HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 01/99. �t9 �N OF p� � REPOItT TO COUNCIL PROM: Riclintd W, Holbom DATE: January 15,1999 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW01/99 SUBJECT: Regionnl Municipality of Durham's 1997 Collision Summary RECOMMENDATION: i. Thal Town Council rcceive for infortnation Report to Council PW01/99 discussing the statistics of lhe Regional Municipality of Durham's 1997 Collision Summnry; and 2. Thnt bnsed on the stntistics, Town Council rcquest that the Rcgion of Durhum formally investigate the cause(s) of Ihe high collision mtcs for the interscction of Kingston Rond at Whites Road nnd for tha miJ-block locution on Drock RonJ betwcen Dillingham Rond and Bayly Strect, and report buck to thc Town. OR[GIN: Rcquest of lhc Chicf Administmtivc Officcr. AUTHORITY; Not Applicnblc FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; Not Applicnblc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Region of Durhnm's 1997 Collision Summnry indicntes thal two locations on Rcgional Ronds in the Town of Pickering havc rccorded n suflicient numbcr of collisions to be considercd High Collision Rate Locntions. These locations nre (I) the signnliud intersection of Kingston Road nt Whitcs Rond and (2) mid-block on Brock Rond between Dillingham Road anJ Onyly Slreet. The actunl Icvel of dctail provided in the 1997 summury, howcver, is minimal as il only confirtns that no fatulities occurred at either location. A further invcstigation of cach location's specific collision summnry is required to determine whether pattems exist thut may be resolvcd through cortective action. The Region should be requestcd to review thc collision rccords for ench localion in further deteil and udvise whether opemtionnl improvemcnls cnn bc made. BACKdROUND: The Rcgionul Municipality of Durham rccenlly rcleascd its 1997 Collision Summary. This annunl document is n gathering of nll reportabie collisions on Regional Roads and a compilntion of various statistics Gom the information, Ttvough the analysis of thesc collision rccords nnd statistics, the Region is able to improvc upon their dcsign and muintenancc standn�ds ond . 40� . Repart to Council PW01/99 Dnte: Jnnuary 15, 1999 Subject: Regionni Municipality of Durham's 1997 Collision Summary I'age 2 prioritizc opemtionnl improvemenis. Locntions mny also bc idenlifieJ Gom the summary which rcquire selectivic enforcement by Durham Regional Policc. Wilh specific reference tn the 1997 Summary, two nreus in the Town of Pickering nrc identified as High Collision Rnte Locations. These two locutions arc the signalizcd interscction of Kingston Road nt Whites Rond (Rcgional Road 38), and mid-block on Brack Road (Regionnl Road I) between Dillinghnm Rond and Dnyly Strcet (Regional Rond 22). A co/!lsion rale af an lrrfersecllon is consldered high when !he namber ojcol/Jslons per �nil!!on vehtcles ente�ing the in�ersecllon per year is grea►er fhan a collislon rale oj 1.5. A colllsion ra�e af a mld-bfock localion is consldered hlgh ivhen !he number nj cal!lslons per mlllJon vehlcle kllomefres oj�rave/ per year per segmenl !s grealer f/ran a co!lJslon rafe oj5. Thc collision rnles in 1997 nl lhc intcrscction of Kingslon Road al Whilcs Road und mid•block on Drock Road betwccn Dillingham Road and Iiayly Strcct arc 1.97 nnd 10.15, respcctivcly. 