HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 33-98�/` � . " � . . . , . � - . � .��_' � . . . . . . . . . _ . � J�H OF � � � � � � �.. � . . . � � � � � � - e . 40 � � � . . � . . � . � J � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson DATE: Novcmbcr 30,1998 Director of Finnnce &'freasurer REPORTNUMBER; FIN33•98 SUBJECT: 1998 Assessment Roll - for 1999 Taxation RECOMMENDATION: Thnt Report FIN 33-98 bc receivcd for infortnution. OIt1aIN: Director of Financc dc Treasurcr AUTHORITY: Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990 as nmended. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not upplicable EXEC(JTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicuble BACKGROUND: On November 17, 1998, lhe Regianal Assessment Commissioner advised of the foilowing dntcs for the retum of the 1998 Assessment Roll for l999 Uixation purposes: Regular Assessment Notice Mniling November 19-24,1998 Amended Assessment Notice Mailing Decembcr 21,1998 Roll Retum Decembcr 22,1998 Appeal Dendline Merch 31,1999 '- Amended Notice Appenl Deadline + March 31,1999 ,, ,' "The date of the retum of the 1998 Roll of December 22, 1996 is similur to previous yc6rs, �vith tha exceptian of the 1997. This datc will nllow thc first intcrim tax bills to bo issuad carly in 1999, depending upon B311 79, Faimess 1br Property Tuxpaycrs Act, 1996, and forthcoming � 'Reguletions, y4 � i: f :L r� ��_�: `:� .. �. . _ . . � . . . . , ... , . � , . � . � . : . ' . ', � {{ ''', - 4 ' 1� � . ; i:: �� '.` Report to Counc�l FM 33 98 .` f� Date: November 30, 1998 �i't �.Subject: 1998 Assessmrnt Roll • for 1999 Taxatlon.',' � Page2 v ,� 77�e appenl periad dc:dlinc hos been extonded by thc Provinco to Mnrch 31, 1999, This extension allows property owners more Hme thnn in previous years to register on nppeul of their assessed values. P.TTACHMENTS: —i Not npplicabla Approvcd / Endorsed By: � � � � i x � �� Gillis A. Patecson Dircctor of Financc & Trcasurcr GAP:vw Copy: Genernl Mannger Recommended for the coreidemtion of Pickering Tawn Council . � �« . i 0 os J. Qw , (ie ��i-� � � - . ', i � , �� .< < �� � � ' : t :, � 5 i l � . r" -