HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 44/98� , , Oy1H OF p4 3. � `cA n � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: March 18,1998 Town Solicitor Tim Moore Chief Building Official Patrick Pearsall Fire Chief REPORT NUMBER: L44/98 SUBJECT: A byInw to requirc thc inswliution of smokc nlarms and cnrbon monoxidc detectors in residentiul occupancies. RECOMMENDATION: Ttwt Council pass the neccssury rcsolutions to: l. Direct the �irc Chief to cxpand thc Firc Scrvices Dcpurtmcnt's cxisting public servicc and information program ("Thc Homc Sufcry Awareness Progmm") to promotc thc mnintennncc of fuei buming appiiances and systcros, and thc instnllation of smokc alurms and cnrbon monoxidc dctcctors in all dwclling unils in thc Town. 2. Direct thc'fown Clcrk to prcparc thc neccssury umcnJmcnt to thc Town's Fccs by-law, for considemtion by Council once the To�m's costs to provide the snfety kit hns bcen estublished by the Firc Chief, in consultation wilh thc 'fotm's Dircetor of Financial Scrviccs. ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: Thnt Council considcr thc adoption of thc nttached by-luw which will rcquirc Ihc instullation und maintennnce of smoke ularms end a cnrbon monoxidc dctcctors in cvcry dwclling unit localed wilhin lhe Town. ORIGIN: Council Resolution N29/98 AUTHORITY: The Muntclpa/ Ac� R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 section 102 'fhe Fire Pro�ecNon and Prevenflon Acl, 1997, 5.0.1997, c.4. w;i; : , i - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: +''� L The adoption of the atwchcd Bylaw will rcquirc thc allocation of significant �irc �'�f �; ;, Depadment and Legal Services Depnrtment resources iFit is to be uggrcssivcly enforced. �.��� _ ��; � 2' - The public srnicc and information initielivc dcscribcd in this rcport will rcquirc funding �'�' ' . for productlon, disUibutian and promotion of materinls, not cxpccted to cxcccd 55,000. t`� �}j�f t � $ �� � . ,1S , � 1 .., �n -� � "�jf .t /� '� � s�'t24E� � ++`� : tr x x :� �% , 2 � Report to Council L 44/98 Mazch I8, 1998 Subjecu Smokc Ainrtns nnd Carbon Monoxide Datectors poge 2 If the Town promates end distributcs home sufcty kits in an expanded Homc Safety Program, which includcs a smokc alarm and CO detector, funding is rcquired to cover lhe up-front costs of purohesing the matcrinls for these kits, It is anticipatcd that n user fec will be estnblished to recover the Town's out of pockct costs. 'fhe estimntcd funding requimd is S10,000. Fire Service Accounts 2240•2394 and 2240-5902. Tdese are non•budgeted lfema. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Following the denths of two persons relnted to ctubon monoxide poisoning in n dwelling in Toronto, Council pnssed Resolution H29/98 dirccting lhe Town Clerk to cortespond with the Provincial Ministries responsible for enncting Iegislntion which could rcquirc the insinllation of cnrbon monoxide detectors in nll new und existing dwcllings, urging them to do so. The Town Clerk issued the cortespondence on Februaty 4,1998 (sce attachments). Resolution #29/98 ulso directed the authors of this rcporl to investigatc the matter and rcporl buck to Council with a dmit bylaw rcquiring iustnllation of cnrbon monoxidc detcctors and smoke nlarms in ull rcsidential dwellings within the Ta�m, nnJ to report on thc costs und bcnefits of u support program to faciliwte the instnllation of Ihesc devices. As dirceicd by Cauncil, this rtport nitnches n by-law for Council's considerntion, but cautions thnt the conslruction nnd sufety stnndards rclating to this issue for new and existing buildings arc Provinciul rother thnn Municipul juriscliction. Thc Ontaria Firo Code Rcgulalion �388/97 und thc Onlaria Building Code curmntly rcyuire smoke nlnrms to bc installcd und maintained in ull dwellings. Thosc rcquirements nre enforccd by Town staff under Ihe existing I'rovincinl Icgislntion. The inslullntion of CO and smokc dcicctors will bcnefit the hcalth and safcly of Town rcsidents. Staft'strongly rccommcnd in addition