HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 33/00� oss �,�`I OF p�C� �W c I�tEPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Ncil Carroll DATE: June 19, 2tH�0 Director, Planning and Dcvclopment REPORT NUM[�ER: PD 33-00 SUBJECC: Zoning By-Inw Amendment Application A 7/00 Long & McQuude Limited . Part of Lots 5 to 7, Plan 230 Part of Lot 31, Conccssion I (West side ofRosebank Road, south of Highway 401) City of Pickcrin� RECOMMENDATION: I. That Zoning By-law Amendment Appliculion A 7/00, submitied by Long & McQuaJe Limited on lands being Part of Lots 5 to 7, Plnn 230 and Part of Lot 31, Conccssion 1, City of Pickering, to change ►he zoning of thc subjcct lands from "RI" - Residential Detached Dwclling to "MI•I"— Industriul (Employment) Zonc, in ordcr to fncilitntc thc construction of a new warehouse\oftice building, be APPROVED subject to thc condilions outlincd in Appendix 1 to Rcport Numbcr PD 33-00. ORIGIN: Zoning Hy-Inw Amcndmcnt Application A 7/00 submitteJ to thc City of Pickcring. AUTHORITY: Thc Plaiining Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr P.13 FINANC(AL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are unticipnted as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject property is locnted on the west side of Rosebnnk Rond, south of Highway 401, north of Granite Court and is currently vncant. The applicant proposes to change the zoning from "RI" Residcntial Zone to "M1-I" Industrinl Zone to fecilitnte the construction of u ncw wnrehouse\office building of approximately 2100 m2 (See Location Mnp - Attuchment #I). An "MI-I" Industriul Zone applies to the nbutting properties on Grnnitc Court nnd contains provisions to guidc development to ensurc thnt the character of the Prestigc Employment dcsignotion, es defined in the Pickcring Officinl Plan, is mnintnincJ. The conceptual plans submittcd in support of this upplicntion uppcar to maintuin the existing chamcter of thc adjucent employment urea. (See lnfortnation Compiled from thc ApplicanCs SubmittcJ Plnn - Attachment #2) Some technical maltcrs remnin to bc resolvcd prior to the fonvnrding of an implemcnting byluw for Council's considerntion, Howcver, the applicntion is recommcndeci for approval as the outstanding mutters ure minor und do not nffcet the intent of permitting industrial dcvclopment to occur on thc lunds. � REPORT NUMBER PD 33-00 Date: Junc 19, 2000 089 Subject: 2oning $y-luw Amendment Applicnlion A 7/00 Pagc 2 The proposcd zoning nmcndmcnt is considered nppropriate as it will nllow the estabiishmcnt of a new industrial warehousc\oflice building on the subject property that will complcmcnt thc existing uses in the surrounding area nnd scrvc to implcment thc employmcnt land usc designntion of thc Pickcring Official Plan. BACKGROUND: I.0 Infortnulion Mectin� A Public Infortnation meeting for this development proposnl was held on April 20, 2000. Information Report No. 8-00, which summnrizes thc applicunt's proposnl nnd outlines thc issues nnd comments identified to that date through circulution of the npplication, wus prepnred for that mecting. The text of thc Infortnntion Report is provideci for rcfcrcncc (see Attnchment #4). At the Public Infortnation Mreting, Ms. Fiona Greenwood, 1009 Moorclands Court, questioned whether the proposed devclopment will gcnerotc aJditionnl traftic south of the bridgc on Rosebank Road and if traftic studics and cnvironmentul repuits have bccn undcrtakcn. (scc Minutcs of the Public Infortnation Mecting - Auuchment #5). 2.0 Additionnl Infortnation Sincc the Public Infortnution Mccting, thc following commcnts havc bccn rcccivai: Thc Toronro and Regton Conscrvatlon Authority (Scc Attachmcnt �6) - Thc applicant is reyuirecl lo pmvide udditionul information in ordcr to properly define and recognize the Pctticont Crcck vullcylstrcam curridor. �linistry of Transportatton (Scc Attachmcnt �7) - No objcctions in principlc subjcct to submission ofaddilional dctails. Region of Durham Planning Department (sec Attuchmcnt N8) - No objcction. Region of Durham Works Dcpartment (See Attachmcnt #9) - No objection. Durham Distrlct School Board (Scc Attachment # 10) - No objcction. Veridian Corporation (Sec Attnchment # I I)- No objection City of Plckering - Development Control Supervisor (See Attnchment #12) - No objection. The npplicant hus bcen requested to procide additional demils nnd entcr into nppropriate ugrcements respccting required upgrudcs to Rosebank Road. 