counclls af Ajax, Pickering and Whitby support the compulsory rabies immunizadan of domestic animais as proposed by the Region of Durham Health Department Altematives: N/A Facfstlng Pollw: N/A Flnancial Consideratlons N/A � , �, : , : ;;: ; .�. � . . ., . r �=E , , ., ,. � ' i , ') {:' i� .. . � . � ' , • , ���3 � a�e 1 �� � � � 0 The Corporation of the City of Pickering ADMINISfRA7'lONDEPAKfMENT p �?��nnrr?� derk'sDIvision • . ,,,, F�ti�y �, z000 I:•.: `'� �, J F� . . . .'.r TownofWhitby C ��:.�3�'�6::"�=iY� 575 Rassland Road East' Whitby, Ontario. L1N 2M6 Attention: Don McKay Town Clerk Dear Mr. McKay: Pleaze find enclosed a letter to Mayor Wayne Arihurs from the Chair of the Regional Health & Social Services Committec dated January 27, 2000 regarding the compulsory rabies immun'vation oFdomestic animals. Mayor Arthurs has requested that this letter bc fonvarded to the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee far it to consider and rr.ake the appropriate recommendation to the three Councils. I am fonvarding this letter to you because you may wish to provide a staff report on this issue. If you require any further informetion with respect to this matter, please da not hesitete to contact me. Yours sincerely, Bmce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk • Divtvlon �9d51�-16ll Fu (90S)12Q9685 &m+0 ckrksOclN.{+kkeing.mn � Pickering Civlc Complex, Qne the Esplanude, Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1V 6K7 DirectAccess (905) 420-4660 www.city.pickering.on.ca .. .11�0 . . ' , . � . . . . • ., o � ' � RECEIVEp; ' Januery27,2000 FILENO: . ' AEiEY. N: • . ' • C VC CU E .• �J., �� � � • • �a COUNCIL � • .M8y0f W0y11C ARII AN.B DEVEL CLENK ,'� � � � ' •�IC CI of Pickeri ER.B EMERQ �pqp gER� �. ', ' • �Y UL6REC.• � I TIIE FSf1I8118dG FIRE EOAL AE8 _':.:.; . •. Pickering,ON Ll f PPOP. COqP.PflQlBPOL ~�,��'•• � Rp�pM� T7ANSIT ' ECON. pEV. ' • '� IYIUNC��IIIy DB8fM8 '��»ARY CU9T.CAHE �`� �'� • of,Durham . „ • H�.� • • Re: Compulaory Rabies Immunizatlon of Domeat c n mals . • DEPAF�iMEt�ff qg you know, the Regional Corporation, as the Region's board of heatth, is Head 011ke responsiblA under ihe Heaflh PmfecUon end PromoHon Acf (HPPA) for conV011ing the 1s15 Dundas Stroet Eeet apread of rables to humans (AMachment A). In July 1999, as a raccroon rabfes conirol Sufta 210 meaeure, the OnWrb INinislry ot Health end Long-Tertn Cere requestad that the WhNby, Ontario Regulatbn 687 (Rabies Immuniratlon) under the HPPA be enacted In all OnWrio Cznada L1N 2Lt heatih units including tha Region of Durham (Attachmunl B). In July, Reglonal slafl l�) ���� consufted ke stakehalders and in Se tember, brou ht this malter to tfie atten6on o( Fa�c (905) 723�6028 Y P 8 Tor. (e05) 68&274o the Regional Council's Health 8 Salal Servfces CommiUee. In December, Regional �• 1�B0o�e41•2729 elaB prepared a report (RepoR tl1989•MOH-29) on thia matler (Attachmenl C) and as a result, the Committee reeommended to Council lhat the regulalion be enacled in Ihe • ' Region. Councii Wbled the Cammitlee'a recommeqdation pending fuAher InformaUon Ihat wes provided by Regional staH (Attachment D) end the Minislry's Dr. Chuck LeBer.' Yesterday, the Committee's reeommendatio� was tabled egaln because some Councillora wanted to condud additienal local consultatfons on this maqer before • proceeding. • I am wriUng, therelore, to (nvite your municipality to comment on lhis proposal by