HomeMy WebLinkAboutL27/99�N OF p� sbs� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Dcnisc Byc pATE: Junc 23, 1999 Managcr, Lcgal Scrvices REPORT NUMBER: L 27149 SUBJECT: Road - Dcdication (Fairport Road) • Part Lot 21, Rcgistcrcd Compilal Plan S 19, Pickcring (Put I, Plan 40R-XXXXX) - Filc: W2304.361 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should bc cnactcd to dodiwtc that part of Lot 21, Rcgistcrcd Compilcd Plan 819, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXXX as public high«ay. ORIGIN: Durham Land Division Committcc Dccision LD184198. AUTHORI'IY: Munlclpal Acr, R.S.O. 199D, chaptcr MAS, scction 297(I)(a), FINANCIAL IMPLICAT(ONS:Nanc. EXECIIfIVE SUMMARY: NIA BACKGROUND: Approval of land Division Applicalion LD184/98 is subjcct to scvcral wndilions, onc of ahich rcquires that lhc applicant wnvcy to thc To«n a ccrtain portion of land for rwd ��•idcning purposcs, u�hich land must ultimatcly bc dcdicatod as public high«ay in ordcr to providc Icg�l access to lhc ncwly crcatcd lol. As it is anticipatcd t6at thc rcquiral documrntation ro c(fcM thc convcyancc will bc providcd during Council rcccss, it is ncccssary to gct lhc proper approvals at lhis timc. Upon thc convcyancc to lhc To�m of that part of Lot 21, Rcgistcrcd Compilod Plan 819, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Part I, Plan 40R-XXXXX and approval from Public Warks, thc attachcd byla«• «ill bc rcgistcrcd thcrcby dcdicating thc lands sct oul thcrcin as public highway, ATTACHMENTS: l. Location M�p/Sitc skctch. 2. Dr.�fl by-law. Approvcd / Endorscd By: Dcnisc Byc DB:Ic Attachmcnu Copy: Chicf Administrntivc 0�'iccr Dircctor of Pu61ic Works • Rccommrndcd for thc wnsidcmlion of Pickcring Town Council � �� i� o sl, uinn icfAdminietrativ ccr � • AITACHMEhTU � r.nIlEP01iT11.� pc%�q I �365 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING IIBY•LAW N0. Being a by-law ro dedlcare rhar parr oj Lor 1/, Reglstered Comp!!ed Plan 819, Pickering, designated as Par! l, Plan 40R-XXXXX (Fairpor! Road) as pu6/ic hlgMvay. WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is ihe owner of that part of Lot 21, Registered Compiled Plan 819, Pickering, designeted as Part 1, Plan 40R-XXXXX and wishes to dedicatc it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of The Corporation of the Toun of Pickering IiGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That part of Lot 21, Registered Compiled Plan 819, Pickering, designatcd as Pan I, Plan 40R-XXXXX is hereby dedicated as public highway (Fairport Road). BY-LAW read e first, second and third timc and finally passcd Ihis 28th day of lune, 1999. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Druce Taylor, Clak w�aaei � 'R1, . �. . � . . . . . �f: '� . . . � . . . . � . '4 .' _ . - . . n.., . . . . .