HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 02/99 (2). � �wa� ' � . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Rtehard W, Holbom DATE: November 16,1999 ' Divi�ion Hud, Municip�l Propaty end Fngineering REPOR7 N[JtvfBFR: MpE 02/99 • OESOy99 SUBJEGT: Railwry Crouing Gata S� Lewrenu & Y.udson "Belleville" Subdivision Railwey Line RECOMMENDATION: Ir 7Lnt Town Council prc•approvc ycu 2000 Opuntlom and Emergency Servica Capitnl Budgct funding (n Ihe amount oCS30,000 to provide Cor Ihe Town't ehare (12.SY.) of �he tolal cosu to insUll railway croseing gata at the Dizie Roed ond Fairport Road level erosaings ofthe St Gwrcn�e k Hudson Railway Line; �nd, 2. Thnt Town Council requat tiwt the Region of Durham rndorse the Town's invuNgation otan arrangement lo prohibil laomotive whistling al the Whitu Road (Regional Road 38) levei croafng oCthe St. Lawrcnce Qc Hudson Rnilwey Line; and, J. 'fhat Town Council rcqual Itwt Ihe Region of Durhnm formnlly invuligote wilh Trrnspoet Canoda Ihe in�lallmfon of railway crouing gala at qie Altona Road (Regional Road 27) level cros�ing of the SL Lawrence & Hudson Railway Line. ORlOM: Staff inveatigation of "Qiwlity oC Life" noise wmplainis elong the SL Lawrenco & Nudwn "Belleville" Subdivieian Riilway Line wi�h Transport Canada and SL Lawrrnta and Hudson Wilway. AVfHORITY: ' Ralfway SafetyAct (RSt) � FAIpNCIAf, IMPLiCATIONS:. 7Le installation of automated gata at �he DWe Road and Furyort Road level crouinga of the St Lawrence ond Hudson Railway Line are ultmated to cost �pproximately 5221,130 end 5171,400, cespeeGvely. TcanspoR Canoda hm otlbred granta (or Wae tmtel►at(om that will fund up to e maximum o[ 80°/. of the total wst The rcmaining 20Y. of tho tolal con must b¢ aplit u reta af 7.5°.L far the Rillwey end I2.SY� Cor Ihe Municipality. 7'he eoet lo the Town atPickuing will �ereforo be 527,643.75 far D[xie Roed and 521,425.00 for Fairport Road, or i WW of Sd9,066.75. 7'he Town will alw be «eponsible For an equai ehare of the increa�ed mnual maintrnance wsts associated with crossing gatp md Cor � I�ird paAy liebility tnsurmw prcmium should a future By-law be puaed and aaepted by Treneport Cmada ollowiag for a an�whlaUinB �8��� 8t each croutng. T6e Town's thara of Ihe mniataunce wsu foc uch � crouing t� atimated lo tncreaae by sppmximately SS00.00, ova what te currendy paid wtlhaut � � • . � Repon to Counctl MPE 02/99 Due: Navanber �16,1999 OES 01/99 Subjxt: Railway LYouing Gata Pa�e 2 � getu. Thae funda are budgeted for annwlly in account 2320.2409. The third puty lisbility insurance pruni�my Wi�� wat the?own epproximately 52300 annually for wch croutng - Shauld Transport Canada alw confum thet the Whita Road crossing meeet with the ippropriate safery eriteria for an an4•whisUing emngemrnt, the'fown wili al�o be rcspoosible for an eqw� e. ahare oCthe t61rd party liabiliry insurance prcmium at thie IocaUoa T6e ooat of Guurantt W Ihe ' Town la at'unated ro be approzimately 52300.00 per annum. EXECUTIVE SUA9�fARY: Transport Canada md Se Lawcence & Hudson Railway are oftering graob tataling 87,5%. of 1he toW eost to imtnll auwmated crouing gata at Ihe Dixie Roed and Fairport Road level crouings , o[the St Lawrrnce fi