HomeMy WebLinkAboutL26/990�� OF p� W♦ F REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Bye DATG: Jur.e 21,1999 Manager of Legal Services REPORT NUMBER: L 2G/99 SUBJECT: Road - Dedication (Squires Bench Road) - Pnrt Dlock 37, Plan 40M-1552 - Dcsignatcd us Purts 1 and 2 on 40R-XXXX - Filc: W2304.XXX RECOMMENDATION: A byInw should bc enactcd to dcdicatc thasc parts of I31ock 37, Plnn 40M-I515, Pickcring, designatcJ ns Parts I and 2, Plan 40R-XXXX. ORIGIN: Sitc Plan Application (57/99) AUTHORITY: ,14�mictp�d Ar4 R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, section 297( I)(n). FINANCIAL [MPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: When the above plan wus rcgistered, the reserve block rcferrcd to wns convcycd to thc Town along Squims Bcach Road to prcvcnt acccss to thc nbutting Innds locntcd thcrcon. The applicanl hcrein proposcs to dcvclop n warehousc and a lwo storey ofticc building fronting onto Squires Bcach Rond. Prcsently, access to the property is obtained by Copperslonc Drivc. 7lvough thc Site Plan process, it wns detcrtnincd thnt part of this rescrve block nceds to be liticd by thc Town to nllow acccss to npplicnnt's lands. The Public Works Department envisions thnt this would ennble commcrcinl vehicles continued use of Copperstone Drive us uccess to their propedy and would nllow ull other vehicles acccss off Squires Deach Road. The applictmts anticipate 6nnlizing construction of the development during thc Council rccess. In order to provide legul nccess to the new crcnted devclopment, Parts 1 nnJ 2, Plnn 40R- XXXXX must bc dcdicatcd as public highwuy. Oncc our Public Works Depnrtment has ndvised thnt road works havc bccn construcled to sinndards sufficicnt to pertnit public nccess, thc rcquircd dedicntion would thcrcforc be made. 357 Rcport to Council L 26/99 . Junc 21,1999 358 SubjecC Road - Dedicntion (Squires Ocnch Road) Nb6� Z ATTAC}IMENTS: 1. Location Map/Site sketch, 2. Dmft bY-Inw. Prcpnred By; Approved / Endorsed Dy: Jody ns �� � � Demsc Byc Copy; ChiefAdministmtivcOfliccr Director of Public Works Recommended for the considemtion of Pickcring Town Council ., „ , Nn C j ns J. Q , Chi Administ ' Offic r 9Y �,� ,� �; 1 � e�rreruMCn�ru � rnocnnor�l_n1�qq ATTACHMENTU�TOREPORTIf L��l l . ' 36� THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERIVG aY•LA W N0. Being a 6ylatir m dedlca�e Ihose Par�s ojBlock ' 37, Plan dOM-/551, Pickering, des(gna�ed as Parts 1 and 1, Plan 40R-�Kla' (Sqrdres Beach _ Road) as pu611c htghway. WIiEREAS Thc Corporalion of thc Town of Pickering is thc owncr of thosc paAS of Olock 37, Plan AOM-1552, Pickering, dcsignated as Puns I nnd 2, Plnn 40R-XXXX and �eishes to dcJicate them as pubiic highwuy. NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of Tlic Corporation of the To«n of Pickcring HGRE81' ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thosc pans of Olock 37, Plan 40M-1552, Pickering, dcsignatcd as Pans I und 2, Plnn 40R•XXXX arc hcreb}• dedicaled as public high«�ay (Squires Deach Road). E3Y-LAW rcad n first, second nnd ihirJ timc anJ finaUy passcd this 28th da�• of Junc,1999. Woync Arihurs, Mayor �� Drucc Taylor, Clcrk w�oo}�s .r..