HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 13/00� 002 �,o��,� . � ° REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DA1'E: Merch 14, 2000 Dircctor, Planping and Dcvelopment REPORT NUMBER: PD 13-00 SUBJECT: Complaint about Development Cherges from I314900 Onterio Limited (Joseph Pitino) Appeal of Ciry and EducuUon Development Charges � 540 and S42 Rodd Avc., Pickering ' Building Permits 99-762, 99-866 RECOMMIsNDATION: That Council receivc Rcport Numbcr PD13-00 conccming Wc iequirement for payment by 1314900 Onterio Limit«l of City end cducalion development charges pursuant to building permits 99-762 and 99-866; hear any cvidencc or olher submission put fonvanl by lhe owner or his agent and thc Durhw►t District School Doerd; and u) contirm the devclopment chargcs; or b) amend the devclopmcnt charges to the cxtent Uwt, in Uie opinion of Council, a review of this matter justifies such nn amcndmenG ORIGIN: Compleint by Joseph PiGno that Ciry and cducaUon development chatges should not have been essessecl on building permit 99-762 end 99-866, which describe construclian of two cesidential dwellings al 540 end 542 Rodd Ave. AUTHORITY: The Development Charges Act, 1997 nnd By-law 5546/99. FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: The epplicant wes assessed and paid a City development c6atge in the amount of 55,927.00 and an educetion development charge in l6e amount oF 52,084.00 for each of two dwellings, prior to the issuance of the building permits. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City development charge by-law, L► effect aince September i, 1999, allows for credits against development charges where an exiating dwelling was dem�lishod no moro lhan 6vo ycars before thu insuanco of tho replacement building pecmit The provious development cLargo by-law dId not apeci6ceily eddress credils for exL�tlng buIldings, accocdtngly credits werc allowed whero bona-fide avidence was provida! of an existing rcsidentiel dwelling, wilhout rogerd a �ho deie ll exineed. Tha applicant states that an exisUng buildlug was demolished epproximstely 19 yoars ago oa Uila elta, and requesta that Wa crcdlt poltcy which exlsted in the pmvioua bydaw be applIed a hia buHding permiW for two dwetUngs at 540 aml 542 Rodd Ave. . •'' RFyPORT NUMt3ER PD 13-�0 Date: March l4, 2000 Subjech Complaint aboul Development Cherges from �(� 3 (314900 Onterio �:.irtuled (Joseph Pitino) Pege 2 BACK�ROUND: 1314900 Onturio Limited filed applicalions for building pem�its on October 7 195�9 and November 30, 1999, to pennit single dwellings to be wnstcuctcd at 540 and 542 Rodd Ave. respecGvcly. 'Ihc Developmen! Charges Act 19�7 is Isw applicable to ihe issuencc of every building permit, and accordingly n City chnrgc of 55,927.00, m education chazge in the amounl of 52,084.0�1 and a Region chargc of 58,545.00 wns assessed for each dwctling, and paid by l6e owner upon issuence oF the building permit on January 13, 2000. The total amount of all development charges pald by tha applicant on both dwellings wes 533,112.00. The Region of Durham has adopled e separate complaint procedure regarding lheir development charges. The Region consideted Mr. Pidno's request for a development charge crcdit on February 23, 2000 and approved a Rcgional development chargc credit for one lot. � 1.0 Additlonallnfortnntion 1.1 Complaint about City Development Charges: Complaints about development charges arc govcmed by the Developnien! Charges Ac! 1997, which states in articla 20. (1) Uiat: "A petaon required to pay a development c6arge, ur thc peraon'a agent, may complain fo tLe counc0 of lhe munlcipalfty impoaiog 16e development c6erge ihat, (a) Ihe amount o[the development c6arge wns Incorcectly determined; (b) whethcr a credit t� avAilable to be used againet fhe development charge, or the amonnt of lhe credit or the aervlce with respcct to which the credit wae giveu, was incorrecqy JetermineJ; or (c) lhero wne an error in the Appllcatiou of the Jevelopment charge by-law." The owricr's leticr of complaint is atleched to this report. Thc basis for thc complaint appcnrs lo be lhat a crcdit should be given tbr an cxisling dwelling having previously' existed on We sitc, which wes demolished in 1981. With respect lo allowing such credils, By-luw 5546/99, which came into torcc on Seplember 1, 1999, sWles in subsection 1(3) that: • "An owner wBo haa o6taiaed a demolltiou permit and demolLthed eiLtting dwelling unita or non-reaidential area in accordsnce with the provL�ionn of the BulldJng Code Ac! ahall not be eubject to t6e development cherge under aubaection (i) with re�pect to t6e development being replACed, provided that the building permit for the replacemcot realdeutial unit� or non-residential area ie L�aued not more thnn 5 yearo after the dAtc of demolition, and provided that any dwellfng unila or addiHoaal non-reaidenNal tioor arca'created in e:c°.va of what wa� demolished ahwll be aubjcet to the Jevelopment churge calculated under aection 6 and 11, reepectfvely." The Ictter of wmplaint cites the demolidon of a dwellwg unit on lhe subjcet propecty appro�cimately 19 ye�cs ago as