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Architectural Design Thc Prestige Employment Area requires that devclopment applications provide upgrnded urchitecturul elemenls, which huve regard to the locntion of residentiul uscs and the location nnd exposure to Highway 401, Thc subject property is situatcd ut the north end of Rnsebank Rond and vicws into thc site arc primarily from Highway 401. Thc applicunt hns pro��id�d conceptuol elcvntions, (sce information compiled from Applicnnt's 5ubmittcd Plan — Attachmcnt N3) which have regard to thc City of Pickcring OfTicial Plan policics und arc consistcnt with the design of cxisting prestigc industrinl buildings on Granitc Coun. 71u exact detnils of thc building dcsign will bc rcvicwccl furthcr through thc City's Sitc Plan Approval proccss. 0 9 o REPORT NUMBER PD 33-00 Dnte:lunc 19, 2000 Subject: 2oning $y-law Amcndment Application A 7/00 Page 3 3,2 Environmental lssucs Appendix II in the Pickering Official Plnn requires the submission of un Environmental Report when u development npplication is locnted within SO metres of an Environmcntally Significnnt Arca. This policy is uppiicable to the subject sitc duc lo proximity of Petticoat Creek and the applicunt's consultunts huve recently submitted a rcpon to address thcsc requiremcnts. The report is currentiy under rcvicw by staff nt thc Toronto nnd Region Conservation Authority (T.R.C.AJ and City of Pickcring. Representatives of the City of Pickering, T.R.C.A., und the upplicant's consultants recently conducted a field review in order to define the Petticoat Creek valleylstream cortrdor. The T.R.C.A. requires n 10-metre buffer nrca from the estnblishcd top•of-bank. Prcliminary information indicatcs thnt the proposed development will not significnntly, if at all, encroach into the required 10-metre bufler nrea. Conditions ure included in Appendix I which require the npplicant to complete the Environmentnl Report and to provide n reference pinn which cleArly identifics thc established top-ot=bank to the sntisfaction of the City of Pickering and the T.R.C.A. Furthcr revicw of this issue is required in ordcr to fortnalize the proposed limits of developmcnt nnd that the curtent proposal is appropriute. 3.3 Recommended Zoning Stnndards It is recommcnded thnt the implementing by-law for this upplication npply nn "MI-t" Prestige Industrial Zonc to thc subject property. This is thc same zoning that prescntly cxists on the abutting Innds to thc cast along Granitc Court. The "Prestigc Employment Area" encoumges the estublishment of perfortnancc slondards for site operation and nppcamncc rccognizing thcir high visibility Gom major frccways and thcir proximity to residcntial arcas. Thc following is n list of thc pertnittcd uses in thc currcnt "MI-I" Industrinl Zonc which thc applicant is rcqucsting to bc applicJ to thc subjcct lands: • Accessory Dwclling Unit (for a warchouscman) • Business ofTccs • Food prcparnlion plants • L.ight manufncturing plunts • Public uses • Scicntificormeclicallubomtorics • Warehouscs The implementing byInw may potentinlly require site-spccific perfortnancc standards due to the irregulnr shape nnd location of the property. Issues respecting the nvailability of frontnge to a publicly open and maintained road, parking requirements nnd yurd setbacks will be uddressed prior to an implcmenting by-luw being fonvnrded to Council for consideration. Many of thcse issucs will be resolved through furthcr revicw of the associated site plun applicution. 3.4 Traffic Review Acccss to the subject lands will be obtained from Rosebnnk Rond, north of Granite Court. Conccros wcre exprc,scd by a local residcnt at the Public Infortnation Mccting respecting thc anticipnted volumes nnd direction of the traffic gcnerntccl by thc proposcd devclopment. Primarily the concern was related to thc anticipnted route of truck troffic. The npplicant's consultant indicntecl that nll truck troffic would bc dircctcd to Granitc Court/�Vhitcs Rond nnd not nlong Rosebnnk Roadlfoynevule Rond south of Grnnite Court. Grnnitc Court is designatcd as n collcctor rond and was dcsigned to accommoJate tmftic frotn a devclopmcnt of this nnturc. � REPORT NUMBER PD 33-00 Date: Junc 19, 2000 Subject: 2oning �ylaw Amendment Application A 7l00 Page 4 Q q], 4.0 Applicant's Comments The npplicunt wncurs with the rccommendutions outlined in this rcport. ATTACHMENTS: I. Property Locution Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plun 3. Applicunt's Submittcd Plan 4. Infortnation Rcport 5. Minutcs of the Public lnformution Meeting 6. The Toronto and Region Conservution Authority 7. MinistryofTransportation 8. Region of Durhnm Planning Depurtment 9. Region of Durhnm Works Department 10. Durhom District School B�ard I I. Vcridiun Corporation 13. City of Pickering — Devclopment Control Supervisor Prepured By: Approvecl/Endorsed by: ��., �, _.