HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 7/99�.fi9 �N�F�� ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denisc Byc DATE: I�ebniaiy 15, 1999 Maneger of Legal Scrvices REPORTNUMBER; L7/99 SUBJECT: Rond - Dcdicntion - Ulock 23, Plon 40M-1482, Pickering (I3rock Road) - Filc: W2304.353 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw should bc cnuctcd to dcdicate E31ock 23, Plnn 40M-1482, Pickcring, (Drock Road) as public highwuy. OR[GIN: LD 324/1998 AUTHORITY: Mimlclpul Acl, R.S.0.199U, chapter M.45, scction 297(I)(a). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Approvnl of Land Division Application LD 324/98 is subjcct to sevcml conditions, one of which requires that the one foot reserve identificd os I31ock 23, Pinn 40M•1482, Pickering, bc dcdicnted as public highwny in order to provide Icgal access to thc newly crcatcd lot abutting it. Enactmcnt of thc attnchcd by-Inw will authorizc that dedication. ATTACHMENTS: I. DrnR by-law. 2. Location Map/Sitc Sketch. P ur d y: Approved / L'ndorsed Dy; d.t��-�.i � �IIJI�!/ y Pnrsons �nise ye Copy: ChiefAdministmtive0liicer Director of Public Works Recommended for the wnsideration of Pickering Town Coundl a� '7 o I.Quinn, iefAd ' aN flia �% ET THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0� IP CAKERINO � I TO IIEPOH'f fl Il�_ ��l\':�►L�� Being a by-la�v m dedicule Block 23, Plan 40M-M81, Plckertng, as pu6!!c hlglnvay (Brock Road). WfIGREAS Thc Corporation of the Towi� of Pickcring is thc owncr of Dlock 23, Plan 40M•1482, Pickering, (Brock Road) and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporntion of the Town of Pickering 11GRGfiY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Block 23,1'lun 40M-1482, Pickcring, (Drock Road) is hcrcby dcdicnlcd as public highway. DY-LAW rcad u first, sccond nnd third limc und finally passcJ ihis I sl Juy of March,1999. \Vuync Arthurs, Mayor IIrucc Tnylor, Clcrk wna�s� ATTACHMENT # �TU REPORT �i��� � �7