HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 24/00`� S S �;{ ��' . . - . ��yorri �' �i REPORT TO CDUN�II, - FROM: Bruce Taylor City Clak SUBIECT: Year 20�0 Municipel Election - Early Closing of Special Voting Locations RECOMMENDATION: ... . i���.. 1 ��:9 . ii �, ;� DATE: May I S, 2000 � RF.PORT NUMBER: CL Z4/00 That the Clerk9 Report CL 24/00 rcgarding the Year 2000 Municipai Election be received; and That the draft by-law to provide for reduced hours of vating in institutions and retirement homes on voting day be cnacted. ORIGIN: Requirement of the Municipal Elections Aa, 1996 Af ITHORITY: Section 46(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. FINANCIAL [MI�LiCATIONS: N/A EXECUTIVE SUh4NARY: In accordence with the Mu�dclpal Elecrionr Acl, /996, a by-law is being recommended to allow ' for reduced hours of voting in institutions and retirement homes (as defined in the Act) on Voting . Day aa follows: Location VoNn Houn �ilage Retirement Centrc 9:30 a.m. - 3;00 p.m., 195SVe11 FarmRoad Rosebank �Ila 10:00 a.m. —12:00 noon . �, 534 Rodd Avenue I �` i, ji jl �! ` � Si � �i �s � : j� ? { � � Ji: �: i t x � � � _ - :� ao �,.. 1 f� t ti s` � 1' ,_ ,��: .., � , . . �.�!�_ .-.,.., .,, . . . , . . . , . . Y" '�1 S Q f R4port to Council ,C4 24l00 - Datc: May I8, 2000 ,. SubJectf Earty Closing of Special Voting Locetion� pag� Z BACKGROUND: The Munldpal ElerNons Acf, 1996, provides that voting must be providecl on the pranisea for institution� with 20 or moro bede occupied by pawns who are di�abled, chr�nically ill or infirtn and for retirement homes in which 50 or more beds are occupied. Theu locations ere rcferred to e.v speciel vodng locetions. Council may pass e by-lew providing for reduced hours of voting for these special locations. [nstitutioro qualifying as special voting locations include: Village Retirement Centre and Rosebank V'dla. Voting hours per location are based on the analysis of time required to process electors at each locatinn; and have 6een established in co-operation with lhe Administration staff of each faciliry. The Administration stalT of both special voting locations have reviewed and approved the proposed schedule. It is recommended that election officinls assigned to these special voting locations conduct the vote during the specified hours. Voting will be conducted with both roving vote and stationary voting processes. Afttr the close of vote, the Election Officials working at the spceial voting locations would immediately proceed to the specified regular voting Iocalion. The ballots would then be removed &om the special voting location ballot box and deposited through the vote tabulator into the ballot box for that voting subdivision. The elcetion results of thc sp:cial voting locations will be included with tha results of the voting subdivision in which the institution is located. ATTACF�v�NTS: 1. DreR By-law Prepared By: / Mn Gre ra BT:CAG: Attachments Approved / � dorsed By: //i�� � Sruce Taylor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council ' , ,• K � J. QUI � . . . . ,., Iuef Admwstreuve Otlicer �;; .� - '3 �:i' 4 "-[ _ t 4 } 4 t} �l 4 5 y _ . . . _ i .-t�:� ., .. : ,. x. . .,....j{, %t. �_ � . .. .. . .� , .n . . - . ._ _. :1 1 1t, .. ` ... , . . . ,.' .. � . . 1 ,�/ '` A'lTAS�1M1E�#--1.-T0REPORT# ��- �%.� � R t PARATIOIQ P TE� CITY �F P[CKEEtINd 1i�s.�.B. Q � ` - sY.inw rio Heing a byIntiv to provide for reduad hours of voting in Wtitutibns end retuement homes on Voting Day. WHEREAS pursunnt to section 46(3) of tho Munlcipal Electtons Ac! l996, S 0. /996, a muniapal council may pass a by-law with respect to reducal voting hours in voting places in retiremznt homes or thou institudons es definsd in Section 45(7) of the said Act, whae the voting place is anly for the uu of Uie residents; NOW TkIEREFORE THE COUNCII. OF THE CORPORATION OF Tk� CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thet the voting places listed bclow shall be open during the hours specificd: Votin Plnee Qoun of Votln wllagc Retirement Centre 9:30 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1955 Vall Farm Rcsd RosebazJc �Ila 10:00 a.m. —12:C� noan 534 Rodd Avenuu BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19° day of )une, 2000. Wnyne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Teylor, Clerk .> � f; { 1 ,' a' �. , ��,� � � � � y � :� � ;, - - , . a ') � 7 �.A ,y t'r+ =� . .k....._., .. . �...,..., .,-.r. ,�f..+:�,/'«tr c..,, .� ,., . _,.. . t:�:. .. . .