HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 11/99i4 .;. ... . . � . ... � ��OFp� � . � ,�O � � b ; - , REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: May 12, 1999 DirectorofPublic Works REPORTNUM�ER: PWII/99 SUBJECT: Regulntory Bylaw - Parking By-law 2359/87 -(No Pnrking) Portion of Bayfield Street RECOMMENDAT[ON: Thut n by-law be cnacted to amend Schedule B to UyInw 2359/87 regulating parking restrictions and prohibitians on ccrtnin highways. ORIGIN: StafTinvestigntion of on•strcet pnrking complaint. AUTHORITY: MunlcipalAc�, R.S.O, 1990, chaptcr M.4, scction 210.123 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Manufacturc anJ instnllation of rcgulntory signs casting npproximntcly S20U,00 1999 Ronds Opemting Budget (2320•2409) Highwny Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; Not applicable. BACKGROUND: In December of 1998, Town staff installed regulntory no-parking signs in accordunce with Section 9 Pnrt (a) of By-Inw 2359/87 (Pnrking Bylaw). 'fhis standard condition currently restricts the on-street purking of vehicles along both sides of Bayfield Strcet within 30 metrcs of Whites Roed (Regionnl Road 38). The introduction of pazking restrictians in Ihis arcn rcsultcd from n number of recurting complaints respecting tha potentially hnuvdous con0icts between on•sireet pnrked vehicles and thc movements of enstbound and westbound tmffic on thc multi- lane intersection npprouch lo Whites Road. Although this trentment hos improved conditions within thc immcdinic throat of the intersection, continued on-street purking west of the 30 metre wnc has contin�ed to crcnlc problems pnrticularly in tha taper arca of thc eastbound lett tum lane on Dayficld 5trcc6 for this rcason it 98 •'' ReporttoCouncil PWII/94 Dutc, Mny 12,1999 � O Q SubjecL• Parking Bylaw - Portion of Bnyfield Strcet Pogc 2 is recommended that the No-Parking zonc nlong tho north side of Dayfield Strcet be extendcd further west to clear the areu oP potential conilicts. The homeowncr affecteJ by thc extension of Uiis zone along tha north sida of Buyfield Street has bcen contacted and is not conccmcd with thc proposed bylaw. It should bc noted that in order for this und all other parking by-laws to be cffective, thcy must mceive at very least periodic enforcement. ATTACHMENTS: l. DmR By-law 2. Locution Mnp Prepared By, Approved / Endorsed By: C. Stephen Brnke Ric rd W. Ho m CSB/n.ti.,.�w�ry Atwchments Copy: Chicf Administrativc OfTiccr 'fown Solicitor Town Clerk , Ronds Supervisor Recommended for thc cunsidemtion of Pickcring Town Council n „ , K, F, fi nas J. uinn, Chicf A' ism ' c 0 ccr '��: � . �..��;: �. � . � �. � : t .� Being a bylaw to amend Dy-law 1359/87 regufating parking, sranding and s�opping on highways and on privafe and munlcipa! property. 101 WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municlpal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 218.52, 210,73, 2I0.123•126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Co�porntion of the Town of Pickering enncted By-Inw 2359/87 regulating pazking, stunding and stopping on highwuys and an private and on municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. . Schedule B to Bylaw 2359/87, as nmended,is hcreby amended by adding thereto ihe following items: ' wn Sjdg Retween/And Prohibitcd Times and � Bayfield Street North Whites Road (Rcgional RoaJ Sec Notc t•• 36) nnd 75 metrcs west of Whitcs RouJ (Regional Road 38) •• Unless othenvise specified, the parking prohibitions abovc shnll be in effect twcnty-four (24) hours per duy, yeaz rnund. BY•LAW reud n first, second und third time and finally passed this )1 st day of Mny, 1999. Wayne Arthurs, Mny or Bruce Taylar, Clerk Q � -�1 1 TOMN OF PICKERING TRqFFIC REPORT � oueuc woaKS ocrrarucNr Q BAYFIELD STREET ' sw� �:s000 wiE:'""". i000 LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKINO ZONE