�c�.',ti.,-•, IcrE3amct Nci(Cu(roll v �' Director;l' n mg and Development Lyndn D.Taylor Managcr, Curtcnt ip ntions TH/LDT/ph Attuchments Copy: Chicf Administrntivc Ofticcr Recammended for the considerntion of Pickering Ciry Council . .� � / .9o/U, omns J. Quin , ChieFAdm ' trativc O �ccr 092 � APPENDIX ! TO REPORT NUMBER PD33-00 RECCOMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/00 I.0 That prior to fonvnrding an implementing by-law for Council's consideration, thc npplicant shull: a) provide a droft reference pinn which must include the established top-of-bank as approved by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City of Pickcring; b) submit und receive approval of an Environmentnl Report, to the satisfaction of thc City of Pickering in consultntion with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; c) obtain conceptu�l sitc plan approvul from the Director of Plnnning and Devclopmcnk d) sntisfy the City of Pickcring that the subject property provides access to a publicly opened and maintained rond; c) cnter into appropriale agrccmcnt(s) to nddrcss off-site works and thc required upgradcs to Rosebank Raad, north of Granite Court; 2.0 That thc implcmcnting zoning by-luw indudc thc following: a) thc extcnsion of thc "MI-I"- Preslige Employment Zonc requiremenls in By-laws 789/78 & 893178 onto thc subjcct Innds, subjcct to uppropriatc sitc spccific perfortnnnce stunJurcls if requircd; b) u 13.7-metre building setback from the Highwoy 401 property line; . __ ___ __ __ _ vrlrw��w�1'IO��MYJ�W11•7C{ � . owr���HH LONO AND MCOUADB LTD. DATE ldAR 29, �Opp upAyyN BY RC , �ruc�noN No. A 7/00 sckE 1;7s00 ct+eq� ev Ie wR osru��rr use orn.Y PN,� PM 094 ATTACNAIENT I��TD flEPOR1 M PD— R x- rp INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 7100 LONG AND MCQUADE LTD. ns� wrwa rnaoucco �rnn cm a nc��+o nNwra�va oevr.toweNr xivuawcHr, nu�+�a rwauNna� teavae� . � .. . . t�vna�4wrr�rouoo[caNacnalwina�x�aon ATTACHMENT /_�TO REPORT / PD 3- o'� • INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 7100 � LONG AND MCQUADE LTD. -. . .,1 095 `� .� � w np ►w wu rnoouccn �r txe cm a r�nmuio nu�sa �uu oevnor►rtkr nue�a�anw�na�eenv¢ea , oMUO�.�µbotuarttanon.wxehx.iaoo �96 ATTACHMENTI�TO , • AEPORT/ PD_ 3d—oo � ,�,� OF pIC�Y� i' INFORMATION REPORT NO. OS-00 FOR PUBLIC INFOR61ATION MEETING OF Apri120, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE W1TH THE PUBLIC MEETINC REQU►REMENTS OF THE PLANNING AC1', R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendmcnt Application A7/00 Long & McQunde Limitcd Part of Lots 5 to 7, Plnn 230 Pnrt of Lot 31, Rangc 3, B.F.C. Pnrts 2& 3, Plnn 40R-16498 (Wcst side of Roscbank Roud, south of Highway 401) Ciry of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property consists of n totnl nrca of appmximately 0.4 hectares, nnd is locnled on ihe west side of Roscbank Road south of Highway 401; (see location map - Attachmcnt ql); - the subject property Es currcntly vacant; - thc surtounding lund uses includc vacnnt lund to thc south und wcst, industrial dcvclopment to thc east, nnd Highway 401 to the north. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - thc opplicnnt proEwscs to changc thc City's zoning by-luw from "RI" Rcsidential to an InJustrinl Zonc in ordcr to pertnit thc construction of u 2100 m= warchousc\oflicc building on thc subject property (see Infortnation Complicd from Applicant's SubmitteJ Plan - Atmchmcnt N2). 