HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 19/99/ � � �� �� ' �LD �.d O�N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATG: Octobcr 18,1999 Direclor of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW19/99 SUB]ECT: Amcndment of Parking By-law 2359/87 Portions of Oklahoma Drive and Breety Drive RECOMMGNDATION: That a byInw bc rnactcd to nmcnJ ScheJulc A and B of f3yluw 2359/87 rcgulating parking reslrictions and prohibilions on ccrlain highways. ORIGIN: Staff invcstigation of Schaol Communiry Council's conccm for Iraffic safcty Gonting rrenchman's Bay Public School and on Dreczy Dri�•c at Daiory A��cnuc ncur lhe pcdeslrian enirance IcaJing into tlic school property. AUTHORITY; Municlpal Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr h1.4, scclion 210.123 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Thu manufaclurc and installation of regulalory no•stopping anJ no•parking signs costing approximatcly SI000.00. Thesc costs can bc accomntoJatcd willtin lhc Roads Op�rating Budgcl, 2320•2409, 1999 Spccial Projccts account. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicabic. BACKGROUND; The School Community Council for Frenchman's f3ay Public School has rcccntiy rcqucslcd thnt Public Works Staff rcvicw anJ rccommend regulntory signing improvcmcnts on Oklahoma Drivc at thc front of thc school, nnd on Brcezy Drive in lhe nrea of thc pedeslriun cntmncc Icading into thc schoai property nt Batory Avcnuc. Thc rcvicw was rcqucstcd duc to thc fading and detcrioration of lhe existing signs, unel ns a result of thc school start timc prescntly con(licting with the exisUng bylaw conJitions. Clnsses at Frenchmun's Day Public School sturt at 8:00 n.m. whilc thc currcnt by-Inw conditions rcgulating on•slrccl stopping nt Ihc front of thc school do nol mke cffcct until 8;30 n.m, As n resull, mnny parcnts pnrk or stop tluir vchicles at Ihc front of lhc achool along Okiuhomu Drivc lo Jrop•off Auir chilJrcn. This unwntroilcd mnssing of �•chicics �� ..� . ■ Reporl to Council P W 19/99 Dnlo: Oclaber I 8,1999 G�� Subject: Parking By-luw - Portions of Okiuhomu Drivc anJ Brcezy Drivc Page 2 nlong both sides of Oklahomu Drivc within n shorl timc frnmc crcalcs collision haznrds nnJ crossing difficullies. It was niso delcmtincJ lhrough our rcview thnt thc cxisting xones wcrc ine(�cclivc nnd should bc increased to furthcr improve safcry. A revicw of the existin� signing in all schoul zones, including Frenchman's Bay Public School, was proposed to be undertaken by thc Public Works Department as a spccial projccl budgctcd for in 1999. It has been recognizeJ that the urcas fronling most schools are in very scriaus need of new signs nnd or revised rcgulutory bylaws to control the on•strcet parking und stopping of parcnt traffic nt thc Gonl of each school. In some cascs, il has also becn founJ thal a number of schoals currcntly have no by-laws to Jcal these problcros which thereby results in pedeslrian nnd vehicular con0icts fronting thcse parlicular schools.. The Public Works DcpaAment will continue lo mect with each School Community Council anJ review areas of conccm as part of our mandale for this speciai project in 1999, anJ into thc ycar 2000. 