lo urging thc Provincc to pass Icgislalion rcquiring CO dctectors in all cxisting dwcllings, nnd rcgnrdless of whcthcr a by-Inw is passed, thnt thc Town expwid ils existing public ewarencss nnd suppon program, ihrough thc �irc Dcpartment which will include: 1. Pubiic information unnouncemenls in thc community pagc of the locnl ncwspaper; 2, Thc production of nn informntion brochurc, describing potcntinl hn�nrds anJ promoting homc maintenunce und the inslnllntion of carbon monoxide dctection devices nnd smoke nlatms, to be distributed through thc Town's existing snfety uwareness prognun; 3. A similor informution puckagc for inciusion on thc Town's intcmct web sitc; 4. Thc promotion end distribution ofn Homc Sufety Kit which will includc a smokc nlurm and a CO detector together wilh instnllution insWctions ond n home safety inspcction conducted by Fire Services stafi; 5. The Town's building rcview process will include notificntion to all upplicnnts udvising of Ihc requirements of the proposed Tawn by-law; nnd 6. Following enactment of the bylaw, municipul occupancy pertnits will not bc issued far new rcsidcntial buildings until the neccssnry CO detector and smoke alarms huve bccn instullcd. BACKGROUND: Sourcea and Hezard� otCerbon Mono:idc Carbon monoxide (CO) is un odourless, colourlcss toxic gos with approximntcly thc samc density ns air, which is formcd as n by-product of thc incomplcic combustion of m m�tcrinl or fucl. CO disperses rnpidly In air, und cnn percolate through seemingly impctvious mnterials likc wncrotc. � % Repoct to Council L 44/98 March I8,1998 • , iz Subject: Smoke Alarms und Carbon Monoxidc Detectors Pogc 3 Potential sources of carbon monoxide in n dwclling includa: • Iwky heat exchangcrs in fwnaces • improper or blocked exhaust venis for ges epplinnces • fireplaces or stovcs thut are impropedy exhuusted or blocked • idling vehicles in ntwched guruges and in underground garages • improperly vented spacc heaters • bnrbequcs Exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide cnuses flu like symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, confusion nnd fatigue. Higher Icvci cxposurcs cnn result in nbdominal pain, diarrhea, impaired vision, convulsions, comn and eventually denlh. The Ievcl of concentration of CO and thc durntion of exposure arc both critical fuctors in the degree of hnztud presentcd. Curbon monoxide poisoning is n leadind cnuse o( accidental poisoning within dwellings. On nveragc, 30 persons die nnnuully in Cnnadn ns u result of accidental curbon monoxidc poisoning in dwellings. There is no record of nny accidcnwl deaths occurting within Pickering ns u rcsult of curbon monoxide poisoning. By way of comparison, thc falnlity rntc for Pickcring duc lo dwelling fires is upproximately one evcry 2.5 yeurs. Prevention anJ Protcctton �'•The maintenance nnd proper venting of fuel buming applianccs is the most significnnt aspecl of prcvcntion. Thc rccent lrogedy in Toronto wus rcporicdly n conscqucncc of n blocked chimncy, which perhaps may hnve bcen dctcetcd anJ nvoidcJ had periodic inspections bcen undertukcn. Greater public awurcness of lhc dungcrs of impro�r maintcnancc would thcrefare bc of significnnt benefit to public safety. Carbon monoxidc dctcctors, listed und IabelcJ by Undcnvriters Laboralorics of Cunnda (ULC) nre thc most cffective mcans of wnming occupants of exccssive concentrntions of CO which have not been prevcntcd. Thcrc arc a wide variety of both baucry powcrcd nnd electrical CO detcction deviccs now rcadily nvailabic in thc markctplacc, which wam of conccnlrntions by mcans of nn nlarm beforc CO rcachcs ha�rdous Icvcls. Thcsc Jcviccs vary in cost, scnsitivity, longevity, rcquircmcnts for maintennncc nnd the tcchnology uscd to dctect C0. Mnny rcquirc periodic testing and replacement, and consequcnAy the instnllation of a detection device does not ue pove the nced for homcowncr diliecncc. ULC, which is rccogniud us thc authority with respect to construction safcty stnndurds nnd tcsts and certifics CO dctcctors to national stnndnrds, recommends thnt al lenst one CO detcctor ba insmllcd in evcry dwclling, nenr the slccping amas. Atmched to this rcport is a chart which identifics some of the carbon monoxide detectors curmnQy on thc mnrket. Curcent Lcgialalion The Ontario Building Code prescribes stundards for nll new dwcllings in Ontario, whilc the Ontario Fire Code addresscs safety and maintenance issues in existing dwellings. The Ontario Building Code requires the installation of gosproofing measures bctwccn attnched gazeges md dwellings, which mitigetes the CO hauuds from uutomobilc sources. It ulso rcquircs the installetion of smoke alam�s on every tloor level. The Code however docs not rcquirc the instellation of CO detcclors in most houses. They nre rccogniud nnd addrcssed in thc Code, and are mandatory in specific cnses where n solfd fuel buming appliance is instnlled (such ns a ,, woodbuming fireplace or stovc). Thc Ontnrio Building Code hns exclusivc jurisdiction ovcr minimum specifications for all new buildings in the Town, nnd a specific provision of Uu BulldJng Code Acl rendcrs ineffective nny contrary municipul by-law. Thc To�m theroforc ' appears to hnve no legal capabiliry for cnforoing the rcquiremcnt for u CO dclector in thc .+ y''convtrucdon of any new dwelling. Town staff will advise buildcrs of thc Town's rcquircments F;.; 4' . thcough the building permlt process, und will enforcc thc mquircmcnts through thc municipnl �; ;: occupency pemiit process, rnlher than the building pertnit proccss. It is wonh noting, howcvcr, � y.£> ' that en occupancy pertnit is not u mandetory rcquircmcnt under thc Duilding Codc Act, nnd �� ;� � lhereforo thls approach cannot gunrontec the instullmcnt of a dcvicc in every ncw dwclling. �,, k__�� � _._i. . . � . . � � ,,� �� �^ Report to Cotmcil L 44/98 Mazch 18, 1998 .,�6jecL Smoke Alarms nnd Curbon Monoxide Deteclors Page 4 The Ontario Fire Code, Regulation N388/97, requires the inslalletion and muintenunce of smoke alarms in all dwelling units, which, in concert with the rr,quircments of the Ontario Quilding Code, eliminates the need for an additionnl cnforcement vehicic for such alurtns on nny new or existing dwelling. The Fire Code docs not requirc tha installntion of CO detectors in nny dwelling. The muintenance of fuel buming appliances is, however, nddressed in thc Pirc Codc, nnd is presently being enforced by the Town. Conclu�ion and Recommended Messurea It is appurent lhut, given ►he scope of the ha�nrd und the regulatory Inndscape surtounding thc requirements fot snfety wilhin buildings in Onlurio, lhe Town's most appropriatc coursc of nction is to conduct un effective public service infortnntion program conceming the hn7nrds of carbon monoxide poisoning, nnd the means of mitigating these dnngers. In order to provide residents with musonuble time to comply with the proposed by-law, it is recommended that the by-law not bccome effectivc until November I, 1998. Thc promotionnl initictive however, should commence immediately. This program should be dcvcloped and udminislered primnrily through thc Town's �irc Scrviccs Depnrtmcnt. Amendmenls to lhc Town's fecs by-Inw will be rcquired prior to initiating thc snle of Safety Kits. A report describing this initintivc in morc dcwil, and to nmcnd thc fces by-Inw will bc forihcoming oncc the purchase price of the alarms and detectors havc been estublishcd. Thc rccommended public infortnution progmm includes: I. Public informution announcements in thc community page of thc locul ncwspaper; 2. Thc production of an infortnalion brochurc, describing polcntinl hazards nnd promoting homc maintenance und the instnllation of carbon monoxide detcction dcviccs and smokc ularms, to be distribulcd through thc Town's cxisting snfcty awarcncss progrnm; 3. A similar infortnation pnckogc for inclusion on thc Town's intemct web silc; 4. The promotion and distribution of a f lomc Safcty Kit which will includc n smokc alnrtn und a CO delcctor together with instnllation instructions and u home snfcty inspcction conducted by Fire Serviccs smff; 5, 'Cha Town's building rcvicw process will includc notification to nll upplicants advising of thc requirements of the proposcd Town by-law; and 6. Folio�;�ing enactment of the by-law, municipal occupe�icy permits will not be issued for new residential buildings until the necessary CO detector and smoke alnrtns have been insinlled. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution N29/98, 2. Correspondence to the Ministry of the Solicitor Geneml dated Februnry 4 1998 3. Chart regazding Carbon Monoxide Detectors. � 4, A draR Bylaw to mquire the insmliation of smoke nlarms end carbon monoxide detcctars in residenUa! occupancies, Prep ed By: � r ,r: . � •� Tim ,ChiefBuildingOfficial E� �< � � � ��x: s i � 'py � ���� �`� 'Attachments ��n� � .I/���� /- �� I��� � �.' , �L►�� \ �� iq �ITN,,,LTO REPORT#� �Y S �aolution N29� ' Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Holland WtiEREAS the rxent tragedy in Toronto resulted in the dwth of two pwple due to carbon mono�de poisoning; end W}�REAS ihe Onterio Building Code end the Ontario Fire Code do not require the mandatory installation of a carbon monoxide detection devia in every new and existing dwelling in any municipality in Ontario; and WHEREAS such devices are low wst and have proven to be eflcctive in waming occupents of the presence of potentially lethal concentrations of carbon monoxide in a building; and WF�REAS the presence of carbon monoxide in dangerous concentrations is difficult to detect except through the installation oia carbon monoxide detection devia; NOW T[�REFORE the Councii of the Corporalion of the Town of Pickering hereby resolves that l. The Town Clerk be directed to contact Ihe Minister of Municipal Aft'airs and Housing and the Minister of the Solicitor General on behalf of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering, urging the Ministers to implement emergency amendments lo the Ontario Ouilding Code and the Ontario Fire Coda which will require the mandatory installation of carbon monoxide delection devices in every dwelling, and 2. THAT the Fire Chief, the Town Solicitor and the Chief Duilding Otficial be directed to investigale this matter and report back to Council within 1 month, with a drefl by-taw for consideration by Council, rcquiring thc installation of a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide detection device in every dwelling in the Town of Pickering, and to prepare a report on the costs and benefits of a suppon program to be implemented by the Corporation to facilitate the installation of thesc dcvias. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Dickcrson, Ilolland, ]ohnson, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Mhurs Resolulion H30/98 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Ryan That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby endarses the resolution of the Public Library Board dated January 22, 1998 to contract with the firm Stephen Tceple Architect Inc. Por the new westcm library branch. CARRIED � 1;.' " f, �' �o��F 4� � Tl�e corporaUon a nx ibwn or MckrinH qe�IcY DeparUl�ent pftrnty Uvk compu aro u�e RvU�ude ncra�, onwo uma+ uv w IXRrtAaau I9ofl�70�6E0 pep�rtma�t IW51�70�611 „y,,,a� �vos� �» oas mm �vosiuo-n» posi aiara aaKUe oo»aoosis tnut tlM�ttamP��imu ;�: Af TApfl�1T N,.�'pp �E'pRf N� S Febniazy 4,1998 Hon. Runcimen, Minister of thc Solicitor Generel, I ith FI., 25 Grosvenor St., Toronto, Onterio M7A 1Y6 Please bc advised that the Council of thc Town of Pickering pazud Ihe following resolution at i1s mccting of February 2,1998: WNEREAS the reccnt iragedy in Toronto resultcd in the deuth of two pcoplc due to carbon monoxidc poisoning; end WFIERGAS thc Ontario Building Code end the Ontario Firc Codc Io not rcquire the mandalory instnilution of a cerbon monoxide detection dcvice in cvery new and cxisling dwclling in any municipality in Onwrio; and Wl ILRGAS such devices ere low cost and have proven to be effective in waming occup�nts of thc prescnce of polcnlially Icthnl