cpnsulNnp your Council andlot stafl end olher key stakehatdets if necessary. To aid you in your delibe�aUons, Regional sWH would be more then pleased to meet wilh you ' lo dluuss Ihis proposal and answer yaur questions. The key contact person, Mr. Brian Devl�, Director, Environmental Heelth can be reached at (905) 723-8521 exl 2118. ' � ' • Your eadiesl response to this requesl would tre appreciated. Nthough I realize � su�cienl Hme is required to condud eHective.consultallons, you should pefiaps note � ' thet the 12" case ol reccoon rebies was reported In Ihe Leeds; Grenville and Lenark ' Health Unit .In addidon, it is antidpated lhal RegulaUon 567 will qe enacted In Ihis Health Unit and lhe Muskoka-Parry Sound Health Unit on May 1, 2000 (these ere lhe only other health unils in soulheastem Onlario whera this regulapon has not been , enaded). Councfl' would, tharefore, need to approve the Committee's . ' recammendalion In eady March al the lalest tor the regulaUon to be enacted on this • , dale. ' • ' ' . Thank you, in advance, for your atlenlfon to end assistance with this request Please . do not hesftate to contact Mr. Devitt or me for clarification or additional Infortnatbn. ' Youre cerely; � , , , • . /�_���' ' . . � • ReStonal.G6uncillor Larty O'Cannor , ' Chair, Health & Social Servlces Commfttee ' • , L.. . . . , � cc. Bden Devitt . • . � • . Ia�►a�carunv • . . _ � � � . ., .� . � �� . � . . -. � - . . � - ( � . � . .. , • . ' • • . .. �x I11 ............................................. AttachmantA Rabies Control c�i: To pavent �he occurrence of �abia in humans. Objecdve: , To main�ain the tncidence af �abts at zero (n the human population. Requinments and Standards: 1. The board of healch shall provide rabia information on an ongoing batis, and promote the vaccination of cao and dogs agaitut rabtes ro the community. These shall be done by: a. displaying readily available princed educational mattdal to visitors to board of healch o�ces; 6. providing sufficient information (or clien[ d'uplay or distribution to operators of vetertnaty pcacticu and humane sociery offices; and c. providing the tnfo�mation duough the media. 2. The boarcl of hrnlch shall provlde rabies infocmation annually to each elementary school. Board of hralth staff will autst in the praencation if requested. 3. The board of hwl�h sha►l have a wri�cen procaol for �he tnvestigation of exposura in accotdana wiclt Oncario Regulation 557 (Communicable Diseases - Grneral) under the Heal�h Proteetlon end Promotlon Act within 24 hours of notiRcation where there is a po�enttal !or rabia uansmission. • 4. The board of healch shall ensure that animals which am con(ined in acwrdance with Ontario Reguladon 557 (Communicable Divaus • Ceneral) under the Health Protection and Promodon Ac� ace visually Inspected by qualified board of health staff or a veterinadan aftet notifieation and'et the end of the Isolation period. Further, that the pe�son having care or cw�ody of �hc animal is provided rabtes [nfomtacton end ndvLxd rcgerding haw ro contacc a board of healch rabia invatigator should che isolated antmal bewme ill during the isoladon period. 5. The board of health shall ensure access to post•exposure antt•rabies treaanent in the event of human exp:num to rabia. 6. 