HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12/99. . � � O�� OF p4 � � . . � � `� 39 � c� REPORT TO COiJNCIL FROM: Denise Bye DATG: Merch 2, 1999 Menager of Legal Services REPORTNUMBER; LI2/99 SUDIECT: Rwd - Dedicstion - Part of Lot 33, Cancession 2, Pickering, designated as PaA 12, Plan 40R• 1871 (Road Allowance behveen Lots 2 nnd 3) - Third Concessian Road - Filc: W2304.355 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to dedicate thut Part of Lot J3, Concession 2, Pickcring, dcsigna�cd as Part 12 on Plun 40R• 1871 ns a public highway. ORIGIN: I. Requcsl from Smith &'Luldhelyi, Unrristcrs & Solicilors du�cd fcbruory 19, 1999. 2. Approval from Public Works daled Pc6ruary 24,1999. AUTHORI1Y; Alwifcipul Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chap�cr M.45, scction 297( I Xo). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: That part of Lot 33, Concession 2, Pickering, designatcd as PaR 12 on Plan 40R•1871 was canveycd to ihe Town along the road allawancc bctwecn Lots 2 and 3 for futurc road widcning purposcs. Although the road widening nlong the Ihird concession is not bcing undettaken at this time, Iegel access lo Ihc adjacent lende is rcquircd. In order lo providc legal nccess to the adjncent lands Part 12, Plan 40R-1871 must be dedicatcd as public highway. Ennclment of the attached bylaw will authorize lhal dedicntion. ATTACHMGNTS: 1. Drall bylaw. 2. Locetion Map/Site Sketch. Prepered Uy. lody ons Copy: Ch(efAdministrativcOflicer Diratorof Public Works Recommended for the conaideredon of Pickering Town Council ' ..ti o as 1. Qui n. Chie Administrati Ofilc Approved / Endoreed Uy: Denise 0 e 44 ATfACHMfNTt7_L70REPORTi� L• l,�lo� THE CORPORA;,LpN OF THE TOWN UF PICKF.RING 9Y-LAW N0. Being a by-!aw lo dedJcale Ihaf Parl ojlot 33, ConcessJon 1, Plckertng, destgnaled as Parl !1, Plan 40R-187/ (Road A!lox�ance 6e�ween Lols 1 and 3) (fhtrd Concesslon Road) as pu6lJc htghway. WIIEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of thet Part of Lot 33, Concession 2, Pickering, dcsignatcd as Pert 12, Plnn 40R-1871, designutcd os Part 12, Plan 40R- 1871 and wishes to dedicate it es public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering H6REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thut purt of' Lot 33, Conccssion 2, Pickcring, dcsignateJ ns Pnrt 12, Plnn 40R•1871 is hcreby dcdicated as public highwny (Third Conccssion Road), DY-LAW rend a firsl, second anJ third time and finaliy passcd this 22nd day of March, 1999. wna.�ss Waync Arthurs, Mayor Druce Taylor, Clcrk ATTACHMENTN�TO REPORT# L ��I� /