HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 016/000 �\,�yOFP/� Onn I7 Fr- � ni �� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: Septembcr 15,1000 Division Head Municipal Property end Engineering REPORT NUMBER: OES O1G-00 SUBJECT: Mti-whistling By-law Dixie Road, Fairport Road und Whites Road. RECOMMENDATION: I. 7'hat Report OES OIG-00 rcganiing prohibition of train locomotivc whistling be received; and that 2. A by-law bc cnacicd to prohibit train locomoti�•c whisding nt Ihrcc Icvcl crossings along the St. Lawrcncc anJ Nudson Raihvay Linc, spccifically n milcagc 185.77 (Dixie Road), milcagc 189.38 (Fairpart RoaJ) and milcagc 189.96 (Whitcs RoaJ). ORIGIN: Staff investigalion of "Quality of Life' noise complaints nlong lhe St. Lawrence 8c Hudson "Bcllevillc' Subdivision Railway Line a�ith Transpurt Canada and St. Lnwrcnce and Hudson iZII1�WIIy. Council Rcsolutian #222/99, Itcm 3. AUTHORITY: Railway Safcty Act (RSA) Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. M.45 S. 210 .138 FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Third party liability insurance prcmiums will cost thc City approximatcly 52,500.00 annually for each crossing. The City's shure of the maintenance costs for eacli crossing with gatcs is estimated to increase by approximately $SOO.UO, over the $2,500.00 annually which is currently bcing paid without gatcs. These costs nre budgeted for in the Roads Current Budgct 2320-2409. GXECUTIVE SUMMARY: No► applicablc. O8o Report to Council OES 016-00 Data Scptember I5, 2000 Subject: Mti-whistling By-law Dixie Road, Fairport Road nnd Whites Road Page 2 BACKGROUND: The sounding of the locomotivc whistle's along thc St. Lawvence & Hudson "Bcllcvillc" Subdivision Railway Line has been a major concem to the neighbouring residential areas in the City for many years. As a direct result of these concems and the grow�h of hausing developments near this railway corridor, City staff inet with representativcs from St. Lawrencc & Hudson Railway and Transport Cnnada to discuss the merits and process of installing crossing gates. Transport Canada completed their review of each crossing location in April of 1999 and madc it quite clear that based on the expense to install the crossing gates the criteri� used to evaluate the minimum warrant conditions would be that of n technical nature rather than ihat of an issue of improving the quality of lifc. Crossing gatcs have bccn prcviously instnlled at Whites Road and are nwaiting the City to pass a noisc bylaw to allow for the cessation of locomotivc whistling. We aze also in reccipt of the Rcgion's Rcpon 2000-W-12 endorsing that the City of Pickering procurc a formal anti-whistling prol�ibition for Ihc Whitcs Road crossing. In late October 1999, official notificatiun was receiveJ from the St. lawrence & Hudson Railway and Transport Cananda advising that thc minimum a•arrants wcre met and that grants would be providcd to install automatcd gatcs at thc Dixic Road anJ Fairport Road Icvcl crossings. The grants providcJ by Transport Canada w•ill fund up to a m�.rimum of 80% of thc lotal cost to install gates at thesc locations, with thc rcmaining ?0°�a of thc total cost split at 7.5% for the Railway and 12.5°�o for �hc City. Thc approval of thc Railway's 7.5% sharc of lhe funding has been confirtneJ and Ciry Council has puseci Rcsolution N2?2l99, (tem 3 at thcir December 6, 1999 Council Mceting to approvc Ihc funJing. Thc crossing gatcs wcrc installcJ in August 2000 und the Ciry is now in a position �o procccJ with passing an anti-whisding by-law for the level crossings of Dixic Road, Fair}wrl RoaJ anJ Whitcs Road. Attachcd is u copy of thc dra(t byla�v, which stalT azc rccommcnding that Council approve. Once the bylaw has becn passeci, a copy of the by-law will be fonvazded to St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway anJ Transpon Canada for their approval to allow thc ccssation of thc locomotive whistling. Prior