'fhese collis;on retes suggest Ihat investignlion is rcquircd at ench locotion lo Jetemiine whcther corrective action is possible. Such com:ctivc actiom m�y include rcviscd signul timings or even mnjor rcconstruclion of the affected inlcrsectians or road sections. "Ilie Kingston Road at Whites RoaJ intersection is one of thc highnst volume intcrsections in the Region. Par this primary rcason thc Gcqucncy of collisions can be cxpcctcJ lo bc higher than thnt of othcr Iess busy locations. While thc numlxr of reponeJ collisions (23) in 1997, may be the highest in thc Rcgion, Ihc aclunl collision rnlc is lowcr than thnl of nther intcrseclinns with much less unffic. Thc collision ratc cnn bc vcry subjcctivc as it can vary cilhcr up or down from year to ycur. for inslnncc, in 1996 thc snmc number of callisians (23) wcrc rcportcJ at the Kingston Rond ut Whitcs Road intcrsection but a much highcr avcrogc daily trafiic volumc of 44,000 vehicles existed, n full 12,000 vchicles morc than in 1997. 1'hc corresponJing collision rate for thc Kingston Road nt Whites RoaJ intcrsection in 1996 was 1.43. Thc reported collisions nnd their corresponding rates urc specific to Ihe intcrscclion anJ do nat include any collisions that niay havc occurrcd ut thc Tim Horton's or Shcll Scrvice Stntion drivcway entrnnces. Of thc collisions reported in 1997, at ihc Kingston Road at Whites Road intcrscction no fatalities w�re involved. The scction of Brock Road mid•block between Dillinghnm Road nnJ Dayly Strcet has nlso posted high collision mtes in bnlh 1996 nnd 1997. Although it hus not bcen canfirtncd, it is probuble thnt the tuming movements from tho commercial piwa und servicc sWtion driveway entrances con(lict with the wide pnvement widlh and high opernting speeds found on Drock Road in this xrea. Further review of each individual collision can dctertnine whcther spccific pattems ure prcsent nnd if thcy cnn bc cortected in this amu. IVo fnlnlities wcre recorded on Drock Road mid-block betwecn Dillingham Road nnd Bnyly Street in 1997, The frcquency and mtes of collisions in 1997 for the intcrsection of Kingston Rond nt Whites Road nnd for thc mid-block section of Drock Road bctween Dillingham Road and Dnyly Strcet are conceming and should be rcvicwed for operntional improvcmcnts if possibie, , : ,�� RepoA to Council PW01/99 Dnic: January I5, 1999 SubjccL Rcgionul Municipulity of Durham's 1997 Collision Summary Pagc 3 ATTACFIMENTS; I, Thc Regionul Municipulity of Durhnm 1997 Collision Summary Prcpared By: � ; C. Stephen mkc CSDh�.. Copy: ChicfAdministrntivcOt7iccr RccommenJed for thc considemtion of Pickering To�m Council _ � � c' ..�oi as J. Qui n, C 0 Approved / Endorsed IIy: X�_ Ri urd W, Hol m " � i {. �. i ' S� . j- , , 4�. �,'�. COLLISION S' U 11� M A 1� Y 1 _9 9 7 TIIE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Works Department - Transportation Branch Tratfic Operations (OSComumeroDrive Whitby,ON LIN6AJ (90S)668-7721 I ! . � ._ `�.. ._ . TA}3LE OF CONTENTS s3 INTRODUC170N . ....................................................... ........ I TRENDS............................................................................ 2 SUMMARY...................................................