conccntrutions of cnrbon monoxidc in a building; and WIICREAS thc presencc of carbon monoxidc in dangcrous concentrations is dif(icult lo dctcct cxccpt through thc installation of a carhon monoxidc dcicction dcvice; NOW TI IGRCFORE the Council of Ihe Corporalion of the ToH�n ot Pickering hcrcby resolvcs thet: I. The Town Clcrk be directed to conlact Qic Minisicr of Municipal Affairs und liousing and thc Minister of Ihe Solicilor Gcncrol on behalf of thc Council of thc Corporntion of Ihc Town of Pickcring urging thc Minisicrs lo implcmcnt cmcrgcncy nmendments to Ihc Ontario Duilding Codc and the Ontario Firc Codc which will rcquirc ihc mandatory inslallation of cnrbon monoxidc dctcction dcvices in cvcry dwclling; nnd ` , , f, � �..t ` ' '� 15 • ' 2' AITACHM9VTN 2 �� �' 2. Thet the Firo Chlef, ihe Town Solicitor end Ihe Chlef Building O�cid be dirccted to (nvesligate lhis matter and report back to Council wilhin 1 month, wilh a dreft bylaw for consideretion by Counc(I, requiring the inslallation of ' e smoke alerm end carbon monoxide detection devicc in every dwelling in the Town of Pickedng, end to prcpare e rcpoA on Ihe wsts and benefits of e support program W be implemcnted by the Corporetion to facililete the installetion of these devica. If you have any queslions with respect to this merier, please do not hesilate w conlact the Ckrks Department at 420-0611. Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk , /dk {,. , �'; ,;, � � � � < F ' is �1"fA�MlNTN�' --'.C�1� --• � � C��.�D� �.�1$ �..� ... . ..... E...� . .... .... �������� E������ � ���'���� ������ E��; � ����� � ������ �'��� .� ����� �q��; ..��� ..�� ..��� . � . .���� �� .����� �.� �� � �� .�� �� .���� � � � � � � � � N � � J 8 G � ♦ M � � V � � y 8 � 0 M G � J � � �J : 8 G � a u � ������� [ P�+ � � P A r �{Fs��y� ���� �� � � � Jbu wp �p+0p�«p� Jp O� O O O O O �� ����� Ciuu�nG�n a������ M�P^NVV u������ 0 .� � .� �� . � °z 0 z 0 � rn � 0 � � 0 � 0 H � v ; ,I, ;I � 1. �;��•; ��► � 1. • ./► � :ht� BY-LAWNO. 5247/98 Being a bylew to rcquirc the installetfon of Smoke Alartns and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in residential occupancies. 17 :;':t WfiEREAS Secdon 102, of the MunteipaJ Acr ("The AcP') provides ihet a municipnlity may pacs bylaws for the health, safery, morality end welfere of the inhabitanls of the mwicipality; AND WHEREAS Section 2I0, parogrnph 44 of the Act provides ihat a municipality is authoriud to pass a by-law for requiring buildings and ynrds to be put in a safe condition to guard against fire or other dnngerous risk or accidrnt; AND WHEREAS Section 210, paragraph 49 of the Act provides thnt a municipality is nuthoriud to make such other regulations Cor preventing fires and the spread of fires �c Council considers necessary; AND WHEREAS Section 2l0 paragraph 46 of lhe Act provides that a municipality may appoint officers to enter at ell reasonuble times upon property in order to ascertain whether the byInw is obeyed and to enforce or carry inlo effect the by-lew; AND WIIEREAS Section 320 of the Municipal Act, by-Inws may be pazsed by Council providing tltat eny person who contravenes uny bylew �f Council pnssed undcr lhe outhority of the Municipal Act is guilty of an off'ence; AND WHEREAS the Cowcil for The Carporation of the Tawn of Pickcring consider it neccssary, in order to prevent the spread of fire und to reduce the heulih risks to occupants, to mquire smoke ainrtns and cnrbon monoxide detectors to be instnlled in residenliul buildings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORI'ORATION OP THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: DEFINITIONS 1. In this by-law, (a) "BasemenP' means nny storey below the first storey; (b) "Dwelling Unit" means a room or suite of rooms opemted as a housekeeping unit that is used or intended to be used ns a domicile by one or more persons and that may conwin cooking, ealing, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities; (c) "Ctubon Monoxide Detector' means a battery or electricully powered combined