HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 32/00• osa �� OR P/� � ° REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Cnrroll DATE: June l3, 2000 Director, Planning nnd Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 32-00 SUBJECT: Zoning By-Inw Amendment Application A10l00 Brydale Developments (Pickering) Inc. Part of L.ot l. Pian 819 (Nonhside of Grayabbcy Court, west of Fairport Road) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thut Zoning Byluw Amendment Applicution A l0/00, submittcd by Brydnle Dcvclopments (Pickering) Inc., for lands known as Part of Lot I, Plun 819, City of Pickcring, to umcnd the zoning on the subject lancls to {xrmit the establishment of thrce detuched rcsidentiul dwcllings on lots with minimum lot frontagcs of 12 metrcs, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlincd in Appcndix I to Report Number PD 3?-00. ORIGIN: :!oning By-law Amendmcnt Application a 10/00 submitted to the Ciry of Pickering. AUTHORITY: Thc Pla�v�ing Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs �o the City are anticipated as a result o( the proposed devclopment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc applicant, who is curmntly Jeveloping thc lots on Grayabbey Court, proposcs to change the zoning on the subject lands from the current "R3" — ResiJential Detached Dwelling — Third Density Zone (which requircs a minimum IS-metrcs lot frontages) to "53-7" - Residcnti�l Detnched Dwelling Zone (minimum 12.0-metres lot frontnges) to pertnit the dcvclopmcnt of thrce rcsidcntial lots at the north end of Grayabbey Court (see I.ocation Map - Attachment NI und Applicant's SubmitteJ Plan - Attnchment H2). Approvnl of this application will estublish zoning for thc Innds which i� idcntical to that rcccntl�� �pproved for thc southerly-ubutting subdivision nnd will cnablc the complction of lotting on Graynbbey Court through the Durham Lund Division Committcc. Thc proposed crcation of ihrce new lots is considercd nppropriate and in chnr�ter wilh ncighbouring ckvclopment, pmvicieJ the Ciry and the TRCA nre satisfied with rcspcct to protection of thc Dunbartmi Crcck Vullcy. Theu und other mntters of intercst to the Cily can be upproprialely adJrcsseJ through conditions of upprovul. The application is recommended for approval, subject tu condiiions. REPQRT NU141BER PD 32•00 June ! 3, 2qp0 Q�(� Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Applicution AlU/00 Pagc 2 BACKGROUND: I.0 Informution Mcctine A Public Information meeting for this developmcnt proposul was helJ on May I8, 20W. Information Repurt No. 12-00, which summ�uizes the applicant's previous proposal and ouUincs the issues nnJ comments identified to that date thremgh circulation of thc applicntion, wus preparcJ for that meeting. The text of ihc Information ReEwrt is providcd for mfercnce (sec Attachment #3). At thc Public lnfortnation Mecting, Ms. Andrcc Baillargcon, N-hu rcsiJcs at 1906 Fairpart Road, exprcsscd concem thrt the proposcd de��clopment appears to providc Icss than a 10 mctrcs buffcr from top of bank. In hcr opinion, this coulJ �tcntially result in thc removrl of a stand of trecs duc tu thc mduccd bu(fcr arca. Ms. Daillgcon submillcd her concems in writing to the Ciry (sec Auachment N�l). 2.0 Additionallnforma�ion: Since lhe Public In(ortnation Meeling, the follu���ing comments ha�•e txen recci�cd: Aren Resldent — An c-mail w:u rcccivcd from Mr. Qon Carticr of 1895 Spruce Hill RoaJ, capressing his conccros that thc pruEwsed dc�clopmcm of thc lhrcc rcsiiknti�l lots may prcjudicc thc dcvclopmcnt �wtcnti�l for Ihc rcar �wnion o( his pruperty (scc Attachmcnt MS). Reglon of Uurhnm Plunning Uepartment (xec Altachment N6) — The applicaiion complies with thc pruvisions o( thc Rcgional O(fici•rl Plan. Thc applicrnt is requircJ �o prcp:ur un Arehacologic�l Assessment in �ccurJancc «ilh thc nyuircmems o( the Afinislry o( Culturc, Cititcnship anJ Nccrcalion's ��Afl'IIJI'OIO�`IC7I As.ussmcnl Guidclincs" for ihc Minislry lo rcvicw. The Toronto nnd RrpJon Consenutlon ��ulhoril�• (sec Attxhmcm t►7) — 10 objections with intcnt of the proposal. The applic•rnt is rcyuircJ to providc thc Conscn•ation Authoritp with infortn•rtion lo confirm thc limits of dc�elopmcnt and th•rt thc vallcy (ands �uc IreatcJ in xcortlance with TRCA's Vnllcy and Stream CarriJor htan�gcmen� Prugrsm. Funhcr. the buffcr anJ ��allcy I•rnds :ue requia�l to be zonad as opcn spxdhazard I�nd and be transferted to public ownership. Durham Dtstrict Sehool Uoard (sce Attxhment It8) —\o objec�ion. Canada Post (uc Attxhmcnt M9) — No d�jection. 3.0 Qiscussion 3.1 Appropriateness of the Proposal The Council adopted Dunbuton NeighbourhooJ Development and Design Guidclincs, arc intenclecf to gu .ie new Jevelopment in a fortn which is compatible with the surnwn�Lng neighbourhood. 71u Guicklines state that on oew intemal roa�is. such as Gr.�yabbey Ccwn. las should proviJc minimum fronuges of I2.0 metru. Thc propusal complies with �hcsc guidelines, aMl ix compatiblc with exiuing ukf newtt developmcnt in thc ncight+uuttKxaJ. 7Trc �plicant is proposing thc crcation of three Iws, with a minimum fnmugc of 12.0 mctres. through thc Durhun L�nd Division Corcuniuce. llx applican�'s proposal wu anlicipateJ by thc Ci1y thruugh thc re�icw uf thc uwthcrl�• abulting Drrft Plan of Sutxfivisia� 18T-9fi009. 71�e drrQ plan uf sutxlnisioo wu a���cJ by thc Ontario Munieipal [iwnl nnd wu regiuernl w ith tour ek�rlopmrnt bla ks IcYateJ s1 the nath cnd of Grryabbey Coun. 71xsc blocks Ncre eswblishnf in � to pm�•idc kx the future Jcvelo{mrcn� of raidendal Iexs anwrxf the culKlc-sac (see Attxhmrnt N 2►. Thc ' 0"l� REPORT NUMBER PD 32-00 lunc 13, 2000 SubjecC Zoning By-law Amendment Application A10/00 Page 3 current pmposal will xcommodatc future dcvelopment of thc lols lacatrd on ihc west side of Grnyabbey Coun. In commenting on thc associalcd I�nd Division A�plications, stnff will rcquest th•rt conditions of approv�l bc impoud that me similar to maucrs typically aJdrcsxd by sutxlivision agmments, such as but not limited to, Irec prcunalion. :uehitectural Jcsign, and gr�ding rcquirertxnts. 3,? Protection of thc Dunbanon Crcek Valley 'Ihe Dunbarton Creek Valley crosxs the eutem ponion of thc subjcct propeny. 'J'hc Pickcring Official Plan iJcntifies this ponion of tha subject property as'•Opcn Space - Naturrl Arca". A field rcview wns complctcd with TRCA statf, Ciry sta(f ;uid the applicant for!he purpose of icicntitying the location of thc top of bank. Thc TRCA rcquires a minimum 10 metres buf(er area from thc cslablishcJ Iop of bank. "Ihc •rpplic:uu is proposing buffcr areas Icu than the TRCA's rcyuirement. City staff :uiJ �he TRCA ha� c reyuested additional information from Ihc •rpplicant to justify thc proposed reduction of thc buffcr:ura. The subjecl property pruviJcs ackqua�c area lo accommoJatc Ihc TRCA's buffcr arca requiremcnts, trec prcscn••rtion and are� to xcommai�tc a proposcd walkway us identifiai in thc Pickcring Tr�til anJ Bikeway Masterpl:ui. 7bc maner of the provision of ;u� appropriate buffcr area must be rcsol�eJ prior to forwanling an implemcnting zoning bylaw• forCouncil's ronsidcration. 3.3 RaommcnJal Zoning St�n�nis It is raommenJnl th:u thc implcmenting bylaw for �his applic•rlion •rpply a "S3•7" -[klxhcd Dwclling Rcsidrnual Zunc 10 thc subjcct prupcny. 71iis is the samc toning as prcxnUy ea�sts on thc abutting lan�ls on Grr�sbtxy Ccwrt (Uy-law 5575/99), and incluJes spccial pm�isions Gm�Gng bwWmg heiFhts to 9.0 mc�rcs, minimizing garrgc projections, an�l pro�iding optiuns (ur Jerrchnf garagcs anJ frunt porches. 71�cse spccial ptu�isions wiU furthtt ensum thal the Je�elopmcnt occurs in a manner ahich is tompatible Nllh lhC SUrtuun�Lng uCa. 3.d Archacological Resourecs Duc to its lacation�l chuxttnstics, the Region of Durham Planning Department has indicataf that thc wbjRt propeny hu the potrn�ial to possess signific�u archxological resources. Prior to any sitc activity aceurring (grrding andJot clearingl. an rlrchxological Assessment is rcquircJ. This mvter will be a�WresseJ ihrough a con�iition of the de�elopmcnt agreemcnt thu will be imposai �hrough the land di��ision applications. d.0 Applicant's Commenls 'ilx applicant concurs aith thc recommenduions outlined in this rcport. ATTACFL1fE`TS: PropatY laation Map Infomulion compileJ Gom Applicant's Submitteci Plan Infotmuia� Rep�xt Raicknt Comment - his. Andm pai:lugeoo. 1906 Fairport Rax! Reside�u Canment - �tr. Ikmald Cartier.1895 Sprucc Iiill Rwd Durtum Regiaeal Planning De�.vtmrnt Tomnto and �cgion Conscrvmion Authority Thc Dwfiun Catholic Dislrict School Boanf Cm+uia Post ',._.�.:�,� w��- - � ItEPORT NUMBER PD 32-00 June 13, Z000 �"% 1 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Appiicetion A10/00 Page 4 �P� '� Approved / Endorsed by: T IerBumelt NeiIC PI er 1 Diroctor, Plenning and Devclopment �c�. o.�.M,. Q , Lyndn Tayl Munnger, Curtent Operntions ]TB/pr Attachnents Copy: Chicf Administrative Offiar Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,. �'��•jaU� mns J, puin , Chief Administ ' Office =� t �, , �; .i , � � ' S �. . . . . " ° _ a s ,. �; . .. . -..- _ __. _... . . _ _..,-' ... . .. ...... .... .i ��. ._.. . ,�;; . ::� ..r„' � . . � . . , . . - . 0.72 APaENU1X I TO RECOMMENDATION REPORT NUM[3ER PD 31.-00 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS F APPROVAI FOR 7ANiNG BY-I.AW AMENDMENT APPLI ATION A 10/00 l.0 1'hut prior to fonvurding the implementing zoning by-law for Council's consiJcration, thc npplicant shnll: u) provide un updnicd rcference plun to identify the top of bank :�s approveJ by thc Toronto and Region Conservntion Authority and the Cily of Pickering; b) submit nn Archeologicnl Assessmcnt to the Ministry of Citizenship nnd Culturc and receive npproval; 2.0 Thut the following conditions be applied to miy future Land Division Applications: a) that the applicant enter into an appropriate agrcement with and to the satisfuction of the City to nddrcss matters typically containcd in A subdivision ngrecment, such mattcrs to include, but not nccessarily limited to, storm watcr managemcnt, grading nnd engineering, service instnllution, fencing, financial obligntions and construction mnnngemcnt; b) submit and rcccive approvul of a draft refercnce pinn to idcntify thut thc applicant addrcss thc mattcr of providing nn acccptablc buffcr urca, addrcss trcc prescrvation und pinnting rcquircments, and environmentnl protection mcthods during construction. Thesc plans shall be subjccl lo the approvul of the Dircctor of Planning und Developmcnt, in consultation with the TRCA; c) that thc agreemcnt rcquirc the applicunt to convcy the opcn space lands to thc City oF Pickcring; 3.0 Thnt thc implemcnling zaning by-law includc thc following: n) the extension of the "53-7"- Rcsidcnlial Dctachcd Dwelling Zonc rcquirements in By-Inw 5575/99 onto thc subject Innds, including the OS-HL a::�ie provisions. � ,,M1: ' I'i . . . � , ,• , . . � .._ . ' . � . . � .. .� - . � ,'� �. . 074 ra ��a � 74 IdIJ1q .Nu ' ATTAqCdENi/ _ TO REPORT / PD INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'3 SUBMIttED PLAN J110/00 ' BRYDALE DEVELOPMENTS (PICFtERING) INC. TH MINIMUM L )NTAGES OF 12.0 MET —REQS S � �LOT � i� � � �� � � PECISTRAqS � COhp0.Ep R.. COMPLED S$$j� � ��" L07 t3 GRAYABBEY COURT � °''° � i ' IANDSPREVIOUSLY ti......•••••"��� ZONED 8Y BY-LAW I r�u� r. « � r�aN BIOCK 30 ' � �o..�w N nne wwwu raaa�o rvn�e ana r�rtra xu��a aio otv[toruaxr oE�wnne� ,ura ia �aon a . ' ATiACHr;It11 ,. 3 � ' . REVURI r Pl� _aJ�'DO , ��G J ��OFP��� INFORMATION REPORT N0.12-00 FOR PUBLIC INFOR111AT[ON MEETING OF May 18, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE W1TA THE PUIIL[C 111�ETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNINC ACf, RS.0.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECI': Zoning By-law Amcndmcnt Applicution AIO-00 Brydalc Devclopmcnts (t'ickcring) Inc. Purt of Lot 1, Plan 8l9 (Nortl�sidc of Grayabbcy Court, wcst oCPairport Rond) City of Pickcring 1.0 PROPER'fY LOCATION AND DRSCRIPTION `� - lhc subject property compriscs an arca of approximatcly 0.45 ha on tl�c norlh sidc of Grnyabbcy Court; - awrounding land uscs includc residcntial to lhc wcsl, cast and norll� and thc lands to U�c south nrc currcntty bcing dcvclopcJ for 25 residcntial lots on Cruyabbcy Court; - thc Dunborion Crcck crossca thc caslcm portion of thc subjcct propcdy; - n properiy location map is includcd as Altacimicnt If 1 lo thia rcpott. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - thc applicont, who is curtcntly dcvcloping lhc lota on Grnyabbcy Court, hos acquired lhc subject properly. Thc applicant proposcs to change thc wning on lhc subject lands from ihc currcnt "[i3" — Residcntiul Dclachcd Dwclling — Tliird Densiry Zone (which rcquires n minimum 18-matrc lot Crontagc), to thc samc wning lhat was impiemcnted on abutting lots on Gruyubbey Courl (wtuch requirea a minimum 12m — lot frontagc); - t6e upprovcd plan of subdivision to tl�e south provided devclopment blxks at lhe north cnd of Grayubbcy Court lo providc for the devclopment of U�c tlucc lots ptoposcd wilh this application; - lhc proposcd zoning would pemtit detached dwcllings on lots with minimum frontages of 12.0 melres. The applicant wishes to dcvclop the subject lands, once rezoned, for three residenlial lols. (sce Information Complicd Crom ApplicanCs Submittcd Plnn — Attachment #2); - future submissions to thc Regian of Dwhn►n Land Division Commillca will bc madc in order to crcato these lots tivough lhe Lend Sevetanco proccss; • - tha remaining easterly portion of thc subjcct lands aro intendcd to bc zoned "Open Spnce - Hazard Landa" and convcycd lo a public agcncy such as lhc City of Pickering or the Torontu and Region Conservulion Aulhority. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND 7,ONING 3.1 Durham Rcelonal O(Iicial Plan - Iho Durham Regionui Officiul Plan idendIIes tho eubject lends as bcing locatcd witt�in a "Living Arca' ; • - tho applicatIon confortna; ' . ATTACHIdENT �1 3 i0 REPORT � PU._j��Q__._ • � �o7s � Wormation Report No. 12-00 Page 2 3.2 Pickcdae Oftictel Plan - lhc Pickcring Otiicial Plan designntes lha subjcct lands "Urbnn Rcsidcnlial - Low Density Area" within the Dunbarton Ncighbourhood; . - lhe "Urban Residentia! — Low Density Area" designalion pcmuts a residenGel net site density of up l0 30 unils per hectare; - the Pickering Otiicia! Plan nlso identifies an "Open Space System — Natural Area" on the subject lands which cortesponds with the valley of tho,Dunbarton Crcek which nws through the subject lunds; , - thc application confom�s; 3.3 Compendtum Document to t6e Ofitciol Plan - the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidclines, which ate Council adopted poticies intcnded to guide new development in Uie area �n a manncr wluch is. compatiblc with A�c existing ncighbourhood, slute lhat, on now intemal mads, (such as Grnyabbcy Couri), 12.0 metres is lhe minimum lot frontnge which ' ahould bc pcnniltcd; ' ' - thc opplicution conforms; . 3.4 Zonine BY-Inw 3U36 • - thc subjcct property is zoncct "R3" - Rcsidcntial Dctnclicd Dwclling - Third Density Zonc, whicl� rcquires minimum lot fronwgcs of 18,0 mctres; — - an amcndmcnt to thc mning by-law is rcquircd to impicmcnt Uic upplicant's proposal. 4.0 IiESUL'1'S OF C►RCULATION 4.1 Rcsident Commenls - no writicn commcnts havc bccn rcccivcd to-clatc; 4.2 Aecncy Commenl� - No objccUons or concerus - Durham District School Boazd (sec Altachment k3); Vcridian Conncctions (scc Altachmcnt #4); — 4.3 StnffComments - the npplicunt's proposal was anlicipnled by the City Auough thc revicw of DraR Plan of subdivision IST-98009; howcvcr, dctails of qus development, including compatibiliry with ndjacent lands, servicing, grnding, access to Grayabbey Court, tree invenlory/prescrvation and the approprintcness must bc assesscd prior to thc forwsvJing oFa recommendatian lo Ciry Council; - the approved Dratt Plua of Subdivision 18T-98009 (registercd es Plan 40M-198� contains development blocks nt thc north cnd of Gmynbbcy Court. Staff'will rcvicw the applicaGon lo cnsure w-ordinadon of thc development blocks with tlw subjcct property to ensure otdcrly development; - the Toronto and Region Conscrvulion Authority wili hnve ►o confum lhat lhe proposal nccurately reflects the locntion of the top of bnnk; - stati' will cxplorc tho necessity to hnve tlic applicant cntcr into appropriate • development agrecments or to rcviso existing agreements to ensuro that tho subject , lands ero davaloped wilh lho same atnnd�rde thut wero rcquired on tho abutting lands to tho