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZOIYING 3.1 Durham Rcetonal Of(icial Plan - the Durhnm Regional Official Plnn dcsignales the subject property ns "Employmcnt Areu' ; - this designation pertnits among other uses, the establishment of industrial wnrchouses and nncillary officcs; - the Durham Regional Official Plan encourogcs prestige employmcnt uses with high employment generating capacity and grenter architectural, Inndscaping and sign wntrols nlong Highwuy 401; - thc npplicution nppears to confortn; 3.2 Plckerine Ofticial Plen - the Pickcring Ofticial Plan designntes the subjcct property os "Employmcnt Arcu - Prestige Employment", tvhich permits, nmong othcr things, the cstablishmcnt of industrial wurchouses nnJ offices; - the "Prestige Employment Area" encourages the cstablishmcnt of perfortnnncc standards for sitc operation nnd appemm�cc rccognizing thcir high visibility from meJor freewnys and thcir proximity to rcsidentinl ames; - thc npplication oppcurs to confortn; , ATTACHMENT/� i0 Infocmntiop Report No. 08-00 �PORT I PD 3�—�p ,_._ _ Pugc2 09rf 3.3 Zonine Bv-law 2511 - Zoning By-law 25l 1 identifies the subject property as "RI" Residential Zonc, which pertnits one detnchcYl residential dwelling; - nn amendment to the zoning is requircd. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident commcnts reccived to-dnte; 4.2 ARencv Comments - no ngency comments received to-dute; 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Tcchnical Mnttcrs - stuff must evaluate the proposcd site functioning, including parking requirements, building setbacks, maximum/minimum lot covcrngc, architccturnl controls, and vicws from Highwny 401; - staff must rcvicw thc frontage and ihc nccessibility of the property to a publicly openccl and muintaincd road; - the subject property is locntcd within 50 metres of a designnted Environmentally Scnsitive Arca as idcntified in Schedule III of Ihe Pickering Officinl Plun —"Resource MnnngemenP'; conscqucntly thc submission of nn Environmental Rcport is required for rcvicw as purt of thc consideration of thc proposcd dcvclopmcnt. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORAIATION - written comments rcgarding this proposul should be directed to thc Planning and Developmcnt Departmcnt; - oral comments m¢y bc made ut thc Public Infortnntion Mecting; - all comments rcccived will bc notcd und used ns input in a Rccommendation Rcport prepared by the Plunning nnd Dcvelopment Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or u Committcc of Council; - if you wish to rescrvc the option to appenl Council's decision, you must providc comments ro the Ciry before Council adopts nny by-Inw for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regnrding this proposul, you must requcst such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMAT[ON 6.1 Appendlx I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associutions, agencies and City Depurtments thut have commented on the opplications at the timc of writing rc�rt; 6.2 Informatton Recelved - full scale copies of thc applicant's submittcd plan arc nvniluble for viewing nt thc offices of the City of Pickering Planning nnd Developmcnt Departmcnt; � ATTACHhfENiM � 0�8• InfortnetionRcportNo.08•00 �PORiIPD 33-_�� _ 6.3 Comaany Princlaal - the contnct at Long & McQuude Limited is Mr. Mikc Klue, Vice•PresidenL Page 3 �MpI, crrn; ORIQINAL SIGNED RY Tyler nmett Lynda D. Tuylor Planncr 1 Managcr � Current Uperations Division TB/ph ce: Director, Plunning and Development Department , ATTACHARENI a__ �' Q� , HEPORT M PD_� ' 099 APPENDIXITO INFORMAT[ON REPORT NO.OS-00 COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Pianning end Development Department „;. �.r ,. s; C.. ; <, _ lOO � ' AnACNMENTI � TO REPOBT / PD�_ • Excerav from Statutorv Publlc In[ormatton Meetine Minutea , Ot Thursduv, Aprt120 2000 � • STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINC MINUTEg A Statutory Public Informution Mcedng was 6eld on Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 7;00 P•m• in lhe Council Chambers. ' ' The Mannger, Cuaent Operations Division, providcd an overview of the requirements of the P�nnning Act und the Ontnrio Municipal Board respecting this meetin� end matter's � ', under consideration thereat, . . (In ZOIVING BY LAW AMENDMENT APpLICATiOIV A7/00 LONG & MCQUADE LIMITED ' PART OF LOTS 5 TO 7, PLAN 230, PART Or LOT 31, RANGE 3, B.F.C. PARTS 2& 3, PLAN 40R-16498 . 11LYEST SIDE OF ROSEBANK ROAD SOUTH OF HIGIiWAY 4011 1. Lynda Taylor, Munager, Curtent Operutions Division, provided an explenation of , lhc npplication, as outlineci in Informnlion Rcport N08-00. . 