'llu board of health shall keep themselva tnfanned about laal rabtes prcvale�ce in animal spectes. T. The board of health �hall develop and maintain a Raccoon Rabtes Contingency Plan and provide a copy to the Mintscer of Healrh when cequated, 8. The board af healch of a hralth unit named in Oncario Reguladon 567 (Rabia • . ' lmmuniradon) under the Healch Protection and Promocton Acc, ahall: ' a. provide rabies infocmation to the public promoting compulsory rabia vaccination of can and dogs; and b. repott to the Minister on in promotion ecttvttiu annually. ......................................, j�,..................................... w�ren tt.ae ►�.� r+�« a.ww. � o�.M u+t ;, � i1 � • 112 � � � !'.1.�.:�.ttt' 39•+L /L0.�'. �CF<�n RMrJ� �:b ,t� •.. r.C. S'< �`�"� a�� Attachment B � MBmN hNicllal�M+nd Onealm4hw�1��61itw UkpMn✓fik►kna iJ14112t.�+:l 1'Iwv�ft70Yap3.ee l7uu.�xYap.Mr+p 1�nimibTd��pMr I�I�172i.u1� Ta�nwO� }�7>��Kf TavnaOV M3M�K! Qm�:�MKiJd.rl�mehpnaa aY CROUP FAX lSJuly.l999 70: ALL MEDICAL OFFICERS OF tIi:ALTH ATT: DIRECTORS OF IYSPECTlON RAHIE9 COM'�iOL COORDI1VAt0RS Dear Dator. RE: Raeeoon Rabla Coafirmed in thx Pracott•Maynud Ara The 6tst idendRcuton in Can�di hu bcm m�de oFthe eccoon stnin af 1hc mblu virus in 4 dnJ rattoon (ound oa Tuaday Jnly 13`ti abaut 101on norlh of Preseot�, locatcd in the Leeds Grcaville Lonaric Halth Unit. On luly 14'" lhe Cuudim Food Inapection Agency eonfirmed tttat monuclonol andbady twtinQ on We bnin ds�ue waa posilive for 1he miJ-Atlantie raeeoon virus euain. Whllc . fuAher tating rvilh tittue culWre and PCR is being done, lhi� cme i9 now eonsidercd "wnCumcd". Taam� from the Ministry of Natural Raourca (MNR) Ribiu Resarch Unit are on-site to implmnent the "Point lnf�cdon Coatrol Pl�n". �iNR wfU humanely cuthuilu all foxcs, ckunks and raecoons ahich ve tnpped 'm Wo 0•S 1� ndim ot�6e nbtd nccoon. Thae wiU bo tuted for rabiu post•mmlem. In the zone fmm S-101an rndiut, lhe same epecia wUt be trapped, vaceinaled, �nd rcleased. ' MNR ha� the lad on Ihis is�ue, md'wW be i�uing o pras relwse today or tommrow, which we will torwotd to yaa Both a loc�l pcee� nlnse in the Prcscott/ M�ynud uea, and a provinci�l pros� rclnsq will bc luued. Experience in ihe Mid•AU+ntie Ststa Indicetp that nceoon tabies is ttansmitted mainly by nccoons but crou•specief infxdon does occut, apeciilly wilh Cellna. In New York State necoon rabla tncrened the numbcr of cabid animnU Gom 20 w SO per yeu to moro �an 2,000. Tha fituation m�y he diftecent In Onhrio due lo thc hi4h Immimiration eovenge of [oxa thmugh the use of the MMt oral bdt wleeine. However lhe praent onl bilt w�cciae is aot very e(Fixtive in raccoone. "'Chc Point InFeelioo Control Plan" is an e[fort W eliminate Ihe rlak bcforc the roccoon thain aClhe nbla viw 6ecoma established. Historieally, ou@rraks in tha �fid•Aiiandc Sutee indlcate thet once the lnfeetion is endanic, the r+bie� front tcuda to move at n rate o[spproximately SO km p�T yeu. The riak of humea �cpo�uro w nbid nccoona t� considcrcd reluively high once tha vinu rn►.wnNq� I ' ns�m • . .• • � � , .. 