south. � nnnu;� ��ii � 3 rri �;Et����,r A Nu_3��(L------- Informulion Rcport No. 12-00 077 Pagc 3 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written commcnts rogacding this proposal should bc directed lo lhc Planning end Development Dcpanment; - oral comtnenls may be mwlo at the Public Infortnation Meeling; - all comments received• will be aoted and used ns input in a Recommendation Repori prcpared by the Plaiwing and Dcvelopment Department for u subsequent mceGng of Council or a Convnittee of Councii; - if you wish to rescrvc t6c oplion lo appcul Council's decision, you must providc comments to the City beCoro Councit adopts any by-lew for thia proposnl; - if you wish to ba noGQed of Council's dccision rcgarding lhis propoaal, you muat requcst such in writing to lho Ciry Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMAT[ON 6.1 • Appendiz No. l -, lisl of neighbourhood residenls, community nssociutions, agencies and Ciry Dcpurtments thnt h¢vc commcntcd on thc upplicutions at tho limc of writing rcpori; 6.2 Informatlon Recetvcd - full scale copics of the ApplicanPs submillcd plan nre available for vicwing al the o�ccs of thc City of Pickcring, Plarming and Dcvclopmcnt Dcparlmcnl; 6.3 Comanny !'rincipal - U�e principal of Brydalc Dcvelopmcnts (Pickcring) Inc. is Mr. Pctcr Tancnnbaum. 0't Tyler B t Lyndn Taylor c 1 Menuger— Currcn OperaGons Division JTB/ab . Copy: Director, Planning and Development Depa►tment ':; . .l:�j I .�I� � ' ATTACHIdENi I. � IO flEVUR1�PU . �-oo ..:. .. A.I.. B8lllflfgCOn � ' � 1906 Fairport Roed • Pickering, Ontnrio , L1V 1T4 � May 18, 2000 Honourablo Wayne Arthers Mayor, City ofPickering ' 1 The Esplanade ' Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 TylerBamett • Plennv 1,Planning and Development Department • • City ofPickering, 1 The Esplanade • Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Bcuce Taylor, AM.C.T City Clerk, City of Pickering, 1 The Fsplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Deur Honournble Wayne Arthurs, Mr, Tyler Bemett, and Mr. Bruce Taylor, These aze written comments for the Public informadon Mceting hold May 18, 2000, respecting the proposal by Brydnle Developments (Pickering) Ine. for the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application A10/00. In tho original plan of sulxliviaion for developmont of lots surrounding Graynbbey Court, prior to Brydele acquiring the pnrt of I.ot l, Plan 819, in-depth discussions wero held with tt�e Toronto Regionnl Conservation Authority about the encroachmcnt into tlio creek and the t0 moter buffer zone. M over6ead from the presentation made in 1999, is attached. My concem had been expressed nbout the space between the lot lines end the top of bank In fact, Brydale was asking for and, to my chagrin, rcceived peroussion to develop less than the rzcomm�nded 10 meter buffer from the Wp of bank. ' Please fmd attached picturos of tha resulls. They hnve "�ued° the City of Pickering. Not only have they expanded the size of lot 2, they alsa dumpcd 511 end garbage inw the creek area. This is not the way to troat the Environment or tho City.. The present amendment plens do aot porhay the iinc of top of bank In fact the developer hes chosen to use the words °ba7ard land wne" instead of "Opea Space". Why? � �. � �: I 0 • artaCm..a .. .� . ' . . . . �NUH(, ���.2,=.c2O-- O79 Pciot W our aevecing this land, thete was aupposed to have baa en environmenW review: Please advise what heppened and what the process is to obtain a wpy of the raview. In addition, Uris "Harard Land Zone" wes to have bxn aigned ova W the City W Lelp W protect the cmk I em concecned that the developers are again playing e game, end will want W expand the lots by fiUing into the cceer valley. In addition, they will probably teac down trce.v thet, if ell �is es it should be, belong to the City of Pickedng. As the remaining pictures s6ow, thcre is a stand of h�eas on the top of bank. T6e ToronW Regional Conservation Authority placed orenge merkers w desiguate this land feaiure, ff the full 10 meter buBer mne is retained, the hees in this stend will be protected. However, the dcveloper has placed addiaonal mer�ers in �he area, less chan lOm. from top of banic Since thero seem to be an overlap, I would greatly appreciete if Tyler Bamett would make himself availeble, to explain to me what marker is what, and how he intends • W protect these trees. I em not interested in delaying the building process, but I do want to protect the environment Your serious attention W tLis matter would bo gready appreciated � Q'xr,�� s� ,�a�s�;ii�� a �: x�w aa��;�� \ � ' ' (1EACfL�.SL•NU.11IVrl ncrvni •_._. � O8O • . r�ao�PD�— 32-00�.