2. Fionn Greenwood, 1009 Moorcinnda Crescent, asked if this'app(icntion has been • approved and if not, whrn it will bc npproved and if them will bc any further public meetings. Shc osked if tha bddge on Rosebank Road south of Granita Court will be upgruJcd or if it will be nblc to wilt�stnnd lhe additional treftic. She � also asked if therc will bc environmental impnct and tratTic atudies undertakea 3• Wayne Cole, representing tha npplicant, stalcd that ho is proposing to construct a ' two atory,-20,000 squarc foot building with a wnrehousc at gradc Icvel and with exposure from Highway 401. Ho recognized that the portion of Rosebank Road south of the subject lands if a fourih class road. Tho heavy truck treffic will ncceas the subjcct lapds by Wfutes Rond and Cranitc Court and not Toynevalo Road end Rosebazilc Road• / • � � � �! � , ATTACHMENT/ � TO . ' ' �` . REPUflT F PU- '��—o�D � vTHE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORIIY e sn«Nwn oM.. now�w�aw, om,rw 6Ud is� (��e) 6e��eeno r#lc ee��aeue� hnvJAvww.aeaon.w . Apol 18, 2000 • Mr. Tyler Bemett " Planning Department Cfty of Pickerfng Pickering Cfvic CenVe ' � One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: 101 o �c� �a �� APR 2 5 7000 D CITY OF pICKEHINQ PICKERIryp� pryTARlO ti`�'.�'::ii'i.: y 1 a��t z � zo�o RE: ZoNng ByIaw AmendmeM Applicatlon A 7/00. r'�' '� ''' �'�r«<- ":N:= ' Palt 0} LOtB 6 t0 7� PI80 230 �` �_:.. .,... ., ryVr, Part of Lot 31, Concesslon 1 ���� "� West slde of Rosebank Road, South ot Highway 401 Cfty of Pickering (Long & McQuade Umited) . We ecknowledge racefpt ot the above, noted circulaUon end otter the following comments. It fs our understand(ng that the purpose of this applicaUon Is to change lhe current zoning from ' "Ri' ResidenUal Zone to an IndusUlel Zone to facilitale the construcdon of a new warehouse/of�ce building. The western portion of the subJect property Is traversed by the FlII RegulaUon IJne assoc(ated ( with the adJacent, Petticoet Creek vailey/stream corridor. In eccordence with Ontario ReguleUon 158, a pertnit is required from the TACA prtor to any gradfng or flll plecement within the FlII Regulated porUon of the lends, or any consUucUon wflhin the Reguiatory Flood Plain, or any interference with the watercouise itseli. As described below, the TRCA's "Valley and SVeam Corridor Management Program' (VSCMP) policies prohibft any new development withfn the valley/stream corridor Iands, As such, a pertnft eppllcadon mede under Ontario RegulaUon 158 tor development wfthfn this portion of the site would not be supported by,TACA stett. Therefore, as an element of this proposal/appl(ca8on, the extent of the valley/sUeam corridor lends on the subject property must be deflned and formally recognized. � As noted above, the VSCMP ouUines our polides which guide our revlew of new development proposels and planning epplicaUons. The overall objecUves of these polfcies is to prevent new `. development from occurdng wflhin areas that may InUOduce a rfsk to Iife and property • assoclated with floodfng, erosfon and slope stability or (s not compaUble w(th the protection ot these areas fn lheir natural state. ' . ,../2 � • WORKINCi TOOETHER.FOR TOMbRROW'S GREENSPACE —._�.� ' 102 -� ' � ; ATTACHMENT I '. 6' jp � ' . . � . RFVO8IN Pp_. g_ 3 -�_, , ' � ' . . ' Mr; Tvler Barnett . . . . '- 2 - ' I Apr1118 2000. ; '. '.The VSCMP policies define the valley/etreem corridorboundery by the greateipf the long term stable top of valiey benk (where there is a well defined velley feature) plus 10 meVes tnland, or the Flood Plaln (wfaere there is no well defined valley feature) plus .i0 meUes �nlend (see � F�9ures 5- 9, enciosed). This boundary' is also extended to include any slgnfflcant vegetaUon. �': Based on ihe nature'of the slope, the appllcar�t mey elso be requlred �to aubmit a geotechnical enginee�'s essessment to determine the condiGon of the slope stabll.ity end ide�Ufy the Iimft of � the predicted long term stable top of bank. These policies prohibit new development within these bounderies. Therefore, a site mesdng with TACA steft is requfredto establleh tt�e corcfdor ' boundary end/or the criteria to be used for its deiinidon in order to determine the 1(mit of the ` developable/table land. � . • Once the valley/stream, corddor boundary fs defined; Uils portion of the site should be tdenUfied ( wfth en appropriate zoning category which has the a(fect of proh(biting stnictural encroachments, the placement of flll, or the removal of vegetation