HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 01/00' OO2 G\�OFP�c� � F � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE: 02 I S 00 Division Hend, Culture & Recreation REPORT NUME3ER: CR O1-00 SUBJECT: Ajux Multi-Use School Project RECOMMENDATION: Thnt Report CR 01-00 be received by Council nnd that i. The Town of Ajax be thanked for their invitalion to pnrticipate in the upgrading of n new Ajnx High School nuditorium into a Community Thcatrc. 2. The Town of Ajax bc aJviscd that thc City of Pickcring will not bc allocnting cnpital funds for the proposcd Ajax Multi-Usc School Projcct. ORIG(N: The Town of Ajax initinted mcctings with thc Pickcring nnd Whitby staff to discuss thc feasibility of n joint cooperativc vcnturc for upgrading a proposcd Fligh School uuditorium into a community theatrc. AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Public und Separate School Doards have npproached the Town of Ajax secking thc To�m's financinl involvement in upgruding n proposed 500 scat nuditorium into a community theatrc. The Town of Ajax hnve nppronched Pickering. Whitby and Durhwn Rcgion to explom u joint coopemtive venture for shured municipnlity usc of u proposed community theutre with thc Town of Ajex and the Public and Sepnrnte School Boards. BACKGROUND: The Durhnm District School Board und the Durhnm Catholic District School Bourd nro cansWcting n ncw joint high school facility in north Ajax, Thc projcct will combinc t�vo high schools with thc capacity 1'or more lhan 2800 students in a 360,000 squnrc foot fncility on u 42 acre site neur the intersection of Rosslund Rond and Snlcm Road, Public and Separnte Board ' Report to Council CR 01-00 oa►�: oz �8 00 ons Subject: Ajax Multi-Use School Project Pagc 2 students nt the two schools will shnrc n number of fncilities including an auditorium, a fooJ court, sports fields and parking. The Public and Sepurate Boards huve nppronched the Town of Ajnx seeking the Town's financial involvement in upgmding u proposed 500 sent auditorium into n community theatrc. Thc Ronrds identified that in order to upgrade the nuditorium the cost would be $I.5 million to 52.2 million. The Town of Ajax is considering contributing to the construction of a community theatre with minimum upgrudes that would lower the cslimntcd project cost to $820,000 to $1.5 million. The Town of Ajnx decided to approach Pickering, Whitby and Durhum Rcgion to cxplorc u joint cooperntive venture for shared municipaliry use if the proposed communiry theutre wilh the Town of Ajax and the Public and Separate School Boards. The Town of Ajax identified the following: 1. the IocAtion is central to nll municipalities; 2, uccess to the sitc will be nlong RosslanJ Road nnd cventually Taunton RoaJ; 3. the 51.5 million to upgmdc is only a third of what it ���ould cost any one municipnliry to construct a stand-alonc community thcatrc (500 scating); 4. the minimum upgrades, will cost approximately 5820,000 to $ I.S million; 5. thc School E3oard has indicateJ lhat thcy ��nulJ upfront thc capital costs, with cnch municipality paying a portion of thc Jebcnturc over 20•25 ycnrs. Thc commencemcnt of the Jcbenturc would not commcncc until thc end of 2001. Thc Town of Ajax hnvc advised thcy nrc willing to mntch dollar for dollar up to u maximum of 5750,000 with participating municipalitics to upgradc thc proposcd 500 scat auditorium into a community thentre. Ajax is secking a dccision as to whethcr or not Pickering is willing to commit to financintly contributing to thc canstruction of n community thcntrc in north Ajax Becuuse of the 5chool Doards timelines an the construction of this newjoint high school facility, the Bonrds have indicuted in their tender process the upgrades for n community theatre will be shown as n cnsh allownnce. This allows the municipalilies to continue dialoguc. All potential user groups have not been contactcd to determine spccific architectural considerAtions. The issue of pariicipating partners obligutions and privileges hus not bcen clearly identificd. It is unclenr how much time the Community or the City of Pickering can access thc faciliry nnd how this nccess will be determined nnd schedulcd. [t is also uncicar who will be responsible for thc facility annunl opemting costs and what the user group fecs and churges will be. The Town of Ajax hnve idcntified there will be a need to have nn operation/mnnugemcnt ugrccmcnt �vith all