HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 28/00.�� 152 ��.�'oFq�' REPORT TO COUNCI"L 0 FROM: B�uco Taylor, AMCT, CIvR4 DATE: July 17, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 28-00 SUBIECT: Identi8cation oFCats end'Jogs RECOMIvIENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 28-00 regarding ttie identi6caGon of cats and dogs be received; and That the draft by-law to: l. Require the idrntification of cats es well as dogs; 2. Increase the set 6na �xyand those recommended by the PAW Joint Animal Control Committec. 3. Include hearing impaireo persons or other physically or mentally disabled persons in addition to blind persons w�io may uu guide dogs. 4. Exempt guide dogs and lew enforcement dogs from the licensing requirements of the by- law. be eaacted. ORiGIN: l. Rxommendation of the PAW Committce dated March 1, 2000 2. Madon of the Executive Committee passed on April 25, 2000 to refer this issue back to staffto consult with the staft'of the Town of Ajax. AU1'HORITY: Section 201(5) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL Il�LICATIONS: Approximately S10,000 additionel revenue from eale of cat idrntification tags EXECUTIVE SUNA4ARY: 1'he PAW Joint Animel Control Cortunitta passed a modon at its meeting of Merch 1, 2000 recommending that the three municipalidee pass a by-law to require the idendHcntion of cats as weU aa doge and to provide for a lifetime identi9cation tag for spayed and neuterad cata snd dogs. _ ../2 4 � S ( £ f�.. ...1 . -, 1 t , _ .«._.. S , � _. _, .. ,+n� .,. J,.. ..�-_ ..�.t= ., .... .. _._ '" _._ . .., . _ �:-}. 1 .f"e .'•a _ T1�, _ � , �� �� .�. " . { ;i, :.,i . , �. RBpott to Counctl CL 28-00 . Date: July 17, 20(10 '. Subjxt: Identificadon of Cats artd Doga pege Z 15 3 + This recommendadon was presental to ihe Sxaartive Committee at ite meeting of April 25, 20O0 and was rcferced back to ataff Ro wnsult with the etaff of the Town of Ajex. That consultetion has taken place and a draft by-law to implement the recommendution of the PAW Jaint Animal Control Committce, with the acception of the Gfetime liance for cats and doga, is attached to thie Repon with a recommendstion that it be enacted. BACKGROUND: At its meeting of April 25, 2000, lhe Executive Committee considered the following recommendadon: T6at Clerk'a Report CL 13-00 regardtng the identification of cata and doga be raeiv¢d; snd T6at the draft by-law to rcquirc t6e ideotification of cats as well as dog� and to provide for a lifetimx Wg for oeutcnd or apayed cAts aod doga be forwarded to CnuacU for eaactmeot. Attached for your infortnation is a copy of Clerk's Report CL 13-00 which the Committce considered in conjunction with the above recommendation. This recommendation was referred back to stefT to consult with the stafi of the Town of Ajax. The Committee acpressed a wncem about the ef%ct of a lifetime tag for neutered or spayed cats and dogs and wanted this proposal studied further. The PAW Joint Animal Control Committa passed a motion at its meeting of Marcii l, 2000 to recommend tha following: 1. A lifetime licence for neutered or apayed cats and dogs. 2. To provide for the identification of cats a� well es dogs. 3. To increase the set fines for contraventions of thc Dog and Cat By-law. I havo wnsulted with the sta(f of the Town of Ajax end as a result would recommend that Council enact the by-law that is attached to this Report which provides for the following: 1. The identificacion of cats es well as dogs. 2. To incrense the set 6nes beyond those recommended by the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee. 3. To include hearing impaired persons or other physically or mentally disabled persons in addi6an to bGnd peraons who may use guide dogs. 4. To acempt guide dogs and law enforcemcnt dogn from the Gcensing requirements of the by-law. I would point out that the Council of the Toum of Ajex has now passed a bylaw which incotporetes thc abovc features. The Counal of the Town of Whitby hes passed a bylaw that incorporates all the recommendaBons of the :'AW Joint Animal Control Committa including the lifedme licencs for neutered or apayed cate and dogs. I beGeve it would be pmdent for Pickering ro sea whnt effect : thia will have on the licensing program in Whitby for the Yeat 2001 and 2002 nnd if it is advantageous, wa can imglem�t tho lifetimo Gcenca in the Year 2003. ,./3 _ �t �, r :i � .Y _ rt - 2a . , ,. � . , � ., v .. . .. . , , ., i<. ,... - . _ .. . . _ . . . . . . v � c '�-J t 4 L . i '-'sr +e �x ,�.� ,ti,i � � .. . ; � � ,v� �. .�.,.�M1 i i >�. 4 �k;'r i _ � �» f f, { RdpoKto Counal C[,`28�C�0 ,Dete lulv 17,'2000 154 SubJect Identi6cation ofCete and Doga '� , Page 3 . ��ATTACiII�NTS:. `:- � � � 1. �' Comparison of ect 6nes bclween Whitby and Pickering and Ajex , � , . ,. , 2. Drafi by-law � _ 3. : Cluk's Report CL 13-00 _ Prepared . � cuce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Picke�ing City Council �� � '`�,�c /! /!7I . � omas Clu d' ve Officer :, , ;�, �; ` � ;, :L � � � s > f ,. � , . �� 3 F i� t�= _ k i - - � i +�j S . � :' ' ,� � S 1 � i -;r � r }:� 4 ���.. + � --'� r ��. `i;r � � �.h tr ,. i r �T-� � �� y � f`.; �� ,�if Yi .. . . , , J._. , _ � , . , c .. _r_�'.. Y. }s ,c_. 4... .n` r l� , k _:�? � ,,.. ,M." .J�re t;t � . c.., f. .. , . �__ � ,� - , � - 'r < ,:.. , ATTACNM��►,..� .TOREPORrNCl28•o0 . � , ; r . . � ` 155 �., COMPARISON OF SET FINE3 BETWEEN THE TOWN OF WHITBY 'ANl) THE CI1'Y OF PICKERING AND TOWN OF AJAX ITEM I DESCRIPTION OF OFFENCE SET FINE 5ET FINE IMPOSED BY IMPOSED BY tw*�rnv . r � . � OWmemof . . . . . � ... � . � . � � . . .. - . . . _.� ,, �% -F �� - � � S �� x� t � � t � t� ; 4 `,( :4 1 l t C..� y � _ .. .._ . r�-'_:s �'� ..a :. ,. � <.} . ._ r., ..... . _._ .. .r. � . ._. _... - ff : : : � . . . - i�, � ; , ; ,. �j���, . :� �ATTACHMENT#_=.TOREPORTH C° z�"L° �'�� � ���56�- � � � � � , TI� CORPOIUlTION OF TEIS CITY OF P1� BY-LAW NO. ` Being a by=law to provide for n cat And dog identiticadon system, and for the determinadon of tha compensaGon to be allowed for impounding, distraiaing and detxining cats and doga. WI�REAS, purauant to SubaecGons 210(1), 210(S) to 210(11), inclusivc, end 210(13) of the 2v�unicip�1 Act ILS,O. 1990, c. M.45, as amer.ded, by-laws may bo pessed by the councila of local municipalities to rogulate the keeping of cats and dogs; and WHEREAS SecGon 320 of the said Act provides thet by-lawa may be passed by the counciis of all municipalities for providing that any person who contravenes any by-law of the council passed under the suthoriry of the Municipal Act is guilty of an offence; a►�d WIIEREAS Section Gl of �.ne Provincial Offences Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33, es amended, provides that except where othenvise expresaly provided by law, every peraon who is convicted of an offence is liable to a 6ne of not more than S5,000.00; I�'OW TEIEREFGRE THE COUNCIL OF 7'HE CORPORATION OF TE� CTfY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: � .U_-►lll9. 1 � ' I. In this by-law, (e) "anlmal control and pound supervisoP' means the animal controi end pound supervisor employed by the Corporation of ihe Town of Whitby or his or her designate; (b) "animal cor.trol olliccr' means, (i) u person or class of persons designetcd as such by a by-law of tha City and includes an animal control and pound attcndant; (ii) any person, company, corporation or association providing a dog control service by wntract to the City anJ any employce, agent, aervant ar.d representaGve of such persoq company, corporation or essociation; or ('iu) the animal control and pound au�ervisor, (c) "blind persod' means a person to whom an identi6caGon card has been issued by the Attomey General or en of6cer of his or her Mutistry, pu:suant to thc provisions of Section 4 of the Blind Persons' Ri ts AcK. RS,O. 1990, c. B.7; (d) "cat" means a mele or female domestic cat over the age of twelve (12) weeka; (e) "City" means tha Corporadon of tha City of Pickering; end, ' (� "dog" means a mele or femnlo dog over the age of twelve (12) woeks, but does ' •. nct include a dog guidb; (6) "dog guidc„ meana a dog which rerves ee a guido or lender for s hiind peroon, hearing.impnired Fereon or other phy�iceily or ma�tally disablscl pagon end whi,ch hae bea� eapxiaUy traL�ed f'or that P��s0. . ../2. . �: � A'TTRCHME�'VT# z TOREPORTp �c ?�'-� irJ7 , -2. . �.r .. .. . . .. .. .. . . ' (h) °dwr.11ing unit° mean+ a room or auito of tnro or more roume dcaig�ed or intenda! for rcaidenGal use by a peraon or pereons in which ailinary and canitary conveniences era provided for the cxcluaive use of such pereon or persons and having a private entranco from outsida or from a common t�allway or stairway inside end which is locate� in a residenGally zoned part of the City, (i) "kennel" mea��s a building, premiscs or placs in which dogs that are regiatered or eGgibla for regiatradon wdh a�i assoaation incorporated under the Animel Pedigree Act (Canada) are bred, mainteined or carod far, G) "law enforcement dog" means a dog opecially trained and u'.ilized by law enfoccement agencies in tha Province of Ontario; (k) "owne�" includes a person possess'v�g or harboudng a dog or cat within the City and, where the owner is a minor, tha person responsibie for the custody oi the minor, (I) "tag" means s disc or other shape of inetal or plastic fumisned by the City as hereinafter provided end auitable lo be sxurely fixed on a dog or cat; (m) "vetuinarian" means a person registered to practi�.a vMerineuy science under the Veterinarians Aet, RS.O. 1990, c. V.13, as amended. � � IU ; 11_�►. . M. '�i ►� �� 2, (I) Every owner of a cat or dog, befaro the lat day of April in each year, or within eix (61 days, excluding Saturdays, Sundaye and atatutory hoGdays, of becoming the owncr of a cat ar dog on or aRer the lst day of April in any year, ahall regisler such cat or dog with the City. (2) Before regiatering azry cat or dog the Ciry shall require tha owner thereof to produce evideaco satisfactory to the City that thc cat or dog hes been inoalated with a rabies vaccine within the twelve (12) months immedielely preceding the date of appGcation for the Gcense. (3) Every owner of a cat or dog shall at the time or registering the pet pay a registradon fee to the City in accordence with tha following achedule of fees: (a) cn annual registration fa in the amount of SReen dollaza (S15.00) for a spayed or neutered cat or dog; or, (b) an annuai registration fca in tha emount of twenty-Sve doUars (525.00) for an unattered cat or dog; it being understood that the iegisuation fee ahall be reduced by an amount of 8va dollera (S5.00) for a cat or dog implented with microchip identiticaGon. (4) Upon.payment of the registration fee, the ovmer shall ba fumished wilh a tag end ahall keep the tag securoly fixed on the cat or dog at all times until the tag is rencwed or replaced. � � :(5) A tcg ahall bear an identificatIon number and a rpcotd ehall be kept by the Ciry Clerk o: other o8icer designated For that purpose, showing the na.roo nnd addreav . of the owr.er and the ldentificetion numbu of the tag. _ :./3 �, '� ,: � . . '... �,_ _. , ,�? .. . .. ,_ . , . -, ,., j � �,SS : ATTACHMENT# Z TOREPORT# �'- �fr-a�a- -3- (6) . If a tag ie losf ar miaplaced for eny reason, the owner ahall make appGcaGon for, and upon payment of a replacement fea of fiva doUara (55.00), ehel! be en6tled to a replacement taa. (� Tha owner or wstodian of a doQ guide or law enforccment dog sh�i be exempt from the Gcencing provisions of this by-law. (8) Every Gcence issued pursuant to this section ahall remain in force until the 31" day of December in the year af issue. LiCEN3ING OF KENNEIS 3. (1) Notwithstanding the proviaions of Section 2 of this by-law, every owner of a kennel ahall before tha lat day of April in each year, or within six (6) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays or statutory hoGdays, of becoming the owner of such kennel on or aRer the lat day of April in any year, licensa such kennel with the City. (2) . Before licensing any