except for the purpQses of flood or erosion control, or resource menegement In addiqon; the VSCMP policfes prortlote • the publfc acgufsition of the velley lends in order to minfmize the assoclated �isks to iife and' property. arid ensure the long term protectiori of this naturel feature. In order to (eciBtate ihese ,� ' requirements it Is necessary to meet on sile, as noted abn_ve, with representeUves and/or • surveyor of lhe applicant and City ataB. ••• � Based upon the aboJe, we can not flnalize our c�mments on thta applicaUon at this time.. ' �. . ' Further comments wfil be provided once the issues outl(ned ebove are eddressed.,; . . • By copy of this letter, please advise the applicant Uiat The Toronto and Regfon Conser.vatfon � Authodty has implemented a fee schedule for our developmenUplanning applicatlon review , services. ThIs applicaUon is subject to ihose �ees, For turther clariflceUon, epplfcants should � contact TRCA Development Services staif. � . ( We lrust this Is saUsfactory, However, stiouid you have any questfons please do not hesitete to contact the underslgned or Gaspare Rhacca'et eMensf,on 5324: � � - • Yours truly, , . . ' • � . , � � � `�-�-- , '. Russel White . . Plans Malyst . , ' • Deveiopment Servfces Secdon � . � � . Ext. b308 • . ' . , • , , . � GFUfa ' :. . • , , EnG: , .: , , • ,. , . . , • ATTACH�'�f!t n 6 i0 REPORt a �'�' ;_� 3,`_ }•+ — . -- ----- ___ � � , FIQURE 6 � . • VALLEY CORRIDOR BOUNDARIES INCLUDINQ AOJACENTSICiNIt1CANT pREA 103 • � �' — 1 . 10T , /� \ . . � � � �� • . , Tap of Stebla Top of Steble . Veiley Bank , Watarcourse Velloy 6enk .• Slgniflcent Area ' Repulatory Flood Platn FIGURE 8 ' • • . � . VALLEY CORRIDOR BOUNDARIES • � � UNSTABLESLOPE (, . . tom � , : ' ' . . • I ` . • � � Hepuletary Flood Pleln . : • • . _ '� 1 I Pradicted Steble j,� � Slope We ( ,, . � t ' ' Projected from Stable/Stabllizad Top at Steble • or Predicted Toe Velley Bank of Slope ' Wetercauree � � . MTRCA VALLEY AND STREAM CORRIDOR MANAOEMENT PROaRAM � October 20, 1984 . 16 � ( 104 r�: ;,1 . 0 � r i � ATTAC1P,-r�7 a_���_ J pEPUI?t k �'u 3 . • , FIGUAE'7 . • ' STREAM CORRIOOR BOUNDARIES . • ' ' FIQURE 8 � STREAM CORRIbOR BOUNOARIES ' . INCLUDINa ADJACENT SIGNIFICANT AREA MTflCA �VALLEY AND STFEAM CORRIDOp MANAQEMENT PROORAM Octobar2B, 1894 ' • �� n+�oi+ar or nndn+,. a.. TrwWrutloa TnaryorU Phone: (41� 235-3509 Fax: (41� 235-4267 . E-mail: Petro(a;mto.gov.on.ca City of Pickering Planning and Development Departmeat Pickering Civic Complex � One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Attention:l'ygr B�mett Dcar Sir: !Q5 ATTACHMENTI % TO REPORT / PD R 3-cD Q Ontario Cortidor Managcment Ofiice 1" Floor, Alrium Towcr 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontazio M3M 1J8 May 4, 2000 � EileNo:n�io RECEIVED MAY 8 2000 CITY OF PICKERINO � ovun►ar o���o��� MAY 0 8 Z000 CITY OF PICKERING REt ProposedRc-zoufng PICKERINO,ONTARIO Long & McQuade L(mited South afde Hightvay 401, wat s(de of Rosebank Road Part of Lot 31, Concesslon 1, P(ckeHng We havo revicwed the above proposal and huve no objxtion in principle lo the proposed rezoning subject to the following comments. �• Tlris Ministry will require that eny new buildings above end below ground be setback a minimum of 13.7m (45 feet) from thc highway property line. The owner ahould be madc aware that ministry pem�ils ere required prior to any construcdon being uadertaken. Minis6y pemvts are also required for all signs visible to the highway. Further infom�etion on, our permit requirements is avaitable from our District Oflice (Mr. Kcn Shcrbanowski, 416-235-5560). As part of our pecmit review process, we will requim the submission of a site plan, site grading/drainage plan, . site servicing plan, illuminalion plan and calculations, and a Stormwater Management Report indicating the intended treatment of the calculated runoff for our review ond epproval. I tiust that thie informadon is beneficial and to your needs. Pleaso do not hesitate to call should you have any questions or concems. Yours tiulY� . �— .___._- r Chazlio Petro Comdor Management Txhnician ce. Ken Sherbanowski, MTO • �. 146 , ' _ . • • ' , .