stekeholders nnd the School Boards. Pickering's Officinl Plun identifies that City Council should encourage the locntion of major cultum! fucilities in or close to thc Downtown Corc. (Policy 7.8(u)). ln December 1996, Pickering Town Cauncil decided not to cxplorc a joint coopcmtivc venturc with the Town oF Ajnx for the communities usc of a new church (locnted in Ajnx) as o performing arts facility (Resolution #415/96). `' �� 4 Report to Council CR O1-00 Subject: Ajox Multi-Use School Project Dnte: 02 18 00 Page 3 Council pussed Resolution M OS/00 nt the Council Meeting of January 17, 2000 directing swff to build upon pubiic consultation with community user groups through the Recrcution, Pnrks and Cultural Services Master Plan Process. As purt of this process we arc curtently revicwing thc present und future progrnm und fncility needs and rcquiremcnts of community use groups including the Arts and Culture Groups within the City. This process will allow us to incorporate the results of our public consultation process with our stakeholders into next year's capiwl forecnst. Becuuse of the School Boazds timelines on the construction of the newjoint high school thcre is not the apportunity for full municipal nnd community user group input into all stages of the plunning and design for the proposed community theatre portion. Stuff recommend that the City of Pickering not provide cnpital funding assistancc for thc proposed Ajnx Multi-Use School Project. ATTACHMENTS: l. Map 2. Letter from Tom Flood, Director, Recrention Services Town of Ajax dntcd November 22, 1999 Prepured By:. � '/-� �`�--`�> Stephen yn s Division Hend, Culture & Recrcation SR:kk: Attachments Copy: Chief Administmtive Officer Director of Finanee and Treasurer Recommcnded for the considemtion of Pickering City Council . v . / �� dr �1 ��(l omas J, Qi nn Chief Administmtive Officcr Gvcrett l3untsma� �/ `— Dircctor, Operntions & Cmergency Scrvices • •'7'�• ; � �• ' . � � � ' . �, / JI� , i . '► '_ •. � �' �" � � � . _ I � , ( � ,. �, ,. � �i R�` , — � �— +�[�►_l`� I ...._ . : � '. . 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As I mcntioncd in our mecting, the project bcing proposed by the Doards in Ajax might bc a very worthwhile onc for Ajax, Pickering, Whitby nnd the Regian to be involvcd in togclhca To my ImowleJgc, none af ihe nforcmcntioncd have nny major fucilitics to accommodnte community Iheutrc und if wc can dcvclop u pnrtncrship, thc financial burdcn on any onc . municipalily would bc palatnblc. 'I'hc 13oards will bc going to icnder in Dcccmbcr 1999 for thc wholc projcct. You cnn opprccialc the nccJ to huvc a quick tum-nrounJ on n dccision us to whcthcr or not nny onc af us ure committcd. ror yuur infortnation, I intcnJ to draQ u rcport to Ajax Council for our Novcmber 25199 Capiwl Furccnsl mccting. This rcport will providc thc tollowing: I) That we havc tnikcd to nll partics as to their polcnliul involvemcnl. 2) Thc nccJ lo havc an operationaVmanagcmcnt ugrccmcnt with all stakcholders nnJ thc UoarJs. ]) In rcvicwing thc upgradcs, llierc ure somc nbsolutc "must du's" as to lhe struclurc of thc building, lcaving thc opportunity to do olhcr upgrndcs in thc Nture. Thc DoarJs have indicatcd lhat in lhcir tcndcr proccss thc upgradcs will bc shown ns n cush allownnce, '1'hc nbove nclions will allow lhc municipalitics lo continuc diuloguc in U�c mcnntimc. Thc cosl of thc Uoazd's proposal to upgrudc thc 500 seat auJitorium in the ncw high school campus in north-cast Ajnx rangcs Gom S 1.5m to S2.2m. ,..y ,. ._ , 0�7 -z- Thc advantege of ull of us betng involveJ, in my opinion, ia ltatcd bclow; i) Location: the icention is central for ull municipalilies 2) Acccss: access lo the sitc wilt bc nlong Rosslnnd Roud and evenlually Taunton Roud 3) The SI.Sm to i2.2m lo upgradc is only n third of whnt it would wst nny onc of us to conswct a stnnd-alonc thentrc. 4) Thc IIonrds huvc indicated thnt thcy would upfront thc capital cosis, with euch municipality puying a{wAion of the debcnlurc aver 20•25 ycars. The magnitude of thc doards' capital funding needs I bclicve will provide u very low intcrest rnte. I huve asked our Cinnnce Dcpartment to provide mc wilh n varicty uf patcnlial sccnurios (atWChcd). This will ollow you tu dcciphcr thc worst to bcsl casc sccnario depending on thc num6er of municipalities involvcd. 1'Icnsc notc thc conunenccmcnl of thc dcbcnturc would not commcncc until thc end of 2001. 5) