HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 17/98. o�N oF p� 84 �' REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Nolbom DATE; lunc 3, 1998 Director of }'ublic Works REPORTNUMBER: PW17/98 SUB]ECT: Regulatory By-Inw -ParkinB - BY•law 2359/87 -PoRion of Glenannn Roud (Pedestrian entrunce to I875 Glennnnn Rond) RECOMMENDAT'ION: A by-Inw should be enucted to amend Schcdule B to IIy-law 2359/87 regulnting parking restrictions and prohibitions on certnin high�tays. ORIGIN: Stnf('investigationofon•strcctparkingcomplaint. AUTHORITY: MuntcJpal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, section 210.123 FINANCIAL IbIPL(CATIONS: Munufacture and instullation of signs costing approximntcly 5300.00. 1998 Ronds Opemting Budget (2320-2409) Highwuy Aids BACKGROUND: On•slreet parking ncross ►he frontuge of the opartment building at 1875 Glennnna Road does not provide for a dedicuted stopping nrea to snfely load or unload merchandisc or pnssengcrs. As n rcsult of this situation vehicles and pedestrians arc forced into thc ilow of tm(fic. In an effort to provide for a snfe nrcn for londing and unlouding, it is r;commended that nn nmendment of By-luw 2359/87 be enucted to prohibit parking nlong the enst side of Glcnnnnn Rond in the vicinity of the pedestrian entrance to 1875 Glcnannn Road. 'fhese restrictions should be in effect us per Note I of ihe By-law being 24 houts per day 365 days per year. ATTACHMENTS: I. Drnft By-luw 2. Locntion Mup Prepared By: , Approved / Endorsed By: C. Stephen Brake �ard. W. Ibom Copy: deneml Menager Town Solicitor Town Clerk Operntions Supervisor ?;::�.''. .' . THE CORPORATION 0� TFI ."rowH nr PICKE@(�( Ij ► Being a 6y-laiv to amend Dy-!aw 1359/87 regulaffng parking, sfanding and sfopping on hlghways and on prlvale anrl mm�lcl�p! properfy. WIIGREAS, pursuant to ihe Munlclpnf Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapler M.45, seclions 218.52, 210.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 nnd 314.8, tha Council of ihc Corpornlion of Ihc Town of Pickcring cnactcJ 13y-law 2359/87 rcgulaling pnrking, slanding and stopping on highways nnJ nn private and on municipul propcAy;, NOW THEREFORE, Ihe Council of the Carpomtion of ihe Town af Pickering HGREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Schedule B to Dylaw 2359/87, us nmended, is hercby amended by adding lhcrcto Ihe following item: �' � $Ii4 tietwccr✓And Prohihilcd Tin et s and ns (llcnanna RaaJ finst 80 melres soulh of Thc Scc No1c 1•• Gsplanudc Soulh nnd 95 mclres south ofThe Espinnede South �� Unicss othenvisc specified, the parking prohibilions above shnll be in clTccl twcnty-four (24) hours per day, ycar round. DY-LAW read n first, seconJ anJ lhird time and finally passed ihis I Sth day of June,1998. Woyne Arlhurs, Mayor Druce Tuylor, Clerk SJ Sg � ,♦ .• . �/,�0� �\�GS 0 ��� �qN - tiq 1 N i -;ti ;�, �;;{ „ ,„ „ , , ,,, „ � f'��,,,, , �,�, �,�, ';5 „„ „ ';1 '�„'�,�, �„ :�, �,;;; ;; �� r „ �,;;�. „ ,• ;�,_ � ;� =•„�,, ,,, � �';1:'� NPO o ESP� NO PARKIl1 BY-LAW � � � �l N� � ��• � >- A J � > � � a P p,R K`N p,� �N� P�GK�R 0 � ?OMN OF PICKERIN6 TRAFFIC REPORT vueuc xaas o��xrucxt � x,�u� iu000 OLENANNA ROAD - LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKINO ZONE ; , ,.