__ • r., . • c["'" . • • '��. .. i �+w � INN �• wi � n.a a.t�u� �� ; h ! �y. `" 8 Y STAFF �RECOMMENDED PLAN 18T 98009 � � ������� � ` ' ut � �'���~ —����� � \ , /YI � IIM r1MUM � ! T�� • I `\. ` . I =Y =t =a1.=7q �/ • I I • � L� I �„ ;- i 4 ) ``�;. . i i . ' � ��'s � ` � .� �.� i i ... s 9 wax �i urn �.,,. I µ• . I I �I I I � � � � O ( < a � —l�i�vu' � ��I.. .;:',a��c o �---- a � eaar� �u < �---- .'` I I •I I I � I I I I i I I I I I i i L L L 1 anv_H�v_e � L L 1 1 1.L anv��ra �,7 1 1 1 L 1. .L aur�ve m I. I I t. I L pnvHare t ATTACHMENi► 5 TO REPORi► PD ��-oa _- 081 8-mail raaeived Lrom Doaald Cartier to Tylez Haraett dated May Y4, Z000 (Iaformatioa Mae copied for clairity puryoeee) Tha information package provided to me by Mr. Ray Daviee of your departmen[ on May 12th end aur convereation on May 17th regarding the propoeed rezoning and development wae greatly appreciated and it enabled me to obtain a better underetanding of the propoeal. Ae per your euggeetion, I am eubmitting a written reeponae regarding thc pzopoeal outlining concerne with reepect to the potential impact on the Euture development of my interior lande that abut to the weet of the propoeed development. I am at 1895 Spruce Hill Road and my property is beet recognized ae the T-ehaped lot on the weat aide of Orayabbey Court at the north end on the cul-de-eac. The interior portion of my lande ( the rear block meaeuring approximately 48.77 m x 41.15 m) that are adjacent to Orayabbey Court and the propoeed weeterly boundary of the devclopment hae eufficient land area to eupport the future development of four (9) reeidential building lota nominally being 500 eq. metres each. In the couree of future development of theee lande, I recognize that the rezoning from the current R] to that which ie compatible with both the current aubdivieion on Orayabbey and the exiuting Rl zoning would be required. I am not certain aa to how [hia matter would be approached or reaolved, except to eay, that rellef and!or varlance from the zoning would be requlred in order to develop theae lande. I propoee thal• thie matter be taken into coneideration at thle [ime and that rezoning provielone r,overing ehe eubject lande of the applicant aleo cover the in�erlor landa of currently affected landownere on Spruce Hill Poad. The main obetacle to the full potentlal development oC my interior lande ie the reetrlcted road accees remaining to Orayabbey Court ae a reeult of the deeign and layout of thc applicant'e lat development propoeal and the applicable zoning for which the applicant ie requeeting approval. The minimum lot area ( PART 5) of the applicant'e propoeal ie appzoxlma[ely 4B0 eq, metres and the largeet of the propoeed lota (PARt' 4) !a B00 eq.metree. Theee loGe all exceed the minimum lat area requlremente ot the SS- and 53-7 zoning provieione of the current zoning ln place for the Orayabbey development and aleo comply with the minimum lot frontage of 12.0 m for 53-7. Since adequate lot area ie available [or both thc applicant'e lot development propoeal and the potential four (4) lot development oE my interior lande, but road frontege ie at a premium, I propoee that lot frontagee on the Orayabbey cul-de-eac be emaller ae required and that the zoning regarding minimum lot frontage be amended to eupport bo[h the applicant's propoeed requiremente and that of the future development of rtry four (4) lote on Orayabbey Court. Thie could reeult in a reconfiguration of the applicant'e propoaed lot development plan with a realignment of the eide yard lot linee to narrower lot frontages ae required in order to avoid partial land-locking and reetricted future development of my interior lande. In thie regard, the Plan Of Survey of PART OP IAT 1 REOI9TRAR'S COMPILED PLF.