such kennel, the Ciry may require the owner lhereof to produce ovidence ssttisfactory to it that tha kennel is being or shall be operated, as the case may be, within acceptabie health atandsrds. (3) Every license issucd pursuant lo this section shall remain in force for one (1) year from the date of issue unless it is sooner fodeited or revoked. (4) The fee payable for a kennel license shell be aixry-8ve doilaza (S65.00) and shell bc payabla at the tima of the issuing of thc licensa. (S) So long aa an owner of a kennel holds a valid kennel license, he or aha shell not be required to register eny dag nor be liabie to pay any dog registration fee in respect of eny dog he or she may own which is registered or eligible for registratian with an association inwrporated under the Animal Pedigrec Act (Canada). GONTROL OF CATS AND DOG9 4. (I) For the purpose of this aectioq a cat or dog ahell be deanal to be running at largo when found in ariy place other then the premiaes or the owner of the cat or dog, and not under the control of arry person. (2) Every owner of a dog shall keep the dog leashed end under the cantrol of soma pereon when the dog is on land in the City other than that of the owncr, unless prior consent is given by the p�eon owning tha land on which the dog is found (3) No owner of a cat of dog shall knowingty or not knowingly atlow the cat or dog to mn at lazge within the limita of the City. . (4) My person shall be enGQed to take charge of any cat or dog found running at lerga but ahati forthadth deGver the cat or dog to an animni controi officec (5) Nothing iri this section confere on aiy peroon a dght to enter any prcanises. ./9 ' �_�... �;., ...._ , . ..,> . . , . .'. � ,, . .,_ . , � , .; � .. , ? ATTACHMEN7#'�y TO�REPORT#�=zy^P° 159 - -4- 5. M aniin�l control officcr may se;�:o end impound arry cat or"dog, (a) , deGvered to him or her under tha provisions of Section 4 of tliia by-law; or, (b) found tunning et large. 6. (1) M animal controt officer shall restore poss�ssion of the cat or dog to the owner anly where, (a) the owner claima possession of the cac or dog within Sve (5) days, exclusive of Sundays and atatutory holidays, after the date of seizure and impounding; (b) tha owner pays to the City, (i) a pound fea in an amount computed according to tha provisions of Subsection 7(1) ofthis by-law; and, ('ti) a maintenancc fee computed according to thc provisiona of Subaection 7(2) of this by-law; and, (c) the cat or dog is regi�tered under Section 2 of this by-law or ahown to be exempt from registration under Subsection 3(5) of thia by-law. 7. (1) Tha amount of the pound Cee payable under Subsection 6(1) of this by-law shall bc, (a) 520.00 for the fira[ impounding or a cat or dog in a calendar year; (b) 530.00 for the eecand impounding of that cat or dog in tha same calendar year; and, (c) SS0.00 for each subsequent impounding of that cat or dog in tha same cnlendar yeur. (2) The amount of tha maintenance fee payable under Subsection 6(I) of this by-law � ahall be five dollaro (S5.00) per day for each day or part thereof that the cat or dog remeins impounded subsequent to ihe day oFseiwro and impounding. 8. (i) Where, on the sixth day, acclusive uf Sundays and stntutory hnlidays, aRer the dute of seizure and impounding, possession of the cat or dog has not been restored to the owner under Section 6 af this by-lew, the anima! control and pound supervisor may, in Ws or 6er discretion, (a) sell or maka a giR of the cut or dog; or, (E) destroy tha cat or dog in a humano menner; snd no damage or compensaGan ahell bo t�ecovered or recoverabie on account of ite dispoeidon or destruction. . : , ../S °4 — ,� [�— i�� � ' � _.�— '1 .. s � . . . ... . .. . . . . .. ....� t ;�::' ..... ., ,,... .,:�..,. t _ 1h. ` . ATTACHMCNT#?- TO REPORT# �= Z y' "� • I60 ._S. _ . (2) Where a cet or dog aeized and impounded is injured or should ba destroped • • without delay for humane reason�, or for reasone of eafety to persons or animals, . the animal controi and pound eupervisor may destroy the cat or dog in a humane manner as eoon aft�r seizura ea ha or ahe sees St without pertnitting any pason to cleim possession of tha cat or dog and without o9'ering it for eale and no damagea or compensstion ahall be recovere� or recoverable on account it i�a destruction. (3) . Whero the animal wntrol end pound supervisor deema it necessnry to destroy a cat or dog pursuant to the provisions of Subaection 8(2) of this by-law, the supervisor shall first maka every e&brt possible end pracGcal in the cirwmatancec to contact tha owner of tha cat or dcg and lo permit the owner to transfer the cat or dog, et tha owner's expense, to tho offica of a veterinsrian. iHiJZZLIIVG AND LEASHING CF DOGS 9. (1) Where a dog hes bitten a person or domestic animel, the animul control nnd pound supervisor may, at his or her discreGon, order the dog to be muvled or ieashed or both, for a period of timc to ba determined by the animel control and pound supervisor. (2) Should tha owner of lhe dog disagree with the order to muulc end/or leash, he or she may eppeal the decision to the Pickering Ajax Pickering ]oint Animal Control Cortunitta. (3) Upon receipt of notification of an appeal, the Picketing Ajax Pickering Joint Animel Control Committce ahall, aa soon os is practicablo, conduct a hearing and ahall hear evidena presented by both tho animal control and pound superviso.r end the owner of the dog, it being understood that h� thc interim betwr.en the dste of tho order to muzzJe and/or leash and the date of tha hearing of tha appeal by tho Pickering Ajex Pickering Joint Animal Contral Comnuttee, the owner ahall compiy with the order end the dog shell remain muuled and/or leashed. (4) At cuch time es the Pickering Ajax Pickering Joint Anima! Control Committce mekes its decision to confum, modify or quesh the order, tha decieion ahell be considered to be Snai and binding end the owner of the dog ahall wmply therewiU�. . 10. : Every owncr of a cat or dog shetl have the cat or dog inoculated with a rabics vaccina at Ieast onca every tc+elva (12) months and shall produca evidence of euch inoculatiun to any artmn! control officcr on demand. • � : i ��very owner of a cat or dog shall remove forthwith excremeni left by the cat or dog anywhere in d:e Ciry. _ 12. . No owner. of a dog shaU, knowingly or not luiowingly, eltow the dog to howl or bark excesaively. . 13. No perpon, being an owner, tenent or.occupant of a dwelltag unit, ehell, lrnowingly or not knowingly, keep; own or herbour, or pcmtit to bo kept, ownecl, or harboural, more than two (2) doge in or a6out that dvrelling unit, :,J6 ,;` _ .. ._ _ � .__ ' . . . ,._ . . '�'_ . , . �.r. p`Lh 3 : [ . (� t A7TACNMENT#'a TOREp01iT#c_ c yr�..� ��r .( ' ' , �ENAI1PdE3: ' 14. Every person who confrayenes nny of thp praviaions of thie by-law ie guilty of an c+ffence end �pon conviction thereof is�liabla to a fine or penalty for each offance, exclusive of cost.q as preacribed by the Provincial 0@'ences Act, RS.O. 1990, c. P.33, as amended. SHORT T1TLE 15. Thia by-law may be cited as tha Cat and Dog By-law. RI:PEAL OF EXI3TIIHG BY-LAWS 16. By-!aw Number 4423/94 is repealed. ;t;L y_IL►L .� : Y_ 17. This by-Iaw ahell come into force and take efT'ect on the lst day ofJanuary, 2001. BY-LAW READ A FIItST, SECOND AND'I'�IIRD TIME AND F[NALLY PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF AUGUST, 2000, Wayne Arthuro, Mayor � • Btuce Taylor, Clerk } # :', i �t � ; ;: `r � ,�: ' _ - , i - F ;`{ ^+� ; ,+i t'�' 1 � _ 4 � ` i � t ti '-.�i ,i..�iJ� ,.,,, !..:�t, i.i,<.ii t.,. .?!..<� ���.. .��A.o.. � ��� ��':� ,. . .. . ., ,,. .._ , � •'� AITACHMENTt�?� TOREPORT#«16'��' � 6 2 THE CORPORATI4N OF THE CITY OF PICI�IZIIY� �Y-LAW NUMBER CAT AND DOG BY-LAW � _ ,. . . .. . , ,, . � , , >. . ,' , � `r j; � `.,�. . _Y ."n-4 �, . S _. .. F. ..51.''.. _.. . -�_ a .1. .i. ,�,... .,. `J .. -. . ... r h. ' ' �,, owAi�' .