HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 15/99�. 285' . . - 0�� OF p� � � � . . . � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Bye DATE: Merch 25, 1999 Manager of Legal Services RBPORTNUMBER: LIS/99 SUf31GCT: Rond-Dedication • Block 210, Plan 40M-I B96, Pickering (Wildflower Drive) • File: W2304359 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enacted to dedicate Dlock 210, Plan 40M-1896, Pickering, (Wildflower Drivc) as public highway. ORIGIN: 1. RegistmtfonofSubdiv(sionPlen40M•i896. 2. Request Gom Palak, McKay & Nawkshaw, dated March 8, 1999. l. Approvnl from Public Works Depanment dated Merch I8, 1999. AUTHORI7'Y: Afuniclpaf Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapler M.45, seclfon 297(Ixa). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nane. GXGCUTIVG SUMMARY: Not Appl(cnblu. 6ACKGROUND: When the abave pinn wes registercd, the rcscrve block «ferred 10 was conveyeJ lo thc Town along Wildllawcr Drive. This reserve wes intended to be dedfceied as public highway upon the developmenl of edjacenl lands in order to provide eccess ro the public. As our Public Works Dcpartmant has udvised Ihat road works in th(s plen end the edjacent Innds have bcen constructed to standards;ufficienl to pertnit public eccess, thc required dedication should theretore be made. Enactment of the uuached byIaw will suthorim that dedicaUon. ATfACHMENTS: I. Dralt bylaw. 2. Location MaplSilc Sketch. Preparod Approved / Endoned Oy; l�it/ Jody Pars Den(se [3 c Copy: ChiefAdmfnistrativeOflicer Directar of Publlc Warks Recommended for the wnsideraUon of Pickering Tawn Council � i� ., s 1. Quinn icf Adm(nistmtivc ccr ��� •2as ` ATTACHMENTk�TOREPORTIi THE CORPORATtnU nF TuF T� pp p� KFRM(i • BY•LAW N0. Betng o by-/aw ►o dedicalc Dfock 1J0, Plan 40M•1896, Pickering, ns pubflc hlghway (fY!/dJlower DrJve). WHEREAS Tfie Corporation of the Town of Pickering is tho owner of Block 210, Plon 40M-1896, Pickering, (Wildflower Drive) nnd wishes to dedicatc it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of'Ihe Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering li@REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Block 210, Plnn 40M-1896, Pickering, is hcreby dedicated as public highwuy (WildOoµ•er Drivc). BY-LAW reud n firsl, second and third Iime and finally passed this 3rd dny of Mny, 1999, Wuyne AAhurs, Moyor , Drucc Tnylor, Clerk wnaas9 n