1�3 baoma establbhed in th� rueoon populalion u thcrc ue ipprozlmiteiy one milifon raeeouns in Ontuio in urbxn +nd nital uea�� �nd am� pcop�e likc to fr.d and h�ndlc receooni. We rirongly roeommrnd that hedth unlu fn Onlario which ue nat in Oniuio Regulation S7G (Rabics • Immunizuion) eonceming the compulsory �a�cinntion o[cata and dogs take this opporwnity lo sttmSthcn thdr elloru tn �his uea, and apply tv lhe biinistcr of Hwlth for inelusion u coon as po»ible. tnCocm�tion for the publ(c about nbics and about Uu roeeoon rabfe� eontrol program: is x�aii�hla �t a number of web aita, including: �he Mini�try of HwNh ilte: �y//w�vw ¢ov on cdheal•hicnxliyhiouWfacls/rabies? html the Miniauy of Namnl Resourees �ite: htroJi�.ti:w mnr aov on c�ma�hahia/�w�� html �td �hs Crntres Cor D(sease Cantrol and Prcvenpon, Atlanla, GA dte: httnJ/aww ede xov/neiAaVdwcf/rabiee/ \Ve ue loobng to you md your suff for easisnnee in providing tato►m�tion ro the public, and outsdag in dl�ying feue about �hI: Guding in arcu whe�e raccoon nbies hes beeome rndemie, the use oCnb(a vucine 1us skyroeketed Therc hu navm bern n eue of human rabia due w Ihc rucooa t�bia vtrus shain. Recommrndatioos for post•expo�we tmtrnrnt are unehangcd, and are outllned in the Onterto M'misuy of Health Guidelinc� for Marugemrnt ofSuapxted Rabia Etcposures updued in 9eptcmba 1998. F�CV md Rabiea Lnmuno Clobulin used in thc trcatlnent of r9bia post�axpocure b e�adve ysainrt dl �6e rJeeoon nnins. Mimel tabiu vaccines edministerod by privala vcter(nacim� to eomputian pcU me alw etCadve. MKR is keepin� 1he Ministry �dvised of Uu cumnt incidrnt on an onpoing basis ead you will be advised of any impotbnt upl�ta. Additionally, MNR expects W be upd�ling thefr web silc with cmeraing in[oematioa bued oo tha investlgatio� imdu w�y. Youn sineaely, C•� l.�a._.�''� • 1 `^^'slrt �(,� ' Chuck LeDa, DVM, DVP�f Monib Naut, NID, MFiSe, FRCPC, FACP�1 Senior Vaerinary Consultmt Phystei�a Muin;er Faod Safety/3afe Wattt Uait Diseue CoaUOI Saviee ` DISdS4E CORCOI $tNICG 2 7UTFl P�@2 . �•19 ' � Attachment C REPORT T0: TM Chair �nd M�m Wn Hnith 3 Soeiil 9�rviu� CommltlH REPORT NO.: 1898�MON•39 OATE: D�esmber7,1999 SUBJECT: Compul�ory Wbl�� Immuninllon of Domntic Mlm�ls RECOMMENDATION: THAT th� Nnith 3 Soclal SuWen CommitW neomm�nd� lo th� R�pional Councll tlut 1. Th� L�euGnant Oawmor In Council b� nqunGd fo �nae! Onhrlo Rpulatlan 6E7 (Rabiu Immuniratlon) und�r th� HufM Profeetlon and Promotlon Aet In tM Durlum R�piorul H�:IIh Uni� and 2. Th� Mlni�br of Hultb �nd Lonp•U�m C�n, th� Chid IMdlal Of11ar of Hu�th �nd tM Rplon's MPPs and muNelpailtln an �o advl�M. REPORT: Ba un 1. 8�etlon 98(4)(�) of fhr flufth Pmbctlon and Promotlon Ad �ufho� tlM LbuGn�nt fiowmor In Councll W mHu npul�tlom •nquitlnp �nd powminp fl» Immunlatlon of domntle animau apalmt airy divasn that may �dwnNy afhct tM hwlth of ury penon." Oatarlo Repulatlon 687 (u �mmd� powrta fh� nW�s Immunlatlon of dam„tlo �nimab In th� M�Ith unlb Ilahd In T�bl� 101 tM nyuuBoe (App�ndlz p. TM pudum qpiotul Hulth Unit b oM of onty � fnv MNth unih wMn thb npWatlon hu not ban �rucbd. 2 To dct�, th� R�plon�l Councli hu nM nquMbd Uut R�pulatlon 6Q1 b� �rucbd In tM Durfiam R�plonal Halth Unit prlmerlty McauN tM eownp� of nbla ImmunFratlan of domatlo �nlm�b In fM FGplon hu bNn nl�tlwly hlph owlnp W fM �ucauful promotlon ol low<wt nbH� wecin�tlon ellnla nM �ff�etlw Imntlp�tlon of �nlm�i blb� W humaro. 