�ATTACHHIENT C�TO • ' �. . • � PEPORT / .PD 3 3 � e�D . . . . ' MayB,s000 •. �� . , ' . ' � RECEIVED . ' � ' Tyler Bamelt, Plenner • � � � � . � � , MAY 1 0 2000 City of Plckering Pianning Department ' . Plckering Clvlc Complex ' ' ' • � ��TM �v,,ir;,,;qN,oRINa • • � - One'iho Esplanede . ' . ' • . °�10'"ENiDE��w*►�xr ' � � � . Plckering, ON•L1V 6K7 ' . • • � Dear Mr. Bamett•' � � . . . • �pp�• . . . , , . ,��`p„���,,,,� . Re: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applicatlon A7l00 . Applicant• Long & McQuede Limlted . ' � ' . Location: • West side of Rosebank Road, sout� of HiBhway Np. 401 ... . Part of Lot 31, Range 3, Broken Front Concesslon �� ' ' Municfpality� Cily of Pickering � ' ' ' . 1816 OuiMne SL E � . ' ' . ��' ��81� r0N"` '. In response to your request, we wish lo provlde the fo�lowfng cominents wifh fespect w� e�� • wnimy, ome�w to Regional O�icial Plan conformity, delegated provindal plan reviow responsibilities .. � ��N � � and the proposed melhod of serv(Cing. The pUrpose of the proposed zoning by-law �^�'����'�� amendment (s to rezone the subJect lands from a resfdential zone to an industrial� ... res (oos) �asaiz • zone to facilitate the consUuctlon of a new 2100 squere metre werehouse/oftice A L (ieorpi�fl, �v, e� building. ' � , . � • . Camiseioner , � � .. . ' . , . . . d PlyrJrq , . The subjecf lands are designated as "Employment A►ea" wlthin the Region of •' • Dufiam Officfal Plan. The pol(cies of the Employment Area designaUon pertnit: ' manufacturing, assembty and processing of goods, servfce indus�(es, research and . . '�: development facillUes, warehous(ng, business parics; Ilmiled personal servlce uses, , � ' hotels, storage of goods and materials, relafl Warehouses, frelghl transfer and.. • • , � Uanspoitatlon faciliUes. Furlher, oHice development as e minor component of an . .• indus�ial operaUon serving lhe.tmmediate Employment Area in which it is located is , . permiUed subJect to the Inclusion ot appropriale provislons In tha area munfcipal plan • _ • and/ar zoning by-law. Theretore•(t appears that the proposed use confortns to tho �' �, • ' Region of Durf�am Otiicial Plen. ' • , • � . The appiicatlon has been screened in accordance wilh lhe lerms of the prov(ncial � . , plan review responsibililies transferred to dale. Tfie subject lands are in proxim(ty to a branch of PetUcoat Creek. We suggest lhat lhe Cily af Pickeflng contact.the: � � � Toronlo Region ConservaUon Authority with respect to thefr requirements for a buBer ' ' ,,' � to protect the watercourse from adverse fmpacts of developmenL Nq other . ,, provincial interesls appear to.be affected by this application. :.• •• •��. � Comments irom the Region of Durfiam Works Department will be fotwarded upon ., . . • • � ' recefpt. . . . ' ', � , .��•If you have any quesUons or require. any infortnatlon, please call ine. ' , . . Yours truly, • . . : . . • , . . . . � ' • C . i�%ct!'iG� . . . ' _ • ' • Chede MIIIS ' ' , • , , • , � , . �Current Operadons Branch . • • • . • � � •�.cc V. Goad, Reglon ot Durfiam Works Department ', � . . . , t�i1PIM�CAMIZONIN01PICkERINGI7-00 . ' � � . � , � \, � • • . .. �. ':107NIa��unM . . • ' ' • , '' , . e MRY 16 '00 04�3BPM DIRFiRM PI.fY�NING DEPT ATTACHMENTI 9 TO P.2/L � . REPORT I PD �� • � � � � � . REC'El��d 1 N 7 8 R MAY 1 7 Z000 r� „ CITY O,�Ft �PI��O�gp��1`N���,. �� ' r . CE.1fH.OP.MEtLTrK9�:swti _ •� ,^�;O o F F I C E ' . �a: Cherie Mills - Current Operations B ch "''" } s 7r�o � ti From: Cmg Qummer- Devclopment Approv 'r� t ,.-.F ,... I � Date: May 15, 2000 ; t•ii� p � Re: Zoning By-x.aw Amendment AppllGiliblrh4tZ09az8 -�.��� .� Long and McQuade Limiced West aida of Rosebaak Road, 9outh of Highway No. 401 Part of Lot 31, ltange 3, Broken Front Concesston , City of Pickering Our File: RZ-010•00-P Tha Rcgional Works Depurtmonthav ro�iewed tho above notcd rezoning application and wishcs to provido the followfng comments. � Municipal water supply is cunently available to the sita from lbe exi.stiog 300 mm wate[main oa the east boulevnrd of the abutting Rosebank Road. Senitary sewer service is available to tho site from the existing 600 mtn itunk senitary ' sewer at Hwy. 40l and Rosebaak Rd. In addition, tb.e sanitnry sawer sbould have sufficient depth (approximately 6 m deep) W provide gravity sanitary sewer service to the sito. Besed on the foregoing, we have no objection to tho zoning amendment applicadon. We tnut the abovc is sufGcient for your purposc. �� i Ciseg (}ummer, ext 5286 nw.v++ua�ocnr.e+,� 1A8 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOAR,D � Fadlltles Savlces 400 Taunton Road East � 'filtby.OnWrlo LIR 2N6 Teiephone: (905) 666-5500 t•804i65-3968 Fax: (905� 666�6439 ��r ' i W � . F� � - ATiqCH+1C!