� , �� •. � ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT #« Z Y"� '`� i F 3 H _ p'. REPORT TO COUNC�L FROM: Bruce Taylur, AMCT, CMM City Clerk SUBJECT: Identification of Cats and Dogs RECOMIviENDATiON: DATE: March 30, 2000 REPORT NUMIiER: CL 13-00 That Clerk's Report CL 13-00 regerding the identi6cation of cats and dogs be received; and That the draft by-law to require the identi6cation of cats as weU as dogs end to provide for a lifetime tag for neutered or spayed cats and dogs be fonvarded to Council for enectment. OR1GIN: Recommendation of the PAW Committee deted March 1, 2000 AUTHORITY: Section 210(5) of the Munir.ipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Additione! revrnua in Year 2001 for cat tags S5,000.00 Additional revenue in Year 2001 from aale of lifetime tags S25,OG0.00 Lost revenue in Year 2002 end beyond from tifetime tags (S25,000.00) EXECUTIVE S[JR9NARY: The PAW Jaint Animal Conitrol Committee passed a motion at its meeting of March 1, 2000 recommending that the thres municipalities pass a by-law to require the identification of cats ai well as dogs and to provide for a IifMime identi&cation tag for spayed and neutered cats and do6s. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the PAW Joint Animal Control Committce pacsed the following moGon at its meeting ofMv.rch l, 20W; L T6et Ajas, Plskering and W6ilby Couneile peu a by-law. ie the form a4tacded to Trwurer'a Report, Item 1-00, to requirc t6e identitiuitan of ub u wdl aa dogs; 7 T6et the by-4w take eliat Jsnuary 1", 2001; �ud � 3. ,. T6at raich of the t6rce mnnicip�lltica make �ppllcatioa to the Oqtado �our[ (Provlaclal Aivi�ion) for approvd gf l6e byI�O' iti I�pq S!� OICI ,. ' ln Trtaeurer'� Report, Ittm 1-00. : _ r j� - _ .%'� - - . .. e� � ` -�. r � � , .�.i�t�f.�t._...t. . , .:...i . �_ . .__..., _�)� *...,. _ 1_., _ ... � . �` ., ... . _ . . .. . . :.. ,. f..... , � . �. .. . l � � . . � ATTACHMENT # •' .TO REPURT a �'- x P - w , Repon to Counal CL �13-00 Data March 30, 2000 Subject: Idrntificetion of Cats and Doga Page 2 Attached is a copy of PAW Treawrcx'9 Report i.Op which th� pAW Committce consiGered in conjunction with the above moGon. Also attached is a draft by.iaw to provide For thc mendatory cat idrntiflcation end the lifetime tog for neutued and apaycd cats and dogs. The authority to provide for t!ie identi6cacion of cats as well aa dogs comes from Sxtion 2I0(5) of the Muniapal Act which reacis as failows: By-laws may M, pused Gy t6e Councii� of local municipalitia for pruviding for animal ideotitiatl�n ryitcma Indnding tagging, bttooing or mfcroc6ip implantation and for rcquiring owoen to idmtitiy t6eir domatic aniu�als by t4oss sy�tcros and 7or eherging iuc6 ka iu may be aet out io the by-law io rapcci r,lt6e Ideatifcatiou �ystem. Several murrcipalitire in the Greater Toronto Are�, including Toronto, Oal,�vill�, Oshawa, Bramption end Claringtan, already provide for the mandatory identifiration of cats. It is difficult to estima:e the m�mber of cat idrnti6cation tags that will be sold starting in the Year 2001 because many cat oxmess will not be aware that it i� mandatory that their cat be identified and there may be so;ne resistance to buy an identification tag for a cat because meny owners do not let their cats out of the house. There will have to bc some kind of education program developed by both PAW and the City to melce cat ownrn eware of the mandatory idrntification program and the benefits of it. The draR by-Iaw recommtnded by the PAW Committce also provides for a lifetime identification tag for spayed and neutered cat� and dogs. With respect to this rew�ommendation, Council should be aware thet there are advantages and diudvantages to this recommendation as follows: ADVANTAGES OF A LIFFTIM TAC, • Most caY end dog ownero would be willing to buy an identification teg that will be ef1`'ective for the lifetime of their nnimel. • Since a lifetime teg would only be issued to spayed end neutered animals, it mny be an incentive for the cat or dog owner to rnauro that their anima) is spayed or neutered. • Since most dogs and cats are spayed or neutered, there will be less administrative activity involved in the annual identi6cation program. • For the fint year that this bylaw takrs effect, there will be a dramatic increase in fees from the sale of identification taas because most dog or cat ownero will opt for the lifetime tag which will wst 535. � ' � .� \�. :. . � ' 1�1 YL�1 - i • Thero is no qu:stion ihet the door-tadoor tagpng program provides the only teasible method of ensuring that as mar.y animds ay possib�e are idcntificd. Wieh the exception of the first year of the by-law, a daor-to-door tagging program would not be feasible end therefore the number of animals identi8ed over the ensuina years wi�� decrcase. • 7'he nwnmes from tha eale of tags will dxrease after the first year of thc by-law because , most dog orcat ownero would have acquired the lifetime licenco. Thero is no way to _ acauately eetimate the losa of revenue but I would guess that it would be approximatdy 525,000 annua(ly. .. � . ... �. ... . ti. _ ,, .. . .,. . .. . . ,. ti �. .. ,_ L? sl! i ��. � ATTACHMENT tl 3' TO PEPORT ii e� z r- ra � ,� Report to Counal CL 13-00 ' Date; Merch 30, 2000 1�1 Subject: Identi6cation of Cate and Doge Page 3 . Tha principle of dog and cat ownera contributing to the cort of operating the Mima! Shdter through the sale of identi6cation taga would be eroded because at presrnt, animal owne(s pay about 15% of these wsts; however, with lesa taga being sold after the Year 2001, tha emount contributed to the cost of opera4ing the Shelter would drop to only Sbout 3%. • Without the annual door-to-door tagging program, most new residents and particularly those with cats, would not likely take the initiative to 6uy a tag at the Civic Complex or through their veterinarian. • Without the annuel door-to-door tagging program, the database of animals would start to erode. Therefore, animals tl�at were picked up es running at lerge would have to be rMUmed to the Shelter to await pickup by the owner end thus increase the costs of operating the Shclter. It would elso have the eH'ect of putting more stress on the animals and their owners and lead to somewhat more animals being euthanized. ATTACFiWI�NTS: 1. PAW Treasurer's Repon 1-00 2. Draft by-law Prepared By: � / / �__._� B ce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council c . � n� � / ,r� � . - ... .r uC / �i0d T m 7. ui C efAdmi strative0 ` ,::, . t's i ij _ �• ' ; . 3, , :� t � 5 y J t M 5 -, i x .� { t r i _ i f t S � �. i�.4.. , . .. , . ,' 4: ; . _ . 1 . ... . .. . . . . . , � . . . . . . _. , v . . , . � t: . ,. . . ,. . . _ z , . � . .. c �. . . . . . . , *, . ATTACNMENT #_3 TO REPORT # �� L Y- °7 • �U6 _ :i TRFAS��R��cnRT TO THE PIC7(ERiNr e1eY , WHITBY ]OIM' ANIMAL h'�OL COMMITT'EE ITEM 1-00 . March 1, 2000 � Sublect: Idendftcatlon of Cats and Dogs Recommendadon• ��. � :�, t 1. That Ajax, Pidcering and Whitby Councils pa� a by-law, in the form attached toTreasurer's Report, Item 1-00, to require the IdentlFlpdon of cats as weil as dogs; 2. That the by-law take effect ]anuary lst, 2001; and, 3. That each of the three municipalitles make appliatlon to the Ontario Court (Provindal D(visfon) for approval of the by-law set ftnes set out in Treasurers' Report, Item 1-00. The cat has replaced the dog as the most popular pet. Yet laws and polides to protect and control pts have not kept pace with their preferred pet status. An idend8cadan system for cats, similar to that currently In place for dogs, is required to control and protect pts. Historically, In most Ontario munidpalitles, identlficatlon of pts has not been requfred and cats have been free to run at large. Cats were seen as non- threatening to humans, Iivestock and property and were thought to provide a measure of rodent control. In contrast, the dog Ilcence has survived pre- confederatlon legfslatlon as a i`ortn of compensatlon for injured Iivestock and has become a valuabie means of retuming lost or impounded dogs to thelr owners, The revenue from dog Iicences Is used to defray the costs of operadon of munidpal animal control centres. ! As previously menUoned, the pt has reptaced the dog as the most popular pet Records malntained by the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Animal Control Centre reflect this. In 1999 394 stray dogs were impounded at the Centre. 