HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 13/00t; t ' ''� oFpi� ': . . , . , ���'� ��� �A17ACHMENT# �3 TONEi�ORT#«''Y"� ,• 1�3 r.: o REPORT T� COUNCIL FROM: Brvice Taylor, AMCT', CMM • DATE: March 30, 2000 City Clrrk REPORT NUMBER: CL 13-00 SUBJECT: IdentiEcation of Cats and Doga RECOMMENDATIOIQ: That Clerk's Iteport CL 13-00 regarding the identi6cation of cats end dogs be received; and That the draft by-law to require the identifica6on of cats as well as dogs and to provide for a Gt'etime tag for neutered or spayed cats end dogs be forwarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Recommendation of tha PAW Committce dated Mazch l, 2000 AUTHORITY: Section 210(5) of the Municipel Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; Additional revenue in Year 2001 for cat tegs SS,000.00 Additional rcvenue in Year 2001 Gom sale of lifetime tags S25,000.00 Lost rovenue in Year 2002 and beyond from lifedme tegs (525,000.00) EXf?CUfIVE SUIvII1�fARY: The PAW Joint Animal Control Cortunittce pasaed a motion at its meeting of Marci� 1, 2000 recommending that the ihree municipalitiea pass a by-law to require the identification of cats as well as dogs and to provide for a lifetime identifica6on tag for apayed and neutered cats nnd doga. BACKGROUND: Please ba advised that the PAW Joint Mimel L'ontrol Committee passed the following moUon at • ita meeting of Merch 1, 2000: , 1. That Ajaa, Pickering aud W6ilby Councile paa� a by-law� in the fonm attaehed to Treasunr'e ;Report, item 1-00, to. require tEie idwtiticallon of ats'�u wcU as dog�; - 2. That the by-IAw Wcp ei7ect Januaiy 1", 2001; and " 3. Th�t each of the three muutcipalidea meke �ppilcpt(oo to lhe Oi�tarlo. ;, ; Court (Proyinci�l DlvGion) for approval of We by-I�w �et Ones �et ouu � in Treiuurer'e tteport, Item 1-00. � � � ; ! ; , . ,_ , ., , , s , ��. , . , .y �,,. , , .. , . .. � . �� .. f � �t� t - � s � ,� ' � . ' �` ATTACHMENT # � TO R@PORT if« s ¢- °n Report to Council CL 13-06 Dete: Merch 30, 2000 , fy Subjxt: Identi6Cation_oFCate and Doge Pega 2 : Attached ie a copy af PAW Trersurer'e Report I-00 which tha PAW Committee coneidaed in ' conjunction with the above mo6on. Also ettached ia a draft by-law to provide for the mandatory cat identitication end tha titetima tag for neuteral and apayed cate and doge. The authority to provida for the identi6caGon of cats ea weil as doge comea from Sxtion 2I0(5) of the Mwucipal Act which reads as follows: By-lawt may be pas�ed by We Couneill of loul munidpalitiea for providing Cor anlmd identification ayatema includfng tagglog, tatlootng or microe6ip Implantsdon rnd for requiriag ownere to idwUfq t6eir domeaflc animal+ 6y thoae oyetem� and for chargtug eucL fees ae may be aet out in the by-4w iu re�pat of the identifiatfon syatem. • Severel municipalidea in the Greater Toronto Area, including Toronto, Oakville, Osl�awa, Bramption end Clarington, already provide for tha mandatory identificadon of cats. It is di�iailt to �stimate the number of cat identiEcation tags that will be sold starting in the Year 2001 because many cat owners will not ba awaro that it is mandalory that thei� cat be identi6ed and lhere may be somo resistance to buy an identificadon tag fur a cat because many ownera do not let their cats out of tha houso. There will tiave to be some kind of education program developed by both PAW and the City to maka cat ownera awaro of the mendatory identification progam and the benefits of it. The draft by-law rccommended by the FAW Committee also provides for a lifetime identiGcation tag for spayed and ncutered cats end dogs. �th reapect to this recommendation, Council ehould be aware that there are advantages and disadvanteges to thia recommendation as followa: ADVANTAGES OF A LIFE'I7ME TAG: • Most cat and dog awnera would be willing to buy an identification tag that will be cE%ctive for the lif'etima of their animal. • Since a lifetime tag would only be issued to apayed and neutered animals, it may be an incentive for the cat or dog owner to ensure that their animal is apayed or