1'o camplcte our spcoific review of the Frenchman's Bay Public School nrca it is recommended Ihat thc by-law amcndments as draflcJ in this report bc cnacted anJ thal Ihc Municipal F3y-law Enforcemcnt Officers bc requcstcJ lo providc rcgular cnforccmcnl of thc conditions. ATTACHMEN'I'S: 1. Drall By-law (Parking) 2, Locntion Maps Prcpared By: Approeed / CndorseJ Ry: % ' � p� C, Slcphcn Brakc Ric rd N. Holb i CSB%n.�...w--«�— Altachments Copy; Chicf Administrativc O�iccr Town Solicitor Town Clerk Roads Supervisor Rccommcndcd for the considcration of Pickcring Town C il �� u . �U � m s J. Qui , Chief Admi ' ntive 0 cer - --..._. .. . _. _ ... — .. _ . _.. __._ . ... ._ .. .. .._... . . .H._.. • � O1.2 THE CORPO[tATlON O� 1'f1L� TOWN OP PI KERIN ►� lfeing a by-faw !o mnenJ Uy-farv 2359/87 regidnfi��g pnrki�ig, slunrling nnd :rornr��g on blg/nvuys aid on privnfe nnrl nuinicipnl properfj�. WHEREAS, pursuant lo thc Municiprd Acf, R.S.O. I'J90, chaplcr M.45, scclions 218.52, 210.73, 210.123-12G, 210,131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, thc Council of thc Corparalion of tlic Town af Pickering enactcd Bylaw 2359/87 regulaling parking, slmiding and stopping on liiglnvays anJ on privatc anJ m� municipal properly; . NOW TFIERGfORG, thc Council of Ihc Corporuliou of qic Town of Pickcring 11LI2GBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; I. Schcdulc A lo [iy-law 2359/87, ns amcndcd, is hcrcby amaidcd by dcicling thcrefrom Ihc following ilcros: Fli I wn Sidc [3clwccidAnd Proliibilcd 'I'imcs nnd Davs Oklahoma Drivc Nortli und 50 mclres cast of West Shorc 8:30 n.tn, l0 4:3U p.m, Soulh DoulcvurJ and 120 mcires cast Mondny lo I'ridny of 15'csl Shorc [3oulcvard 2. SchcJulc Ii to Ry-law 2359/87, us amcndcd, is hcrcUy uutcndcd by dcicliug Ihcrcfrom lhc following ilcros: ��'����� $!�_c [3ctwccidAnd prohibilcd 7'imcs an I as Brcczy Drivc West nnJ Sunrisc Avcnuc anJ Wcsl Shorc Scc Nolc 1 Soulh �oulcvnrJ 3. Schcdulc A lo Dy-law 2359/87� ll5 A111C11lIClI� IS I1C(C�y 8111C�1(IC(I �,Y ll(I(IIIIb (IICfClO (IIC following itcros: ii I wa �jde Hetwecn/And prohibilcd Times and DAYg Oklahoma Drivc Snulh . Wcst 5horc Boulevard anJ 730 n.m. l0 4;30 p,m. Ycremi Strcet Monduy to �riday Okluhoma Drivc North Wcst Shore Doulcvarcl und 13G 730 a.m. to 430 p,m. mclres easl of Wesl Shorc Monday to Priday Boulevard Brcczy Drivc Snuth 23 mclres wcsl of Dntory 7:30 n,m, l0 4:30 p,m, Avenuc unJ 23 mclres cast of Monday to RriJuy Bntory Avcnuc Brcczy Drivc Nodh 23 mclres west of Da1ory Drivc 7:30 n.m, to 4:30 p.m. und 23 metres casl of Datory Monday lo fridny Avenuc Ol3 4. 5chedule B to By-law 2359/87, as amcnded, Ia hereby amcnJcJ by adding qierelo the following items: � �� ,S1de Getwecn/And Prohibilcd Timcs nnd � Breezy Drive West �nd Wcst Shore Boulcvnrd unJ 23 Scc Nolc I South metres west of E3atory Avcnuc Brcezy Drivc Wcst and 23 mclres cust of dalory �cc Nolc I Soulh Avenuc and Sunrisc Avcnuc DY-LAW rend a firsl, second anJ third time and finnlly passed tliis 2nd day of Navcmber, 1999. Waync Aiihurs, Mayor Orucc Tnylor, Clcrk U14 I TOBN OP PICRERINO TRAFFIC REPORT . . PUBUC MWdq OCPMTYCM s�xt �:s000 wTU acr. ��o� LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO STOPPINO ZONE � V�'I+�+l w4rw'1�wrRtpl rarricl►. mv� ao ' ' 0�5 l TOIIN OP PICKERINO I Tf�4FFIC REPOF�T weuc �amcs o�r�nrrurt i�s000 aru ocr, nw �OCATION OF PROP09ED NO STOPPINO end NO PARKINO 20NE �� r � .--�: F R'�R