HomeMy WebLinkAboutL45/98O�a OF p� 4 � REPORT TO COUNCIL .i.75 FROM: Ponny Wy�er DATB: Mazch 31, 1998 Town Sol(c(lor REPORT NUMBER: L 45/98 SUBIECT: Rond-Dedication - Blacks 207 and 208, Plan 40M-1896. Pickering (Rosebank Road) - File: W2304.343 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw should be enncted to dedicate Blocks 207 nnd 208, Plan 40M•I896, Pickering (Rosebank Road) as public hlghway. ORIGIN: I. Requesl from McKay & Hewkshaw, Darristcrs & Solicitors datcd Mnrch 25, 1998. 2. Approval from Public Works dateJ March 30, 1998. AUTHORITY: hlwtfc7pal Acl. R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 297( I xu). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. CXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A rcquat wac received from McKay & HnHkshaw, Barristen & Solicitors lo JcJicnlc Dlxks 207 and 208, Plen 40M• 1896 (Rosebnnk Road) as public highway. As our Public Works Departmenl hac ndvised ihat road works within this plan have becn constructed to standnrds su�cicnl to pertnit public access, thc requircd dedicaiions should ihereforc bc mndc. BACKGROUND: When Plan 40M•1896 wus rcgistercd, the road widcning blocks referrcd to werc convcycd to �hc Town olong a portion of Rosebank Road within the plm. As our Public Works Department hac edvised that road works within this pinn have becn constructed to n slnndard sufticient lo pertnit public access, the rcquircd dedications should Ihcreforc bc mude. ATTACNMENTS: I. DraR bylaw. 2. Site Sketch. 3. Location Mep, Prcp 1B� Jody rsuns Copy: Oenoral Manager Dircctor of Publlc Work+ Dlrcctor of Plenning Approvcd / Cp Y: Penny Wy • � THF GORPOR.ATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERM(I 176 ATTACHMENT it� TO BY-LAW N0. Be(ng a 6y-law !o dedlca�e Blocks 107 and 108, Plan dOM-1896, Plckering (Rosebank RoudJ as pub!!c highwa}: WHGRF.AS Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of Bloeks 207 nnd 208, Plan 40M-1896, Pickcring (Rosebank Road) und wishes to dedicote them us public highway. NOW THGREFORE, the Council of The Corporntion of thc Town of Pickcring IIERBBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. IIlocks 207 and 208, Plnn 40M-1896, Pickering (Roscbank Road) nrc hcrcby Jcdicatcd as public highway. DY-LAW rcad a first, sccond and third timc nnd finnlly pnsscJ this 20ih day uf Apri1,1998. Waync Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Tnylor, Clerk ; r�vN OF � '3 L_ : EP7. ;{,'!' .': n�aw ;&'� ;1 '�}.. c1 'i'� � f r w � � ,, `�i v_•• 'd , -r.:::,� . �7 .� 178 �URRENTLY APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 40M-1896 BLOCKS 207 & 208, PLAN 40M-1896 o' '� `\\ �' \ I °� ` � I� ei�� i�j - ;~ �;=�`='�J�;�= ti �� i--- ��� ! _:� i 9i--�--- ��.�, �. � _ .. ,.� s ----1__r�ii I r i , �n � i- —i�i �� :. a� .v �� i ._ �_� 1 . rv a : y +�L�w�e.nil'� rtai-' � �f� � � '� r ,� 1 e ,o, ,� �d —� i �-- "--� ^,,, r � �� .r -.,—.,_ � � „ , .o,,, —�------� i.„, „.,; �— ,��=,-,—,. ,� �'i r, �—; 1� � ,� � =°-- ��r= � _,,.,_ i � ,e„ —�.—'- , � 1: yr.� � r—N � �„-i �� fr—r� �_+� � -- �;,�. � r - ._;i � e,�_'_�' _'_ �! •.0 �e �- —�J� !vr--,-7 i � � r—,e t`—,-1� �[ --" ---'i T�" _�_�� I -,� 1 i � _,—t �—�--fl a -- `— ,•� j un � ` r° ;,,—��i �-i� J L�_ u N FULL SCALE �MWIN013 AVAIUBLE FOR VIF.NANO AT 7HE PLANNINO DEPARThIENT MMCH 7.1998.