HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 5/98�; , �o�� oF p,� � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bmce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: February 12, 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NO: CL 5/98 SUBJECf: Street Parties RECOMMENDATION: That Cierk's Report CL 5/98 rogerding street perties ba received; and That the dreR bylaw to regulate street parties be fonvarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Town Clerk AUTHORTfY: Section 207.44 of the Municipai Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Current Year: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: The Town curcently has a policy of eilowing street parties which I believe should be reviewed by Council because we have been experiencing somewhat more complaints over thc years about these events. Any group wishing to hold a atreet party is acpected to put their request in writing at least two weeks before the event indicating which section of the street they want closed for the party. Upon receiving this letter, I request the Director of Public Works and Fire Chief to provide eny comments they may have and if there are no negative comments, the party will be approved. Street perties that are approved are subject to the following conditions: 1. The function will end promptly at 1:00 a.m. 2. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the street. 3. There ehall be no accessive noise, and if there is, ensurc that the music is tumed down or off at the direction of the Police. 4. The area of the atreet perty will be cieaned up immediately afier the function. 5. 1'he wntact peraon for the function shell epply for end receive a Work Permit at : the Department of Pubilc Worka no later then two business days beforo tha event. 1'hero ia no cost for thia Pernut. _ ..n ��: ` � '. , M � ,t ,� , , r � r ` �. ,. ,� ,, r .,� --z- Road barticadw aro suppGed by the Department of Public Worka end delivered to the address af the contnct person on Friday beforo the party. The wntact person ia responsiblo to hava these berricades evailable for pickup at their address on the Monday following tta aucet party. Placement of the road barticades for the atrat perty is the responsibility of the contact person. The Town does not provide picnic tables or rofuse containero. Copies of the letter approving the sUeet party are sent to the Ward Counciliors, the Police, the Fire Chief, the Director of Pazks and Facilities, the Director of PubGc Works and the Manager of Transportation. The following streets were approved for parties in 1997: t. Foxwood Trail from Weybum Square to Bayfield Sueet 2. Sherman Crescent 3. Redbird Crescent 4. Duberry Drive from 2162 to 2177 Duberry Drive 5. Rowntree Crescent 6. Wildrose Crescent 7. Valley Ridge Crescent between Thicket Crescent end Copley Street 8. Storrington Street at the south end 9. Dyson Road from Rougemount Drive to Rodd Avenue 10. Foster Court 11. Moorelands Crescent from 1003 to I OI7 Moorelends Crescent 12. GandelfCourt 13. Ashfield Court 14. Victory Drive between Vicki Drive and Oklahoma Drive I believe that the street pertiw ere being conuoiled as much aa is reasonably possible, however, it is up to the Police to patrol these functions and if they give us e negative report, we will either refuse to issue an approvel the following year or ask the organizera to obtein a petition of 100% of all afl'xted neighbours agreeing to the party. As noted above, 1 have received some complaints abaut street perties over the years and these compleints have either ban about thc noisc or about a long street being closed in the middle and blocking through tra�c. In order to ensure thet strat parties ere not bring disruptive to a neighbourhood, I have attached a draft by-law that will provide the following restrictions on events of this neture: I. No street party will be allowed on a tivough street. 2. A pe6tion of all homeowners affected by the party must be aigned. 3, M fa of SSO must be attached to the applicadon. 4. The orgenizer must receive a Work Permit prior to holding the event. 5. The approval of the Director of Pub!ic Works end Fire Chief must be given. 6. Tha etrat party must end by midnight of the day it is being held. 7. The orgenizera must erect appropriate road barticades. 6. No alcoholic 6everages will be allowed on the street. �,9. Thero ahall be no accessive noise, and if there is, ensure that tho music is tumed � down or off at the direction of the Police. k'� ` '. 10. . The erea ofthe sueet party will be cleaned up immediately efter the ft�ncdon. .�' _ �� ,�v , �E3�' f ` + � � . . . . . � N� y 1Y � S��' �F j� . . �h��n� � '�, . . " ' _ e'��`�� ' Btuce Taylor, AMC7', CMM _ r s' ' <Town Clait ..f�' , ak T` � ����� �A '� S 2 � i �.�. t �;�`�"�-�tfi���<�-�� + aa��`�,�-�#�-i;��..�42 4�'r'th. . .'� � _'t i ... . � . : �. . _ - . . . . . . , . . . . . _ d U � � � a o o g o �o� y � z z " z 5"' � ��z a oa m � �n � �n �n � ��, d � �� � �� � � �� o� ��� �z a z ° � � Wa A °a�� � °xa�� xa� �a� xa��dxa� z ��� � � � � �8 � ° z � 8 � � H g��� � w �� �� �� � opq�'�� �P° z� z� z� z �'C aF�i �y .� �pq� �pq� �p4� p �O ���a���� �a���a���a�0� ��0� F� �o Z �� y� �,� �z Z�O��zQ�acai�aWax��oWax��owax� ��xv��, > a� � aA � o� ��°z °z �o °z �� °z a� °� � � ° 0 0��' � `� a � � '� a � � � � � a o � ,� � � :r � i; . . . � � . . �j _ r��' � �. � �';. � , .pr �, .,..�. � .r,_: . _� .,_ .. ., . ... . . . _ . � ,_ .. ....,. . ' � . . . . , . . . . . � . . . . .. • . . TIiE CORPORATION OF TEIE TOWN OF PICKERING BY•I.AW NUMBER Being a by-law to regulate atrcet parties. WFIEREAS pursuant to Section 207.44 ofthe Municipai Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, as amended, by-laws may be pessed by the Councils of all municipalities for ciosing to vehiculer traf}'ic on a temporary besis for such period as ahell ba speci6ed in the by-Iaw, any highway under thajurisdiction oftha Council for such sociel, recreationel, community athletic or cinematogrephic purpose, or combinetion of such purposes, as may be specified in the by-law and for authoriud a municipal o�iccr or employee, subjat to such conditions as Council may impose, to exercise any of the powers of Council; and ; WEIEREAS a by-law under this paragreph may prohibit the use, except for pedestrien traffic, of the highway or ponion of the highway so closed during the period of closure except under tha authority of a permit issued under the bylaw upon such terms and conditians, including such fee for the pemtit, es may be set out in the by-law; NOW TF�REFORE THE COUNCIL OF TE� CORPORATION OF TF� TOWN OF PICKERING f�REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. T'he Town Clerk is hereby authariud to approve applications to close a road for the purpose of a street paAy on the following conditions: a) No strat party will be ellowed on a through street. b) A petition of all homeowners alfected by the party must be signed. c) M fee of S50 must be attached to the application, ! d) The organizer must receive a Work Permit prior to holding the event. ; e) Thc epproval of the Director of Public Works and Fire Chief must be ! given. II � The street party must end by midnight of the dey it ia being held. �; g) The orgenizers must erect appropriate road barricades. ii h) No elwholic bevereges will be allowed on the strcet. � i) 1'here shell be no excessive noise, and if there is, ensuro that the music is � tumed down or offat the direction ofthe Police, i j) The azea of the atrcet pariy will be cleaned up immedietely after the �' function. I i' Bylaw read a 6rst, second and third time and 6nally passed this day of Merch, 1998. i Mayor k . � ,, ,. ; ' `Clak , ,���:. 4 .. :� y . : n �.� �f J { . : 1":.1 a F F � t. t ..l...,.�, c.t' ,.r. . . _. . a