HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 13/98��N OF p'F 1 � � � REPORT 1 . FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: May 19, 199R Director of Public Works REPORT NUMBER: PW 13/98 SUBIECT: Roads - Temporary Closings Por Rccrcational Purposw - Rosebank Road - betwcen Tttird Conccssion Road and Finch Avrnuc. ffEM FOR CONSIDERAT'ION: Thc cnactmcnt af a by-law to nmrnd Bylaw 3261/89 to providc for ihc tcmporary closing for Accrcational purposcs of Roscbank Road from Third Conccssion Road to Finch Avenuc, Tucsday, May 26, 1998 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. ORIGM: Rcqucst from Pcbblchut Prcy Scrviccs Inc.. AUTHORITY: Municlpal AcG R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, s�xlion 207.44. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 'ILcre arc no fmancial implications duc to this road closurc. 'Itmrc arc no dircct financial cosls to Ihc To�m associatcd widi thc pusagc of ihis by-law or with thc implcmcntation of it; ho�sevcr its cxistcncc, in wnjunction with thc crcction and maintcnancc of thc nppropriatc signs, protccls thc To�m from liabiliry for damagcs sustaincd by any person using lhc tcmporarily closcd road. BACKGROUND: It has bccn rcquestal by Pcbblchut Prcy Scrviccs Inc. Uwt thc Toµn closc U�at part of Roscbank Road from'Ihird Conccssion Road to Finch Avcnue to film a ugmcnt of a movie callcd " Mind Prey". This closurc will allow local and cmcrgrncy acccss. '[Lc Town may closc thc ra�d for this purposc by cnacting un amcndmrnt w Bylaw 3261/89 in thc form attachcd hcrcto. ATTACHMENTS: I. Draft By-law. 2. I.ocation Map. 3. Copy of By-Iaw 3261/89, without attachmcnt. , Richa W. Holbo� BDK Attachmcnb Copy: (kncral Managcr Firo Chief OperationeSuperviwr