Hudson •'Belleville' Subdivision Raiiway Lfno. 7'Lue gata wili improve • ems�ing safety at each locatian u well a provide en opportuniry for an improved "Quality of LiCo" in Ihe neighbouring rcsidential uea�, Foilowing the installa(ion of Ihe cmuing galu the # Town may pu� Municipal ByIaws tlut may pmhibit lhe sounding o(Ihe locomollve whistle'a at • wch croaing. In keeping witl� the rcquab of the neighbouring rcs(dcnls thls rcport nlso diceuuu oiher opportuni4a in which to imp�ove �he "Quality of Life" in the raidenUel ueas neu 1he Whitq Road and Altona Roid level crossings of 1he St Lawrrnce & Hudton Reilway Line. 7t�e Town will be required, however, (o fund 12.3 Yo ot ILo total installaUon easts (ar D'ule Road and Faicport Road u well a� ennual meintenance and third puty Gayility insuraace to iniQate Ihne improvemrnta, It i� raommended that'fown Council pre-approve the nttessary funds to support this proJat, in orda Uut Ihe Town an conGrm ou� financial commilment theRby Iwding lo the installation of ihe getn in the year 2000, , BACKGROUND; The wunding oC Ihe locomotive whiatlds dong Ihe SL Lawrcnce & Hudson "8elleville" Su6divitian Railway L(ne hm been a major concan lo the neighbouring raidenlial arem fn the Town for m�ny yean, p� a rcsui� o[ Ih� g��ng number of thae wncemt, Town itu(f (nitfated diuuuione with vuiow o�cials Gom St Lawrcnce & Hudeon Railway md TranspoR Cuiada . wtittt Utis year. The mcin �Iwst of the diuua�iotu relaled to the possibility o( Jmproving quality oC liCe issun for the adjecrnt neighbaurhoods ond tho relalive sefUy o! tach crouing locatioa ' 7'ranaport Canada completed teview� of w�h emutog laadon with the coepera�ion of the Publie Works Deputmrot in April oCthls yeu. Eac6 rcview nssused a numba of acisUng md fuluro condittoa� including trnIIic voluma, wlGsion histury� rai�Way Wa geometry, double trcck wnfiguntions, limited erotsing vlsibi7ity sightlines, hig6 meinline maximum traln speeds, futute increasd ia nil 6ne usage and t6e con8nued encmac6mrnt of ai j.uent developmrn4 Duting thae mriews il wat clearly indicated by St Lawrcoce end Hudsou Railway and Transport Canada that cros�ing gatp would not be:upported for Ihe aole purpou otimproving quelily oC life isiva. The acpense to Imtall gata must ratha be bued on the evaluation oCthe prcviously mrntioned tuton and a minimum wurant aubstanQeted, In late Octobcr, olLciel noti6cation wat re�eived from St I.awrence & Hudson Railwny and 'han+port Canada advising Ihat m(nlmum warranb waa met end tLat granb would be prov(ded ro install nutamated gata et the Dixie Roed end Falrpo�t Rad lovel crossingi, '(bo g�anu provided by Traa�port Canada will fund up to a meximum a(g0% oCt6e Whl cost to install gata at thue two Iaallons. Dalgn utlmatea providcd by St Lwrence Q Hudsou Railway eonfimu Wlal imtallaUon cotb of eppmxlmntely 5221,130 for Dixia Rad and S17(,400 for the Fairport Road croa(ng. 7Le remolning 20�G of the lolal cost muat be aplit d nla of 7.SX for the � Report ro Council MPE 07N9 . Due: Novemba 16,1999 • OES 02/99 SubJat: Rdlwty Gtouing Q�tea � Page � 1Wlwey md IT.SY. for 1he 7oww 1'he wal lo the Towa of Pic�edng will tlierefore be • '527,64�.75 Cor Dixie Rood md 521,425.00 for Fairport Road, toqling f49,066.73. 