�.,....,,...,.,,..,.,.. ) 1.0 GENERALMFORMAT[ON ................................................,.....4 2.0 HIGH COLLISION RATE LOCATIONS . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . I S LIST OF FIGURES Figure l.l Annual Compnrison of General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 4 Figuro 1.2 Collisions by Year on Regionai Roads . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5 Figure 13 1997 Collisions on Regional Roads by Traffic Control Typc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 1.4 Collisions by Timc of Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure t,5 Collisions by Day of Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7 . Figure 1.6 Collisions by Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7 Figure l,7 Collisions by Road Surfuce Condition . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure I.8 Collisions by Rond Surfnce Condition - "Other" Broken Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Figure 1.9 Collisions by Weathcr Condition . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 1.10 Collisions by Road Locution . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure l.l l Collisions by Impact Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 Figure 1.12 Collisions by Manouevre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I l Figure 1.13 Persons Involved in Collisions by Age . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 12 Figuro 1.14 Collisions by Apparent Driver Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 12 Figure I.15 Collisions by Apparent Driver Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 13 Region of Durhem - Works Department ' � � . � i . - , ,, ., , - 44' . . ' LIST OF TABLES.,, Table 1.1 Annual Comparison of denerel Information .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4 Table 1.2 Coliisiom by Year on Regionel Roads . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 5 Table 1,3 1997 Collisions on Regional Roads by Tre�c Control Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Tublc 1,4 1997 Collisions by Vehicle Type . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table 1.5 Collisions by Appazent Driver Condition - Broken Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 13 Table 1.6 1997 Collisions lnvolving Fixed Objecls . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 14 Table 1.7 Details of Fatel Collisions -1997 . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 , Table 2.I 5igneliud Intersections With a Collision Rate of l.5 or Greatcr ............. I5 Table 2.2 Non-Signalized intersections With Collisions of 5 or Greater . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16 Table 2.3 Mid•Block Locations With a Collision Rate of 5 or Grcator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16 APPENDICES ' AppendixA-CollisionReteFormulas ............................................. 17 Region of Durham - Works Department i. • , i ,.;,�"y� , . . . . . .. , ' ; . Q� _ INTRODUCT[ON The Collision Summary is an annual rcport of ull collisians occurting on Regianal Roads • excluding Highway 401, King's Highways, and local Municipal strcets. A Motor Vehlcle Collision is reportable whan any of the following conditions apply: (u) property demagc is in excess of S I,OU0.00. (b) the collision results in personal injury, (c) n govemment vehicle is involved, (d) churges are laid as a result of the collision. 