9. Th� Hul1h 8 So�lal S�rvlca Commitb� wu InfortnW, hawwr, In 8�phmM� 1098 that �vff wen ��rlowty eamld�rinp neommmdinp tlut eompuuory nbla Immunix�tlon In domestic animab M��hWUhM In th� R�plon �t thl� tlm� aMnp to fM follawl�p ut of alrsum�hnea: • Slnu /997, PubUe Hallh Bnnch �taff, u neomm�nd�d by th� PtovineW Audltor luw eonUnwlly mwunp�d fh� Replon W nbbll�h eompuuory nbin Immunlatlon • In 1998, ths Onbrlo Vebdr�ry MediGn� IWoei�tlon wlthdnw Ib �upport for wbrinarlaru p�Nelpftlnp In low<at nbla weeln�tlon Wlnla. • Ths spnad of neaoon nbiw Irno Ordarlo b an Imminent thra� In hef, fhn� wMlrm�d usn of raccoon nbin luw Wen nporbd In �ubm Ontarlo �Inu July 1Y90. Thb oeeurtsnu promptW Publlc H�alfh Branch �taff to �p�ln promop tlN ImpbrtNnbtlon of eompulsory rabla immuniratlon In dl hulth unib. Diww�lon I. If R�puutlon 667 b m�ebd In fh� Dufirm Rplonal Nultl� Unit, k wip M�nfoirad by tlr R�pion'� publlo Mdth kwp�cEon who luw alw bNn �ppoinhd �� provincW olfinea omnn �nd urty out tlw Rpion'� eurnM nbi„ eoMrol �etivlW�. 14? t .. . . . . , � . . . . � . r. � � . , • . � . `. • , . .. 115 S. Th� mfo�e�mmt ot FGpu4tlon 6A rvlll M phu�d In, ppinninp with tlr owrwn of ub �nd dops Imrolwd hum+n bltlnp Ineid�nb; �nnwtly, -40% of Inold�Mt Imrohn -726 �Nm�b rrith no �vid�nu ol nWn Immuntratlon. Th�n�fur, �nforum�nt aetivl9N wlll M �xp�nd�d W Include ah uW dops that �n IundNd by munlcipal �nirtul emfrol aMea; tM ra6in Immuntratlon �hWs ot -2,000 �nlm�h m�y haw to b� d�brmin�d �nnwlry, Ewndully, �nlorcemant activitla wlll wwr ofMr sNtlmp tueh �� anlmd �MltrA �nd pd �Wm. TM worklwd,y�n�rabd by tMw aUvlOa b�a,Nebd b�ehbw � tibady �hb' In lwo W thm yun. Durinp tlil� p�rlod, it u antl�ip�bd tlut �n addltlond 1 FTE publio hultli In�p�eWr pwitlon b nquind. TM ewt of Ihl� paitlon (t��1 � b� �orb�d In tla 7000 PuWic H�alth budy�t B. Th� mulmum Me for nanaompllanu wlth Ropul�tlon 687 Is f104 k�sflmaUd Uut tlekrb m�y haw W bs laaued W 70% of m+m�n of nonammunMd eaL md dop� and � furth�r 10% of tha� own�rs may pnfer lo �ppur bdon a eouK 7. Sw�nl monlhi aro Iik�ly W transpin b�fan R�puutlon 667 u�naebd In tM Durtum R�pionai HnI1h Unit This wiil provid� fM Rplon wlth �n opporhmlly to orpanM, Promob and +uUt In Il» holdinp ol loweat nble� v�edn�tlan elWa fhrouphaut fM R�plon. To thu md� th� FGafon'� thrN whrinary auoel�Uaq luw bMttlwly �ynW to partlelptb u �ueh eliniq In tM eprinp of 2000. e. This raeomm�ndatlon vns �uppoitsd by anlmd eantrel o(flan, Cwdlan Food Intpatlan Ap�ncy �taB, and loeal wbdnari�m who atbndM � mNtlnp oomnmd by tM Rplon on July t6,1999 to diaus� thl� matGr. �onelutlon 9. To ald in tM pnwntlon of th� spnad of necoon nbla In Onfulo, k b neomm�ndM Mut tha R�plonal Counell nqwst that Rpulatlon 617 b� �nubd In tM Durham R�plond FMNfh Unit If �nactsd, th� npulatlon w111 b� mfaud by publio I�IIh Irnp�cton wNh tM eooparatbn and support M laal animal emtrol oflkan md wGrinatlw �nd ofMr by �lakahotd�n. R�s �ubmltGd, , R.J. Kyl MHSc, CCFP, FRCPC Camml�ilon�r 3 Modlal Ofllur of H�dth R�comm�nd�d tor pnNMatlon to tM CommMW. ort7l �MSW i InbtratlY� Otflur :48 . :1,16 � . Haltd Protecdon acd promotion Aet escuunon � Mal�t n 0. Rq. J07/I! �ue�es tniMVart,�noN 6 e.ayc.n««pnaae..ui�N.aa.macmooa�cr�w«doj wu moadu af y� a o+er �Ar u kryt fa �lnMAwit Wied h Colwea I of T�bY I�II aan mtt iM at a do� Y imo�ised �W W nlia u� md +hu tlr dr w ow oppalw J�no ie Cdum 1 of'hbM t. R.0.0. 1990. Ry. l67. �. �. s ru e.eryc.eer«peroax.rlymva.+«ewouarof,mne. .o.. bu4 alf onAap ar up dw of Aa�r. car. bdL ul( or il�ep �t U k�pt fa � hahh mut ar �a� pnnlw ar chu of pdniw wlddn a naW wut Iisad u Colwm � of'hEb 2 fh�q man tlut ach wch wic�l u d�u d uwil Nu b Wted oppofitt 0eeio Is Coiman 2 af Tilk 1 U Imawiud tpias nDk�. C�! SuMenb�(I)donw�ppyb�haw.eov.ldl.al(arle�p of dW 0(IIaO�. COr. blld. GI� Ot Illoey rll {! mltlbV a{� b tll/ pe� a pem.Ao w wpwilh4 fa �M en ud easaol d pch uim�l adw d Wmd. n N� ew mry M. R0.0.1990. Re�. i67. 