HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 19/00c,�y e� 093 ' REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Stephen Reynold DATE: October 2, 2000 Division Head, Culturc & Recreation REPORT NUIvIBER: OES 19-00 SUBJECT: Pickering Recreation Complex - Construction & Leaze of Space For Wellness Centre RECOMMENDATION: That Rcport OES 19-00 bc received by Council und that: I, Thc proposai in reply to RFP•5-00, submitted by North Ajax Rehab & Integrated Rehab Professionals, for the construction and lease of spacc tor a Wellness Centre at the Pickering Recrcation Compicx bc acccpted. 2. Staff be nuthorized to negotiate an arrangemcnt with North Ajax Rchab & Integrated Rchab Profcssionals Cor thc construction nnd Ieasc of space for a Wellness Centre at tlie Pickering Recrcation Complex. 3. A by-law be cnacted to authorize the execution of a License A�reement pursuant to which NoAh Ajax Rchab & Inlegratcd Rchub Profcssionnls will bc pertnitted to constnict and Icasc, Cor n five year tertn, a Wcllness Centrc at the Pickering Rccrention Complcx. ORIGIN: RFP-5-00 AUTHORITY: Mu,ricipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenues 2001 $1,OOU.00 minimum to 53,000.00 maximum per month 2002 $1,000.00 minimum to $3,000.00 maximum per month 2003 $1,000.00 minimum :o $3,OU0.00 maximum per month 2004 $1,000.00 minimum to �3,000.00 maximum per month 2005 $1,000.00 minimum to $3,000.00 maximum per month $60,000.00 minimum to $180,000.00 mtucimum over 5 ycars Year 1(2001) projected revenue based on $I,000 per month Icase plus un enticipniat 51,600 per month utilization fce is $31,200. Total monthly lense includes SI,000.00 per month base Icnsc, plus anticipated S I,600.00 per month utiliiation fec, to a maximum tolal of 53,000.00 per month. Utilizatian fce is based on a minimum of 2 clients per hour x 8 hours per dny x 5 days per wcck x 55.00 per client x 4 weeks, for use of the FiMess Room, Cardio Annex, and Pool: Thc unnual rovenuc generated by the prcvious tcnant was S28,SG0 per annum. �,. , • Rcport to Council OES 19-00 Date: October 2, 2000 Q 9� S�bject: Pickering Recrention Complex — Conshvction & Lease of Space for Wellness Centre Page 2 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A rcquest for proposal wns issued by Supply and Services for thc construction end leasc of space for a Wellness Centre at the Pickering Rccreation Complex. Two submissions were received. ARer cnreful considerution oFboth proposals, staff recommend the proposul submitted by North Ajax Rehab & fidegrated Rchab Professionals to be thc best overnll service and financial compensation packuge. BACKGROUND: In t998, Joints 'N Things Sports Injury and Rehabilitntion Clinic was established in the oid Photography Studio of the Pickering Recreation Complcx. Joints 'N Things terminated their license ngrcemcnt with thc City of Pickcring cffective July 31, 2000 A Request for Proposal (RFP-5•00) was issued by Supply und Services on July 14, 2000 to 11 companies for thc construction and lease of space for a Wcllness Centre at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Supply nnd Services also advcnised on the City's Website and in thc Ncws Advertiser on the City Community Page on July 29, 2000. Three companies signed in at the mandatory site visit. Submissions wcrc rcccivcd Gom North Ajax Rchab & Integrated Rehab Profcssionals and P.A.T.H. M evaluation tcam consisling of Stcphcn Rcynolds, Division Hcad, Culturc & Rccrcation, Allan Lillic, Malerials Buycr 11, and Olgn �abaj, KinesiologisUFitness Supervisor revicwed the proposals in detuil. The cvalualion tcam mct on Septcmbcr 12, 2000 and cvaluated both proposals on compliance with the RFP rcquircments, scope of scrvices, financinl compensation, working rclationships, professional competence, and sustainability. Aficr careful cxaminution of both proposals, stali rccommcnd thc proposal submitted by NoAh Ajax Rchab & Intcgratcd Rchab Profcssionnls ta bc thc bcst ovcrall scrvicc. North Ajax Rchab &[ntcgratcd Rchab ProCcssionals cicarly undcrstood thc City's mandatc by idcntifying service, education, und client rcsults s�s their main prioritics. The proposal submittcd by North Ajax Rehab & Integratcd Rchab Professionals involves an investmenl of capital dollnrs to significantly enhance the area previously known as thc Photography Studio. Thc construction would involvc crcating thrce rooms and installing a sink, which is a major plumbing invcstment. The City would incur no costs for thcse enhancemcnts, but would reap the benefits. The proposal submitted by North Ajax Rchab & Integrated Rehab Professionals includcs a wide breadth of services which blend traditional and complementary health caze. Disciplines/scrvices include, but aze not limited to: orthopaedic surgeon, physiotherapy, myofncinl release, comprehensive cardiac rehab program, kinesiologist, occupational therapy, social work, chiropractic, holistic nutritional counseling, massage therapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, orthotist, nnd