carbon monoxide detectar nnd nudible alarm device that: (i) is designed to sound an nudible alurm upon detection of excessive concentmtions of cnrbon monoxide; end (ii) is equipped with on indicator which provides a rendily visibla or audible indicntion thnt tha device is in operating conditian; and (iii) where electrically powored, hes no switch between the dctcctor and thc power distribution panel; nnd (iv) confotms to the Undenvriters' Labarntories Smndard 2034 and, wherc electrically powcred, is approved by the Canndian Standarda Associotion; (d) "Firo Chief' moans the Chief of the Fire Depnrtment of the Town; �I� ' ,(e) "Ffm PrevenC �n OfficcP' moans a membcr of the Fire Prevention Division of the ' u`�� $+ Firo Depertme it af thc Totvn end includes the Fire Chief end any other memlxr �' of the Firo Depurtment designated by the Fire Chief; (� "Occupant" means any person or person over the nge of 1 S years, or eny firm, or corporation in possession of a dwelling unit; (g) "Ownot" includes the registared owner and any person, firtn, or corporation maneging or receiving rent for n dwelling unil, whether on his own account or as an ngent, trustee, or representntive of the owner, or any other person who so receives tho rent if such dwelling unit is leased and includes an owner, occupier, or ony person to whom rent is paynble; (h) "Residentiel occupancy" means the occupancy or use of n building or part thereof by persons for whom sleeping occommodation is provided but who are nat harboured or demined to receive medical care or veaUnent or who are not involuntarily detained; (i) "Smoke alarm" means a battery or electricully powered combined smoke detection device and nudiblc alarm device that: (i) is designed to sound an alarm within a room or suite in which it is located where thera is smoke within a room or suite; (ii) is equipped with an indicnlor which provides a reudily visible or audible indicution ihat the device is in opernting condition; (iii) where electrically powered, hus no switch between thc smokc alarm and the power distribution panel; unJ (iv) has been npproved by the Undenvriters' Lnbomtories of Canada and, wherc electricnlly powered, by ihc Canadian Standards Associalion. (j) "Slorey" mcuns thut portion ofa building thnt is situated bctwecn the Iloor and Ihc ceiling ubove it. (k) "Town" means The Corporation of Ihc Town of Pickering. APPLICATION 2. The provisions of lhis by-law do not apply to matters govcmed by provincinl legislation, including the Quilding Code Act, ihe Fire Alarsha/s Act and Hale/ Fire Sujery Act, all nmendmenis thereto nnd regulutions thereunder and the provisions of the by-Inw shall be canstrued accordingly. • SMOKEALARMS 3. Every owner and occupant of a dwelling unit shall instnll and mnintnin smoke alurms in ench dwelling unit ns set out in this by-Inw. 4. Smoke nlartns shall be instnlled on ar near the ceiling in accordance with the menufacturers inswctions und in conCormance with tho Canudian Electrical Code and shall be located; (a) On each storey, including tt basement, where sleeping areus ore locnted, (i) between each sleeping aren and the rcmainder of the dwelling unit; or (ii) in the hallwny, where e sleeping area is served by n hallway belonging to the dwelling unit; und (iil) ln the path of exit travel on any storey not conwining a sleeping arca. 6. Every owner shall supply a copy of the manuFacturcr's muintenance instructions to the occupant(s) of the dwelling unit, who shall maintain thc smoke nlartn(s) in opernting conditlon at all times in accordance with the manufacturcr's muintennnce insttuctions, -II � ;• 7. Smokc alarms shall be equfpped with en elerm that is dearly audible within all bedrooms ' ' when the intervening dooro ere ciosed. � 9! 8. �N:i;:� LL� �, i i w �� Every awner and occupant of a dwelling unit shall install end meintain carbon monoxide detectors in every dwelling wit es set out in this by-law. 9. A minimum of one (1) cerbon monoxide detector shall be installed in every dwelling unit, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. 