HomeMy WebLinkAboutL29/98� • i�r� O�N OF p� W1 F REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger pATH; Febniary20, 1998 Town Sollcitor REPORTNUMDER: L29/98 SUBIECT: Through Highway Designatfon - Variaus Laatiotu - File: W23I0(L) RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enacted to wnend Dy-Law 2366/87 to designate �he following portions of roads as through highways: i we Fro�rt To Summerpark Crescent Wildflawer Drive Wildtlower Drive/Deefinven Lanc Wildflowor Drive Woodsmere Crcscent Deerhaven Land (Soulh lnterse�ion) Summcrpark Crcscent Zetor Avenue Uem Avenue Krosno Uoulevard ORIGIN: Request from Direclor of Public Work�, daied Fcbruary 16, I998. AUTNORITY: i!lghwwy Tia�c Acr, R.S.O. I990, chapter II.B. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: Our Public Works Dcpartment has recently rcvlewed �he nad for right of way control et varioue (nterscctions within the Town. As e rcsult of lhis investigation, ihey believe �hat a higher level of rcgulatory control (s rcquired at ench intersection due lo incrcasing volumes of contlicting uallic. II i� thereforc rccommended Ihat DyLaw 2)66187 be emended to Include Ihe following portions of road: i wa oi To SummeryerkCrcscent WildllowerDrive WildllawerDrive/DecrhavenLane WildOowcr Drive Woodsmere Crcscent Deefiaven I.and Summepark Crcscrnt Zator Avonue Bem Avenue Krosno Bouleverd ATTACIIMENTS: I. Dreft bylew. 2. Locstfan Map. , �� �f JEP:IJm Penn}� W e� Attachmmd Copy: Town Clark Dirccror of Publlc Worlte Opcmtione Supervleor Trellic/Wmla Management Caordlnalor Y��I�K�lla�l;�til�C7: � , � � • e �Y•LAW N0. 5230/98 Betng a by-law �o amrnd By-Luw IJ6N81, derlgna�(ng Za�or avenue, Summerpark Cratcenf arul IVifJ/lowei D�fve m through hlghwayr. 1'�9 WHEREAS, sett(on I(1) of tht Nlghw�ay TrafJlc Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter H.B, deMes "through highways" as a highway or pan of a highway designated a� such by 1he Minister or by bylaw of a municipaliry and provides that every such highway shall 6e merked by a stop sign or yield sign or yield right-of•way sign in compliance wi�h the rcgulatione of �he Ministry; and WHEREAS ByLaw 236N87, a� amended, provides for the designation of certein highways in the Town of Pickcring as thraugh highways; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to funher amend ByLaw 2366/87; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLUWS: 1. Schedule A lo ByLaw 236N87, u amended, is hereby funher amended to include the following: � W8 �o To SummerparkCrescem WildflowerDrive WildiloHerDrivd Summerpark Crescent Wi�dllower Drive Woalsmere Crcuenl Deerhaven Lane/ �South Intersection) Summeryazk Crcscem Zator Avenue Bem Avenue Krosno DoulevarJ 2. This bylaw shall not come imo farce unless it is approvrd by ihe Council of �he Regional Municipality uf Uurham persua�t 1e th: Rreiaxnl.t!un(cipufiriei.lcr, R.5.0. 1990. Chapter R.B, seaiun id. ' BY•LA W rcad a fin4 xeond and thirJ time anJ finally puseJ ihis 9th day of Much, 1998. Wayne Anhun, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk wtno ro�r: r� or- P�CM= ',3 !I!: � k�. . � 4� I .:%' �l f ::i•T. 180 ✓E �NUE F CH WILDFLOWER DRIVE DEERH EN LA SUMMERPARK I w o ? - J N Q � � W O Q � � � U � T W Z � CRESCENT � m � w � � J � WOODSMERE � � CRESCENT � N AVE � � w c m z Q z 0 SQUARE ~ O AMBERLEA DRIFTWOOD CRT. ST� � SAUGEEN � MONTCLAIR LANE h, 'c h O / w � O Y J �� � � S �� �J - PRI�JGVIE D J (n W Z � � W U Z W � � a � � CHARNWOOD CO' � Z ASI n LEGEND J PROPOSED 1 SiOP SICN �PROPOSED iHROUGH HICHWAY TO11N OF P(CKERING TRAFFIC REPORT VUBUL MpIMS DfYMI4CNT � .,, LOCATION OF PROP09ED STOP 810N8 AND THROUGH HIOHWAY rzaauurc noe 81� ENUE � N � WILDFLOWER DRIVE DEER SUMMERPARK � z g � � w � U CRESCENT WOODSMERE CRESCENT G19� � m � � c z SQUARE AMBERLEA w w m a z 0 � O DRIFTWOOD CRT. ST� � �EN / SAUGEEN (,` � MONTCLAIR . LAN E �,�C � > p Z �Q� o ° Y g ��° < o � � � — PRINGVIE D � Y w 3 p Q Q w w � m Z U � � Z � � W � - � � a � � CHARNWOOD CO 0 Z AS (� �, r— LEGEND PROPOSED � STOP SIGN �PROPOSED THROUCH HICHWAY TO11N OF PICKERIN6 TRAFFIC REPORT �\���.��,/'�=/�y� OUBIIC wORN3 O[7Mri[MT W^W ,,, LOCATION OF PROP09E0 BTOP 910N9 AND THROUQH HIQHWAY rtexwm �o9e � BAYLY STREET POPRAD AVENUE SANGRO TATRA LANE DRIVE �i� O 2 FORDON AvE' O p 0 i � Q �- SCHI Q � > W � � � J � LN. � � N m O AVENUE PAT RE p m C,p,RVOL� � J O O a � w > J z U O � Q z Z 0 � z Q w Z J J m p O p Z � w � 1 c� n ,�-� m I os !� � 'l'p Z LUNA C RT. � r�v.-.� ....r- W � � O C r r� < � �1 � � N FANSHAW P LEGEND PRqPO5E0 � 5lOP SIGN pJJJJJJJJa PROPOSfO 1[uLlLLUJ iHROUCH HICHWAY TOMN OF PICKERINC TRAFFIC REPORT iuBUC n01tN! O[7MNMT � �l / w LOCATION OF PROPOSED STOP 810N8 AND THROUGH HIOHWAY A�c� fCBNWRY 199! i