195 (49 °�) of these dogs were cialmed by their owners. By compartso�, �81 stray cats were impounded in 1999 and of these only 23 (595) were claimed. Last year alone 364 cats had to be eutl�anlsed. . These stadsdcs and the problem oF inaeased shelbering costs related Lo the rising numbers of impounded cats is wmmon tn ail Greater Toronto /1�ea animal control fadlitles. Cos� aside, the number of pts being euthantsed Is exfremely high and has a profound, negaUve Impact on the publlCs image of animal control, Furthermore, whlle cats may not pose she same threat bo humans o� Ilyestock as dogs, the nuisence factor cannot be overtooked. Most calis Oo anlmal control regarding cafs are in connecdon with shay or nuisance Issues. Once,a cat is pidced up, there Is Ilttle chance tfiat the owner wip be found because of the ladt of proper pet Identlflcatlon: ApproxlmaDety une.thtrd of . ail pets become lost at least once In thelr ItFetlme. 4 ,:�r � . t _ . t ) _ . .,. .. ,. , . . _, .. 1 . . . .. .. .. _ . . _ . . . , .- . , ; .,, . - , i'.: .� , :� � �,.- � � � - . �, - . . , . � - . , . - . , �.� . � � ATTACHMENTtt �3 TOREPORTIt �c z8-o� �6,7 . . �p.asurer's Reoort. I6em 1-OO Cont'd � Identlflcatlon also provides a audal Iink to the owners In pses where cat� are quaranUned aft: r having bltben or saabched a person. Idendflcatlon of the owner allows health offldals to quickly chedc the caYs vaalnatton records. AltemaNves: The Munldpal Act was recenHy amended to allow munidpalftles to establ(sh a cat identlflcatlon system and to charge appiicable fees. A number of munidpalitles In the GreaterToronto Area, including the qtles of Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, Oshawa and Toron+�o and the Munidpaliry of qarington, have reoognized the need for such a system and have passed by- laws making pt idendfiptlon mandatory. In Ajax, Pickerfng and Whitby cats are, by larr, not allowed to roam free. Some tlme ago the three munidpalitles implemented a volunt�ry pt regisbatlon service. For a one tlme fee of $20.00 a pt can be registered with animal control. If it becomes lost and is found the pt is retumed to the rightful owner at no cost Unfnrtunately, the service is not widely used by area residents. A mandatory cat IdenUflcadon program will reduce the number of pts being euthanised every year, Improve clalm retes, assist healtfi offlcials witli pet IdentlBcatlon and reduce sheltering costs. White it Is Impossibie to estlmate the number of cats that wili be registered by their owners, any number will be an ImprovemenG It is recommended that starting ]anuary lst, 2001 all pt owners as well as ali dog owners be required to register thelr pets. A new fee structure based on the guiding prindpies of responslble and Incentive-based pet ownership is proposed for both cats and dogs. The owner of a spayed or neutered cat or dog would have the choice of purchasing an annual IdentlFlcatlon tag for $15.00 or a Itfetime tag for $35.00. The annual fee for an unaltered cat or dog would be �25.00. A#5.00 discount would apply to all pets implanted with miuochip IdentlFlcatlon. The proposed fees are compareble to those in other Greater Toronbo Area municipalitles. Attached to this �eport is a draft by-law which provides for a cat and dog idenUflcatlon system. Attached to the by-law Is a Ilst of recommended set flnes for non-compliance with the by-law. All of the by-law provislons and set flnes, with the excepUon of those relatlng to cat and dog identlficatlon, remaln unchanged. No change_ - retain the status quo. Exisdng Pal!a: . • Refer to Malysis. Finandal Consideratlons: , Refer bo analysis, { �� , . � r ; �� �� ,�� y f , ,� x . i .. ._. ��r a . . „ . . . 1 .. .. � . ,, . rt..': ..�. . . . ..._. .. . . . . . ..... . ..