HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 009/99� ,� , ��OFp� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Dcniu Bye DATE: March I, 1999 Manager, Legal Secvices ftEPORTNUMBER: L009/99 SUBJECT: 734 Kingston Road - Paiis of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., designated ac Parts 6 and 7, Plan 40R•18371 and those parts of Lot 6, Registered Plnn 456, part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., designated as Parts 9 und I l, Plen 40R•I8371 • Strcet Naming/Road Dedicalion - Files: W2304.356/W2J06.38 RECOMMENDATION: 1. A by-lew should be enacted to name ns Delu Boulevnrd, those pans of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., designated as Pans 6 and 7, Plan 40R-18371 and thase parts of Lot 6, Registered Plnn 456 and part of Lot 28, Rnnge 3, B.F.C., designated �v Parts 9 and 1 I, Plon dOR- 18371, 2. A by-lew should be enucted to dedicnte ihose parts of Lot 28, Rnnge 3, B.F.C., designatcJ as Pnrts 6 and 7, Plun 40R-18J71 and those parts of Lot 6, Registcrcd Plan 456 nnd part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F,C., designated as Parts 9 and tl, Plun 40R-18371 as public highway. ORIGM: I. Site Pian Applicetion S4/97. 2. Request from Grant Whinington consulwnt for the Owner. AUTHORITY; I. Munlclpal Ac�, k.S.O. 1940, chapter M.45, section 297( I)(a). 2. Munlclpol Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 210.1 I I. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Sign Installation 5100.00 (approx.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Thia rcport ie aubin�:ted in suppoA of Site Plen Appiicetion (54/97). 'llie submitted epplication propoxs Ihat a public roaJ be conswcted in compliance with the Town'e OfTic(el Plan and that e Development Agrcement be entercd into in order to ucurc such canaWCtion. � � /fa'.�S C Y wv � ,� Report to Cowcil L009/99 . Subjcet: 734 Kingston Road Merch I,1999 Page 2 Once the subject lends ere conswcted tu n stage satisfactory to the Town's Dircctor of Public Works, the new road must be named and dedicated as public highway. The developer hercin has rcquested lhat approval for that neming and dedication be obtained prior to the finalization of the conswction w that once the road has been fully conswcted to the Dircctor's mtisfaction, rcgistretion of the bylaws can be effecled expeditiausly. If the attached bylews arc enected by Council authorizing sucli naming and dedication, certified copies of the by-lews will Ix held in Legal Department's files and rcgistercd only once the developer has satisfied the Dircctor of Public Works as to the roadway being constructed to a standard accepWble for dedicetion. ATTACHMENTS; I. Location maplSite sketch, 2. Drafl strcet neming by-law. 3. Droft road dedication bylaw. Approved / Endorsed By: /9. � � n���� a � DB:Ijm Attachmants Copy: Chief Administra►ive Officer Dircctor of Planning Director of Public Works 1 . . J� . . �n�a�+a�N=r��ar�4 q TNE CO[ZPORA'�'[ON OF THE TOWN OF PI KFRING �., BY-LAW N0. 5466/99 Betng a 6y-law to name �hose parls ojLor 18, Range 3, B.FC., desfgnafed as Parts 6 and 7, Plan 40R•1837! orod �hose pals ojLot 6, Registered Plan 456 and par� ojLo� 18, Range 3, B.F.C., deslgnafed as Par�s 9 and /!, Plan �lOR-1837 (Del�a Boufevard). WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.1 I I of the Muntcipal Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, �he council of a IoCal mwucipality may pass bylaws for giving names to or changing the names of highways on public pioperty; NOW THEREFORE, the Cowcil of The Corporation of thc Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The road comprising ►hose parts of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., designated as Purts 6 and 7, Plan 40R-18371 and those parts of Lot 6, Registered Plnn 456 and Part of Lot 28, Range l. B.f.C., designated as Pwis 9 end I I, Plan �{OR-18J71 are hereby named Delta Boulevurd. DY•LAW read e fint, second and third time and itnnlly pussed this Sth day of March, 1999. uva�� Wayne Mhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk �Y!' � ' ' � . . . . . ' . . - . . � ATTACNMp�ITM 3 T011(l��N ��� �� 1 THE CORPORAT[ON OF THE TOWN OF P[CKER�NG li I BY-LAW NO. 5467/99 Bdng a by=lmv ro dedlcate tho.re parra ojLot 18, Range 3, B.F.C., desfgnated as Parlr 6 and 7, Plan JOR•I8311 and rhose parts oj Lo� 6, Regls�ered Plan J56 and par� ojlot 18, Range 3, B,F.C, desJgnafed as Parls 9 nnd 1/, Pfan dOR- l8371 as publlc hfghway . WHEREAS, The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of those parts oF Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C., designated as Pans 6 and 7, Plan 40R-t8371 and those parts of Lot 6, Registered Plan 456 and part of Lot 28, Renge 3, B.F.C., designated as Perts 9 and I 1, Plan 40R- 18371 as public highway end wishes to dedicate them as public highwny; NOW TFIEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i. thou parts of Lot 28, Range 3, Braken Front Concession, Pickering, designated as Parts 6 and 1, Plan 40R• 18371 arc hereby dedicated as public highway ("Deltn Boulevard"); and 2. ihose perts of Lot 6, Registered Plan S56 and Lot 28, Range 3, Droken Front Cancession, Pickering, designated as Parts 9 and I I, Plan 40R-18371 aro hercby dedicatcd as public � highway ("Delta Bouleverd"). BY•LAW read a first, secand and third time and finully passed ►his 22nd duy of March, 1999. WS701]f6 Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bcuce Taylor, Clerk