4� 7. L'Kryo�.waapawel�.IymeunrJauroarof�euimJ Uw � toqv4ed m Ee 4mwelud �{a4m rtlW otla �eufoa 1 a uiWmbn 2(q �h�p aur� �E�t � afmd b rdmmoeird rplen nbia br �Ae d�r w�tlhd d� mtlOur af Immlatlo� 4�rd r46 wpet m� Wmd. 0. Rq. TZU91. �. I. L 4mmtdnUoo �lut nbkt kYl bR (U artfed au br a nmiaaho tt�i.ionad udrr tht IFu/im+ieu Aa ud Ib) h' lasondrioe rtr0 � nb{n rrcdr W� b liemied for ux Io Cud� rd diY if �dmiaitmtd � rcoidu�ea �10 drc IaAn+ploiu of tLe m�nuhctutv rAo pioduced Jr vrNer. a.ao. issa a.�. �. � �. 3. (U Tlr oww a pe�oa IurL� �M an ud ewiad� of a �aiuW tlutEU bw Imnmimd ornlmmrlaed Mlunbiu tluU be luued � w�lllfeu� ollauomiwlon br tlr �aaleulin rAo erried oue w. u�w�. n� ��Jae�.or,�uore�.uw.aa+..i�..Ma,;eawuK inununiruba ddl Ha p�ovidr W� oww a penoa .im � nbin Wmilieabe ey. RRO. 1990. Rej.767. �.l. L AanifkxeollmmuniiWonflWlb�A�aedbriDordviwW rho pu(amed N� fmrnml�nloq �od Wll caeWn, (�l tlr nun� md W6m af ibe ornxr a paw�s NHn� cn ud autodr of tlr wimd: te� u,.�w,e�roa..n�m.pam.w�; a� mrn.p, u.q. ea m. u�l: (d1 tlu Wdrw of tlr cuak a a�6a bado� �ia� tlr waui w inmweittd; f�l �M w�w W w0� of �r woclok fQ Uw dw ot �M Imawnitaila: Appendtx A P0.1a ..�.�,�� �. r.�......�.. �.,. promodon de la �anl! aEc�e►�errr s�� wefl/11(wry'�Y RI jL d I'Ont 10L1( [hIMUNISATION CONTRE LA RAGE L Tan pop�luin w auu pcnoaae ryw W pde a 4 rupow. OiI W dn ahu d'na tlul W d'ue dim 1{I d� trd/ moii w plm qui p Nd� dw ar e�coewtqba wiiuinlemn6b d�u � caloer l do cbkm I rdl4 f a qw N dut ou N d�ia m qumb� ai meriN tamt u ty� 1 ampta G u dw leaiqutt m rcpud, d�n � cokw 2 du uElnu I. RljL de POw. 716Ni. rc. l. 7. ( I! Taut piopfl�e w iwte pewnna �yw u�rde w 4 iu. ponubilYb do win� d'un thenl. d'va rxLe, d'w uuau. d'w vm w d'un moaan. w de touu cu!{ak da cte.tu+. k n�La. de ur rcbu. M vwu ou de ioouioes �tMH dw uaa tiiwntniptkr tteeun ou dw s'4oPa� 9a1 Ua w rype de Ifeu Awd d�n we Wmaurip. tbn uduin la�hte dw la mbme I du ubkro 1 vdlle l a que 1'�efnW ou bm!{aM d'ulmwi m 9m+tios itliqub n rtµd dw � wbeo� 1 da uD4�u 1. �04 immueiN caeae � rqe. C%) l� Pnpfp6� ( p r �'ypliqu� pu 1 m ehn�, m rrDr, � WltlY. 00 PYY OY Ir OOQ04 dl � IOUY tl1��4{I 40 L���R.4 wcM1a. ds wrmw di raux a de anumm. A � ou In penra mot la mpmuNW/ da wiar a de � m.dW�n h 1'Wml a h h eut� d'aimra ae� xula 1 r ndr �ch. Retl di r0�e Nd91. u� I. 011hf dq � w ulaW qui� Ima mh/�ame u� �a�ro de 1'nide 1 a du pu�Q�plr t( I) vdlN I ta Qua prfmd pY YnmmW d� �owan aootn u trr �o pYn md 14 du� pdd�M d�r k m+lfkat L'Immudu6oa delirrl ps I'�simJ. Rl�I. d� 1'0�.`� �2091. rc 1� • �. L'Immmiudasooawbnysattl►ae�Ee: . d Dv w vlM+Ia�La la�ab a va�u de 4ldnrkr rle('i�a1Rr. b) Pv Inaulrla ni iooym d'mi nodn wtlnbfqw (� I'a6je+ d'm pamif d'mil4aba w C�ed� a daddiW tafamlmt .� vu,�uau a r,er�a. n���, a ror. �+ds�..,. �. S. fl) tapopllWna�pawnw��ntuped�a�mpoutli. UU da afu d'ue �eloul qui �!LL Immimik oa {mmad�i de �oerar � � r,r �u m«ninca a•u�d„ms eu.eo�. a.t a a�e t rm.�n. f11 Ow W m d'w chu w d'ua dim. b rbhiw4¢ qd I'a �000� dM fwdt tplemmt n proqllWn a 1 Y pa�me¢ ��t Y prde a u mporo+EWY dn �oim da 1'uJmJ ime plque d'Wmllkuio� �rf� �aPw aML d� I'OU.7�6N�. m. 1. f. La kiMwim qui � pxtd/ ! I'immuNwiou tijne w cuUfka� A�hmm�ipllon Io0{qu�e� � U 4 aom a I'+araw du paqllu4e w de q pv,ara q�r b aed. a � ropmuNtlu da niu da 1'wm�l� ,b) 1'apta,urw,Mws�al'lpdil'u�hml: o) In mrqup 9w Po�u ra1mY. Y w Id�mC d1 r,arorauaiAqwwae�w�..w�:�arrYrl�M Y�nae1M: �) M wm a w oodr du r�ee{a; ' 0 4dwd�1'ImmwWlb�; ����y ....w . . r . � • ' � ' ". 