HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 04/99I L" �,��OFp� F REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Richarci W. liolbom DATG: Jununry 28, 1999 Dircclor of I'ublic Works RGPORT NUMBGR PW 04/9) SUUJECT: Reduced Load Period Dy-luw -Annual Compilotion of Strccis RECOMMENDKfION; A hyInw should be enncteJ to Jesignate highwnys under thejurisdiction of the To«n lo which a reduced loud period applics anJ lo rcpeal Ryluw 520G198. ORIGIN: Annual upJntc of municipal highways ihat nrc nffcctcd by n rcduccJ load �xrioJ as compilcd by Qie Public Works Departmcnt. AUTHORITY: Niglnruy TrqQ1c Acf, R.S.O, 1990, Chap. I 1.8 scction 122(7) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A EXGCUTfVE SUMMARY: N/A DACKGROUND: Thc nuthorily for thc cnnctmcnt of a rcduccJ IouJ period byluw is dcrived fram thc !liginrnp Tru,QJc Acl, which smtcs that n municipulity muy Jcsignntc thc date on which a rcduccJ load period shall swrt or end and the highwny or podion thcrcof under its juriscliclion lo which the designation applics. Ennctment of Ihc allachcJ by-law will proviJc an occumtc compilatian of Ihc hightinys within the Town thot are subjcct to thc rcduccJ lond perioJ Jcaignntion anJ rcpcai fiyluw 5206/98. Rcport to Council PW (Wl99 Upic: Jnnuury 28,1999 Subject; Rcducecl Load Pcriod Dy-law Pugc 2 '..' 1 Annual Compilation of Slrcels AT`I'ACFIMGNTS: I. DmQ Dylaw with Schcdule A Attnched. Approvcd / Cndorscd Dy: �^ Ric ard W, Ilo om RWH:ds: Attachmenls Copy: Thomas J. Quinn, Chicf Administrntiac Ofliccr Drucc Taylor, Town Clcrk Junc �udon, Assistanl'fown Solicitor Steve �orsey, RouJs Supervisor RecommcndeJ for Ihc considerution nf Pickcring'I'a�m Cauncil r.ei � � -. � . . • 0 �.Qlll II . . � .. . � .. .. � . Chicf AJministmlivc O1Ticcr ii i ;, ;; �. ,� 2 THE CORPORATION OF THH TOWN OF PI KFatNn �AW NO, Being u byluw to name highwuys or portion of liighways within thc jurisdiction of the Town to which u reduced load period designation upplies nnJ to repeal By-luw 5206I98. WHEREAS, pursunnt to the Flighway Traftic Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter I 1.8, section 122(7), or a predecessor thereof, the Council of The Corporalion of the Town of Pickcring enacted E3ylaw 4399/94 designuting tha date on �vhich a reduced load period shnll stan or end and the highway or poRion thereof under itsjurisJiction lo ��hich ihe designntion npplies. AND WHEREAS, new streets huve been crcated which require the designation of n rcduccJ load period; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCI�. OF TFIE CORPORATION 0� THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS A5 FOLLOWS: 1. For ihe purpose of subseclions ( I), (?) anJ (3) of sectian I?? of the Fligha•ay Tmflic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. i 1.8, the rcJuceJ IoaJ �xrioJ shall bc Ihut perioJ commencing un March Ist of each ycaz and ending on April 30ih, lmlh inclusiec, of cach ycar. 2. Thc highways to ahirh �he reJuceJ load �xriod Jesignation applics shall tx �hose highways or portions thcrcof as set out in ScheJulc A aUachcJ hcrela 3. Uylow 5206l98 is hcrcby rcpculcd. BY-LAW read u first, second and thirJ timc anJ finally p�sscJ this I Slh day of Pebruary, 1999. Woyne Anhurs, blayor DNCe Taylor, Clerk � i 4 8CH�DULE A a :' 3 REDUCED LOAO D�SIONATIONS ;? 4 JITMPNEOLDOE9 PAOE 2 . 111RA JITMPWEDIDDEB PAOE � 1/Y/99 :' S lI JITMP:iEOL�DEB pppE � 11N99 J1TMPIREOLODE9 PAOE 5 4/7N9 ,7 ,8 JITMPYtEDLDDEB PAOE e L7/BY JITMPViEDL�OES PAOE 1 7/2189 '9 � 3 t? J1TMPIREDLD�E3 PA6E E tlIN9 J1TMPIHEDLDOE9 PAOE D ?/ZN9 3l JITMPYtEDLD0E3 PAOE 10 2/L99