HomeMy WebLinkAboutL31/99� 40 �NOFp� �0 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Uye Manager af Legal Serviccs SU[►IECT: Road - Dedieation (Amarelto Avcnue) - Dlock 122, Plan 40M• 1312 - Pile: W2304.367 DATE: luly 20, 1999 REPORTNUMBER: L31199 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw should be enacted to dcdicalc Dlock 122, Plnn 40M-1312, Pickering, ORIGIN: Plan of Subdivisian 40M•1312 AUTHORITY: Mu,�tctpalAcr,R.S.0.1990,chaptcrMAS,seclion297(IXn). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil GXECUTIVE SUMMARY: NIA pACKGROUND: When the ebovc plan was rcgislcrcd, lhc resen�e block rcfcrrcJ lo e�es convcycd to thc Town ulong ihe �en cnd of Amaretto Avcnue. This rcserve was intcnJcd to be dcdicaled ns public highway upon the dcvclopment af adjnccnt Idnds in ordcr to provide Icga� access to Ihc pu6lic. As our Public Works Dep�Amcnt has edvised Ihnt road works in Ihis plan end adjacent lands havc bccn constructcd to standards su(flcicnt to permit public acccss, thc rcquircd dcdication should tt�crcforc bc made. ATTACHMENTS: I, Locetion MaplSite sketch. 2. DraR by-law. Preparcd y Approvcd / Endorsed �y: a .k�� e 1 arsons Dcnise Uy� JEP Attechments Copy: Chicf Administrelive Of(icer Direclor of Pubifc Works Recommendcd forthe coneiderailon ofPickeringTownC cii � ., p .� � ' Thomas 1. Quinn, Chicf dministr ' O iccr � ��'��.: � � .A � �f RY•LAW N0. 5538/99 lleing a byJativ lo dedJca�e Ulock 121, Plan 40M- 1312, Plckering, (Amare�lo �ivenrre) as pubilc Gighiva}: WHEREAS The Corporntion of the Town of Pickcring is tha owner of Block 122, Plan 40M- 1312 Pickering, and wishes to dedicate it as a public highwny. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporution of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLa1YS: l. IIlock 122, Plan 40M-1312, Pickering, is hereby dedicated ns public highwny (Amnretto Avenuc). BY-LAW rcad n first, second und third timc und finully pasmd this 3rd day oFAugust, 1999. Waync Anhurs, hlnyor Urucc Tnylor, Clcrk II� _ j � W7701J67 � :. .. . . . .. . . s�� � � . �_ . � -. � � . . � ' � ., n