10. Every owner shell supply a copy of the manufacturer's maintenence inswctions to the occupant(s) of the dwelling unit, who shall maintain 1he carbon monoxide detector in operating condition at ull times in accardance with Ihc manufacturer's maintennnce InsWCti0n9. I 1. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be equipped with an alatm that is clearly sudible within all bedrooms when the intervening doors are closed. INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT 12. Every Fire Prevention Officer mny, upon the complvnt of an occupant or owner, inspect eny residential occupuncies or dwclling units, and for such pu�pose mny at all reasonable hours and upon producing proper identification, enter into und upon the building or premises containing the dwelling units Cor the purpose of exnmination and ascertaining whether provisions of this by-Inw have been obeyed and to enCorce or carry into effect the by-lew. 13. Where a Firo Prcvention Officer ascertnins thnt en owner or an occupant hns not complied with the requirements of Ihis by-Inw, he may scrve a notice to comply to the owner and to the occupunt in writing, delivered personnlly or by rcgistered mail, which notice shnll include: a) The name and address of the person upon whom notice is servcd. b) The address of premises which is the subject of the non-compliance. c) Reasonable particulazs of the requircments of this bylaw to which there is non- compliance, and the nctions rcquired in order to comply with this by-Inw. d) A rcquirement that the person scrved shnll remcdy the non-complinnce fonhwith. OFFENCES 14, Every person who contravenes any provisions of this ByLnw is guilty of nn offence and liable upon conviction lo a fine of not more thnn SS,000.00 exclusive of costs ns authoriud by The Provincinl Offences Act, Section 61, R,S.O. 1990, c. P33 as nmended, except where othenvise expressly provide by-law, which shall be recoverable under the provisions of The Provincial Offences Act nnd all the provisions of the said Act shall apply to any prosecution for uny offence under the provisions of this By-Inw. IMPLEMENTAT[ON I5. This by-Isw shall comc into force and effect on November I,1998. �I BY-LAW read a first, sewnd and third time and finally pessed this 6th day of Apri1,1998. . � jcai} �, - F' ;:;.�:I...;. �,�:� . .� ' Wayne Arthurs, Mnyor Drucc Tnylor, Clerk �MUNICIPACRYOF larington ormwio March 10, 1998 Mr. B. Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Town of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Eeplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Taylor: ����D,� 2 0 \��� � � 199 � D� ,A� � �,�N ��u' ,�\v�S �`O '`O�QC�P�GO � C c ' ������/�( / V �— �ECEe�O�p eorr..as TOWNOFpIC�ERING MAR � � 19y� CLERMSDEPAqTMENT RB= Amalgamation Of Fire 8ervicee in Durham Region Our Pile� C10.AD At a meeting held on March 9, 1998, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington coneidered your letter dated February 18, 1998, regarding the above matter and passed the following reeolutian: "THAT the correspondence dated February 10, 1998, from Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk, Town of Pickering, advising that the Council of the Town of Pickering paeaed a resolution requesting that Regional Council establiah a committee to commence a Feaeibility Study of amalgamation of the local fire eervicea acroee the Region of Durham, be received; THAT the resolution of the Town of Pickering be endorsed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Bruce Taylor and the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised of Council's deciaion." Youre truly, �---� :�,�, , � � ,�l ����� -- Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. ��� Clerk PLB/dh cc: P. Madill, Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham M. Creighton, Fire Chief, Municipality of Clarington COpPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINOTON � /OTEM�lR�NCElTR[[i•�OWY�MYIII[�ONiAp10•lIC7��•�106��Y7•f71�•f!1%/l1.�1/� .�irn��r�n