lhe reason a credit for develupment chargCs s6ould huve ban allowed in this cese. Since By-law 5546/99 requites tlwt wt existing building must have been demolished not more ihan 5 years before the fssuaace of the ccplecement building pem�it, the Chief Building Official must apply thc cherge os specsed in the by-law. Thc building pennit eppltcatioaa wete filed nfter tha ef%cQve dnto of the City's Dovelopmcnt Chergo by-law, and were issued epproximately M1 months atier tl�at dale. Development Chazge By-law 5546/99 ca►ne inlo force on September I, 1999 nRer tLo public cons�+ltatiun pcocess and noUco tequirements rcquired by lho Development Charges AM 1997 wcro fully complied with. Publto mxtinga woro hold on June 16 end ]uly 20, t999 as part of ihia process. Thera were no app=als filai to By-law 5546/99. ' . '• RF.PORT NUMBL�R PD 13-00 Q Q Q Subjxl: Complaint about Dovelopment Cherges from 1314400 Ontario Limited (loseph Pilino) Date: Merch 14, 2000 Pagc 3 The ownec's leuor of complaint alleges Ihat he was misinformed by Tawn ataff with respat to the impact of the new by-law on hts entiAement to credits. Discussions did tnke place between City Planning staff, TRCA representatives and prospec:live purchesers respecting the epplication of developmeat charges on surplus TRCA lends at ihia location in 1997. Staf'f cocrecUy conveyed the provisions of the City's developmeat charge by-law in effect at that time, which did not explicitly place any time horiwn on the applicslion of ccedits for buildings having existed in the past on lnnds beiag developed. City Planr.ing staff spoke with Mr. Pitino on August 6, 1999 at the Planning Deparlment countcr respecting t6e epplicadon of park dedicadon fees epplicable to Mr. Pilino's development by severance on the south side of Rodd Avenue. SWimulinely cefer specific development cherge inquiries to the Building Clerks and Chief Building O�ciel for confumation. Staff have concluded.that the developmenl charges were cortecUy applied, end should be confirmcd. If the opinion of Couacil is that a roview of this muttcr jusfifies an amendment to the developmeat chatge, such amendment should only be applied to one of the two dwellings whtch are lhe subject uf this complaint, since evidence has becn provided of only one previously existing dwelling. 1.2 Complaint nbout EducaUon Devclopment Chnrgcs The Durhnm District School Doercl will nddress Council with respect to the compleint about cducndoa c6nrges. ATI'ACHMENI'S: 1. Letter of complaint from M. Melling, dntal January 18, 2000. 2. DeveJapmenf Charges Act 1997, Sections 20-25. 3. Ciry By-law 5546/99. Prepared IIy: . � Tim Chief Building OfLcisl TNUtm/ph Attachmen4+ Copy: ChiefAdnilnisirativeOftica Recommendaf for t�e consideratlon of Ciry CouucU i� � �10 . Q� 8f f�Ill� �� Approved / Eadorsed by: f i`I81 �.'8[i �� , . Director, P g end Devolopment ✓� o � (3il Palerson Director, Cotporate ervices � Jan urt n So citor 9ckering �„ ~ ; 4 f � ` � � •.. � � . . � � � � Tp �2�... ' . . OQJ� . , � „ • ' � �oo: DAYIB9 NORB O1/.1!/AD 'M1g 18:1� PAS �10 Y7T 8001 � . Davies � Howe Partners � � � � . . Michael Melltng . � e-mall: mfchaelm�davieshowe.com Lawye�s� � ���uary �a, �000 . . �,. . Oy F�CSimiln Trans�hission Only l0 9U5-42Q-0515 . elephone , . . q t 6) �77•700o Mr. 6ru�e ). Taylor ' , ' auimlle Clefk , ' • . . 7own of f'ickering . • • 116) 977•e931 � Tha Esplanadc ' . � , "'°" pickerin�, Ontar(o ' , , •L1VGK7 • . ie fourth fldor � mercer sve�� Dear Mr. Taylor: • ronto, onlario . . . 5v th2 � �g� 5A0 and 542 Rbdd Avenue, Pickerin� . � Development Charges Complaint� , Further to our tefephone conversation, I write ort behalf of Mr. Joseph PiOno to make camp�alnls pursuant to s: 20(1) of the bevelopmenc Charges Act ("the Aa'� regarding the impositlon of de'velopment cha�es in respett vf the two above-r�(erenceil propertles. The reasons for the complaints are as.(ollows; � 1. gefore the consent Was granted, the two subjecl properties w�re one s(ngle . prope►ty. 'fhat properly was owned� by the Turonto Region Cbnservation Authority ('TaCA"�. When the TRCA acquired th� property, it containpd a . strigle detached dv�elling unit ("the house'), 7he 7f�CA demolished the fiouse on or about Decembef 9�',198.1. Tfansrii(tted herewith is a copy of a Statulory Decleratlon conf)rming thls Information, ' ' , • 2. The purpose of the Development Charges Act is to requfre new growth to pay • for th� services It requires. 