HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 05/99�pOFpM ��^' � § b REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATG: rebruary 5, 1999 Director of Public Warks REPOR'f NUMDER: PW05/99 SUBJECT: Regulntory E3y-luw • Parking Dy-law 2359/87 - Portion of Glenanna Raad beN1•cen Kingston Road nnd Pickering Parkµ�ay RECOMMGNDATION: Thnt u by-luw Ix: enactcd to umend Schedulc I3 to [ly-Inw 2359/87 rcgulating parking reslrictinns nnJ prohibitions on ccrtoin highwuys. ORIGIN: Pnvement mnrking design und bus stop shehcr inslullalion rcquiring Ihc climination of nn an- strcet parking arcn. AUTNORITY: Ah�nlcl�x�lAc�, R.S.Q. 1990, chnplcr M.4, scclion 210J23 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Mnnufacturc anJ instnllation of icgulatory signs costing upproximnlely $750.00 1999 Roads Operuting BuJgct (2320-2409) Higha•ay Aids. GXBCUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicablc. OACKGROUND: • Thc rcccnt wnstruetion of a bus lay-by arcn along the west sidc of Glcnnnna Road bctwccn Ihc Esplonadc North and thc f:splanndc South has chnngcd ihc strcct gcomctrics and hori7�nlul alignment of the rondway such that an improved anJ upgrnJed pavement marking design is rcquircd. Pnvemcnt markings arc the applicntion of rc0ectivc ycllow nnJ/ur wliite pnints on- strcet to guidc ihe sufc dircctionni Oow of vchiculnr iraffic, The pnvemcnt murking Jesign proposcd for Ihc scction of Glenannn Rond betwccn Kingston RonJ nnd Pickering Purkamy �eill providc for deJicuteJ Ieft tum Ir.�cs for mosl intcrscctions nnJ cntranccs, on•strcct parking in heuvily used arcus und a provis'.uc for fuwrc bicycle roule lanes. 17iis design, ho«•ever, «�ill rcquira Ihc climinnlian of approaimnlciy two to Ihrcc unregulatcJ on•slrcet parking spnccs adjacent to the Civic Compl�:x along the cost siJc of alcnnnna RoaJ lxtwecn thc GsplanaJc Report lo Council PW05/99 Dutc: Fcbrunry 5, 1999 .,, lg2 Subject: Pnrking Dylaw - Portion of Glennnnu Rond pngc 2 NoAh ond the Esplannde South. The elimination oP Ihc on-sireet parking in this arcn will also improve the sightlines of thnse motorists which are attempting a wming movemcnt onto Glenunnu RouJ from thc Gsplanade North nnd nllow for Ihc inslallution of u bus stop shcitcr in this arcn, The net eflect of tlic upgmded puvement mnrkings nnd thc climination of Ihc on-stnet parking, as rccommended, will be u slowcr ilowing strcan of trntlic which has properly designated lancs for snfer controlled tmvel. • The attnched dmR bylaw provides a generul housekceping of the existing no-parking rcgulations on Glenannn Rond betwcen Kingston Road and Pickering Purkwny and furthcr climinates thc on- strect parkiug nrcu aJjnccnt lo thc Civic Complex betwecn ihe Gsplanadc North nnd GsplanaJc South. ATTACI IMENTS: I. Droft Dyluw 2. Locution Map Preparcd 13y: i � C. Stcphcn Dmkc CSDh,.�„.,..a., Copy: ChicfAJminisirotivc011iccr To�m Solicilor Town Clcrk Munngcr of Tmnsporlutian RauJs Supcn•isor Recommended for ihe consideralinn of Pickering Toµ�n Council � ' �.��s omns J. Qui , Chicf AJministrolivc Olticcr Approvcd / IsnJorscJ 13y: � �.�� Ricl yd W. ilol ' .-...;-. l. � `' .� i. �:.'�:.• � � ._ • • _:.C�1 BY-LAW NO. Being a 6y-law lo amenJ By-!aw 2359/87 iegulaling parking, slanding and slopping on highwaps und on prh�afe and m�mlclpa! properry. WHEREAS, pursuant to the bLmlcipal dc�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 218.52, 210.73. 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corporation of the Toan of Pickering enacted Bylaw 2359187 regulatinb pazking, standing and stopping on highways �md on private and on municipal property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporatian of thc Toan of Pickering f1EREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Schedule B to Dylaw 2359I87, us nmendeJ, is hcreby amendcd by dcleting Ihcrel'mm Ihc following item; 2. Schedule B to Dylaw 2J59I87, us amended, is hercby umendcd by adding ihcreta ihc following items; Hiahwny $j� pctaeen�And Prohibited Timcs anJ �L �Y� Glenonne Rond East and Kinbston Road and 40 metres See Note I•• West south of the Esplanade Soulh Glenannn Road Enst I I S metres south of the Scc Natc I•• Espinnade South and 160 metres south of the Esplanade South Glennnnn Roud Enst 80 metres north of Pickering See Note 1'• , Purkwny nnJ 105 metres nocth of Pickcring Parkwuy Glenannu Ro�d 8nst Pickcring Purkway nnd 30 Sce Notc I•• meues nonh of Pickering 1'arkway Gienanna Roed West Pickering Parkway nnd ! 10 See Note I•• metrcs north of Pickering Parkway �,����I ,i - ._ ____ � � ' �c�4 •• Unless othenviu xpecified, the parking prohibilions ubnvc sh�ll Ix in effect twcntyfour (24) hours per day, year rounJ. BY•LAW rcad a first, second und third time and Finally pnssed this I st Jny of Mazch, I 999. Wayna AAhu�s, Mayor � i Drucc Taylor, Clerk :I i i i , i i � ; � i ; � � � � it� TOIIN OP PICKER1Nff TRAFFIC REPORT I� ►uuc �aien o�rrar �t ia000 am ra. �� (3LENANNA ROAD LOCATION OF PROP09ED NO PARKINO ZONE