'Ibe otigln of lhae tnvestigatiom ruulted Gom Ihe complain4 nboul Ihe fcequenl eounding of the locomotive whistle trom Ihe neighbouring tesidrndal arw. Wi1h the installation of fully automated crowing gata at Dixie Road and Fatryort Road, the Town will Eave the l6ture opGon oCpauing t By-law to dlow for Ihe cuution oC Ihe Usia whistle at ach crosiing. If Transport Gnada aecepd the By-0ow, tubJat to lheir further rcview oC existing safety wndidom, the Reilway will be diraled to discontinuo Ihe Iocomoiive whisllo opproaching Umso croaain�. Since inhercnt tafely risks will rcmain at each erouing follow(ng the diawntinuanca of Ihe 4ain whirtle it b Ihe Policy oC St Lawrmu & Hudson Rallway tlut the Municip�.;ity be required to +hue the wst� of third parry li�bilityinsurenee. These wsb ero m annuel opmting expense end are admated m tun epprouirtutely 52500.00 pa uossing. ]t sliould �w be noted ihat uos�ing gatei requiro additinml ond morc costly maintenana whrn u compnRd to the eundard artay of tlazhing lights md bells. A SO°/. ahara of thae wsb will alao be required in ecwrdance with Rdaally mandaled regula6om. 'fhe maintenonce cosb ere expecled lo be opproximalely 53000.00 pa uouing per year which is �n increase of 5500 ovu whet fs cwrcntly paid without gata. The Whila Road (Regional Road 38) and Alron� Road (Region�l Road 2� Icvel eros:ing locationa of tho SI. Lawrcnce & Hudwn Railway L(ne uq unda the Juritdiction of the Region oC Durham. Automated Railway Cros�ing Gata curtrntly uin u the Wdita Road Iwel erouing, howcvu, Ihe wunding oC�he Uain whiaQe has nol ban discantlnued. Similaz to Ihe poaition of lhe St. LawRnce & Hudsoo Railway, the Region of Durhem rcgude enti•whistling u a"quaRty o! lik" iuua and u iuch the Town will be raponsible fot pauing Ihe nxeasuy Bylaw to pcovidc fot the prohibi6on of the laomotive whistle. In orda to provide Cor effat(ve coverege of future anti•whtetling nlong Ihe St. I.awrencc and Hudson Railwny Linc (1 i� raommended that the Regton of Durham be rcquated to endorse Ihe Tawn'� (nvutiguion of an cmngement lo prohibit laomolive wl�istling d ihe Whita Road (Regional Rood 38) levei crossing oC Ihc SI. Lawrenao k Nudwn Railway Lina Agein, iCappmved, �hlyd parey 1(abi�(ry imurance valued at approximetely 52500 per yeu will be requircd and must be mumed by the Town of Pickering. 7'ht Altona Road level aouing of the SL Lawrence & Nudmn Railw�y rcmdtu un•galed. Allhough long•tam plans may prov(de for a gnde eepua4on of 1he two facilides, it Is recommended Ihat 1lie Region aCDurhun be requated W invesligate Ifie irotallation of gated • crosstng protection in 1he ilioA•term. 'Ihe current exposure futon at Ihis aoising ore timil�r to Whila Roed In that a minLnum wamnt for gatu la likely �uiifed. 1niHs1 discuseiom with o(liclals al Traneport CanaJa indicald that full cupport will bo given lowerd� Iha fnslnllation of crouing g�ta ot Ud� laatioa 7'he two otha level aoiiing laationi of tha St Iawrmce end Hudaon "Belleville" Subdivision Railway I,ine being Rosebmk Road'and the Toronto/Pickaing Townline Road will rcmain w- gated et Ihu 6me. Existing warrants nt lhese 1ocaGons do not cwrmQy meet Ihe minimum critetie tor improved erouing �afcty u detmnined by Tnasport Caneda As such, the Town af Pickuing would have W fund Ihe eatire wrt oC tho installalion of crossing gata at thuo toca8ons. 7he auociated eosb to the Town would have to be jusGfied fo tolely provida tor only the possibiliry of improving t�e "Qualiry of LiCe" issun nlated ta Ihe wunding of the locomodve whisAe in 16e arca ot t6ue two crouings. Staff will, hawever, conlinua to work coopaatively wilh 7'rrnsport Cwda md SL Lawrcna aad Hudson Railwoy ea a means to auiln Ihe future funding naeuary for tLe imtallallon oCuoe:ing gata at Ihae laations. The epprovd af Ihe Ratiway'a 7.SY. share ot the funding has beeu confirmed to wmplete Ud� projat In o�da for SL Iawrrnce & Hudson to peaeed wiW ordering tha naasary materiila and to imtdl the galea at the DWe Road and Fairport Road crouinga nact year, tha pro-4pprovd , oC Poade will be required from the yar 2000 Opaetlons end Fmergency Serv(w C�pitil and Openitng HudgeU. Report to Counetl MPB 07/99 Due: Novembir i 6,1999 � OES 07/99 . SubJa1: Railway Crouing Gata ' , p�BQ 4 • ATTACf�vIEM'S: . 1. Loc�tion Mtp ' Z. Corrupondeow from C.P. Rillwiy dated )une 9,1999 (D'uia Roed) 3. Cortapondence kom C.P. Railw�y daled June 9,1999 (FairpoA Raed) 4. Fcdecal Newa Relase dated Octobv 21,1999 PrcP� BY Approved / Endorscd By: C. Stry6rn Btake E. BwUm� Di or 'fraRc & Waste Managemrnl Coordinator . Operadom t Emergency Srn(ca Dep4 . � • � . Rte W. Holb , Divicion Fiead M'aipd Prope y and Engineaing Hl.....J. • Altnehmrnu . ' Copy: Ch1eCAdminSrtntive O�ca . . Director, OperaGons uid Fmngrnry Serviea • Dircclor, Corporote Smica and Trcuurcr Cuelomer Gre Crnlrc Town Clerk Recommrnded for the coroiduation oF Pickcring Town Council 7'GomuJ. uinn,ChiefAdm(nluatiKeO�ur : „, _. ._.. . �, I II .;i •, : �� • . � �1� L�'�� ��� � �ilt �������; . � �, ��� � �M� � �% � _i; ', � ' �=�, ��,^ � `.� �:, _ ���� Lavel Crnalrq Pdnl 18 3 The Mslelletlon of automeled paka at theae aosnirq pdn� mmain unwertanled at Ws tlme. Town eta11 wiC tontlrwe W wak coopantivey wllh Tranapat Cenada ard SL Lew�encs ard Hudfm RaOway N an etlempt W obteln fuWra MWlnp loMards tl�eae hstaGalioru. . Lavel C�osalnp Pdnt 2 Il b recommended thalltw Replon ol Wrham be requealad to formalty krvestipate wNh Tronsparl CanaCa the tiutallatlan ot eulomaled ralhvey aoulnp pales al Wf laeatlon o! Ne Sl Lawrence and Hudson RalMay Lins. Level Ciossirq Pdnt 4 N Is racommended Ihat tlie Repbn of Dwf�em be requeded to eMorsa ttre Town'� 6rveatlpatlon ol an artanpemenl lo prohlWt bconwlive whisUtnp et thla bcetian ot Ihe St Lewrence and H�wn ReGway Une. . Levei C�weirq Pdnt 6 d e Trarupat Canada tw dealpnated tlaee laa9au ea belnp wartantad fa tha uumn.uon ot aucon,etearaNrer ��o ce�es. crenla wm be prw�aed ny Traroporl Cenada erd SL Lawrence and Hudaan RalAvay coverinp 87.6% of Uro 6ota1 truteMUon wata. The Town wIA be roqWrsd ro Nnd the romaWn0125% ot tlro coets a 527, &13.75 end 52�,425.00 !or DWs Ftoad ard Feirpal Roed, �pecUvaly. M antl-whtaUNp errergemenl may be hwesUpaled tdlowlnp at each uweirp pdnt fo0aw4p Ihe InaWlalbn al lhe pelea. ti T°”" 01.P'�""'° TRAFFIC REPORT � nMw�rcaosswoatea � we�.,m etuwnEr�eesinrosonveuevusauerna�anrtMwnrune