5inc9 the subjed propertles wero fortnetly ' . developed,itisUnfaltandinappropriateto�qulrethepaymentofd0velopment . charges for the propose� develCpmenr, �nd credits should be gi'veci for the tull amount of tha appllcable charges on both of the subject propertles. . • � 3. Iri the altemative, if the Town concludet that the consent has ��Cr�ased the • �mount of devalopmenl by ooe dwelling unit, dnd that the compla�nant should pay tharge� In respect of that unit, lhe complminant states that a Sredlt should . � �QS • AiTAddNENT/ r 10 {�(�ppt r cp . •' • '. Page 2 • be given (or the full arriount of tlie applicable chargQS on one ot the two subJect propenias. ' . • 4, The complalnant made speci(ic inquirias of Regional and 7own staff priorto tF�� adoptton o( lhe 7owA's new development churge by-law pursuant to the current Acc. The complainant was udvised that the change•of leglslatlon and the adoplion o(a new by-law would not adversely af(ect his rlght to obtain cred(ts for tlie subject propertles. The complainant staies that, whelher rfegllgently or inadvertently, he was inisled.in this regard, and Ihat it Is not fair for the ToWn � . now'to deny hirti credits he would have been entitled to had he no4 been ,� misinformed. , 5. Such (urther or other reasons as the complainant may provide at the heartng before Council. My tliant liareby requests that Council hold a hearing of the complainE�' �nd, es .�equired by s. 20(4) of the �cc, af(ord him an opportunity to make r presentations at the hearing. Pleasc note Utat I wlll not be represenpng Mr. PiUno at�he hearing, and t}tat notice of lhe {�earing should be sent directly to him, • , 7hank vou for vour kind assis�ance. � Yours M�Iling NARTNERS . . � • �. �. • � . ncl. Staluto'ry DeClaration (3 pp�) • copy: Mr. J, Pitlno . • . . . • , . . AMioa�0lfearwporanaYw�nt.mm»pt ' .� � .. � . � ; 0 E) .'oinei.do 1ve ie:i� aez uo 9t� euai c,►Nnnn PROVINC� Or ON1'ARIO ' • ATTACI�tE��I � �ip • n�eortTr vt, �3--- °.__. ' � � OA7 gs ��o►� . ' �oo� • •' IN TI1C MA,TI��� or�i�a ���i� �o r�n orc,o� �o, Rnnge 2, Droken front oonce�sion, da�isnnled ns Pads� 2, J,JbQ1S�1Con Plan 40R-19954, Town oC Pickering, Itegionei Municipalily of Duriiem (herelna(tor called lhe "Lnnda") ANU IN�T1i1C 111ATTL�R 0� Uio salo of tl�e beid lancl� by Toronlo ond Rcgion Conservmion Aulhority ro Denna/McCarterJl'ilino. , rt • f, Jnmes Dillnne of Ihd Cil Tnronlo in Ilie Province of Oqlerio, DO 50LGMNLY D(#CLAR�S Um1: I ' . ! I, 1 am Il�o Direclor, rinan and Dusinoas Dovelopmenl af Torou�o nnd Region Conservnlion Aulhori�y ("TRCA"). , 2. '' 'fi�o Innde hre uirrCnliy v�cnnt Innd. � ' ;1,' ' Wlieq Ihe Innds wera n uirled by 1'IiCA, it contAined � aingle deleched residmi�i�l ��dlding. .• • , • 4, � TRCA demalielucl ili ideNlnl bullding on or nboiil Docentbcr �, 1981. . ANU i NIAICI:9'lI1S SOI.F.MN � LARAT(ON con�eienliouely bolieVing it to.be tnie and kiwwing lbel il ie o( Iho enuio forco n of� t tls If made unJer oalh nnd by virlue of "Iho Cnnndn fividcoco Acl". DCCLARGU before ine nt d�o Cily of ) • � Toro�l:o in Ihc Provfnce oC OWnrio Ihie ) � � � � dlyofAptil� 1999.' ' ; ' �. . � . . ) 1 es DlUene � �) ' . A Cam � t� onery elc. �. . � r:Nnu�oN�+swum.�cuia�rnnonma.ros � ATTACII�ITI � TO oA$ � RWORTI PD�,�� l/ - • . ��;�� , : ., . � . . �i�n.�.io. � � ' . • . we. wia. s.�n«u �� . , , . . . . 11e�q�oga171y��aw�at 'r • . . • xaytoaa� xun�ai�p+�utY o RSs�ss'�' ,, . . coanhr nuuasnq� �'' fo6 ao��Lne itaul sut . , . • • . �Jli'1'�Y� OAW7eio • , Ir311 611.7 ' ' � ' iY�laX Mx. PasN�ll't • • 1ae #.•anA 4. �� 1cr �ro ity . . r.se ot u� �o xx, s.r.c� • �rst oP 1►iaksx�n� • . . ' ' Anebb�itv Yr4i� .�71► .. • �.�bia sr eso aavi�• ��ti th. ]lutbaYity L.. swa�p�,7r �rwa , ac�ti�itiaoi o! s p�zaa1 d� ooutait�i�aq. 0.��0 aos��• ..�. aor� or i���i lros 71. aa . Sryior. . xhe traaeAaktoo vit� � ooqal.�t�d oa�r =nw�tua Olaz99�1, reqirl�ex.d t�o�b� . ` i� 19�1e '. ' . , •� bniidir}4o aa thi,r pr .�xs Anwl.��he� aa wc.ab�r ' • !� �9��. . . . ,' '• IN �+�0.o�oeiay pl.sn os ■ it�oxinq tb�.1� p�obas.e. � . . • 0��3�•d L► ,z+qd• t►� r. � ths• drrdl!arn� ba '..• tna�flrrt�d to tt� �1ut.!►o. �s lueas� kax�+�l.oa attd tbet ! •' 1� a��un�� a ad�w r�t��at th� M�o3i�i�aa o! . , t�. p,��tai.ap�. • ' . : , � �=our� �x7f �7� • � : � • D.d. �r�p0�� A��d� •, • • , ia;pp�rl,p iNatidYi r ritun . aad �a�A �kttiC10A Dir1111 . � • . . . ��� . , � : � . 1 ' • � ATTAd�119R/ � i0 amonri %..f,�..�. OQ9 '- PAb�t{ � D.�7.' Prinoe,. Ita�id, RropeL�ty BacEian, Finpn,oe and 7ldmioiarra�i.oh nivis3 tili�T'i �Purchpse or PrOperty requii�ed foY Wati9rtront PYOjoot � Prope'reY� A1beYb EdmUnd ansl Gwendolvri'�cYlor RLCOMbfSNDED TFfAT: . The Report' (OcrtibaT 5� 198j.)� Sat Forth ,heYain reaaived lzom thg Aead�.Psoparty SrotiA�, FinBnae e�nd Ad�ninistra�ion D1vi�lorir bd adopted end that �he Bearerpry-TreasuceX be auChor�,zad � dnd direaYed Cr� oomplate �he puzoh4qe. • "Re: ProjeCt: WATEASRONT'PAOJECT 1977-1901 � ,• • ' � Pickering/AjaX Seator ' ' • Authokity� sxocutiva AeaoluCion Wo. 460, Maeking No•. 23 - January 2I� 19'76� and 7►nthority eeaolueion No. 46,. . , Meexing No. 3- Apr.il A� 1976 • � .