7luough the analysis of tra�c collisians, the Regionnl Municipality is able to improve their design and maintenance standards and prioritiu operational improvements, Locations which require increased surveillance ure identified to aid selective enforcement by Durham Regional Policc. Trafftecollisionsareaprimarycauseofaccidentaldeaths,injuricsandassociatedpropertylosses. The intention of this report is W provide factual infarmation to those agencies and persons concemed with the safety of the roadway transportatian system under Regional jurisdiction wilhin the Regionnl Municipnlity of Durhum. Traffic, collisions frequently involve complex interactions between human behaviour, vehicle chnracteristics end environmental condilions. The fnctoror factors responsible for causing a collision nre not always the most obvious or rendily apparent. Cnution should be exercised in dmwing conclusions from the stutistics presented in this report nnd conclusions should be dmwn only with appropriate qunlifications and supportive infortnation. Please note thet this report only deuls with repunuble collisions. There is no way to detertnine the numberofnon•reportablecollisionswhichoccurwithintheRegion. Thenumbersinlhisreportwould be slightly skewed if we were able to take into considerotion thc numbcr of collisions thot go w¢eported. Region of Durham - Work9 Department pQg� � 0 � . � .. . . �. � i - . . ,4� , TRENDS l. OVERALL COLLISIONS Collision statistics revealed u significant decrcase in total collisions on Regional Roads resulting in 3,706 in 1997 compared to 4,108 in 1996, In 1997, thero were 16 fatal collisions resulting in 19 deaths, which was an increase from 14 collisions and 16 deaths in 1996. Property damege collisions accounted for 69.7% (2,596) of the total number of collisions on Regional Roads. A slight decrease from 1996, whero property damage collisions accounted for 7l% of total collisions. 2. BlCYCLE COLLIS/ONS The numbcr of people injured in motor vehicle coilisions while riding on a bicycle has risen from 50 in 1996 to 67 in 1997. No cyclist fatalities wera reported in 1997 compared to one fataliry in 1996. 3. PEDESTRIANCOLLISIONS Therc were 86 pedestrians injured in 1997, compared to 66 in 1996. A totul of 5 pedestrian fulalities were accounted for in 1997 showing nn increaze Gom 3 in 1996. 4. ALCOXOL INVOLVEMENT A total of 97 personal injury coilisions involved alcohol or drugs in 1997. This represents 8.7% collisions of the personal injury type, One of the sixteen fatel coilisions involved alcohol or drugs. Region of Durhem - Works Department ' Page 2 1 � . . d� . SUMMARY In 1997, 7,916 collisions werc reported on all Municipat Roadways by the Durhan Reg(onel Police. Of the total, 3,906 or 47% occurted on Regional Roads. These �,7C6 collisions resulted in: • 16 collisions with 19 driver or passenger fatalitles (14 moror vehicle occupants and 5 pedestrians), • 2,596 (70%) pn.perty damage coilisions. • 1,077 driver, cyclist or p�ssenger injuries (excluding pedestrians). • i 7 pedestrian injuries (excluding fatalities). These collisions occurred nt different locations under verious conditions throughout the Regional Municipality. Some interesting notes rcgarding those collisions