HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 19/00(15R ���,� ' REPORT TO C�UNCIL, FROM: Gillis A. Patcrson DATE: Novcmbcr 30, 2000 llirector, Corporatc Services & Trcasurcr RI?PORT NUMBER; CS 19-00 SUBJECT: 2000 Year End Financial Position RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 19•00 of the Direcror, Corp�xatc Scrvices & Trcasurer rcgarding the 2000 year end financial position be received by Council and that: I, any surplus current operating funds at ycar cnd 2000, in excess of $110,000 be transferted to thc Devclopmcnt Charge Projects — City Sharc - Rcscrvc �und; and, 2. lhc appropriate slaff at the City of Pickering 6c authoriud to give effcct thereto. ORIGIN: Director, Corporatc Scrviccs & Trcasurcr AUTFIORITY: Dcvclopmcnt Charges Acl, 1997 1999 Developmcnt Charges Smdy for thc City of Pickcring (Rcport No. FIN 22-99 — Resolutian of Council No. I G9/99), Rccommcndation No. I 1. FfNANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Adoption of thc Rccommcndations will proviJc for thc transfcr of any surplus in cxccss of $110,000 to bc transferred to the Development Charge Projects — Ciry Sharc - Reserve funJ to provide for thc payment of thc Ciry's sharc of thc cost of projects included in the 1999 Developmcnt Chnrge Study approved by Council and contained in one of the subsequent annunl Capital Budgets. Under the Development Charges Act nnd the Study adoptcd by Council the City is obligated to provide for its sharc of thc funding from rcvenues othcr thnn Devclopmcnt Churges. This rcquircment amounts to npproximately $2.4 million annuully whercas 5400,000 was provided for this purpose in the 2000 Currcnt Budgct. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc adoption of thc Rccommcndntions will nssist in providing the mcuns for thc Ciry ro mcct its financial obligations undcr the Dcvclopment Chargcs Act nnd Ihe 1999 Devclopmcnt Ch¢rE;es Study adoptcd by Council. If the projccts included in the study ure to procced, with Council's approval in an unnuul Cnpital Budget, financing must bc provided. Sprcuding thesc finnncinl rcquiremcnls ovcr the 10 year tcrm of the aWdy, pccks in thc dcmnnd for funds cmi be miligated. i� , ;�. .' Report to Council CS 19-00 Datc: Novcmber 30, 2000 n 5�% Subject: 2000 Ycur End Finnncial Position Pa�e 2 BACKGROUND: In August of 1999 undcr Report FIN 22-99 Council adoptcd thc Rccommendations of thc Director of Finance and Trcasurer in regnrds to a new Development Charge policies and practiccs undcr the Development Charges Act, 1997. The previous study wns conducted in 1991 and an update was long overdue. Recommendation 2 adopted by Council stated: "The Capilnl Ii'orks Forecnsts contained in the Backgroiaid Sludy be lndicalive of Coi�nci!'s infenlion !o ensure �hnt Ide capila! erpendih�res required �o �neet !!re rrurease in �icerl jor servrces relnted �o �/�e forerns�ed developmen� wi!! be ntet, us req�dred under Purugrrrph 3 ojStrb-Seclion S(1) ojrGe Developnieiu Charges Acr, /997: '• Rccommendation 11 further stated: "Reserve Frrnds bc es/nhlished jor t6e Tou�n's slmrc, i.e. fhe iionrleve/opment drarge portron, oj �he cos�s oj sernires inchrded in rhe Derefopinent Cliarges Srudy nnd 1Gnf co�uri6nliais Ge inchrJer! in the Anmml Current Budget jor ca�sidcrnlron hr Cou»cil; " Adoption of Ihe Recommcndations contained in this reporl should assist us in mceting our commitments for2000. In Pebruary, 2000 Council uppro��ed the following Rccommcndation as containcd in Report CS 07•00: "6. A�iv surph�s operu�ing fruiJs ut ��enr cnd 1000, in ercess of S1J0,000 be �rnnsjerred lo the Xu�c Srnbilirariorr Reservc; " It is morc appropriatc that such Rccommcndations bc approvcd by Cauncil prior to 1hc ycar end hence the report is put bcforc you for your considcration •rt this time. ATTACHMENTS: Nol applicable Prepared By/Approved/Endorsed By: ! .� Gillis A. Pntcrson, Director, Corporatc Scrvices & Trcasurcr GAP:vw RccommcnJed for thc considcmtion of Pickcring Ciry Council . ,. M fL / � T o as J. ui Ch f Administ 'vc O iccr