HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 69/98�µOFp � '4} � C4 a FROM: Penny Wyger Town Solicilor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUBJECT: Roads - Dedicution - Block 25, Plan 40M-1916, Pickering (Fnirpott Rond) - Files: W2304345 103 DATB: Junc 1, 1998 REPORT NUMEiER: L G9/98 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to dedicnte as public highwuy Block 25, Plnn 40M-1916, Pickering (Fairport Road). ORIGIN: Request from Pullett Vnlo, Bamster nnd Solicitor, dated May 29,1998. AUTHORITY: Munlclpul Act, R.S.0.1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 297( I)(a). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Block 25 wus conveyed to the Toµn for road widening purposcs. In order to provide Icgnl access to thc newly created lots abutting Ulock 25, it is neccssary to dedicatc it as public highwuy. Our Public Works Departmcnl hns advised thal this portion af road within this plan has becn constructcd to a stundard sufficient to permit public access, lhereforc, thc rcquired dedicntion should be mnde. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map/Sito Skctch. 2. Dmft by-law. Prepared By: RX•�� Denise Bye DB:Ic Attachmrnts Copy: (}enerel Manegtt Director of Planning �,q,�. DircctorofPublicWorks � }� , ,;� � ' r.i„ .. �S � E!l . F��J 3� .� t - . . ��k��� �. r; �. �s��..3� 5'' , - �Y' r� `'c , , . . . � Approved / Endorsed By: -;� . /; ' i �' � ' � !-� Penny L. o_ _ � . . . . . i, 1,• �;�i_;sr�.� � �,,�. .;,t �3d�fl�ll�[�� Being s bylaw to dedicute Block 25, Plan 40M-1916, Plckering (Fairpod Roed) as public highway. �o� WFIEREAS, 'fhe Corporation of thc Town of Pickering is lhe owner of Dlock 25, Plnn 40M-1916, Pickering, and wishes to dedicate it es pubiic highway. NOW THEREFORE, lhe Council of ihe Corporntion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Dlock 25, Plan 40M•1916, Pickcring, is hereby dedicated as public highwny (faiqwrt Rond). BY-LAW read e first, second and third lime and finnlly passed Ihis I Sth dny of 1unc, 1998. T.^': r� ryT f ' ! I'1 �� Y -- -;.- Flw wva�s Weync Arlhurs, Muyor Druce 7'nylor, Clcrk