HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 11/98' � �pOF� ;� J 9 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: Muy 8, I998 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW1I/98 SUBJECT: Regulatory By-law -Patking - By-law 2359/87 -Portion of Diefenbaker Couri (Entrance to Recrention Complex SWfT Pnrking) RECOMMENDAT[ON: A by-luw should be enacted to emend Schedule B to By-law 2359/87 regulnting parking rcstrictions end prohibitions on ccrtain highwnys. ORIGIN: Request from the Genernl Monager AUTHORITY: Munlclpal Ac�, R.S.0.1990, chnpter M.45, scctian 210.123 FINANCJAL 1MPLICATIONS: Manufacture and instnllution of signs costing approximatcly 5250.00. Signs budget (2320-2409) BACKdROUND: On•street paking nlong the north sidc of Diefenbakcr Court impairs thc visibility sightlines of motorists which are nttempting to exit from thc Recreation Complex SWff parking nreu. The result is a potential for right-ungle collisions bctwcen two vehicles. In an effort to provide proper sightline requirements, it is recommended that nn wnendment of By-law 2359/87 be enactcd to prohibit parking along the north side of Diefenbnker Court in the viciniry of the enUnnce to the stnlT purking orcu of the Recreation Complex. These restrictions should be in effect as per Note 1 of the ByInw being 24 hours per day 365 days per yenr. ATfACHMENTS: I. Dmft By-law 2. Location map/Site Sketch Prepared t Approved / Endorsed By: C, phen Broke Ri iard. W. H bom Attechments Copy: doneral Maneger Town Solicitor Director of Plonning Fire Chief � 1 � �� ��.i � • � J � � ► BY-[,AW NO. Ueing a by-lnw !o amend Dy-law 1J39/87 regulaffng parking, smnr!!ng and sropping an highways and on prlvafc anJmunfcipal properly, WHEREAS, pursunnt to the Munictpa! Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scctions 2I8.52, 210.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, thc Council of thc Corporotion of thc Tawn of Pickering enuctcd Dy-luw 2359/87 tegulnling parking, standing nnd stopping on highways and on privnte and on municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of thc Cnrpomtion of Ihc 'I'own of i'ickcring IIGIiLBY ENACTS AS �OLLOWS: Schedulc D to Uy-Inw 2359/87, as amendcd, is hcreby amendcd by ndding thcrclo thc following item: ' wn Side Dclwccn/An<I 1'rohibilcd Times nnd n8V5 DieFenbaker CouR North BG melres casl of Vallcy I'arm Scc Notc 1•• Road and 130 mclres cast oC ' Vnlic�� farm Rood •' Unlcss othcnvise spccificd, thc parking prohibilions abovc shall bc in cfTcct twcnry-Cour (24) hours per day, ycar round. BY-LAW rcad a first, sccond and lhird timc nnd finally passcd this day of , 1998. Waync Arthurs, Muyor Drucc Taylor, Clerk :W � ; , ,, „ „ ,; �,,; ,�; ,, ,,, ,, ;0, 0 Q O � O o � �, N% RECREATION COMPLEX � 1FFENBAjKER COURT . D i--� ; � � w J J i 0 4 N TONN OF PICKER(NO r�suc r�orocs ocr�arucnf �a` y� . �� ��� ��- .,• �`�;_ ... , � / � ; ----------, � �� � � , � �, � PROPOSED � ' � � NO PARKING ._ ' � ' ' .� ,, BY-LAW ; � -:___•;_ t ; ; ; � ' ""'J � i �i1 i �i i i� �� ,i i� i� � ' �i � i i '� � ; ��', �� VdP �' PPRK P1cK�R�N� TRAFFIC REPORT o� LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKINO ZONES