HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 47/99. . . . O�NOFp� . � � �� � � 107 REPORT TO COUNCIL " FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: November I5, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 47/99 SUBJECT: Year 2000 Mimal Control Budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby approves the Ycar 2U00 Mimal Control budget estimates as recommended by the Pickering, Ajax and Whitby )oint Ani;nal Control Committee at its meeting of November 10, 1999. ORIGIN: Motion of the PAW Committee pessed on November 10, 1999 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act • FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Operating $212,757,57 (Pickering's Share) Capital $ 8,000.00 (Pickering's Share) Total S220,757.57 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The PAW Committee is recommending the epproval of the Year 2000 Capital and Operating Budget for the Animal Shelter in the amount of 5590,900.00 of which Pickering's shara is 5220,757,5T. BACKGROUND: Pleasa be advised that the PAW Ioint Mimal Control Committee passed the following motion at its meeting ofNovember 10, 1999: 1. That Tnaeurer'a RepoM, Item 3-99, rcgarding lhe Year 2000 Antmal Contrul budget aNmata be ndopted. 2. That the ealimata be aubmitted to the Councils of Ajaz, Plckedng and Whitby for Approval; and 3. Thet a reserve (n the amount of 527,000,00 be atabli�hed for the replacement of outdoor kennele, a� provtded for in the 1999 budget, �cheduled tar compleHon eady in the new year, ....(1 `:''s : . - -�; ,. 1�i8 Z .�ttacncd to this Report is a copy oti tha Committea Treasurer's Report 3•99 for your infarmation. I would remind Council thel Pickering hes entered into an Agreement with Ajax and Whitby respecting the oparation of the Mimal Shaller thet allocetes operating expcnsas on a per capila basis end capital expenses on an equal basis. Therofore, for thc Year 2000, Pickering is responsible for 37.53% of thc totel operating costs of S566,900 being 5212,757.57 and is responsible for 33.3% of the total cepilal costs of 524,000 being 58,000 for u total of 5220,757.57, 1 hava provided u chart which shows ►he operating and capital costs required to operate the Mimal Shclter and Pickering's share of those expenses. As can be noted &om this chart, the aperating costs have increased in the Year 2000 primarily to provide for the provision for onc edditional full-time animal control and pound attendant. ATTACHMENTS: i. PAW Treasurer's Report 3•99 Prepared Ay: �.� �—� Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Attachments Rccommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council a� � �r� � .i//J T omasJ. Qi' n, , ; Chief Administrative 0(ficer . • � A1TA,f�iMENTq_LTC`�ORTMc� Y7��9 TREASURER'S REPOFl7T0 THE PICKERING, � O9 AiAX. WWITBY 70INT ANIMAL CONTROL COMMIITEE $q�: 3•99 November 10,1999 �i,ig�: 2000 Animal Contrnl Budget Estimates Aecotti�mg0�14l1� 1. That the Plckering, Ajax, Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee . adopt the 2000 Animal Control budget estfmates as set out in Treasurer's Report, ltem 3•99; 2. That the esdmates be submitted to the Council's oF Ajax, Pfckering � and Whitby for approval; and, 3. That a reserve In the amaunt of $27,000.00 be established for the repiacement of outdoor kennels, as provided for in the 1999 budget, scheduied for completion early In the new year. Qriain: qnalvsis: t The 2000 Animal Control budget estlrtiates are set out In Attachment No. 1 to this report. No change In current service levels Is contcmplated. The budget does, however, provide for one addltional full-time animal cantrol and pound attendant. The Anlmal Control Centre currently has a permanent staff cansisting of one full-dmP supervisor and six full•time an!mal controi and pound attendants. There has been no increase in the number of permanent staff for the past 10 years despice the fact that duiing thls time the populatlan of the three municipalltles has Increased by 95% from 151,430 to 219;544. In recent years the Centre lias become inuzasingly dependant on temporery help to malntain service levels to the point where it is now necess�y to increase the number of full-tlme animal control and pound attendants. The 2000 budget generally holds the line in all areas with the exceptlon of sqfflng. A small reduction in capih�l expenditurPS In 2000 helps to reduce the overell increase. Alternatives: , N/A Existing Policlas: N/A Financial Constderattons; As a housekeeping matter, a reserve In the amount of #27,000,00 should be , establlshed to carryover the ;27,000,00 allocated in 1999 for the replacement oP the outdoor dog kennels. It is andclpated that construc�on of the replacement autdoor kennels wlll be completed In early 2000, By agreement, operaGng revenues and expendltures are appordoned on a per capita basis between the Towns of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby, Capltal expenses ar� shared equally by the three municlpalldes. The munlclpal appowonment of the estlmates Is shown in Attachment No. 2 to thls �eport. ,�; . ATTACIMENT M0.1 � ,� �$ 8 8 8 8 8$ 8 8$ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8° 8 p � �S g � � g g � �'� � � g g � � $ � � � � Q� p—-� �n o w e� ri m^°° N� g r e � r^ 2S g � g $ g qg "l � � $ 25 y�j N 8 8I 0 g � I g g $ g g g $ °o v � g g � $ LS N `L'1 b � � °g a$$$ S 8 8 8$ 8 8$ 0 8 8 o S 8° o � �$$S��g�gg��$ g$� os o �= p v a vi ev n a � oo � _ o � � �°�• � O � O S O S O O Q S O S O O O O O S � � �� � � S g g S S $ � � � � $ o � g � $ 8 1� A O r W � O o�a O 7 q p O � n � � n � � � V� O �� �^ .p.. � � q p N fV e'1 v1 R 00 C vl `G N O N f� � ^! .^, c °''i '�1 m °a oy '°R a a w `^ r N y q� � ^ MI O h N 1'1 1� ^ 00 r�1 .•. C „ r 7 N N O� (V O O � u '� n � � � � � ° � ,g � � i U � � � a � � n � � � � o � .�� ������� �N � � �� ���_ �a ,� ,, �, � ,� 5g� � � � �tf �, � ,� �'7 � � � tg 5 H x x.9 w° o! >� O w �� F' �<� y � g�� � ������ < g g � ������ g � g � � � S S � � � s � � $ N 8 S N �� �� � 1 ].1 ` ATTACHMENT NO. l BUDGET NOTES A�T EXPLANATION � Qperatine E: eR nses: Saleries, Wages, Benefils ' Provlsion has been mude for one additional � full•time animal control and pound ' ottrndant. , Unifortns nnd Clothtng , Additional uniform wsts for new employee. Telephone Cosls , . Fuel Costs Building/Grounds Repairs/Maint. Bank Chnrges 4pera1loe Revenues: Pound und Service Fees Mimal Adoptions � ital xpenae,: Retlects previous year's expericnco, Re(Iccts previous year's cxperiencc, Re(lecls previous ycar's expericnce. Rctlects previous ycar's experience. Rcflccls previous ycar's experiencc. M increazing numbcr of stray nnimals are being rctumcd to their owners duc, in part, to thc succcss of Ihc tagging program, This has resulted in reduccd pound and servica fees. Re(lccts prcvious year's experience. Cazpet Replacement Provision has been made to replace the carpel in the office area of the Mimal Cat Kennel Replacemrnt Control Cen1n. Provision hes also been . made to replaco somc of lhe cat kenncls. �: N 112 � � z m o ., F 0 C � O O �z � D o � g N � W (W� ✓ �p� 01 ^1 �a V �- �Yi' K. ariactwent nu. z � 1 