�1 e /O REPOflT r' �.�•----�i�1 � � � o������� n�n�3�2°°o APR 5 -100D CITY OF PICKERING '� PICKERINO, ONTARIO �� �CofRcl �o� ofthe �=3 :L. �: �:, t $,� 4: � 0 Pla"nmgDeparbr�aU APH � �UUG Pickaing Civic Centre cirr OneTheEaplanade �F'.etiU'' n�r-u ;'L'!!„ Pickeiin&Oraario . ��,•;;;';'-.. L1V 6K7 ` ~����M-�,� AUU1ti0n: IVft. T`ylG BemCtt DtBt' �1�(. BMIC�f� RE: ZouinQ By-4w Amwdmmt Appllcatlon A7/00 LoaQ & McQuade Iimited Part of Lob S W 7, Plaa 230 Put of Lot 31, Conus�tou I (Wat dde of Rou6aak Road, soulh of Highway 401) City of Pickerin¢ Steft' has reviewed the infomiation on tho above noted applicaHon and under the mandate of the Durhem Distria Scbool Board, has tw objedions. Yourn tiuty, �N � ct�;� x,��;;�, . Plazmer CN:an LIPAOPLAMDATMPINQ�ZO[.)A07-00 ' ' � •� • ATTACHMENTI_ // 70 . , REPORi r PD_ J3-v�_ 1 n9 RECEIVED APR 1 1 ?p00 ev¢ o�N �aµERINO . . b[P�ry�ENT D$g�i$LOPMENT AEP Cs'Tto A Ti�� — rsoJecr Ns�: �sa �4"'n` t�a _r.o s�� o� &�a r�nott.ast,c�,�..►o� t (Wacaa�eca�u.� MDHHS4/PtJ►N� p�� bo tlah o[1�/ �) 1GUP7ItllAIdTVc P9dcedo6 IlBP.NOa .�7/00 gUgMI5S10N DAT& ��'1i �. � 1. P.Ja�tie Senica b a�bk on thn rmd �o+rwx aad� o[thl►pm�7� Senlocg.�l be 6om dm�ert cde ot&o�k Rosd u Gtmioe Cwut . - 2 Iw ntm�ion o[�Le CoiP°nti°°ti PL"t i�Rd m ihe md J�� m�` m K•�a tici pcojat. • Ownet� oat— atla+�td—.�°°m� ro be deum�od. ����� � ,� ��� �� �od�tioo on dte foc t6e Co�poe�tioas tm���%i� • ootdoorpdmwM{n�5mX6mdntuo A. a�m t°0m%) ��'°�" � a r.mmmod�k tLe CoToaB°°4 mceu�. �, ����c�.�e.�a�aa�'�°r��a�a.xa�en�rt�u aM.� ��txo.�.a�aa.auc,� c� w. ��� � ���n. 6, 1Le AppYamt mmt pq the Co�pondno � mrt� ro toppi� iod iwhil �mde�O�°d �°� ��n mule of 5. �ba�e. �l mQe of co�4c To be detmdml 7. 7Le 60os1a6 � fimd fa ooro sd �pp�f• sadae Comeaiou Fai1M'pP�udt �, �,►pp�cyot mmt mrke dasct oo tba Co�amba b ol�niu rpai6c rPPc�+� oE t!e doddnl unloe �may�e�b 'u� �� ��°�°�' Aa ebc�nl cmd1� °t am�°�0tucn,� a w�vdc � m� w�ice dcMi�. 1Le aPPGrau� L autiaaad tlut ImJra. IottW�dPd"z to obumlet �ped� R[� �I b nJ+jat �o du�a 9. Mwvd 6om tAa p�� eod �Ocmon ro�e renlce mtaxe md tLe mead�6 �n°4°°�+ �°°mPb wN6 drCap°°d°�� mpiama'o vd �pedtfndom. f0� Pdoema�a�d°E�°l�°�������at6nCoq�omkatiGlrtamvGard��rtmu►t tuopa�nmup��� . An muEl�P°i� 01�� �d md wfstdnsd m wmu� ��II dew—Amowt ro la deam�. r _r-- , . ` ATTACHMENTI �� TO 1� 0 ' ' REPORi M Pp_�3-yp _ { �IDIAN CARYQRA'riON DBVEWPI�XI'AYPIIG\1tON Blt��iW . 11. Yaoc ro ob�Oi � 6nn'I�CB P� d1° App6aet �h.R b1 n6*°'m�4 mnfion �capham of 16e lemu �od . mn�dow o[p�� �'� 12 Whemcmnmmale�Sh�a6��ocwtkmmiutwo�klnpmalml4tonW�F �MU dlww of mnda ox amm8 � d+e limiu of �ppmrL, iLe d�doPu/hulld@ P�7 fa tS�e tmspwiq odoatim. �� PtO�OO o[ t6a wim. a ot6rr atbe denmd nealwl bf Yuidim to pevrids foc wdmr aEctp wi ihe reavh7 of the elavk+l RNm. 13. Ladwpicg. �Pa�'ti710°p �od �• �O'� 6e idoad Ml (mm d.e Cmiwufion'� uwfown wd poldine m ndd hta%mce �h �qWP°1°Ot ura� �nd fmaro g+owdi. 1�. Ot6ec . up� u.len deppYe..t4 W.a t6era i. caoaic.t.rhh.'4adnr h�dm role• Mr9cmt b not p build on Veddlan4 eusment � dthe eut piddn6lw u wd r rcar to ttJ� dle b necestaq. . TaLalulARaK"°rire—Doo B�mut Tdephom 427•9870IIv.3257 � � n��om�+Va/.�ro.�+R..n°'a'1�.a�d"'u'r'V�.�V��w4+u.�.asl�l.nry.aa� . Re►, Dat� Norembar 1.1999 - ..------..�_. � � R ORA i� p I _o-o MEMO To: Tylu Baznet Planner 1 ' D�: April 25, 2000 From: Bob Starr Development Control Supervisor �: Z0�n8 BY-Law Amendment Application A 7/00 Long and McQuade Limited Pert of Lots 5 to 7 P1an 23p Part of Lot 31, Concession 1 (West side of Roscbnnk Road, South of Hwy 401). Pickcring We have reviewed the above noted application and providc the follawing comments, � �% We wi11 require a Stormwatcr Menagcmcnt Report for this site. Thcy may be n9�a to Pro��d� casemcnts to 1he Ciry for Stormwater Management Pucposes. Z) A soiis rcport will be required. 3) The portion of Rosebank Road from Granite Court to the north, limit will need to be upgraded to urban standard for fiili loan capacity, es this wi11 be th�ir only etrance. , A cash in lieu of payment may be considered if reconsVucdon of the bridge on Roscbank Road, south of Gcanite Court iy contemplated in the nenr future, A development agmment or servicing agreement may be �qw� � order to facilimte these matters. BS/pr • eumnemo.yx . r 111