HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 01/98• �� . i �N�P� ~ � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holbom MEE7ING DATE: January 12/98 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMDGR: PW 01/98 SUBJECT: Ronds - Temporary Closing for Construction Purposes RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enacted to amend Uy-law 156L82 to providc for thc tcmporory closing o(a portion of Donita Avenue from Fairport Road to Appleview Road from Jenuary 19, 1998 to February 27, 1998. ORIGIN: Rcquest from Devclopment Control Supervisor, daled Januury 5, 1998. AUTHORITY: hfunlclpal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scclion :97 (c). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 'fhere arc na dircct finnncial costs or rcvenues nssocia�cJ wiih Ihe passagc of ihis by-Inw or with Ihc implcmentution of it; howcvcr, its exislcncc, in conjunclion with thc crcction and maintenuncc of thc eppropriatc signs, protects thc Town from liability for Jamagcs sustaincd by nny person using the temporarily closcd roud. DACKGROUND: In order to give the Town thc protection refcrrcd to undar "Financiul Implications" nbovc, an amendment to By-law 1562/82 is rcquired. It should bc noted ihat closing signs will bc ercctcd and only during Ihe period of lime thut such signs are in place will thc bylaw impose a penalty upon any person convictcd of using the road in contrnvcnlion of thosc signs. ATTACHMENTS: I. DrnR By-lew. 2. Location map. 3. Copy of By-law 156?182, without Schedulc A. RS/cb Attachments Copy: Grneral Maneger Dirccror c: ^:_�ning Town Solicitor FIro Chief Manager of TrensporlaHon Rich W. Halbo . �:'�;.: 1•. • � � : 8Y•LAW N0. Bring a by-law �o umend By-!aw l561/81 Icmpurarlly cloring a porlion oj u road jor corufruc!!on purpasrs (BonJla Avenur). 13 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the predecessor of section 297 (c) of the blunicfpal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, lhe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enncted Uy-law 1562/82, providing for the temporary closing of roads under the jurisdiction of the Town for conswcdon purposes; AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to umend that Eiy-law in certain respects; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Schedule A lo DyInw 156L82 is hereby amended by adding thereto Itcm 228, set out in Schedule [ to this bylaw. BY-LAW rend a first, second and Ihinl timc and finally pused this 19ih Jay of lanunry, 1998. Wayno Anhurs, Mayor Brucc Taylor, Cicrk • �� � . . � n x m v c r m � O W � S � �o w ' ��°'� � Attachment For By-Law # 1562/82 � � Temporary Closure for Construction - Bonita Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP �, TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Bonitn Avenue • between Fnirpon Rood and Applcvicw Rond, Road closed from Junuary 19, 1998 to Fcbnwry 27,1998. CONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 6 weeks. CONS7'RUCTION INCLUDES: Installntion of Storm and Sunitary 5ew•ers � on Bonita Awnue, from Fairport Rond to the eust limit of Dmft Plan I ST•95001, to provide servicing for ihe new development (18T•94022 and 18T-95001). ' Road Reconswction nnd Urbanizution • on Bonita Avenue, from Fairport Road to the east limit of DmA Plnn 18T-95001. ;t �,; ` ' �. � t , � - j t ���..� � -` 7 � �' ? 3.� _ . . .. { t 35 ..''A ..Z; S '. � � . i 1E _ x Y •'1' . i,. I •. � ;, . �:i� �.� ' �c .c, �, � � ��, � ,� j�Y•L.AW N0. � 61/g Dcing u bylaw jor closing lempnrnrlty !o reGlculur Irv�c fr�r rccrcullonol �iurpnres, portlats oj Idghu�nys undcrllie Tu�rn'sJurtsrlictlan. WIIf:RE.•15, pursunnl lo Ilic provisions af secliou 208.44 of Ihc btunlclpol Ac1, R.S.U. 1980, chapter 302, bylows may bc pnsseJ by lhc council of a municipnlily for ciosing Icmporarily lo vchiculnr lraffic any high��my or porlion of o highway under Ihc jurisdiclion of thc municipality for such social, rccrcalional, commwiily, nthlclic or cincmmngraphic pumosc, or cambinalion Ihcreof, ns inay bc spccified �hcrcin; NOW TIIERG�ORE, Ilu Council of Thc Corporalion of thc Town of 1'ickcring I1BRGl1Y GNACTS AS fOLLOWS: I. 7liosc highways or podions of highways scl out in Column I of Schcdulc A ollochcd hcrcta shnil bc Icmpomrily closcd lo vchiculnr Iraffic betwcen Ihosc limils sct oul in Column II Ihcrcin, Jurin� Ihosc liours scl uul in Cohimn 111 Ihcrcin, on Ihosc days sc1 oul in Cnlunm IV Ihcrcin, for Ihe purywsc or pury�oscs scl oul in Colmnn V Ihcrcin. 2. Nliilc n highwny or puriior Ihcrcof is cluscd to vchicular IraCfic purs•.�nt to scclion I, nbovc, Iliere sh�ll bc crccicJ nl encli enJ of such highway or poriion dicrcof, nnd whcrc an nllcrnnlivc rc�utc dcvinlcs IhcrcGom, n barricndc u�n whid� nn oJcquatc waniing dcvicc shall bc cxpnscd onJ in �ooJ working orJcr conlinuously from simscl until sunrisc nnd nt such poinls Ilicrc xhall bc crccicJ a dclaur sign inJicaling Ihc nhcrnativc roidc �md cmdnining a nalicc Ilial Ihc high�vay is closcJ lu vcliicular lrnf(ic. 3. 'll�is by-law shnll nut operatc lo closc Icm�wrarily fur nny perioJ of limc in cxccss iif scvcnlyhvo hours, zmy highway or porlion thcrcof Ihol cnlors upon or inlcrsccls Ihc F:6ig's I ligh�vay withoul Ihe canscnl of Ihc Minislcr of Tmusporlalion, pursuanl to scclian 24 of Ihc Piibllc 7rnnspormUon nnrl lllglnvay /niprovemen! AN, R.S.O. 1980, clinptcr 421, anJ qic rcgislmlion of thc by-law in Ihc I.anJ Rcgislry Oftice. pY•I.AN'rcnd � fi�sl, sccanJ nnd IliirJ limc and finnlly pnsscd this I Btli dny of Scplcnibcr, 1767, s �';r f ,