HomeMy WebLinkAboutL22/99352 �NOFp� � ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Byc DATE: June 1 I,1999 Manager of Legal Services REPORT NUMBER: L 22/99 SUBJECT: Road - Dedicntion (Richardsan Strcet) - Part Block 84, Plan 40M-1515 (Parls 1 and 8, Plnn 40R-18609) - Filc: W2304.364/RE9810 RECOMMENDATION: A byInw should be enacted to dedicate thosc parts of I31ock 84, Plon 40M-1515, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 anJ 8, Plnn 40R-18609 as public highway, ORIGIN; Drufl Plan of Subdivision 18T-89117 �/ Dy-la�v 5405/98 Snlc of Surplus Lands AUTHORITY: Munlclpnf Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnplcr M.45, scction 297(I)(n), ' FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; N/A BACKGROUND: When Plan 40M-1515 was rcgistercd, thc Owncr conveyed to the Town Block 84 for future road purposes. At that time it wns anticipated thnt part of those lands would eventually be rcquired for the extension of Fnwndule Road when the lands to the south were developed. However, it has since bcen determined thnt Fawndale Roud w•ill not extend through those Innds, During the first quarter of 1999, the Town conveyed to Marshull Homes Corpamtion certain portions of Block 84 in order to: (a) provide frontnge to Blocks 79 and 80, nnd (b) construct af n walkway which would extend Gom the southerly limit of Richardson Strcet on Plan 40M-I515 and continue to the narth limit of Littleford Strect, through dmft pinn of subdivision 18T-89117 in order to provide a pedestrion linkage through the two developments. The timing of construction of the walkwuy is in kceping with the devclopmcnt of the adjnecnt plan of subdivision, however Mnrshnll Nomcs has finished constNCtion of the dwelling unit on Block 80 and anticipate finaliting wnstruction of the dwclling unit on Dlock 79 during thc Council rccess, In ordcr to provide legal acccss to the ncw crcntcd dwcilings, Pnrls I and 8, Plwi AOR-18609 must be dedicated as public highway, I _�. r Repodto Council L 22/99 June 1 I,19993 '�J 3 Subject: Rond • Dedicatton (Wchardsan Strcet) Pege 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map/Sitc sketch. 2. Dmfi byInw. Approved / Endorsed By: �l � Denisa Syc DB:Ic Attnchments � Copy: Chief Administmtivc Officcr Director of Public Works Recommended for thc wnsidcmtion . ' of Pickcring Town Council �� ./q .. ✓H [ ,X �C . . . o as 1. Qu , Chi . dmi ' tivc O iccr r � �, _ : ; �_ , , ,. ... .' .. � r .YI � � � 7 z r f' � ; . . . . . � . . , � � . . . ...., � , . . �.. . . . _. � ATTACHMENT 8 2 r� � �tc� U�� i�; THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING 355 BY-LAW NO , Being a by�law lo dedicale Ihose Parls oJ Block ' 84, Pla» JOM-15/S, Prckerrng, desigriared as Par1s / and 8, Plan 40R-18609 (Richardson SrreeQ as pub/!c hlghway. WFIEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is ihe oumer of those parts of Block 84, Plen 40M•1515, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 and 8, Plan 40R-18609 and wishes to dcdicate them as public highway. NOW TEIEREFORE, the Council of The Corporalion of ihe Town of Pickering HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those pans of Block 84, Plan 40M-I515, Pickering, designated as Parts I and 8, Plan 40R-18609 are hereby dcdicated as public highway (Richardson Strcet). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passcd Ihis 28th dey of Junc, 1999. Waync Arlhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk I wz�waw