neutered. • Since most dogs and cats are apayed or neuterai, there will be less administrative activity involved in the annual identifica6on program. . • For tho 6rst year ihat this by-law takes effect, ihere will be a dramaGc increase in fees Gom the sale of identificadon taga because most dog or cat owners will opt for the Gfetime tag which will cost 535. � DISADVANTAGES OF A LIFETIIVIE TAG: • Thera is no question that the door-to-door tegging program provides the only feasible method of ensuring that as many enimala es possible era identi6ed: With the exception oF the 6ret year of tha by-law, a door-to-door tagging program would not be feasible and therefora the number of animals identi6ed oyer tha ensuing yeare will decreasa, _, • The revemtes from tha eisle of tage will decrcaae after tha Srst year of lhe bylaw becauso ` mosf dog or cat owncrs would i�ava acqulied the Gfetime licence. There is uo way to ,.. ,: accurately estimate:the lose of ievonuo but [ would gucss that it would be appro�amately :, _ , , S25,000 annually.� ::� ' , • . . . . , ; �...'•. �,, � ' � � � 1,� y 7 , : . ' .�.': :.i ..t,4'i:: , _ �' ' { �' �`� .. . . , .. . . _„ . .,. .. , . . .. . .. _ ,. . . , ... .. _.: 5. . .... ?.., .. , . _ . . _. w � r s r� , r} 7 H� t ti'� � i, � 9r; i '.i` .. ., �, 1 3 t :� r, � . .�. .. : `. � .- � , . . ` x . . � ° ` ATTACHMENT# 3 •TOREPORT#« zj-•�s � ' ` ^, Report to Couiicil CL 13-00 _ : D�te: Much 30, 2000 i� ..; , Subjoct. , Ideatification of Cate aad Doge Pa6e 3 •: The �prinaple of dog end cat ownera conm'buting to the coat of operating the Mima! Shelter through tf►e sate of idmti6cation tage would be aoded bxauee at prexnt, animst ownero pay about IS% of these costa, however, with leaa tsge bdng eold aftu the Year 2001, the amount contributed to lho aost of operating lhe Sheltec would drop W only 860ut 3'/0. • Without the annuel door-to-door tegging prog�atq most new residente and particularly thosa with cats, would not lilcely take the initiative to buy a tng at the Civic Complac or ihrough their veterinarian. • Without the annual door-to-door tagging program, the databasa of animals would start to erode. Therefore, animate that were picked up as running at large would have to be retumed to the Shdtv to await pickup by the owner and thus increasa the wats of -, operating the Shelter. It would also have tha eHect of putting moro etross on the animals and their owners and lead to somewhat more enimals being euthenizcd. ATTACHMi?NPS: L PAW Treasurer's Report 1-00 2. Draft by-law Prepared By: • / � � ( •--�_ B ce Taylor, AMC1', CMM City Clerk Attactunents : Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . �. � / w . u� / f 00 � m J. C ef Ad ' atrative O ,. . ,:. , �. ' � , i � ', .. __ . � _ �. . . . . . . _ . . �. . _ ``_ , _ . . . ' ` , ° `" ;� f, �r� r .. , A � _ '. j ,' I ; ` �A7TACHt�ENTn.._,,.�3ToREPORTp«cY—°� 1 �� _ . ' "� TRFASUREFt'S REPa7TT0 THE PICIL�rNG AoY WHIfBY JOIM' ANIMA! OC)N'IROL COMMITTEE �� _ March 1, 2000 ' Sld� ' Identlflcatlon nf Cats and Dogs �::,!�uu'�..��� i. That Ajax, Plckering and Whitby Coundls pass a by-law, in the fortn atbched toTreasurers Report, ltem 1-00, bo require the Idendflptlon of cats as well as dogs; 2. That the i;y-taw take effect ]anuary ist, 2001; and, 3. That each of the three muNdpalitles make applicatton to the Ontario Court (Provindal Divislon) for approval of the by-law set ftnes set out in Treasurers' Report, Ibem 1-00. •�� � The pt has replaoed the dog as the most popular pet Yet laws and polides to proted and control cats have not kept paoe with thelr preferred pet status. M fdenUflcatlon system for cats, simliar to tfiat currenUy In place for dogs, is required � wrrirui and proted cats. :l� h � HlsDorically, in most Ontario munidpalitles, identlflcatlon of qts has not been required and pts have bee� free to run at large. Cats were seen as non- tt�reatening to humans, Iivestodc and property and were thought to provlde � a measure of rodent control. In wnbast, the dog Ilcence has survived pre- wnfede�aUon Iegislatlon as a form of wmpensatlon for injured Ilve.s0ocic and has become a valuable means oF retuming lost or impounded dogs to thelr owners. The revenue from dog Iicences is used to defray the costs of : operatlon of munidpal animal wntrol centres. . /ls prevlously menUoned, the cat has replaced the dog as the most pop�lar pet Records maintained by the Pldcering, Ajax, Whitby Mimal Contrni Centre reflect ti�is. In 1999 394 stray dogs were impounded at the Centre. . 