HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 28/99. 280 .. . �NOFp� . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FRpM; Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: June 1, t999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 28/99 SUBJECT: Licence Fee Discount for pogs Implented With Microchip ldenti6cation RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to implement a licence fee discount for dogs implented with microchip identi6cation be fonvarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Motion of the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee dated May 26, 1999 AUTHORITY: Section 210.5 of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLiCATIONS: Approximately SI,000 in reduced revenue from r!og licence fas BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee passal the following motion at its meeting of May 26, 1999: Tdat Trensurcr'a Report 2-99 re: Licence Fee Di�count for pogs Tmplanted With Microchip fdentificAtion be received; �nd That, lo an effort to promote rcapon�ible dog owaenhip through pet identifiation, the Towos of Aja:, Pfckering �nd Whitby olfer a S5.00 licence fa di�couat for dogs implaated with microc6ip idmti(icalion. Attached hereto is a wpy of PAW Treasurer's Report 2-99 respecting this matter and a draR by- law to implement the motion. Plecse note that the draft by-law provides for this liance fee discount to be impiemented on lanuary I, 2000. At this point in time, it is diti'icult to detemune how much this will cost in reduced revenue fiom dog liance fea, howover, I believe it ahould not be much moro than SI,000. For spayed or neutered doge that are microchipped, the licence ia will be reduced from SI0.00 to 55.00, For unspayed or unneutered doga that are microchipped, tho licence fce will be reduced from S20.00 to SI5.00, ...,/2 t " ' Report to Council CL 2el99' Iune 1,1999 ` 28 i, ` Subject: Licence Discount Fee for poge Implanted with Mlcrochip identificetion , Page 2 ATTACEDv1ENTS; . _ : 1. PAW Treasuror's Report 2-99 2. dreft bytaw . Prepared By: -l/ � Brua Taylor, AMCT, CN9N _ Town Clerk Attachments Recommended for the wnsideretion of Pickering Town C uncil ��� N . �I : .. . � � . . omas J. Qui Chief Administretive 0fficer : � ; �, ri I .� _ �,: - �, � � , k a �JE 3ht�.,rL_x_il.� �. �._ �. v _. _ . .. _ . + .. - � .282 ATTACHMEN7��TOREPORI'M�� 1��9 TREASURERS REPORT TO THE PICKERNr,. aiax. WHCfBY �OINT ANIMAL CONTROL �� RECEIVED TOWM OF wf.�<�o�nl� �S MAY 1 8 1999 May 26,1999 ��` CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Licence Fee Discount for pogs Implanted With Micrahip Idendficatlon z�u�i-�..�., C�TCI�i Analysis; That, in an effort to promote responslbte dog ownershlp through pet Idendficadon, the Towns of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby offer a$5.00 Ilcence fee dlscount for dogs implanted with microchip Idendficatlon. Microchip implantatlon is a reladvely new method of pet idendficatian. A tlny microchip abaut the size of a greln of rice fs painlessly (njected under the loose skin between the animal's shoulder biades. Each mlcrahlp has a unique I.D. number. If the pet becames lost, the microchip I,D. numher can be read by a scanner and the pet retumed to its rightful owner. Most animai control centres across Canada are now equipped with microchip scanners. Staff at the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby ]oint Animal Controi Centre regularly scan all found pets for microchip identification. Approximately one-thlnl of all dogs wlll get lost at least once In their IlfeUme. The Towns of Ajax, Plckering and Whltby Incur cansidereble expense caring for stray dogs. Dog idendflcatlon systems such as municipal Wgging systems and private microchip implantatlon systems make it possible to retum stray dogs to their owners quickly and safely. The cost of caring for stray dogs fs signiflcantly reduced. The Towns of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby each have their own dog qg Idendflcatlon system. By law dog owners are requlred to annually reglster thelr pets with the munlcipallty in which they reside. A small Iicence fee is charged to offset the cost of adminlstering the Idendflcadon system and to def�ay animal control operatlng costs. Mlcrochip implanqtlon is offered at the majo�ity af local veterinary cllnla. It Is Intended to complement; as opposed to repiace, the municipal tagging systems. A stray dog that has lost Its tag and collar can sdll be retumed to Its rightful owner if it has been mlcrochipped. GetUng lost dogs home qulckly and safely saves the municipalides consider�ble expense In caring for the animats. A number af munlclpalides In the greater Tor�nto area now offer a �icence fee discount as an Incendve to have dogs microchipped, It Is recommended that the Towns of Ajax, Plckering and Whitby do Iikewlse beglnning next year. Eftecdve Januarylst, 2000 It is recommended the Towns otfer a;5,00 Iicence fee discount for dogs that are microchipped, A sampte by-law Is attached, , • ATTACHMENTtI__L_TOREPORTN=.c ?6/f9 283 �asurer's Report. Item 2•99 (Contl �, • N/A E�cisdng Policv: Refer to Malysis Flnancial Consideratlons Whatever Impact the Iicence fee discount has on dog tag revenues will be more than offset by reduced animal control operadng costs. z, , _ , . . ' A7TACHMENTq? TOREPORTN « zt�99 ' 28 � TFIE CORPORAT[ON OF TRE TOWN OF PICKERING �'d �i: ►l�C�� Being e by-law to emend By-lew Number 4423/94 (Dog & Cat Bylew) respating dog (icences. WHE[tEAS the Council of the Corporetion of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law �umber 4427/94 on May 3, 1994 to provide for the licen�ing, registration and regulation of dogs, for the detertnination of the compensation to be ailowed for impounding, distraining and detaining of dog9 and cats for the establishment of e cat identification system; and WF�REAS in a motion passed on May 26, 1999, the Pickering, Ajax and Whitby Joint Mimal Control Committee has recommended that this bylaw be amended to provide for a licence fee discount for dogs implanted with microchip identiflcation; NOW 'fk�REEORE THE COUNCIL OF Tt� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING F�REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Subsection 4 af Section 2 of Bylaw Number 4423/94 is revoked in its entirety and ►he foilowing is substituted therefore: 2. (4) The fee payeble for a dog licence shall be payable at the lime of ihe issuing of the licence and in �he case of, (a) a spayed or neutered dog that hes been implanted with microchip identiflcetion, the fa shall be 55.00; (b) a spayed or neutered dog that has not becn implanted with microchip identiflcation, the &e shall 6e S 10.00; (c) a dog that has not been spayed or neutered but has been implented with microchip identification, the fee shall be S I5.00; (d) any other dog, the ke shall be 520.00. 2. This bylaw sheil come into force end take effect on lanuary I, 2000. BY-LAW read a 6rst, second and third time and finally passed this 2I st day of June, 1999. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bmce Taylor, Clerk