117 a.�mt�i. ta� ►rucnin�o�ma+erron �u uudwmrwauwume.mmnwriet+ad APMnd(x A pg. 2-3 u� �A� �M eu�n0u of iM nMt WmUfkWa ty �t b iwd �ilA A1 M aumkodi 4 p1�Vi+d'idea�ifkrio� ouinbqw JlhvtcPwr ropatw�wado{, ILIl,0.1i90,Rq.l61.�6, YIIChYWYlldll{a. R2�I.dtl'On�JWL91.�n.1 7. A JuWiew topr of acA satilkw af ImmwuUa� inued 7. U��dplKwd�ch�qw[atlfk�ld'immuMwa�Jf6.narenr +D�od of Ura� �EU16� �adW br tM pv�o� rM nnwd M fa du pW�y n{Mmw w wnw.� W k patoanc qW I'� emn pap��y `t. r+nfmmiMdwdluWw.R1L0.1990.Rt�76T. wuwfeanp�er4l�dneJ�pdNimeec Rljl.bl'O�u.NM)1� �I. L �I� Tht uwna nt M� ���tn� !M w 7aJ tuuod� of �n L fll Ltpmpilmnou4perwin�yu�I�prGal��tap�r�aM. ammil Yw u W ar Au � iCluul wadltios Wri prtchda ib fJ� IWdawiad'ir�einuldoal'lmd�uaYaDRnw WAsPumwa. wmveiryiosariamiamltWo�ofihaimY�piwrmie4uaqN woud�l•��raeo�.waron+ywrn�a.una.�u�„ . naa 0. roqu4aaeu a mb RyW.b..�Enr. .iwJiW m. aisawe, du pl�n, k�nm, lapw; t�l �u�tm�ofnmptiabiwwdbraraeAWu+Wropat a1 d'uaqrt,w�lWmirodllfm.11'lhrdAel'�nimil.ueedl. a tlw �daW Nu ieu ow tlK �aoa rhr W+am+l cwot M cuyio� d'uempiou i�d�qu�at la mwn pow I�quelk 1'a.uiut immuelrad a �dmu�utised: �ed r pat pa� kn IrtmueW w Immunik 4 aouvan: (bl diew4mlbcoauWkllswch�mumerampeckd�fubdai bl d'wuep�n.l'mfmilwp�+N�aa�wveill�ne�dan�dacoM'i. apaid m nbfea Uom Wb qu'll a� ripu� W E'!ue uDa!! I� n�a �+����a�ut+a mbwWacdoe(qcaednsibM R) U9p10�f{�UI(fOtlY0/pCfl00MQW�'IMICpMRipACIIII1�Ci aneat 6� i�q�pind a rdmm�Ftsd�R.RO�• t990. ��j t+1.� Vn +°tl1q� ru al�eeoa du P'`�� Kt�� mu que Pmim�l ae D� W bn imrnhl au immuebf de naurnLL P2�I. de I'Oa�. ' Hd91. rt �. T'�� � TAELHAU I Catnw I CwnM 1 Caaiaa i � Can+vt 2 � Nan 4 u Nun d HMh6 Ud� Elfaair� Dua N�0 � Dw de pir �� d':lfr. t. Baou�h ef F.vt Yak IkWh UMt Decemba I.19t! I. �cw..-i�t:oa tciuite:a � mWkIp�IWdFytYat 1°dkembrel9lf ' t uFI+�WIm�.qpfWk b�lo�Y Fkat� Z ApU 1.1916 � �M 1'��rdl 19i6 7. HJ�um� K�wnl� Pir Rldp ). Omuoiqio� wlnEe du �Mn Dlwla HWi6 Urt Seqaebe 1. I9M d� H��una K+wu�. Me� 1. � ��!R� 1916 �M'� NaIA Uek �� ha i 1916 � Kiqaoa i+on�eue� a�lanm: a ��t� 2 Juia 19t6 t. vmeaW�ACaaneurHnlmu�t M�r��.�9ta �. c4om�u�m�.�ub.ducmue aGUdu4MaEawtd lim�l19t6 a vat4 ca�ry x.�s uw ome� �. �91e a amuonp�l„ wfen. � canu � d� Pm4 �4'amtre 1916 7. Htdap �ad Rlaa Fdvrd Camdn HnWUeh Sepmnbal).1916 L Mld�ier:•LadoeD4afnHnh4 UAu Norembrr t.19l6 9. OifadCwdr MucAI.19fT 10. Yak Re�bwl HW�h Udt MucA 1,19p 11. Huma Cauary Hahh UNt INycb I. I9t7 12 Skrca Couery pyor�q Hap4 UaU Apf11.199t !�. e+a.m on�rm Haw ueu �mr m. isn N. Chr o(iaoum NatO Uait Oembn Y).19iT R�73 7. maW d� Nud�p a Rfea �'+� U rpanbn 1916 L �a�aipbnwiuYtdud4Wa d�Mldmoa�LaeEm I�roremb�e1916 9. Cann/d'Otfad I�mm 19l7 10. C�a�plpbp yn4i4v k�iaqW d� Yat �r y� �yn 11. C4emsAploe udnin du eonu/ a � I�mn 19t7 �z . �v�o.�wa.aa�a a �naw a s�o, i�.nu ww �7� 1�� uniWr.arnta 30Juma�9p . It. aCqeacnqbquniwnhlad4 )OaaobalNJ i5Q •� .�ta r ite�iatp. �at Morncnon arnwMOnon ot APPendtx A pp. �-3 Cau�w I Cou.e� : Giwa.s : C�aa�c I Itfw N�nw af HWN Ua�t lff�cua Ow Nuwtw Nom J� 4 eueonKnqion Dw G pnp uduin d'N(q I1. Ken�{A�WmHaIU�Umi luiw1.19It I]. CproaimptqaupnLndc Km{hW�m I°ryw 191t 10. Laedf. Grcan14 oed Lwrk Diw¢t 16. Crconwip�op wutan du di�uiet HaIIA Uwl luee I� 191� da Leda Gnarilb a I�nrk 1°qm 1911 17. B�uetGny-0rm Swd Hnld� Udt Da�mba I.1919 19. CkwptafpYw uniuln dt � � Bnw�6rt�-0wea5aued 1•dtambis19t9 u. un.a,a.