HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 04/99.�oo �� OF pM_ � `t� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATG: December 2, 1999 Division Head Municipal Property and Enginecring REPORT NUMBER: MPE 04/99 SUBJECT: Stop Sign By-law (ntersection of Canso Drive and Acom Lane RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to further amcnd Byla��• 2632188 lo nulhorizc the crcction of stop signs at ceiiain intersections within the Town. ORIGIN: Sta(Tinvesligntion of residenCs concem for right-of•way cunlrol. AUTHORITY: Niglnvny Tra�cAr.r, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H,B, scction 137. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Manufacture und installation of signs costing approximatcly 5150.00. 1999 Raads Operating Budgct(2320-2409) Highway Aids EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicablc. BACKGROUND: In June, 1999, lhc Traffic & Waste Mnnagement Coardinator was wNacled by a resident of Acom Lane requesting a stop sign be posted ut the intersection of Canso Drive nnd Acom Lane. The main conccm of Ihe residcnt wns that iha interscction has bccome busicr due to thc construction of udJitional homes on Acom Lane, end without posted regulatory stop control the . � right-oC•way is very uncicur. As n mcans to dctcrminc community support for this rcquest, u noticu was circulatcd to all residcnts of Cnnso Drivc anJ Acom Lanc udvising of thc Town's proposai lo instoll a stop sirn southbounJ on Canso Drive. Opposition to !he proposui wus rcceivcd from only onc (1) resiJcnt of the ihiiiy (30) to which Ihe notice wus delivered. Commenls of support wcrc also reccivcJ ' : from other resiJcnts during thc dclivery of Ihc notice, which incluJaf vcrbal commcnls such as "it's ebout timc". , Repon to Council MPE 04/99 Datc: Dcccmbcr 2,1999 Subject: Slop Sign By-inw — Canso Drivc at Acom Lnnc Pngc 2 ��� Thc potcntiul far contlicts nt this inlersection is low, howevcr, the un•posled right•of-wny ndc rcmnins thc lowest form of trnflic conlrol. Many motorists commonly do not ohscrve Ihc right- of•way n�le which U�ereby creates a potentiul for conllict and vehicle collisions. It is rccommended that a slop sign bc postcd southbound on Canso Urivc at its inlersection with Acom Lanc. ATTACHMENTS: t. Drufl By-law 2. Location Mnp Preparcd By: C. Stephen Hrakc, Coordinator Traffic & Wastc Manngemcnt — � Ri ard W. oly m, Division Hcad unicipul Properly nnd Cnginccring CSB/.,.�.-...,..., Copy: ChicfAdministrativcOfficcr Town Clcrk Roads Supervisor RecommendcJ for the wnsideration of Yickcring Town Council ,„ „ ee T mas J. Qui� , Chief Administrative Oflicer Approved / Endorscd B • �� � . Buntsma, ircctor Operations & Gmcrgcncy Scrvices Dcpt. , ina . arracHMENt#_.L_ ia ��F��Rroro TIfE CORI'ORA7'ION 0� THE TOWN Of PICKHRING ' BY-LAW NO. Ueiug a Gydaiv lo fi�rlher aniend /ly!mv 1G31/b8 fo provtde for tlre erediai ojsrop signs nr cer�nin infersedlons �vilh fhe Town of I'ickering. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ihe provisions of scctiou 137 oC Ihc lfiglnvoy Tin�c �cl, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, the council of a municipalily muy by bylaw proviJe for the erection of slop signs al intcrsections on highwuys under ilsjurisdiclion; NOW TFIGREPORE, thc Council �of tl�c Cornoralion of Ihc Town ot Pickcring 11Cl2GDY ENACCS AS �OLLOWS: L Slop signs sh�ll bc crccteJ at thc intcrscctions of highways scl oul in Colunm 1, facing Ihc lraffic bound in Aic direclion or Jirccliuns scl oul in Culumn II. 2.' ScheJule A la By-law 2G32/88, us mnendcd, is hcrcby fudhcr nmcndcJ by adding thcrclo qic following itcros; Column 1 Column II Intcrsections i'acinu Tndf ic Cmiso Drivc and Acom Lnnc SoulhbounJ on Cmisu Drivc 3. This byImv shnll nol comc inio forcc unlcss il is approvcJ by Ihc Council of qw Regional Municip:dity of Durham pursuant lo Ihc Rcgional Municipnlilics Acl, R.S.O. 1990, Chaptcr R.8, scclion 34. BY-LAW rcad a first, second anJ thirJ limc nnd finally passcd this 20ih Jay of Dcccmbcr, 199I, . Waync Arthurs, Muyor Brucc Tnylor, Clcrk G> ATTACHMENT#� t0 REPORT#�i2 1 n� � LEGEND N PROPOSED � � STOP SIGN TOWN OF PICNERINC TRAFFIC REPORT PUDIIt WONNS �CPMfMCNt � w� LOCATION OF PROPOSED STOP S�ON scuc �:xao - occ. iou9