195 (49 %) of these dogs were dalmed by tfielr owners. By comparlson, ' 481 stray cats were Impounded In 1999 and of tt�ese oniy 23 (5%).�vere daimed. I.ast year alone 364 cats hed to be euthanised. These stadsdcs and th�. pro�lem of fncreased sheite�ing costs relabed to the rising r,umbers oF impounded cats is common U all Greater Toronbo Area animal oontrol izdlWes. Cost aalde, the num6er oi cats betng euthanised is extremeiy nigh and has a profound, negadve impad on the public'slmage of anlmal controL Furthe�ore, ,Y,filie caks may, not pose the same threat to hu�ans or : �; ,' � Ilves�ock as; dogs,.the nuisanoe fa�bor cannot bebverloolced. Most ca!Is to � ;�,� animal rontrol regarcling cats are In connectlon v�th strayor;nulsano� Iss�, �. :• ' Once a cat Is �Ccked up, there is ifttle ctiance that th� ow��er wlll b� found - , because of 1�e, lack of proper pet,IdenUflcatlon , ApPro�mately one�hhircf of 'r al( pets become lost at least otice In tlieir Iifetlme ` :, f� �' y, ,, , ., �+;r j� e�' r ys�w ��. `_,.��.. � _+,_....r�.,�`t�., � , ,' . „f . .'� . .. . . , � �.�� ,.,. � .� �..,, , . , . , ,,,..,, : , _ .. _ . . ,. ' : N . ► . '. A7T/1CHMENT#_,3 TOREPORT# �� z$`Oa 167 c. .c .•�.�i �: u i� �, . Altematives: _ ,� •• , Idendflpdon also provides a crudal Iink to the owners in pses where pts are quarandned after having bltten or scratched a person. Identlflcatlan of the owner allows health offiGals to quickiy chedc the pt's vaccinatlon records. The Munldpal Act was recently amended to allow munldpaliUes to establish a cat IdentlficaUon system and to charge applicable fees. A number of municipalides in the GreaterToronto Area, including the QNes of Brampton, Missirsauga, Oakv(Ile, Oshawa and Toronto and the Munidpality of qarington, have recognized the need for such a system and have passed by- laws making cat Identlflcatlon mandatory. In Ajax, Pfckering and Whitby cats are, by law, not allowed to roam free. Some tlme ago the three munidpalides implemented a voluntary pt registraUon service. For a one dme fee of $20.00 a pt pn be registerer! with animal control. If it becomes lost and fs found the cat is retumed to tt�� rightful owner at no cost Unfortunately, the service is not wideiy used by area res(dents. A mandatory qt identlfiptlon program wlll reduce the number of pts being euthanlsed every year, Improve claim rates, assist health offlcials with pet Identlficatlon and reduce sheltering costs. White It fs Impossible to estlmate the number of cats that wiil be registered by their owners, any number will be an improvement I; is recommended that starUng January 1st, 2001 all pt owners as well as all dog owners be required to register thelr pets. A new fee structure based on the gulding prindples of responsible and Incentive-based pet ownership fs proposed for both cats and dogs. The owner of a spayed or neutered cat or dog would have the choice of purchasing an annual identlflcatlon tag for $15.00 or a Iifetlme tag for $35.00. The annuai fee for an unaltered pt or dog would be #25.00. A$5.00 discount would apply to alt p�ts fmplanted with microchip identlficatlon. The proposed fees,are compareble to those in other Greater Toronto Area municipalides. Attached to this report is a dr�ft by-law which provides for a pt and dog (dentlflcadon system. Attached to the by-law is a Iist of recommended set fines for non-compllance with tlie by-taw. All oF the by-law provisions and set flnes, with the �xceptlon of those reladng to ot and dog identlflcatlon, remaln unchanged. No change - retain the status quo. Refer to Analysis. Flnanc!al C�nsidera�on,; ' . Refer to analysis. , ;� ` . _ . ,.�.,.