� c� �m u.0 t� i, is�� u. c�p� �� a wud,«�ua•e�a i•rea,a�v�i 19. Sudbwr wd Dfurkt HnIM Uoh Aql� I.1991 19. C4coputiptqe unlulrc de Sudburyetuadiutky Ienrill991 yl. W�Wynn•DuRcftGuelph Nakh :0. Cimonwipbn wlWn de cm� i�r i. is�z w��a.atto,n��n i•��aw w�x 11. pry W Yark Fk�4h Uait Nonmbu t.199r 71. CYoomefpbn uduln de la cU! de Yat Iw eorembv 1991 22. NaA Yak Nah6 Udt , hl� 1.19W 77, CYoaw{pbs wJu{� d� Na�York ' 1•Ndtlal9Dt 27. N7�a Rqfo�l Aro NWih Uep !ny 1� 199/ 2�. CLooawfp�ka uolu4e t!{Im�4 drNlKn ��1d0ett99t 11. 8tiu Coaar Hahb UeY SeqemEc I.1991 2i. C4mor�iipbq nnluln dy pantd d� Bnet I• �epianba 19W 2f. lyeMoi. HndL Udt NoremOc 1.1991 2f. CYooe�vlpim wM�n d� l�mEw� 1� aov�brs 19At 26. N�Ym Rnlm�l Ha4h Udt J�ewry 1.199f ]6. C4coowfpuoa wlWn t!{iao�4 d�tWeo� I�Juric199J r. od.a. �.r w�ae ur� �� �i. i�� n. c�pm. ww�. a�r�scte�u �ir..tei� 2t. anncrwo.lkpoar xrolm u.H Nownbcw. �99e u. artneaipbn wwbs rl�ioode d'Oo�w*Gknn �0 oovcm6n 1996 RR.0.199Q Rq.167, T�EIe I: Q I1q.109N1. � I:O. Rq.71U�9l. R!{I, d� l'Oa�.11691. n.1: Rljl, dr l'Om. 71692. rc 1: Rld. de � i: o. �s�. nus�. � i: o. aa. rm�. � x o. an. �vw�. � i: roa. iw�. �n. i, ui� d roe�. rm�..�. x ud. a roa. O.Rq,797N1.xI:0.pepSt491.�1:0.Repllf9l.�.I:O.ReF 397AI.n.I:R!{LGI'Oet79L91.utI:RljL'del'Oot3NN1.r1. SOL96. a I� 1: Nql. de I'Oe�.11Nl. n. lt R!{L de I'Om.lQ7/96. m. l. I51 Rt7a f • MEMORANDUM �� • � 11? Att�chment D o T0: The Chair and Membero ' � Health 3 Social Servicea Commftlae � pp�a� FROM: Dr. Robert Kyle . . • AAuntalpolry • ' . ot oufiem bATE: Janu�ry 13, 2000 .. HE,�TH RE: Compulaory Rabies immunizatlon oi Domeetic Antmala DEPARTMENT . Head OHk� iats Dundas sueei Eui On December 15, 1999, the Regional Council tabled ffie Committee'e �S,y�i,"��p�„�„�, recommandadon regardinp the eompulsory �ibI86 ImmunizaUon af cenada uN 2u domesUc animals (Appendlx A- Report �i1999-MOH•29). Councll wilt . . F�s; 7�52�8 reeonaider thie recommendatlon on Januiry 26, 2000. . •• • Tor. (905),888-2710 In res o q p y �.��.ZM9 p nsa to commenb and uesUoni oaed b Councll, sUH has . taken the foilowing aepon: . . , . • Dr. Chuck LeBar, Senior Vaterinary Conaultant, Ontario Miniatry of,.. ' • Heaith and Long•Tertn C�ro, has been' invited to be a. deiepatlon at � the next Committee meaUnp to provids a priet provincl�l pe.ropective • . '. on this maKer and to �n�wer �ny questlons. The Prosidant of the .. Durham Fedantlon of Ap�leuituro and the Mayor of.8rock Town�hip '�; • will also be invited W attend the meednp: ' •• • ,• • Dr. LeBer ha� coniirtned ih�t RegulvUon b67 doea nqt apply to •• • ' Iivestoek and bam cats un�ess roque�ted by the local 6oa►d of •.• ' health. . • . , . ' ■ During the wsak bepinninp December 20, 1899 ,six local, animal � conUol adminiatnton whn were eontacted, roat(irtned thelr support ' for.this initlativa . . • • • Oespite the oppusiUon of the Ontado Veterinary. Medical •• > AssociaUon, the Cenadian Food InspecUon Apency, the South '. • Durham Veta�inary' A�sociaUon bnd the Toronto Aoademy •of ' Vaterinary Mediclne have all re�flirtned thelr iupport for conducUnp ' . • loeal low�eoat animal rabies vaccination in collabondon with the . . Replon and to eoineide �vith the enactment of Repulatlon 667 in ths ' Durham Replonal Health Unit � ' • • ' Reape Nully submittsd, . . ' R.J. Kyi , ; MHSc, CCFP FRCPC • ' • Commissioner 3 M�diul OHiar of Health .. . . . . �oo� � ' . ' • , � .