include, • 99. I% occurred on dry pavement. • 72.4 % occwred unJer clear weather conditions, • S l.9% occurred at an intersection. • 31.4% occurted during lhe PM peak (3:00•6:00). • 5.4 % involved nlcohol. Collisions at different localions (intersections or mid-biocks) are best campnrcd by n collision ratc� which tekes into account the valume of tra�c, The following is a brief comparison of collision rates ot ttuee locations across the Rcgion: i) of the signaliud intersections, Bloor Street and Fnrewell Avenue experienceJ the highest collision mte of 3,98. 71ure were 5 collisions and a 24-hour entering volume , of 3,438 vchicles . ii) ofthenon•signaliudintersections,RegionalRoad8rndLakeRidgeRoadexperienced the highest collision rate of 2.31. '[liere were 5 collisions and a 24-hour entering volume of 5,930 vehicles. -- iii) of the mid•block locations, Chemplain Avenue, from the Oshawe/Whitby border to Thomton Road, axperienced the highest collision rete of 12.66, There were 6 collisions and e 24•hour entering volume of 3,240 vehicles on a road length of 400 m. � SceAppendl�AfaCoIlBlonRutFamulu. Region of Durhem - Works Department Page 3 i , � r:�::��� .. . . � . � . . 4& ' 1.0 GENERAL AVFORMATION TABLE 1. / ANNUdL COMPARISONOFCENERAL /NFORMATION Percect 1993 199d 1995 1996 1497 C6an{c 96J97 Resio�d Ru�di Lineal Nelnrodt Kilomeltes 7S4 739 739 793 830 41Yo Ntlwvdcl.aneKilomtltes 1,712 1,752 1.910 1,961 2.W2 4.0°/a Slpd6ad IntenecUom Regiooal Ruads l9� 103 • 237 2a0 254 S.S% M.T,O. (King's Eiig6way) 30 52 • JS 36 18 -SO.OY. Atea Munlcipality Road4 43 �I 47 �9 32 5.8°/. q'pw' 287 296 7l� 325 •� 32i -0.30°/a Redon� Popal�doo Pbpul2Uou (uuo�itiaq dd7.300 �36,200 d67.700 �7�,000 a83,000 I.8Ye Trrvel Expedena in Durdam in MiWaruoCVe6lcleKflometra I,a81.50 1,�91.J0 1,886.7 1.89�.30 1,950.H0 2.9°/. Driven ' MT.O.trodarad}ridaimd17ri0u4wW�M1amRepan •• ToW doa nal hdude 16e I'! r�nin� MT.O. dpuh ihr m wmnL �d. �d m�iuned by Uw AiT.O. FIGURE l.l ANNUAL COMPA RISON OF GENERAL /NFORMAT/ON f000 :ao i � a � ��� � ,�, _ �� �. M + � M07 I00 � � IOm ' 100 �r $ d X z � � iw� uw � �v9� ivn �m Year Ibpubhm Pa �.000 Pwple (Y3) � � No.ofCdlirim�(YI) � IanaKmlY1) Region of Durham - Works Department Page 4 � �� . TABL� 1.2 �� � COLL/SIONS BY Y6AR ON REGIONAL ROADS Frtallnjury Pereonal Property Total lo u D�ma e Collisiom �� 18 128) 1899 3200 1987 ?1 1J99 1995 3415 198s 22 1420 2430 ]892 1990 T 1219 2J44 J810 1991 21 1I05 2765 7891 1992 9 1010 2972 3950 199J 15 1063 2813 J893 199� I) 1076 2902 3991 1993 IJ 1081 2598 4052 1996 la 1180 2914 4108 1997 16 1094 2596 3706 s000 d� �a000 i3 L� � 1000 J y � 0 FlGURE 1.2 COLL/SIONS BY YEAR ON REClONAL ROADS 1986 1988 1991 1941 1995 1997 Year ❑ TaelNo.ofColli�ims(YI) �� Fetallnjury(Y2) �� Prapert3'Domage(YI) � Perwnellnjury(Y�) ss m z IS P M 10 � 3 0 Region of Durham - Works Depertmrnt Page 5 _ . � , 't _ ' g� • TABLE 1.3 /D97 COL/./SIONS ON REG/ONAL ROADS BY T1�1 FF/C CONTROL TYPE � �ropety Penonv F�tv TotJ D�m� In'u No Canfrol(Mid Bloek) 1271 423 l0 1704 Tnffic Sipnl 994 47S 3 1472 Stop Siw 314 187 3 504 Otder l7 9 0 26 Olher Tnffie Control Typa Coroi�t Of: PXO G 4 0 10 Yidd Si� 4 5 0 9 Scdool Bw 3 0 0 3 PoGee Control 2 0 0 2 Unknown I 0 0 1 Tr�e Cite I 0 0 1 Figwe /.3 1997 COLI./.S/ONS ON REGIUNAL ROADS BY TRAFF/C CONTROL TYPE l0 No. of Colltaions — - - - - - - - - - - 8 2000 — �"�----- - - - - - - - - - - - 6 No. of 15� _ ____-_____._ FAiG�l�1t3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 �� . - - - - - - - Z 500 - - - Q , , , /%iGy 0 Traffic Signal Other No Control Stop Sign � Totel Collisions � Property Damage ❑ Personal Injury � Fatalities Re�on of Durham - Works Department Pege 6 f i F/GURE 1.4 COLL/SIONS BY TIME OFDAY The highest number of j collisions (1,172) occurted 3 during the PM peak (� 3 (3;00-6:00). r:. otmr FIGURE 1.S COLLIS/ONS BY DAY OF WEEK iM � � The highest incidence � � �of collisions (702) occurred on Fridays. �� a i ' u.w r.`.i., nw, �w T.wr r�.«w u.Nn D�y ot W ��k FlGURE 1.6 COLL/S/ONS BYMONTH �� na The highestincidence of �co the collisions in 1997 � �so occurred in November ! ,�, (390), y �so � iao so 0 ` ._ .. ' Y. __. Y _ 1� tw Modb '�2� Region of Durham - Works Department Pagc 7 � _. � �i ' , ,s,�„'�..,` _ : .. . . _ _. . 52 - . FICURB 1.7 � COLL/SIONS BYROAD SURFACE COND/T/ON �� Dry 99.IY. � Dry � Other OILa 0.9Yi 3,695 of the 3,706 collisions in 1997 cecurred on dry roads. FIGURE 1.8 COLL/S/ONS BY ROAL� SURFACE COND/T/ON -"OTHER" BROKEN DOWN W�� u.�+� stw� �.�x . . � . � fh7ldUqdl).1% � � � � Lxw �aw /O.i% tutNl�on f./% . Wet . Looee Snow e Pac�ed Snow � Spilled Liquid � Sluah Region of Durhem - Works Depertment Page 8 , , _ ; t,, ; :3� r: '��•t ��! j �' . . . f-,�_ . , . , s000 � �soo 0 zaao aIS00 z i000 soo 0 N 0 0 .� 0 U 0 z j f-' _ F(l;iiC� l.9 53 COLL/S/ONS BI? WE�TNER COND/TION wmt6er condibom � Clear � � ❑ Snow � Freeing Rain � DriRing Snow � Sa«�s w'me � Fo�, t�t;:� smo�e, n�st � � 72.4% (2,700) of collisions occurred on cleaz days. FIGURE 1.10 COLLfS/ONS BY ROAD LOCAT/ON . At Intenection SNon Inlcraectioo � Iotenection Relaled � Overpus ur bridge � Othcr 51.9 %(1,934) of collisions occurred at an intersection. Region of Durham - Works Department PBB� 9 . ! . ' ,y �• Y[ + '�f f i i a � `ltti .. - ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . a . . . . . . , 5� TABLB 1.� 1997 COLLlSlONS BY VEHICLE T3'PE CATEGORY CATECORY CONS[3TS OF: NO.OR COLLiSION9 Automobile 2,647 Pessengu Ddivery Van 73 Total No, of Collisioas 3514 (94.8%) Pick-Up Truck 420 Passenger Ven 374 Emergency Ambulance 1 Total No. of Collisions 9 F�re 2 (0.24%) ; ' Police 6 Bicycles . TotalNo.ofCollisionsl5 Bicycles IS (0�40%) . Public Transit Bus l. Total No. of Collisions l0 Interciry Bus I (0.26%) Municipal Tmnsit 8 Motorcycle Moped 3 Total No. of Collisions 26 Motorcycic 18 (0.70%) Off Road 4 Wheel 5 School Schoal Bav 6 Total No. of Collisions I 1 (0.30%) School Vnn 5 - • Tow Truck 9 Tcuck Truck • Cnr CaRying 3 To!al No, of Collisions 114 Truck Dump 14 (3.07%) Ttuck Other 61 Truck Trnctor 27 Canstruction I Other Railway Train I Totel No, of Collisions ? (0.19%) Unknown � Fazm Tractor 2 Total No. of Collisions 3,706 (100%) Region of Durham - Works DepMment Page 10 0 � � ' 1 :`{ ' , F/GURE 1.11 COLLIS/ONS BY/MPACT TYPE uw i000 The . Ilig}ICSi a l00 iucidence 9 of o 600 �oWs;o� a � (30,0%) z �°° Were rear ends, 200 • o � � 0 U 0 0 z Lap�etType FIGURE 1.12 COLL/S/ONS BYMANOUEVRB M.nooevro � Reu Eod . Aagie � Tnming Movement � SMV UIhCI ❑ Sideswipe ■ o��� � Going Aheed ❑ Tuming Left � Olher � Stopped � Slowing orStoppiag Over SO% of the callisions �involved (�f1VCIS going ahead. Region of Durham - Works Department p48e >> 55 � I t } •_� ��.=a � ; :; ,,, :: - �'3�r�i. ?.�r. .,; ,..� _ ,.z ., , . . .t . : , .. t,�. . �, . . � � F' Thc highest incidence of collisions (27.8% or � 1,548) involved persons aged 35 - 44. FIGf/RE 1.13 PERSONS INVOLVED /N COLLISlONS BY,I GE :.9y. � 13.6Si � 11.7•/. ■ I�.3Y. . :�.ex ❑� II JY. ■ �.57. ■ 1.1•ti . FlGURE 1.14 COLLISlONS BYAPPAIRENT DRIVER ACTION �\��t��� _' �WM ` Under 16 16-20 21-24 25-34 33-44 45-44 SS-64 65-Over /►� Tr /W ►w Cwtl1Y� 7AN /�W 7�YNM ___ W�H%W�j 1/AN Lw1 CnW 1{J% �.ti�.� . I��r.M ��� W� �JN t��% [�nNY� T►� IJ% C.�trN � oa�. uu I�MI�� L��� CM��r V�n/hT�n 7.7'1 �IJ% Over 50°/a of the persons involved in coilisions were driving properly. Region of Durhem - Works DepeRment Page 12 • i. � ti` � FIGURE 1.IS 57 COLL/SlONS BYAPPARENT DR/VER CUND/T/ON ....K �� o.�,. 5.4% of the collisions � ''"` 'involved ��..„ alcohol. Q Nomd ❑ Rebted �o Inulntive��o � Rabt�daAkoYsl � OLLr TABLE 1. S C'OLL/SIONS BY.4PPARF.NT DRIVER COND/T/ON- BROKEN DOWN CATECARY CATECORY NO.OF COLLIS[ONS CONSISTS OF Notmel Normnl 2,980 TOTAL 2,980 (80.4%) Fatiguc 13 Releted W Inetuntivenas Inattcn6rc 412 TOTAL ais ( I I.3%) Had Bccn Drinl,ing 94 Rclaled to Alcohol Abiliry Impeircd O�a U.OB BO Abiliry Impaired Alcohol 14 Abiliry Impair�d Drugs 4 TOTAL . 202 (5.4%) Mcdical or Physical Dissbility 21 Olher Unlmown 74 Othcr 4 TOTAL 99 2.T% TOTAL NO.OF COLLISIONS 3,706 100% Region of Durham - Works Department Page 13 � � '� . .. , , . ,rj $ • TABLE 1.6 1997 COLL/SIONS /NVOLVING F/XED OBJECTS. TABLE 1.7 ' DETA/LS OF FATAL COLL/S/ONS -1997 MUNICIPALITY LOCATION DATE VICTON/AGE , Sfmca St (IS) & 200 m West o(Highwey 12 97/07104 Driver23 Cameron St (12) & 700 m West of Sfderoed 17 97/0J109 Pede�trian/22 Brotk Cameron St (12) S. Laidlaw St 97/OSl07 Driver/16 Lake FUdge Rd (27) R South of Sideroad 17 97/07118 Driver180 Regional Road I] R 7 Km East of Highway 12 97/07R6 Drivedll Coun(ce Rd (74) R Bloor 5� (22) 97/0GQ9 Drived80 Driver/SJ Highway 2& East of Varca Rd 97/I 1/I I Pedestriar✓IS Clarin�toa Teunton Rd (4) & 123 m East of Fices Rd 97/I 1/14 Driver/56 Martln Rd (57) R 600 m Nanh of Mospon Rd (20) q7/�y2q P�senger/64 Pas�enger29 Rllsan Rd (16) R McNaughton Ave 97l01R1 Pedestrlan/62 Ofd�wa Blaor St E(22) & 2 Km Eest of Simca S� (2) 97/OS/l S Pedestrianl7 Simca St 5(2) k Whiting Ave 97lOSR2 Pedestrier✓14 Bloor St E(22) Ac 100 m Eut of Ferewell St (56) 97/10/13 Driver/33 Taunton Rd (a) �'Ihicksan Rd (26) 97/04/10 Drived49 WIdWy • Dunda� SI W� East of Coronation Rd 97/OS/09 DriveN72 Passenger/71 Highway 12 6c 1.8 Km North of Teunton Rd (4) 97II7R9 Ddverf79 Region of Durhem • Works Depertment Page 14 t •� .� ,, .. � ., . . _ . . , , 2A HIGH COLLISION RATE LOCATIONS 59 TABLE 2.1 S/GNALIZED/NTERSECTIONS WITNA COLL/SlON RATE OF /.S OR GREATER REPORTED =MNour 1997 MUNICIPALITY INTERSECT[ON COLLISIONS gnterinQ Collbloo Votume R�le Hazwood Ave (44) Q Kingston Rd 22 �6910 1.63 AJu Harwood Ave(44) Q Kings Cr 16 27080 1.62 Highway 2� Martin Rd (57) 12 20100 1.64 Claringtou Taunton Rd (4) Q Regional Road 34 6 10250 1,60 Bloor St (22) Q Farewell St (56) 5 3438 3.96 Hermony Rd (33) Q Taunton Rd (4) I4 16080 2.]9 Mary St Q Rossland Rd (28) 13 20810 1.71 Oehana Gibb St (59) Q Simcoe St (2) 10 16010 1.71 Centre St (2A) Q Richmond St 6 9890 1.66 : Adelaide Ave (58) Q Thamron Rd (52) 7 I 1680 1.64 Bloor St (22) Q Pnrk Rd (54) 23 38970 1.62 Piekering Kingston Rd � Whites Rd (38) 2) 3?000 1.97 Brock St (46) Q Rosslend Rd (28) I J 17090 2.08 Whitby Anderson St (36] � Manning Rd (58) 8 14240 1.54 Andersan St (76) Q Dundas St E 16 28800 1.52 U:6ddge Regionel Road 8 Lake Ridge Rd (23) 5 5930 2.71 Region of Durhem - Works Department Page I S ,. / •' 6 Q TABLE 1.2 NON�SlGNALIZED /NTERSECTIONS WITH REPORTED COLLISIONS OF S OR GREATER REPORTED ZA'fiour CoU61on MUNICiPALITV LOCAT[ON COLLIS[ONS EnterinQ ��� Volume Ajas Hanvood Ave (44) Q Slation St S 31540 0.69 Bloor St (22) Q Courtice Rd (; {) 6 7720 2.17 Clarinatoe Liberty St (14) � Queen St 6 I 1950 I.78 Taunton Rd (4) Q Regional Road 34 5 10530 1.30 0�6awa Centrc St (2A) Q Richmond St 6 9890 1.66 Scugog Regional Road 8(aj Simcoe St (2) 5 12550 1.09 Regional Road 8� Lake Ridge Rd (23) 5 59?C 2.31 U:brid`e Regional Road I Q Sandford Rd (I I) 5 9500 1.44 Whltby Coronation Rd � Taunton Rd (4) 5 15670 0.87 TABL E 2.3 h!!D-BLOCK LOCATIONS !V/TNA COLLISIONIru1 TE OF S OR GRFriTER REGlONAL LeaQlh of Reported 24Hour Cnllblon ROAD MID�BLOCK SeQmeot Collblons Entering Rale In KM Volume Champlain Ave Thomton Rd to Oshawa/Whitby 0.40 6 32J0 12.68 (25) Border 5(mca St (2) Swilur Dr �o Robert St 0.06 •1 19680 9.28 OaAswa Blaor St (22) Park Rd to Montrave Ave 0.08 6 272�0 7.55 Tewton Rd (4) Ritson Rd Io Naplcs St 0.25 8 15640 5.61 Steven�on Rd King SI to Montcalm Ave 0.20 7 18350 5.1 B (53) PlckcrinQ Brak Rd (I) Dillingham Rd to Bayly St O.I6 9 IS 190 10.1 S Thlckson Rd Dundas St to Crawfonh St 0.24 8 I 1950 7.35 (26) Whllby Andenon St Dundas St to Crawfonh St 0.25 7 I IS60 6.64 (76) Region of Durham - Works Department Pagc 16 0 i APPENDIX A � 1� : COLLISION RATE FORMULA�S /ntersection Colllslon Rate Farmula - the number of collisions per million vehicles entering per yeac. �[o. Of Collisions :1.000.000 24-Hour Enteriag Volume:365 Days, Mid-Block Collision Rat� Formula - the number of collisions per million vehicle • kilomeves of travel per year per segment. No. Of Collisions :1.000.000 Length of Seqmeot in Km = AADT:365 days NOTE: All intersections with a Collision Rate of 1.5 or greater, end all mid-block locations with a collision rate of five or greater are investigated for possible corrective action. AADT. Annual Average Daily Tratiic Repion of Uurhem - Works Depertment Page 17 , i � ' � � . - � . . ' . � � �. � 1 . . .. . . . . ' . . p•l�� .,l . . . . . . �1 �` y ... �. � . . . ��I �..� .1..�.. .. � ^ � ' ..a-... , . .. .. . . . . . . _. - . '� ITEM NUMBER _ ( � RECOMMENDATION FILE MJMBER: E 4000 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HEADER: ROAD DEDICATION (CLOUDBERRY COURT) PART OF LOT 25, CONCESSION 1 DESIGNATED AS PARTS 7 AND 9, PLAN 40R-15364 F[LE NUMBER - E 4000 ITEM In Legal Services Report L 109/98 it is recommended that a dralt by-law to dedicute Parts of Lot 25, Concession 1, designated as Parts 7 and 9, Plan 40R•8386 (Cloudberry Court), be fonvp•i;ed to Council for enactment. REC061M1tENDATION: That a draft bylaw to dedicate Paris af Lot 25, Concession I, designaled as Paris 7 and 9, Plan 40R•8386 (Cloudberry Court), be fonvarded to Council for enaclment. DATE OF M1tEETING: DISPOSITION Deeember 14, 1998 ��,/ , ,z,' � , f`a�. • ; •�_ � �[ . ._ , �. �