HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 30/98� . . 1 ' O�� oF P� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wygcr DATE: February 23, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMDCR: l. 30/98 SUBIECT: Stop Signs - Various LocaHons - File: W231I RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enacted to funher amend Eiylaw 2632/88 to authorize ihe ercction of stop signs at cenain intersections within the Town. ORIGIN: Requcsts Gom Dircclor of Public Works dated February I6, 1998. AUTHORITY: Hlghi�•ayTra�cAcf, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, scclian IJ7. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Signnge • Devclopers Cost. BACKGROUND: Our Public Works Departmem hu rccendy rcviewcd thc nced for right-oGwny conuol ut vnrious iNersections wilhin thc Town. As a rcsult of thc invcstigation, thcy bclievc that n highcr Icvcl of rcgulatory control is required nt each imcrscction duc to increuing volumes of con0icting ua(Tic. II is thercfore recommended thut DyLaw 2632/88 bc furthcr amcnded io providc for thc installntion of stop signs ot the following intcrsec�ions within those plans of subdivisions. Intersection Facine Tra�c Woodsmere Crescent nnd Southbound on Wildilower Drive Wildilower Drive(South Intcrscclion) Deerhnven Lane/Summerpark Crcscent Nonhbound nnd Southbound on and Wildllower Drive Wilditower Drive Weybum Square and Northbound on Wcybum Squarc Weybum Square ATTACHMENTS: 1. DrnR by-law. 2. LocnAon Mapping, %' r Pcnn gcr JEP:Ic Atmchmenu Copy: Town Clerk Director of Public Warke Operetlons Superviwr Tralltc/Waslo Management Co-ordinator 183 i84 �r. �.'''' '`' ' ' ' � BY-LAWNO, 5231/98 Being a by-!aw fo jurfher amend By!aw 1632/88 to provlde jor �he erectlan uj s�op signs a� cerfaln intersec�ions wlthln the Town oJPfckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 137 of the Nightivay Tia�c Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, the council of a municipulity mny by by-law provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under itsjucisdiction; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Stop signs shall he erected nt the interscctions of highways set out in Column I, facing ihe tra(fic bound in ihe direction or directions set aut in Column II. 2. Schedule A to By-law 2632/88, as amcnded, is hereby further amended by adding Ihcreto thc following items: Column f Column II Woodsmere Crescent and Southbound on Wildtln�vcr Drivc Wildflower Drive (South Interscction) Deerhaven Lnne/Summerpark Crescent Northbound and Southbound on Wildllo��er Drivc nnd Wildflower Drive Wcybum Square und Northbound an Wcybum Squarc Weybum Square 3. This by-Inw shnll not come into force unless it is approved by the Council of thc Regional ;I Municipaliry of Durhnm pursuant to thc Regionul d6u�lcipuUlies Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chaptcr R.8, 'i section 34. � . BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th day of Mtvch, 1997. Wayne Arihurs, Meyor TOWN OF' P;�%'.:=1"Ci } ;� %d' i.�� �� I Bruce Tnylor, Clerk � � .;,,i.nerr, i wnii 0 ENUE �jCH � TOMN OF PICKERINa :- WBUC WORIq OCPNIiYENT � . c:{ rrenwin iooa �; ��1� A! v�' ty's;., ,,.. , -. _ . . . _ WILDFLOWER DRIVE DEERHIAI✓EN SUMMERPARK I I I ' �4—� w o ? J � � � � W O Q � �I C9 U W Y 3 z CRESCENT � m � w 0 � J 0 WOODSMERE 3 � T CRESCENT AVE � m w c� w c m z Q z 0 SQUARE �' 0 AMBERLEA DRIFTWOOD CRT. ST� F SAUGEEN (,; ` MONTCLAIR LANE ,S, 'c � w / 3 Q �� < Q J — PRINGVIE D J (n W W > w U Z W � � a c� N CHARNWOOD C�� � m AS I Z n LEOEND PROPOSED � STOP SICN TRAFFIC REPORT Q� LOCATION OF PROPOSED BTOP 810N � ENUE �CH WILDFLOWER DRIVE DEERH EN LA SUMMERPARK=. W o >_ z o 0 a �- o � � � (� U W Y � Z CRESCENT 0 m L w � � J 0 WOODSMERE � � CRESCENT � AV E � � w c m z Q z 0 SQUARE ~ 0 AMBERLEA \ DRIFTWOOD CRT. ST� � SAUGEEN � MONTCLAIR LAN E ,S, %,� o W i � z o �, ry � �� � - PRINGVIE D Q W W Z � > i� W U Z W � � a c� � CHARNWOOD CO 0 Z AS n LEGEND PROPOSED � STOP SIGN TONN OF PICKERINO TRAFFIC REPORT vu�c waroa o[r,wrucHt GT�"'CT .w LOCATION OF PROP09ED 9TOP 310N3 «emum iooa 0 18 O� J U � Z D COURT > I r BAY,c� O BRAEBURN F' F�O BRIA CRES. � � J ST• OOD Q J U d � U AT w � Y m Q 0 0 I � TRAIL U O � � WEYBURN � m � W � i � �L.� � O I U W � � � � d W � Q � [0 U SQUARE C9 � Q BIRCHWOOD CRT. W --------------------------------------- - ---- Z SHEPPARD AVENUE � � � � � ~ �`� �GG ZIVE Z � � � DOWN � U DUNFAIR �DAYLIGHT STREET RES. � � � 38 CATTAI L LACE RAINY DAY O � � A < � LEGEND N PROPOSED � STOP SICN TONN OF PICKERINC TRAFFIC REPORT � PUBUL wOR1(S ttCMfYCNT � ,K, ���� i�e LOCATION OF PROPOLED BTOP SION