�� 819 eubmitted by the applicant, identifiee eix (6) PART3 and a eerlee of BWCK'S around the perimeter of the cul-de-eac. I requeet that BIACK 76, PART 6, any revieion to theee portione of land, and any other related BLOCK or PART that would prevenG the potential full development of my lande be conveyed by the applicanl to the City Of Pickering ae required,. and/or to the regietered ownere of the affected property, that being myself and my wife. I further requeet that thie etipulation be made a condition of any approval granted to the applicant. I am in eupport of tha applicant�e intent and right to develop the eubject lande in the propoeal s�bmitted and am in favor of approval oE the zoning requirementa and provieione that would permit him to proceed with euch development, eubject to there being no limitatione and reetricticne in granting him approval that would otherwiea prevent, reetrict and deny development of my interior lande into four ({) individual reeidantial building lote. In order that provieion ie made for the orderly devalopment of both the applicant�e lende and my interior landa, end thet approvale granted the applicent do not prejudica the devalopment of my lande, I requeet thet you edopt the recommendnkione, euggnetione and commente mede herein ee input into the Recommendetion Report being prepared, end that I be advieed regerding any eubeequent meetinge and paeeing o! any zoning bylew emendmente. • Q82 • ���i¢P� ��ro Nould you kindly notify the City clerk regarding my intereat in receiving related notitiaatione concerning thie end future eubmiselons regarding ehe eubject lande, and confirm to me that you have recelved will uee my euba�ieeion in the Recommnndation eeport. I eruet that I have conveyad my concerne and commenta to you regarding the applicant�e propoeal an� Cha lmpact it will have on my lande in a manner that ie claar and underetandabla. If you hsve any queetlone regarding my eubmieeion, pleaee do not heeitata in contacting me to diecuee them. I can be reached during normal hueineee houre at 416- ]13-7169 Sxt. 305. Youre truly, Donald Cartier 1895 Spruce Hill Road, Pickering, Ontarlo. LiV IS6 ,.�i'� . . . .. . . � . . TM q�ptorul d� . � . , Bmt 8Zf . 1815 Diridn $L E � �� To�sr Y�A�'.ONarb • � nwsLtNeA7 � +k (�) T7&773t r-e�: (eo� a�oatz A. L OwrpNll, �o, CamiWonar , d PlmriYp . 4 . ATTACHAIENT I TO . . REPOHi/DD � � � �V3 . May 3i � 2000 . , . • . . , Tyler Bamett, Plepner ' ; .City ol Pickedng Plann(ng Department . Pickedng Civic Complex , � . Ono The Esplanade • . Pickedng, ON L1V BK7 ' � ' • Dear Mr. Bamett: • Re: Zoning By-1aw Amendmont Appitcatlon A10/00 � Appl(cant: Brydate Deveiopments (Pickedng) Inc. • • LocaBon: North side of Grayabbey Court, west of Falrport Road Part of Lot 27, Concessfon 1 Municipality: Cityof Pickering • • In response to your request, we wish to provide the foliowing comments with respect to Regbnal OHidal Plan conlortniry, the proposed method of servicinp and delegated � provincial p�en review responsfbilities. The purpose ot :he zon(ng emendment applicaUon Is to pertnit the development of three restdential lots wilh 12, meUe Ironage. ' � . . � . The subJect tands are designeted as 'Livtng Ar�a' withtn the Region of Durham ONicial Plan. Lands wlihin this designatlon are to be used predominantly tor housing purposes end shall be deveioped to incorporato the widest possible�va�lety of housing types, sizes end tenure to provide Iiving accommodaUon that addresses various socio•economic lactors. Theretore il eppears thet lhe proposed use conforms wilh thn policies of ihe Durham O(flciel Plan. � ' Any relevant commenls regarding servicinglaccess will lollow upon recetpt. . The application has been screened tn accordence wilh lhe terms ot the provincial plan roview respons(biliUes translerred to dale. The aite is located adjacent to a sUeam, therelore lhe City, In consultatlon wilh the Toronto Reglon ConservaUon Authority, ahould ensure ihat the applicant meels thelr requtrements regarding the protection ot lhe watercourse from edverae fmpacts ol deveiopment end any ilood .' plain planning Issues. . ' Due to the presence of the Dunberton Creek, lhe site characteristics indicate e high potenUal lor the presence of archaeologlcel remeins. There(ore, the apPiicant ' should be advised that an archaeological assessment will be requlred. it must be prepared In qccordance w(th'the Minlstry ot Culwre, ClUzenship and RecreaUon's .'Archaeologlcai Assessment Gufdellnes' and aubmitled to the Min(sGy tor revlew: If you have eny quesUons or require any informatlon, please call me. . 