` Subjeat propertyr 94� Rodd 1lvenua • , . Owilera� Albort &dmuAd and Gwondolyn Taylor •� Area to be acquired� 0.3d0 acces, mote or lasa . Recommended Purchaae Prlaar $77,Q00.00 plue VapdoXa� legnl c�sts � • '"Inoxuded !n ths requi.remenka Eor tihe above-noted projeat is a. recEangulaz ahapQd pe,rcel of land, being Pnrt oi Lot 30, Conce�sioa i�, B.F.C., Town oE Yickerinq, The xeqional Munieipelity o1 D�irhnm, }iaving a .Erontng� o£ approXi.mately 100 Peet on tha north aide of Rodd Avenuw in' the Roaebank area. ' ' ., "9ituatp on tlia property is a�wo-atorey Erome dwelLing. � "Negqti,kiona h+sve been conduated witih �he Oanera and theix solioita� �1r. Murr+►y a�roud, J6q Ringston rioad, Pickarinq, Onteria aad, subiecti to tha appzoval o� your Committee, ngraement ha8 been reaohed bi�F zqspeoti to a pqxchaee prica aa lollawsr • � Tha purchnsig prlca is to ba tha sum o� 577;000.00 plus , Vendqre' legal, ooa�u, w.ith date oP aompleting tha. �zaneactl,on . to be rt9 eoqn'ad poeaxbie. Tha Von�or� ara �o be seaponaible' tor abtaining � damolit�on permib p�ipr Co the olosing ds�o. "I rqcommend approval oF this puechasa and that tha legal Pinm oP ' atdiner., Roberta be inotruoted to compleE4 the purohase. A�1 raasonabls • xpenses incurred ir�oidental to 'tihe cloeing foC lattd �rane£ex tax •legal osts and d�aburaeensnee are to be paid. The �lpbhority is tio Yece�,ve q onveyanae ot tk�e land raqui�ed �rae Fxom oACUmbrance. , "The Adminiarrator o! thA Water Reaouroe Diyiaiop haa reyleHeB this copoaed acqu�ai��on and is in.00nourrence witl� my rac0�fienda�ion. "An app�.icqtion haa.besn made to Ch�I Minl.et;y o� �feturel Reaour�oa for � ' i Tnspaotion Ce�El.Yioats. "8undo are available !or th�a acauiqiEion - 116counC � 03-01-03 - ►terlronti Aoquieirion." , ' 'P'/mrd + , • •a1,1o.05. ' • � � � � • , ' ' � � _ ., . , - t . � . . • ' . . TOTRI. F!.08 . , . .. . , , . � . .• , . , . �rr�a�rri a �o O1Q . : �oari ro_ i.�-o_ CONfBNTS - Dovelopmmt Chargw Act,1997 . ' . . ' Compfolnf fo coundl ojmunfclpolfty , ' � ' 20. (1) A person toquircd W pay a develop�nt charge, or the pc►son's agmt, may canplain to tLo cow�cil of tLe municipality.imposiog tLo developmmt cl�arga ihat, . �(n) the amount of ihe developmwt �arga wrs incoiractly detertqined; � . • (b) wheWer a credit 1s availabla w be usal against tha devcloprowt charge, or tha amouut of tLa ' credit or the aec'vica with tespect to whicL Wq credit was givw, wav iucorra�ly delocmiad; . or ' � ' ` (c) them was an error in the appGcatioo of tho dcvolopmmt chargo bylaw. ' � Ttme �unU . , , . (2) A complaint may aot bo made under. subsection (1) later ihan 90 days attbr tho day Ux devclopma�t clLVge, or any part of it, is payable. . ' Form ojrnmpldnt • • • ' (3)17u complaiut must bo in writing,'must slate tlie complainaut'a oamo, We eddress whae noQco can ba givm to tlu complaioant arid Wo reasons for lho complaiuL . . • � Ifearing • , � . . �� (4)'f6o cwncil ahalJ 6old a 6eariog inW 1lu wmplaint aod ahall give tho compiaivant an opportunity to malce npreswtatiom at tl�c tKariug. Nollcs.ojhcartng • � ' • • (5) Tl�e cicrk of t!w municipality shall mail a notica of We 6eariag to tho c�plainant at least 14 daya befnce We Le�ig. . � �w�dr:po,.�n � . . .. . . •(� AIIu heariog tLo ovidmco and submis�ions of the canplainmt, Uro council may disdiiss itn oamplaint or ra�ify any incorrect ddecminadoa or error tl�at was We subjat of ihe wmplaint. � . . 1997, c. 27, s. 20, in forGe Mamli 1,1998 (0. Gaz 1998 p. 26�. • ' . Nonce ofaeaaron m�druneforap/xo► . ' . 21. (1)'ll�e clerk of tho munIcipalily ahall mail lo l6e wmplaivant a notica of tha wuncil's dxisiou, and of the ' . lact day for appealing t!xi dxision, whicL ahall be tbe day �Lat iv AO days aRer ihe day iLo decision is mado. Rcgulnmentr ojnotlu • . . . . • � . (2) TLe notice tcqutRd undor ihi+ ax�ti� ma�t bo mailtA not later tl�an 20 day� aQa tha day tho council'a dociaion Is Na�te. • , ' . � • , 1997, c. 27, a. 21, in forec Mam1� 1,1998 (0. Oaz.1998 p. 26�. ' � APP�aI ojrnunclltr dcdHon ' . , w • Q[JlCKLAW • AT1AQIr6lT/ � TO I�OIIT / PD � 3-0 ,e��� ��1 COI�'TSNTS,-DavclopmcntC6argesAct,1997 � ,' ' ' • ' 22. (1) A compleinant maY appenl tho decisiou of tha council of We municipatily to Uro Ontario Muuicipal . lloanl by fiW' �g with Wo clerk of tha municipality, on or.beforo Uro lest day for appcalL�g fLo decisiqn, a notico of � . aPpcal setting out Wa rcasons for Uu appeal. . . ' � Addlffonalground � ' . • (2) A wmpininant may aLso appeal to tho Oa4uio Municipal Board if Nu council of lhe mwiicipality dop not . dcal with.Wa complaint witLin 60 ciays aIler ttw complaint.is made by filing wiUi tho clerk of We municipality a noGce of appcat. ' 1997, c. 27, e. 22, iu force Memh 1,1998 (O. Gaz.1998 p, 26�. • . C/ak'r dutfea on appeal . ' 23. (1) If a nollco of np�eal under aubsxtioa 22 (!) i� Gled witL lhe clerk oF tho municipaGty on or before tLe last day for appealing a,decision, tho clerk shall compila u rceord Ihat includes, (n) a copy of tlie development chargo bylaw ccrUGcd by Wo clork; ' . • (b) tho original or a W o copy of Wo eomplaiut ena nli wriuw submissiau and +nalerial �eceived , '� in support of lho wmpLvn� , (c) a copy of t6o council's decisIon ccrti6cd by Iho dcrk; ond ' (J) an affidavit or.declaration certifying ihat nolico uf Uio council's dxision and of tlio last day , � for aPpcalin8 it was givcu in aceoRlaua with tlu� AcL ' • . Same (2) If a notico of appeal, under subsoction 22 (2) is filcd wiW Iha cle�c of the municipality, tho clerk shall • compllo a reconl Wat inclpdp, � ' (a) a wpy oE We developmeut chprgo by-law artified by Wo clork; and ' . (b) the original or a wo copy of tlw complalnt wut all wriuen aubrolssiooa and materiel reccivod ' . in suppott of tlio wmpiniuG � •' , Smrte ' , ' ' . ' . (3) Tho clerk s6all fonvud. a copy of tho naUca oF appeal and tha i000rtl W Uio secrelary of tLo Ontario . , Municipal Doard witLiri 30 days'after We notico u reaivai md a6a11 provide such other inCom�ation aod cmteriai Wat the Boanl may toquira in respxt of Wa appeal. . , 1997, c. 27, e. 23, in fnrco Nlerch 1; 1998 (0. (}az. 1998 p: 26�. . • " obfB hear/nE �IaPP��� � • ' , ' 2d. (lj 1La Ontario Municipal Board ehell hold a heariog to deal with my notico of aPP� ��S lo a coroplaint forwnrckd by Uu clerk of a municipality. • • . PaNu • � C�)'� P�p ta Aio eppea! aro the appcllaat end ilw munlapality. ' , QUICKLAW . • . .. ' ' . , . . �M�IONMe�i� —Z- ro 0�2 � • ��I!�-�-oe COI�fITiNTS - D�yi.jop�t C6argp Act,.1997 Notla fo parUe,r , . (3) T6o Ontari� Municipal I3oard ahall givo notice of Ua Ixaiiog b tho partia. � • Pmrers ojoMB (4) Aflcr Wc hcaring, tho Ontario Municipal Daazd may do anything that could Imva barn doao bY t1u council of Ihe muaicipality under subaxtion 20 (�, DLm�Iscal w!lhout hear►ng (S) Despitc subsation (1), thc Onterio Municipal Hoard mty, wbcro it is of ihe opi�ion that Uu oompleiat sei out in We aotico of appeal is idtutTicicnf, dismiss Uu appeal wilhout Iwlding a full 6earing a[ter aPP��t aad giving thc appcllant an opportunity !o mako �p��oav av to ihe merits of tho appeal��g � 1997, a 27, s. 24, in forca March 1, 1998 (0. Caz. 1998 p. 266), � Rej�nd lfdeyefopm�nt eJimgr ndured ' � 25. (1) If a dcvelopmcnt cLazgo if�at hv alrady bcw paid 'u ralucal by Il�o council of a mwuciP�h' �der sxtion 20 or by lhc Oatario Municipal iioard undcr acclion 24, Wo municipality ahall immaliately +efund ihc ovupayment, lnlerest (2)17�e municipality ahall pay interest � an amount it rcfiu� at a rate not lesa Urw 16o prcscribed mini�nu� r� . intcrest �atc frmn t}u ts►ne iho amwnt wus paid to Ihc municipality to Ihe timo it u refuudal. 1997, c. 27, s. 25, in foroe Ivfa�ch 1, 1998 (0. Gaz, 1998 p. 266). '' • PART 11 � DEVELOPMEryT ClG1RVEg � COLLEGTION OF DEVELOPMENI' CyARGES Whm devtlepnmf ehnrge u pay�lt dcvelo 6�I) A develoPm�n� c6arge is payable for a dcvelopmeot upon a buildiog Pami� beiog tuucd for We Pouut udess Ihc dovelopmwt charBo bY-�w Providcs otLenviso uuder aubsediaa (2). . sP.aar� �arowt ofp�„ ol rubdlvfiion (2) A municipality maX in a developmmt cl�arBe bY-law. Provido Ihet e davelopmwt ebaz8e Coe arnicd m 011� � P�Srapha 1, 2, 3, q or S of aubsxtion S S for dovei ment ihat under aaxion 51 of Wo Plaming Act or a caasent ondw axti� 53 of tLe P�� ePP�val of a plan ofsubdiviriaa �t or conuot aB+�: u mtertd into, bo payable iromediately�upoo fLo p�p �� �. Wo � Agnemmt prvn!li � � C3�'ILit sedion docs not epply in cau,t wbere thete u ao'agrmt�at under acctioo 27. � 1997, c. 27, a. 26, in foroo March 1,1998 (U. Gay,1998 p. 26�. ' . . QUICKLAW . . Att�nri 3 ro . . 1@ORT I PD �3,�,�_ _ �!' K�'�3�Z'�i� ��� �' r,l� �.t, �' ,_•;1 0.13 . , �� ,, , Being a by-lawregerding Devclopment Chargcs WFIDRBAS, putsuent to tha proviaioas of sxHuu 2(1) of tha Development Charges Acl, 1997 (ibe Act), lhc council of a municipality may by by-law impose development cLerges against land to pay for increased capital coste required becauae of increased needs for aervicing arising from development of the area to which tho by-law applies; and WItERLAS tha Council of tho ��orpotation of lho Town of Pickering, approved Ihe Town oj Pickering Development Chnrge ➢ac�Fground Study, dated Juna 1, 1999, as updated on July 5, 1999, prepared by C.N. Watsou & Associatea Ltd, Economisls; AND WHL�RLAS the Council has medo Wc Dackground Study and proposcd DC by-law available to Ute publlC 8t Iee9t two wak8 prior to ILe publlc meetings aad l�ae givea Nodco in accordance wilh Sxtion 12 of the Development Charger Act, 1997 of ils development cherges proposal and public matinga held an Juno 16, 1999 end July 20,1 r99; AND WHCREAS lhc Council has heazd all pc�sons who applicd lo bc hcard in objection lo, or in support of, lhc proposcd developmcnt charge bylaw prvposnl at sucli public meclings, and provided e subsequenl pedod for wriuen communications to bc made; AND Vl'IiERLAS Ihe Council in adopting ihe Dcvdopmcnt Ciwrge Hack�ound Study on Aupust 16, 1999 dircctcd lhat development diarges bc imposed on land undcr devclopment or redcvciopmcnl within the geographical limib of Iha municipaliry as hcminatter providal. NOW THERLFORE3 the Council ofThe Corporation oCthc Town oCPickcring 6enby L�IJACI'S AS rOLLOWS: PART i APPLICATION I• (1) 3ubjxt to subsecNon (2), this by-law applies W all lands in ihe Town of Pickering, w6eUur or not Ihe laqd or uae ie exempt Gnm taxation under soction 3 of16e Assessment Act. (2) Thia by-law ehall not eppiy to lend that is owned by and uaed for tho pucposes o� (a) a board of afucation as defined under eubaection 1(1) of the �ducatton �4et; (b) eny municipaliry or local board ihcreof; ' (c) iho developmonl of e noa-residential fazm building uacd for bona 6de egcfculturel pwFweoe; (c� a building or eWctum lhet ie ueod in connecUoa wilh e place of xronhip md ia axompt from IaxaUon undcr lho Aueasmenr Acf ee e nsult; • ' ' ' ATTACFMIE�ITi 3 n . � 019 � neonri �u �.��-- °—�. ' , (a) dovolopmaut whcro, by compariaon wtld lhe lend at any timo. wtllJn 6ve .. ywre pnrioue to lho impoaition ottha charga: ' (i) � no additiona! dwolliag unife aro botng ccealed; , (i� no addiGonal non-rceidonqel grose Aoor arca is bcing edded, (3) Au owner who has obtaina! a deipolition pertnit and dcmoliahed existing dwelling unile ar non-msideptial azea in accordanco wilh Wa provieiona of tho Iluiiding Code Act s6e11 not be aubject to Ilio dcvclopment chargo uader subaection (1) wiW reapect lo lho Jovelopment being replaced, provided tLat Ihe building pemut for the mplacement residential unils or non•reaidentiel arca is iesucd not more than 5 years eRer t6o dete ofdemolition a;�d provided Wat nny dwelling unils or aJdifioaal non rrsiJeaGal tloor area crealul in oxcess of what was demoliehed al�all be subjecl t� tho dovelopment cha�o calculeteJ wdcr aection G and I1, respecdvaly. (4) Council may agree to grant a full or parlial exemption Gom davelopment chargcs for . group homca, nucaing homes, retimment homes, non-profit housing and registcmd c6aritablo or�uiirations. ' Z. (1) Subjxt to subsectlon (2), dcvolopmcnt cha�gos alioll npply, and sl�nll be cnlculateJ, pnid nnd colleclal in acconiance wilh lhe pnrviaions of Wis by-Inw, in respect of lnod to bc developed for rcaidcntiel use, non-residcnlial uae, or boUi, whecc lhe dcvclopmcnt rcquires, (o) tho passing of a zoniog by-law ot of an amcn�nent to a wning by-law under Scction 34 oC16o PlanningAcr (b) Iho epproval of a minor variancc undcr Seclion 45 of tha PlanningAcl; (c) e convcyancc o[ (and to which a by-law pusscd undcr eubscction 50(� of the PlanningAe�, applies; (d) tho epproval ofa plen of subdivision under Section 51 of tho Planntngdcf; (e) a consent unda Scetion 53 ofWc PlnnningAcf; (� We appioval ofa deacriplion wdcr SecUon 50 of lhc Condominium.lct; or (� tho iesuing of a pecmit undcr thc Bu!(dtng G�de Act, in ntation to a building 0[ 81NCiUt'0, � (Z) Subs;c8on (1) ahall not apply in respect oE (a) local servtcea, ralaled to e plan of subdivieioo ot wilhin We area to which Iho plan mlatea, to bo installal or paid for by tha owner as n condllioa of approval under 3celion 51 of tl�a Plann(ngAch, ib) locel eerviae to bo inatalled or pald for by 16e owncr as a condition of approval undcr SxHon 53 of Wo Plenning AcG , (3) Subaoction (1) ehell not apply wilh res�CCt W only bona lido anJ complcto pamit epplicatione rcceived pdor to tho of7'esdvo dalo of thie by-law. . , A17AdIMENia 3 70 , , . • _ � ' AEPOAT / PD. J 3 —o e a. (1) Whoro two or moro of We actiona deacribed in subsecdon 2(1) are required be%re . land W which n dovelopment charga applies can bo developed, only one development O� 5 charga ahall bo calculeted, paid end wliected in accordencc with tha provieione of this by-law. (2) Notwithstanding eubsxdon (1) ebovo, moro Wen ono development c6argc by-law may eppty to tho sama erea and if hvo or moro of the actions described in subaection 2(1) occur at different times, and if the aubacquent action Las Ihe eQbct of increasing t6o need for services as dosignated in sectiona 5 and 10, an additional development charga shall bo calculated, paid and collecled in accordanco wilh tl�e provisions of tl�is bylaw. PART II ' RPSmL�N71AL DQVELOPML�NT CHAItOES 4. In Ihis part, (a) "apartmenP' means a Uuilding or part of a building containing ono or more dwelling unils, nono of whicli ia a einglc-delnclial dweiling, a eingla-niteched dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling; (b) "bedroom" mcans any hebilable room that ollows far lho uso of ono or more pecaons, including but not limited to, a den and fnmily room, but does not include a room olearly designed ea n Iritchen, living room, dining room or baUuoom; (c) "development charge" mcans residcntia( devclopment charge; (cQ "dwcliing unlP' means a suite opernGng as a housckecpiug uni4 uscd or intcnded to bc used es a domicile by ono or more persons and usually containing cooldng, eaGng, living, sleeping and sanilary facililics; (o) "gacden auita" moane a small one becLoom accessory suita in e acparntc buitding in • the rear yard of a principal residencc; (� "gcade" meane lhc avecagc level oF 6niahed ground edjoining a dwclling at all ezteriorwalls; � (� "grosa tloor area" mcans lhe total floor arca, measurad 1�etween tha outside of exterior walls or between the oulside of exterior walla end the centre lina of party. walls dividing lhe building from anotha building, of all iloora abovo tho avecage level of Sntehed grouad adjoining tho building at ils exterior walls. (h) "semi-detachul dwelling" means one of a pair of dwelling units eltached togelLer horizontally ebove or lielow �ada or both above and bclow gcade; (i) "eingle-attached dwelling" meaas one of a group of not Icss than lhcco adjarnt dwelling unite atlached logether horizonlally by abovo grado wwmon walla; (j) "einglo-deteched dwalling" mcans a ainglo dwolling unit which ie �eo-standing, eepacato and detachal 4om aay olher building or atiuctuto. , . � . � ATTAdM�ITI 3 TO . .O].�' ' � lWORi1 PD1�Q�_. , 5. Davelopment chargea egatnet lend to bo dovcloped for resideatial use ehall ba based upon the following doaigneled ecrvicea pmvided by the Town: (a) development-relaled capital etudies; (b) fire eleNons and cquipment and eorvlcca related thereW; (c) • slorm drainega ead management works and equipment and aerviccs reletui therelo; (d) traasportetion, including roads, aide�valks, etreetlights, traffic eignals, worka yards and equipment and services related thereto; (e) lransit and equipment and services related thercto; (� parkland development and trail development and equipmeni and seroices relaled Ihereto; � (pJ mejor iadoor recreadonal facilities and equipment and aervices nlated tl�erclo; and (h) libcarics and fumishinga nnd (non-computer) equipment and services rolated lherelo, including circulaling and non�irculating materials generally providecl W library usccs by public libraries. 6. Subject lo the pmvisions of lhia Pnrl und this by-lew, dovelopment c6argca against land to bc Javelopal for residenUnl uso ehall bo cnlculoted, paiJ and collccted nt the fotlowing rales, with phasing in ponions of thia schedulc of residcntiel per unit churges as followe: TAIILE 1(A) EFFECfIVE SL+PTLNII3ER 1,1999 TYPE OI+ DWELLING UMT TOWN WIDE CIIARGE PER UIVIT Singlc-Jetached dwclling, or aemi-detached dwclling S5,927 Apartment dwelling, two ar moro bcdrooma S3,292 Apactment dwelling, less t6en two balrooms (inclueive S2,470 of aenior citizen apactment unita) All olher dwelliag unitn 54,857 TABLE 1(B) EFFECi'IVE JANUAItY 1, 2000 i YPE OF DWELLIlVG UN1T TOWN WIDE CHARGE PERUNTT Singlo-detached dwelling, or eomi-deteched dweltiug 56,307 Apartmsnt dwelling, two or moro bedrooma 53,504 Apartmeat dwolling, lesa then hvo bedrooms (inoloeive 52,628 uf eenior citizen aparhnent uniU) All othcr dwelling unita 55,168 . : • : . . n • ; � I�-�— � 017 7. (1) Subjxt to subaectiona (2) and (3), section 6 ahall not apply in respect of a rcnovation or addition which involvice tLc creation of: • (a) oae or two additionel dwelliog uniN in an exisUag eingl�detached dwelling; or (b) an addidonal dwelling unit in any olha existing residential building, (c) gatdcn euites. (2) Nohvitlulanding clausc (1)(a) of this Section, development charges shall bc calculated, paid and collceted in accordance with section 6 whero tho total gross tloar area oF We additional unit or units is grcater than tha lolel gross Door area of the exieting dwelling unit (3) Netwithstanding clausa (1)(b) of this Sectian, deve,opment churges s6a11 be calculatal, paid and collected in accordance with sccticn 6 wliere the additional unil has a gross floar nrea greater than, (a) in tha cesc aCa acmi-detachai dwclling or sin�;le p:'ached dwclling, the gross floor area of tho dwclling unit nlrcady in the �uilding; (b) in Ihe casc of any othcr residcnlial building, tUe grosa Aoor area of tho smailest dwclling unit contained in thc residenliel building. 8. Whero non-rceidential Iloor area is to bo convcrtal lo residential spaco, a charge shall bc paid for any ncw roaiden4al unils created, less the amaunl of Iha charge which would be payeble as part ofconsWcting lhc non-residential space being converled. . � � � ► � � � _ ►ly_ � _ / _.� ' u!_ ►M ,_+� � 9. In thie part, (e) "development chergo" mcans non-residential development charge; • (b) "g�ado" mwna the average levcl of finiehed ground adjoining a building at all exterior walis; (c) "existing industrial building" means a building used for or in conaection with: (� manufacturing, producing, proceasing, etoring or distn'buting something, (i7 researc6 or development ui connecUon wiU► tnanufecturing , p�oducing or • proceseing someUilng, ' (iiQ roleil ealoe by a mmufachuor, producor or proceseor of eomothing Woy menufeclured, produccd or proceased, if U►e rotatl salee are at the eito wlwre fhe menufaaturing, productlon or proconatng telcea placo, • ' � • ' ATfAdIMENT I 3 TO � " .i f�ORT/ PD /7—o"�e,__� 0� s (iv) office or edminislreNvo pucposes, if lhoy erc: ' (1) cacr(ed aut wilh respxt lo manutacluring, proJucing, processing, atorago or diatributing or somcthing, and (2) in or attached to ihc building or shucluro uacd for l6et manufacturing, producing, proceasing, atorego or diskibution. (cn "gross flobr area" means thc Wtal ffoor erca, measured between We outaide of oxterior walls or between tha outside of oxterior walls and tha centro line of party walls dividing tho building from another building, of a11 floora abovo tha ave�age levol of 5niahed ground edjoining the building at ile exterior walla. (e) "non-reaidcntial" means designed, edapted or used for any purpose other than a dwelling or dweliings. • (� "total Door area" means 1he sum totnl of tho areas of tho Iloor wh.;ther nbova or below grade, me�suiui betwccn Ihc exl�rior fnccs of tha extarior walis of lha building or alrucWre or Gom iho centre linc of a common wall separaling lwo uses; and (i) includes thc area of iner.u�niac as deGned in thc Oninrio Building Codc; and (ii) oxcludea those ercas uscd exclusively ae mechanicil areas or for parking garaBes or stiuctutcs. 10. Development c6erges agaiast land to be dcveloped for non-rcaidential use ahali be bascd upon the following designated servicca providcd by the Town: , ,(a) transportation, including roads, sidewalks, sVcctlighis, tca�c signals, works yards and equipmrnt and services nlnted thereto; 11. (1) Subject to the proviaions of this Part and thia by-Iew, development chargcs egainst land to be developed for noc-rc;�idential use ehell be calculated, paid end collected at the Collowing reto: S I 1.00 per square meire of tolel tloar azw for the f cst year lhis by-law ia in force; (2) If a devclopment includes ihe onlargement oCthe gross floar azea of en existins induatrial building, iha emount of tlio devdopment charge lhat is payablo in respect of the enlargement will bo detertninod ns followa: (a) if the gross tloor erea ie enlarged by 50 percent or lese, lhe emount of the dovolopment charge in mspxt of iha enlatgement is �ro; and (b) if Wo groas floor erea ie onlarged by moro lhen 50 percent, the amount of Wo developmeat c6argo in ceapxt af We enlargemcnt is We amount of Wo development chergo thet would olhocwteo bo payablo multiplied by tho fracdon dotemiined ae followe: • • , . ' ATTApIWENT/ -3 TO , . _, IBOHf / PD13 -�— a --_._ (i) determiae Wo amount by which the enlargement in grosa floor area oaceeds 50 perceat of tho grose ffoor area lawfully conatructed at the O 19 � timo af building pccmIt applicadon; and (li) divido lhe amuunt detemuned under perngraph 1 by Ihe amount of thc enlargement I2, Whero [estdearial llaor epacc is W bc conveded W non-rcaidendal space, no development chergo ehall be paid PART IV ADMIN[STRATION 13. Develapment charges against land to ba developed Cor naidenHal uses, non-residendal uses, or both, ahall bo calculated, paid and collected es followa: • (a) development chargea againat that po�tion of tha lend to be daveloped for residential use s6a11 ba calculated, paid and collectul on a per dwelling unit of resideoGal use basis tn accotdauco with Pan Q of thia by-luw; (b) davelopment chargcs againat that po�tion of tho land to.be dcveloped for non- residential uae ahall bo calculaled, paid and coliceted on a gross Door area of non- residcntial usa basis in acconfancc with Purt Ill of t6ie by-law. 14. (1) Developmeat cherges ahnll be payable in Cull on t:;c dute thnt thc building permit ia isaued in roletion to u building or aWcture on land to which a devclopmcnt charge appliea. (2) No building pertnita eha11 be issuui by thc Town for thc coastruction of any building ar sWclure on land to which a devclopment cLerge upplics unlil tha applicablc development charge 6as been paid in full lo ihe Town. (3) Where un owner has paid to tha Town, prior to Uia enactment of thia by-law, in relation to u building or structuro on land to which e development charge appliea, (a) a charge egainat developmcnt putsuant W an obligation to do so in a Subdivision Agreement, Condominiutn Agreemeat, Development Agceement or oUier agreement with tho Town, (b) a fee as a condition of obtaining a consent to create a lol; or (c) a lot lcvy putsuant to By-lew 3327189, and ihe bul(ding pecmit for lhat build3ng or situcture hes not bec�► iseued Prior to tho eaactment of this by-law, the owner ehall ba credited wilh iha amount so paid, up to the amouat ol' the developmont chnrge payeblo, as pact of lha development charge payeblo hcreunder when the building pemiit is iseued. 15. (1) Monies recoived flom paymcnt of development chargw ahall bo meiufniuod in separate reecKye liu�ds, end ahell bo used only w maet U►o cePitel coetv for which tha development chazgo wes levied under this by-law. .,. , �naceN�lT- �3.__._ro Q? Q. ' � ABOAT f FU1.7—a e � 15. (1) Munks iecoived from payment of devebpment chargea ehall be meinfeined in separnta resecva fiuxis, and ehall bo used only to mect Ihe capilel cosW for which Ib davolopment cherga was lovied wHier thie by-law. . (2) Council di�ects tfw Muaicipal Treasurer to Jivide the reservo funds crestcJ t�erounder inlo Iho sepnrale aub-eccounis in accocdenco with Iho seNices eet out in sectione 5 eod 10, to whic6 ihe development cherge peyments shall bc credital w accordana withh Ibe amounts shown, plus intetest eeroal lhereoa (3) Tho emounts coatnic�al in ihe reservo funds establishul widu this Sxtion eLall be invested, with a►ry income receivcd credited lo the development charge reserne funcls in ' nlalion to whlch the investmcnt income appGes. 16. The dcvolopment charges refcncd W in scctions 6 and I 1 may be adjustod annuully, wilhout emendment W this by-Iaw, es oC]uly 1 each year, in accordence wilh ihe chmge in t6e indcx fa tho most aanily eveileble ennual period ending Merch 31 for tl�e Statistics Caneda Quetterly, Coost:uction Price Smtistics. Cafalogue Number 62-007. 17. Tttis by-law shall be edminislered by Ihc Financc Deparlment arKt nppGcd by the Chief Building OlficiaL 18. 11iis by-law ahall come inro forco end elTut on S�tember 1, 1999 for a lerm not ro excad 6va yeera from iho dato of ila enaclment, unlesa it is ropealed at en carUer date. 19. 13y-law No. 3854-91 (es nmcnJal) ahall bc rcpcalal as of the dalo Ihis by-law comcs inlo force. UY-LAW read a first, second ond Ihird lime ancl finally passcd this I6° dny of August,1999. Waync Mlhurs, Mayor %L�'�f��_�� t :�� �` i