bracing specialist. These are serviccs mem6ers of the Recrcation Complcx continually request. These services would supplement existing programs and providc an in- housc referral process thereby generuting additional progrnm revenuc. The proposal submitted by Norih Ajux Rehab & Integrated Rchab Profcssionals outlines n multi- disciplinary tesun approuch thnt is community focuscd. The inclusion of dctnilcd documentution demonstrntes their vision end values of "cxcellencc in health through tcamwork", "qunlity cnre through continuous qunlity improvement", end "commitmcnt to professional practices nnd cthics". This is consistcnt with thc City's philosophy and mnndatc, • � Report to Council OES 19•00 Datc: October 2, 2000 Subject: Pickering Recrention Complex — Construction & Lease of �95 Space for Wellness Centre Pagc 3 of 3 Thc proposul submitted by North Ajax Rehab & Integrated Rehab Professionals clearly shows their impeccnble working relationship with local health caze providers. They ere a well- respccted busincss thnt hns established themselvcs in the communily Cor e number of ycars. The proposal submitted by North Ajax Rehnb & Integrated Rehab Professionals indicates they have been in business for close to twcnty years. That, coupied with the proposed conswction clearly demonstrates their commitment strongly suggests profitable sustuinability. Enactment of the draR bylaw attached will uutharize the execution of a license agrcement to be prcpared in u fortn acceptable to the Ciry Solicitor in consultation with the appropriate Ciry Departments nnd in conjumtion with the tertns of refercnce set out in RFP-5-2000 and existing City practices. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply and Scrvices memorandum datai Septcmbcr, 2000 2. Dratl Bylaw Preparcd By: Olg abaj KinesiologisUFit ss Supervisor .� f tephen s Division Head, Culture & Rccrcation SR:kk Auachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Serviccs & Treasurcr Ciry Solicitor Manager, Supply & Services Director, Operatiotis & Emcrgcncy Scrviccs � i,'��� Gillis A. Paterson Dircetor, Corporatc Scrvices & Trcasurcr Rccammended for the consideration of Pickering City Council „ ' �� c , 3 �0 as J. Quin Chicf Administrntive Officcr 096 To: Date: ATiACFlMENTN�'InR�O�TM.i�� I q- 0 D Department of Corporate Servicea Supply & Servicea Inter•Departmental Memorandum Steven Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation 06 September 2000 Subject: . Request for Proposal, Conscruction & Lease - Wellness Centre No. RFP-5/00 Proposals have ban received for the above project. M advertisement was placed on the City's Website es well es the Community page on 29 July 2000, Two addenda were issued -#1 to respond to questions posed at the Site V'�sit and #2 to clarify che closing time. Eleven (I I) firmsl�ndividuals were invited to panicipate of which tivee (3) signed in at the mandatory site visit. However, two (2) proposals have been received. Re�pondent � Signed in/Attended Mandatory Site Viait North Ajex Rehab Path (PhyalolhcraQy AcUve 7'reatmont tuxards fieallh) HSG Healthy Systems Mthony Choy Ycs Yes Comment Unable to Bid Retumed by Courier— no longer at last known place of business. Original submissions are attached for your review — please retum. Typically, infortnation required has to be sought out within the contents of the proposal — it's not a clear-cut as a tendering document with a fixed format. For this reason, the evaluaGon team should review the submissions carefully for the information required. You have conveyed l/me ►s oJlhe essence and you require the proposals right away, so we have dona our best to wmply with your request by providing the proposals as soon as possible this aRe oon. If yo require further infortnation, please feei free to contact me. Vera A, elgemacher Je8'rey Manager of Suppiy & Services �w�.Nwam� � � . ATTACHMENTM.`LTOREPOItTM��'�9� �97 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW N0. BeJng a by-law to aulhorJze the execution oj a Ltcence Agreement wtth North AJax Rehab & /n�egrated Reha6 Projesslonals jor the lease oj space a� the Pickering Recrearion Complex jor rhe operalion oja Wellness Cllnic. WHEREAS, pursuant to the pmvisions of the Municipaf Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45 the Council of the Corporation oC the City of Pickering may enuct a by-law for leasing premises owned by the Corporation. NOW THEREFORE, the Councii of thc Corporntion of thc City of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, The Mayor and Clerk are hcrcby authorizcd to execute a Licence Agreement, in a fortn acceptnble to the Ciry Solicitor betwcen the Co�poretion of the Ciry of Pickering and North Ajax Rehab & Integratcd Rehub Professionals at the Pickcring Recrcation Complcx. BY-LAW read u first, sccand und third time and finally passed this 2"� day of October, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Muyor Brucc Tayloq Clerk <: _ 3; �.. �. . — — —