'Yours Uuly, � ' . ' , ' • . �;�.�; ��,� . ' . • ' . . . � cnedaMmg,Planner . ' , , . • RECEIVED ' Curcent OperaUons Brench ' ' N�wir.nca.nzoNwowic�iNa�iaoo , : � : JUN • 2.2000 , " . ' ' • : ,' ' CITY�rPn�i�owoRINO ' " . . , ocvcioruiHt oQr�nn�Nt �. . �. , . . • , . , im�n,.�r..w.... . ` OHQ A��TI _ i0 . . �` �THE TORONTO AND REOION CONSERVATION AUTHOHITY e sivwm w�a oo.rw�.w onrfo wr �s� Niq M�aan ►NC en�w e�ap1A...wana May 8, 2000 � ' RECEIVEiD Mr. 7y1er samen MAY 1 2 2000 Planning and Dsvelopment Department CITY OF PICKEldNO City of Pickering �M�� Pidcedng Civ(c CenUe One The Esplenade Pickering, Onterio UV eK7 Dear Mr. Bamett: j Re: Zoning By-law Amendment ApplicaUon At0/00 Part Lot 1, Plan 819 City of Plckering (Brydale Developments Inc.) We ecknowledge receipt of the above zoning by-law amendment to pertnit detached dweliinps on lots with a minimum tronlage of 12.0 meUes. TRCA stetf have revlewed the subJed proposal as part of a subdivision proposal for the subject lands. As part of the subdivision proposal we had an opportunity to visit the site and note that there is a significant valley teature ebutting the proposed lota. In accordance with the Authority's Valley and SUeam Corridor Manegement Program a 10 meUe bufler is required from ihe top ol bank on the subject property. The buffer end valley lands are to be pleced in an open space�hazard land designatlon end be transferred to public ownerehip, � While statf have no objections on the inten� of the rezoning we requfre an oppoAuniry to conlfrtn lhe Iimita of lhe development end ensure that ihe valleylands are Veated in accordance with TRCA requirements noted above. UnGI the above fs addressed staff cannot pravide a recommendaUon for approvat of the applicaUon. • We Vust lhat lhis fs of assistance. ' YoursVuly, . Russel WhRe . . Plans Malyst . . . . Development Servfces Section • � � EXt. 6308 . RW/�a • . ' ��, • , �n�a+�+t i to -��� w,,,� ►�wai, vo 0$S � � THE DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD � � c� ��: �l � u.� r� F� I nn�ye.z000 �z�� pECEtVED C�y OF PICICERINa 8 Zat+('or, City C�eric MAY � 9 2000 Cij�c.Q(Pidcering 1 The Esplanade C�pK'S DIVISIaN Pldcering, ON ��vstcr RECEIVED oear Mr. Taylor: MAY 12 2000 Re: MaucanoN To A�rro ZoHwa BY-taw A10100 pTM °R,�,.P��„°�a � BRroAIE DEVELOaMErrrs (Pice(EwNa ) INC. °�4Oi'`"'OdM1"�► PatT oF LoT 1, Puw 819 CIT Y Gr PICKERWG ) The Durham Catholic District School Board hss reviewed lhe ebove noted zoninp by- Iaw emendment and has no objection to the amendment that would pertnit 3 lots wiih minimum lot tronteges of 12 meVes. Sfncerely urs, Susan Rendell Assistant Planner /smr 650 Rouiand Roed Wu�, O�haw�, Wteiio LU 7G 'Iblephone (905� S7o-6150 Support Servlcce, Fu (905) 576� 1981 orur ti Mar.w�. ex. �. Ea. • anaa a�a�uua,a.awn+n..«..r �! I; . ATTApArtN1I _ 10 Q�c • f�PORT i P() �� DELIVERY PLAiVNiNG N1�2d�SD8S(I) IQ60 DiID1.AND AVE 2ND gL. (116)285-762�(i� SCARBOROUCII ON M1P SAl MAY23�T000 � n��LSO�/� �t�xe�tx�r[' RE��IVED u�u� MAY 2 51000 D cm�r oF eic�wxo MAY 2 6 Z0�0 c�TM°�r o� ��o ° I 7'HE ESPLAKADE c�rr oF wcK�uno PICKERING ON LI V 6K7 �^""""6„T�,wnarr , RE: ZONIN� 7Y-LAW AMENDMF.N'C APPLICATION AIO/00 • BR1'D.�'.� DEVELOPMENIS(PICKERING) INC. PART OF L07' 1, PLAN 819 (NORTHSIDE OF GRAYABBEY CRT, WEST OF FAIRPORT RD) C11Y OF PICKERING The tivice lou proposa! by the applicant would be savcd by the Communiry Mailbox site planned edjacent to Lot 15(890 Voyaga Ave). If you have any quations, please pll me nt 416-285-5385. Sinrcrely, � �/`:.l�' ` O[i�n.cJ�'� Debb(e Gteenwood Detivery Planning Offica • �� ,: