HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 20/99� 275 W��NOFp . F �. � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denisc Bye DATE: Mny 18, 1999 Mnnngcr of Legal Services RGPORT NUMDER: L20/99 SUBJECT; Rond - Dcdications - Part Lot 12, Plan 819, designated as Pnrt 4, Plnn 40R-17407 (fnirport Road) - Part Lot 12, Plan 819, dcsignatcd as Purts 5 nnd 6, Plnn 40R-17407 and PaA 1, Plun RD 147 (Slroud's Lanc) - Lot 19, Pinn 819, dcsignuted as {'art I l, Plan RD 147 (Stroud's Lnnc) - Filc: W2304.362 nnd W3305 ItF.COMMENDATION: A by-Inw should bc cnnctcd to: I. Dedicate that Part of Lot 12, Plan 819, dcsignatcd ns Pnrt 4, Plun 40R•17407, Pickcring, (Fairport Roud) ns public highwny. 2. Dcdicalc thosc I'Ms of Lol 12,1'lan 819, dcsignatcd as Purls 5 anJ G, I'lan 401i-17407 and Purt I, Plan RD 147, Pickcring, (Stroud's Lnnc) as public higin��uy. 3. Dcdicate Lat 19, Plan 819, JcsignatcJ as Part I I, I'lan RD 147, Pickcring, (StrouJ's I.anc) as public highwny. ORIGIN: I. Zoning Dylaw Amcndmcnt Appliculion A I/96, Pcrtari. 2. Town purchnsc of Part I i, Plan RD 147 (Stroud's Lunc) from thc Gstatc of Joscph nnd Mary Collins on October 7, 1998. 3. Request Gom Fmnk Mauro, Dartister & Solicitor, datcd May 13,1999. 4. Approvul from Public Works Depnrtment datcd Mny 17, 1999. AUTHORITY: Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.�IS, scction 297(I)(o). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A DACKGROUND: Approvai of Rc•Zoning Application Al/96 was subjcct io scveml conditions, onc of which rcquircd the Owner to convey lo the Town certain road widenings along fair�wrt Road and Stroud's Lenc for thc futurc rcalignmenl of Stroud's Lanc shawn as Pnrls 4, S, und 6, Plan 40R- 17407 nnd Part I, Plon RD 147. � 2i6 Report to Council L20/99 May I S, I999 Subject: Roed Dedication Page 2 On June 22, 1998, Council authorized the purchase of a further strip of lend along Stroud's Lanc fram the estate of ]oseph and Mary Collins for the future rcalignment shown as Part I I, Plen RD 147. ln order to provide legal access to the newly created lots, as well as to ihe curtent property owners along Stroud's Lene, Perts 4, 5, and 6, Plan 40R-17407 and Parts I and I 1, Plan RD 147 must be dedicated as public highway, Enactment of the attached by-law will authorize that dedication. ATTACHMENTS: I. Draft by-law. 2. Location MaplSite Sketch. Approved / Endorsed By: � Denisa By Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOffcer Direcror of Public Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Coun il �- � N � r� Tho as . uinn hief dminist ive OEf r ' ATTACHMENT#LTOAEPORTtI �a� THE CORPORAT(0T� OF THE TOWN OF PICicFarnrr, 2"�"� �1�F��►Q� Being a by-law 10 dedfcafe lhose Parls oJLof !2, Plan 819, designa�ed us Parls S and 6, Plan 40R- 17,I07 and Parfs !, P/an RDld7, Plckering, as pu6!!c hfghway (Stroud's Lane), and Lo� 19, Plan 819, desfgna�ed as Par� 11, Plan RD147, Pickerb�g, as publfc highwa�� (Srrard's LaneJ and rhar Parr ojLor l2, Plan 819, designated as Parl a, Plnn dOR-/7407, Pickering as publlc higln��ay (Fairporf Road). WHEREAS Thc Corporalion of thc ToHm of Pickcring is thc Oancr of thosc Pnrts af Lot 12, Plan 819, designated as Parts 5 and 6, Plan 40R-17407 and Pan I, Pian RD 147, Pickering, (Stroud's Lane) and Lot 19, Plan 819, designated us Part I1, Plan Rp 147, pickering, (Stroud's Lune) and thnt Pnrt of Lol 12, Plnn 819, designoted as Pnrt 4, Plnn 40R-17407, Pickcring (Fairport Rond) us pu6lic highway and wishes to dedicatc them as public highway. NOW TH@REFORE, the Council of The Corporation of thc Toun of Pickering HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pu�t Lot 12, Plan 819, Pickcring, dcsignated us Parls 5 and 6, Plan 40R-17407 und Part I, Plun RD 147 urc hcrcby dcdicatcd ns public high«�ay (Stroud's Lane). 2, Part Lot 12, Plan 819, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Pari 4, Plan 40R•17407 is hercby dedicntcd as public highwuy (Fairport Road). 3. Lot 19, Plan 819, Pickering, designntcd ns Part I I, Plan RD 147 is hcrcby dedicatcd as public highwny (Siroud's Lnne). BY-LAW reud a first, sccond and ihird timc nnd finnlly passcd this 21st day of lune,1999. 11'aync Anhurs, Mayor Brucc Taylor, Clerk wz�a. �bvw»os