to thc ccssation of thc lacomotivc whistling at these crossings, the City must confortn with all conditions of Transpon CanaJa Railway Safety Directorate Guidcline No. I, "Procedurc and Conditions for Eliminating Whistling at Public Crossings". Thc City must also have financial artangements in place lo cover the cost of the annual maintenanee required and third party liability insurancc policy for cach crossing. ATTACHMENTS: I. Location Map 2. DraR By-law 3. Letter from Region of Durham, February 9, 2000 4. Regional Commissioner of Works Report 2000-W-12 ' Report to Council OES 016-00 Datc: Septcmber I5, 2000 081 Subject: Mti•whistting By-law Dixic Road, Fairport Road and Whites Road Pagc 3 P�P°� BY Approved / Endorsed B. � � D. Selsky �� E. ts irecto Supervisor, Municipal Works Operations & Emergency Services Dept. ' hard W. olbom, Division Hcad unicipal ropertyand Enginecrine DS:ds Attachments �:�wM�r000�aao �we Copy: Chicf Administrativc Officcr Director, Operations and Emcrgcncy Scrviccs Dircctor, Corporatc Scrviccs and Trcasurcr Customcr Carc Centrc Ciry Clerk Recommendcd for the considcration of Pickcring Ciry Council mas . uinn, Chiaf Administra►i c Officer . ,, ;. ,: ':.,. : : ; ' - s f . q I oaz 4TTACFM1ENTd_I _ T' ,�; ,, �� �(,{�� 0 � I il Z �� O R � O � „ � � o � Y 4 � � M V O � � ` teve� i CROSSINO ��� POINT 1 CROSSINO maro eonttssan � �cROSC 0�� � � �EVE� � � CROSSINO r� / POINT7 � ar.+ I� I MrO rO�e M/���WO Level Crossing Point 1(Toronlo-Pickaring Tamline) No Bartier Gales instatled • lhe installation ot automated gates al lhis crossing point remain unwerranled at ihis time. City stafl will continue to work cooperatively with Transport Canada and St. Lawronce and Hudson Railway In an attempl lo obtein futura funding lowerds fhis inslallatlon. Level Crossing Polnt 2(Altona • Regbnal Cross�ng) No Bartier Gates installed - ihe installation of automated gales al Ihis crossing point is curtently being InvesU�ated by the Region ol Durham. City sla%will conlinue to work cooperetively with TrenspoA Canada, the Region, and SL Lawrence and Hudso� Raihvay in an attempl to obtain future funding lawards this installalion fn 2001. Level Crossing Point 3 (Rosebank) No Barrler Getes fnstelled • the InstallaUon of eulometed gates al Ihis crossing pofnt remains unwartanted at this time. Gty stafl will contlnue to work cooperaUvely with TranspoA Canada and St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway In an ettempl to obWin future funding lowards Ihis (nstailatbns. Level Crossing Poinl4 (Whiles - Regbnal Crossing) Bartter Gates installed. Regionai Endorsement for MU-whfstling agreemenl Transport Canada Endorsemenl for MU•whlsUing agreement City of Pickering propos7ng lormal 8y-law (or Anfl-whk0ing - see affeched. Level Crossing Polnl 5 (Feirport) Bartier Gates Insfalled. Clty ol Pickering proposes lormal Bydaw forAnO•whistling, while sGll seeking Tiansport Cenada Endorsement. Level Crossing Point B (Dlzie) Bartier Getes Inslelled. City of Plckering proposes lortnal BydawlorAnfl•whlstling, whfle sNll seeMng Tiansport Canede Endoraement. CITY OF PICKERING TRAFFIC REPORT w.v. �van w armr w�a g '�P�O" °P°" °"" �"�� RAILWAY CROSSINO OATES sr.uc att: scrr. �oo0 3T. LAWRENCE 8 HUDSON'BELLEVILLE' SUBDIV810N RAILWAY LINE Vwtwr_sunJntxttlnw[R.tr1�\►_ nw�lo�a I I ATTACHMEn�T #� TO REPORT # OE S p I(o -� � e � � i ' � i' y � \ � ' .�: ' � r. � . . . �� � • BY-LAW N0. Heing a by-law to prohibit the sounding of train whistles at Dixie Road, FairpoA Road and Whites Road 1eve1 crossings of thc St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway Line "Bellcville" Subdivision. WHEREAS PURSUAIVT TO section 210.138 of thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as amended, by-laws may be passed by the councils of local municipalitics for prohibiting or regulating, within thc municipality or within any arca or nreas thcreoC, the ringing of bells, the blowing of homs, ahouting and unusual noises likely to disturb the inhabitants; and WHEREAS Guideline Number 1 oCthe railway Safery Directorate of Transport Canada sets out lhc appropriatc proccdute for thc banning oCwhistling at public railway crossings; NOW TIIEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORATION OF THE C1TY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLI.OWS: The sounding oCtrain whisUes is hcreby prohibited at Ihe Dixie RoaJ, rairport Road and Whitcs Road crossing of the St. Lawrencc &}ludson Ruilway Line more particularly dcscribed as Milcagc 188.77, 189.38 nnd 189.9G of thc St. Lawrcncc & Hudson Railway Linc Bcllcvillc Sulxiivision. 2. This Byluw shnll come into force at the timc of final approval by the St. Lawrence & Fludson Rnilway Linc and Transport CanaJa . BY-LAW read a first, second und third time and fnatly passed lhis 2nd day of October , 200U. Waync Arihurs, Mayor Bruce Tuylor, Clerk t n� n.ytan.t . YunklpdMy , m ourMm ' Clerk's DepaMient 805 Fioedend Pd Eaet ` P.O. Bat 97J . . � �� . � . Canede L1N BA3 �aos�eeami �: �eos) scs�see� P.M. MMIII, wrer. R.qaw aerk . � AITACHMENT# 3 TOREPORTJt OES pl(,-oU . RECEIVED • • . � CITY OF PICKERINd . � . FEB 1 0 2000 � February 9; 2000 � � � � • • • • ' � CLERK'S DIVISION . � �� Mr. e y or Clerk The CorporaUon of the City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One lhe Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario . L�� 6K% REc�� ��D FFB 14 20pp CITy O� P/C '��'Krnc��yaKE� (CC �2000-007) Report on WC-05-2000 regarding the City of Pickering resolution requead�g the Reglon ot Dufiam to endorse prohibiUon of train IocomoUve whistling at two tevel crossings along the St Lawrence and Nudaon Railwav Line (2000-W-121- Our Ref: T03-00 • Mr. Taylor, the Works Committee of Regionat Cauncil considered the above matter and at a meeting heid on February 9, 2000, Council adopted the following recommendalions of the Committee: "a) THAT the Region of Durham endorses the City of Pidcering procxring a ' fortnel an6-whisUing prohibition for the Whiles Road (Regicnal Road 38) end Sl Lewrenoe and Hudson railway level aossing as per tFie conditions set fath by Transport Canada; b) THAT Regionat Works Department staff formally invesUgate with Transport Canada the safety requirements necessary for the City of Pidcering to • proceed with a similar anli-whistling agreement at Ihe level crossing on Altona Road (Regional Roed 27); and . c) THAT a copy of Report #2000-W-12 ot the Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the City of Pickering." ' . Enclosed, as directed, is a copy of Report #2000-W-12 of V.A Silgailis, Commissioner oi Works. � • P.M. Madill, AM.C.T. _ ' • Regional Clerk ' F'MM/cs � . � . • � . cc: ' V.A Silgailis, Commfssioner of Works .' • ' � . . . ��oo�va.�cm.miw� . . . - ' • ATTACHMcNi _7 ;:;' .�S (io'OU ��`� 085 Re�io�d Mnnkipality of Ddr6�m Woriu Department Commiuioner'� Report to Worlu Committa Report 1000-W-12 D�te Febrnary 1,2000 Snbiat REPORT.ON WC-OS-2000 (CCN007) REGARDIIYG THE TOWN •OF PiCKERING RESOLUTION REQUESTIIVG 'I'� REGION OF DURHAM TO ENDORSE PROHIDITION OF TRAIN LOCOMOTIVE W�S1LiNG AT �'VO LEVEL CROSSINGS ALONG THE ST. LAVI�RENCE AND HUDSON RAII.WAY LINE Reeommendations A. THAT the Region of Dur6am eodones the City of Pickering prociuing a fortnal and- whiatling prohibidon for the Whita Road (Regional Road 38) aad St. I,awrence and Hudwn reilwsy levd crouing u per the wnditioos eet forth by Tracuport Canada; md B. THAT Re�onal Works Deparunent staff fortnelly investigate with Transport Caneda the aafety requirunenta nceeswry for the City of Pickering to procad with a similaz and- whistling agreert�rnt at the level aossing on Altona Road (Rcgional Road 2'n; C. THAT a copy of this ceport be forwarded to the City of Pick«ing. �4� Attachmrnt No. t Decemba 9,1999 letta from Brua Teylor, Clerk, City of Pickering Backsr000d Pickering Council, at ita regulu mating of December 6, 1999, pa�eed a ra+ohition rcqueating the Aegion to mdone iU plans to proldbit train locomotive whiatling along the St. Lawrcex►ce and Hudaon reilway line in the City of Pickaing (sea ineert), 18 - : ; . _ _� r ; :.-- TO1 w �• �86 ATTACHMENT� TLTOREPORTil.Q� I(�.UG Paie 2 '��T Report 2000-W- 12 Date Febwry 1, 2000 0 RlDOI'1 �tOp�'d� The Tranaport Camda Reilway Sefety Authority requira that evay levekrossing prohibited from locomotive whistling be equipped with automated burier gates aad othu aafety cquipment. Upgading to bartiu gate protation typically costs between 5170,000 and 5220,000 per insullation. Grune from Transport Cansda fund approximetely 80% of the expenu to install wtomated tha barria gates, with the road authority contributing 12.5°/. and the rail comparry the rettuin'tng 7.5'/e. Md-whisUing agreertKnts and by-lawn ue considaed quality of life issues and fell under the jurisdiction of the local mwuciPdity. noiae by-law. Precedrnb on this arranganmt have already ban established in the Town of Whitby and the City uf Oahawa where en6-whistling agrammU a�iat. W6ita Rwd at St Lwrence & Hudion Crouiag The level oFaafcty protxtion ia detamined by Traiuport Camda and must be in place prior to a board orda auspending trein whisting at the crouing. Trensport Canada has epprovaf t!u safety condidona at the Whites Road locadon, hence, a fomul agreement between the City of Pickaing and the St. I.awrence & Hudson Reilway is rndorxd by the Region of Durham. All cocta esaociated with the agreement end the addidonal insurana are shared by the City and the Rail Comparry. 19 � '. AiTACHMEN7u,�TOiIEPORT#�S I(��OU ��,� 087 Paie 3 , Report 2000-W- 12 � Date February 1, 2000 Reoorl (eoot'dl � Altooa Road at SG Lawrence & Hnd�oo Crouin� Levd crouings hsve their safety expasure nnked by a method that muldpGes the nwnber of traina per day by the daify traffic voluma Tnnsport Canada ia reaponsibie for recortunending if an upgrede to bsrtier gate protcdion is warranted et the Altona Road level croesing based on the acpoaun ruing. Staff will initiate a review of the levd aouiag with Transport Canade, to detamine if addi6onel aafety featura are required and if a priority can ba detennined. . •� ' �..�.: v. a su�u�, . E�. Commiuioner f Works Recomma�dcd for Praartadon to Committee i . . Cubi MS.W. hidAdminiatrative Offica 20 �w ~ � , � , �' I ATTACHMENTM�TOREPOIITN�� . O�s ��� ' � � � The Corporation oE the Town of Pickering CLERKS DEPARTMENT �nE�;n, ' December 9.1999 �^��'� I �"a"'�.� I / � wcervcu Ms. P.M. Madill. Ckric. :` -�=s ro: � The KeQion of Diuhem, DEC t'6 1999 605 Rossland Rd. E., � N�OHKS Box 623. . _..— DEPT. Whitby, Ontuio `i.iN 6A3 - - ------�--�' Pkase be dvued tbat We Co�mc� of the Town of Pickering paued the Sotbwing rpohpion ac iv re�uler matiog of Deamber 6t6,1999: 1. Thet Town Couocil pro-�ppcove year 2000 Opaatiom aad Emageacy Savice� GPital B�dget fuoding in the emoimt of SS0,000 w pmvide Sor t6e Towa•s �hne (12.59G) of the W W coats to �+� �Y ��B �a u the D'nde Road and Feuport Ruad ievd aouings of tLe SL Lawrence dt Hudaon Raiiway I,inG ad 2. TMt Town Coimc� ccquest thst tba ReQion of Ihalmm eadone tbe Town'a inve�gation of en �caagemeat to proh�it bcomotiva whistim� et the Wh�es Road_(Regioml Road 38) kvel crosm�g of the SG Lnwcm:e dt Hudson RaOwa� L'me; �nd ' 3. Thet Town Co�mdl rcquat tbat the Region of Auhm %mally inve�gate widh TcaaspoK Camds the roatalla�on of ra�lv�ay cros� gatw at the Ahom Road (Regioml Roed 2'n ievel croumg of the St Lawxaa � Audson Re�vvay L'me. Pkne fiod athc6ed a capy of Bhmic�t Property �od Fngioeam� RepoR MPE Q7199 aod OES 02199. If yon iave �r queuiom with is�pect W tlm m�ttc, plan do oot ha�ate L� co�tsct ihe M�cip�l Propaty aod F.a�meaimg Divi�Son at 420-4630. L Bnue Taybr, AMCI'. CMM Town Cferlc /dk F.ncL � ��j, ,'9a61JI0-f6ll Fn g.�� �y�vn Pickering Uvic Complex, One the F�planade, Pickcri:►g, Ontario, Canada L V 6K7 DinctAocw (905) 420�4660 � �OO � `�� wwwtown.pickering.on.ca , wri��S"0�00