HomeMy WebLinkAboutL38/99�H OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Junc Burton llATE: Scptembcr 20,1999 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMDE2: L 38/99 SUBJECT: Road - Dedicntion/Road Naming - Ptut Lot 20, Concession S, Pickering (Pnrt 5, Plan 40R-18149) - Filc; W2304,370/D9904 RECOMMENDATION: Hy-laws should bc ennctcd to: (a) nume the subject lands Nuthntch Strcet; and (b) dedicate the subjcct Innds ns public highway. ORIGIN: LD 173/99 to LD 177199. AUTHORITY: blmiiclpuf Ac�, R.S.O, 1990, chaptcr M.45, section 297(1)(n). FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Nonc. F.XECUTIVG SUMMARY; Not Applicuble. DACKGROUND: Approval of Lnnd Division Applications LD 173199 to LD 177/99 is subject lo severnl conditions. One of those conditions was thut the owner of the subject Innds entcr into an agreement to providc for, (a) the consWction of thc subject lands to base course asphnit; nnd (b) thc convcyancc of thc lands to the Town for road purposcs oncc thc construction af samc wns finnliud. As it is unticipated thnt the road works ��ill be constructed to stnnd�uds sutficicnt for the Town to t ccept Ihe wmcymice of same within the ncxt fcw days, by-lews should be enncted nuthorizing the naming and dedicating of the roud in ordcr to provide legal access to the adjncent lots. It should be noted thut thc Legal Dcpartment will hold in thcir files the ennctcd by-inws and rcgistmtion will not be c(fected until such timc as the road is complcicd to the sutisfaclion af thc Town's Dircctor of Public Works, 049 �050 Repon to Council L 38/99 Subject; Rond - AedicntionlRoud Nnming ATTACHMENTS; I. Location Map/Sita sketch. 2. Dmft by-laws (2). Prcparcd By: Denise �e DD:Ic Attnchments Copy: Chief Administmtive Officer Director of Public Works Scptembcr 20, 1999 Pngc 2 Approvcd/E� orsed y: �. � Jana Burtoi� U Recommcnded for the considcmtion of Pickering Town Council �� . �. r �i omas J. Quin , ChicfAdministm f(i cr � — ROAD � "�:oi i� � •r� u e��' 'DURHAM ROAD Nl 5• 1 ALLOWANLE 9EiWEEN CONCESSIONS r rur � . nu .a. . �w _ �_' I � � _. __.._.__. _'___ .—_'_'_—'_"—�..�_. . _._ � � •/t �..vnf.... I "____ i �nfelot .�.uM Ml:fjiat^��• ' 3 �,o� P�� ��'" R � ♦ PART 4 •1�� A �'�'+f,�� The Town of Pickering Road-Oedlcatlon/Road Namtng LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT -P�rt �ot zo, Concession B, Pickcriny _(���t 5, P�s7 n 4Q�R-1��q3) 9s: W2 [74.3 (7/fl. n6 ' ATTACHMENTti.�TO REPORTq.�I� , 052 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW N0. /99 Being a bylaw fo name fhal par! oj Lof 10, Concesslon 8, Plckering, desJguafed as Parf S, Plan 40R-l8I d9 (Nulhalch Srreer). WHEREAS pursunnt to section 210.111 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the council of a local municipality may pass by-Inws for giving namcs to or changing the names of highways on public property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the 'To«n of Pickering I�ERLBI' ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thc rond comprising that pari of Lot 20, Conccssion 8, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Part :. Plan 40R• 18149 is hcrcby namcd (Nuthatch Strcet). BY-LAW rcad a first, sccond nnd �hird timc und finally pused this 4th dny of Octobcr, 1999. os�oi Wnync AAhurs, Moyor Druce Taylor, Clcrk • ATTACHMENTil.�TOHEPORTq 38 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINC 053 BY-LAW N0. /99 Betng a by-!mv fo dedlcafe llml parf oj Lof 10, Concesslon 8, Pickertng, designated as Parl 5, Plan 40R-18149 (Nufhalch S�reel) as pu6llc hfghway, WHGREAS The Corporntion of Ihe Town of Pickering is the o��ner of that part of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering, designated as Parl 5, Pinn 40R•18149 and wishes to dedicnte it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the To��n of Pickering HL'REDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thnt parl of Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering, designated as Parl 5, Plan 40R•18149 is hercby dedicnted ns public highway (Nulhatch StrccQ. BY-LAW read a first, second and Ihird time nnd finally passed this 4th duy of Oclobcr, 1999. Wnync Arthurs, Muyor Druce Tnylor, Clcrk w:�a.�m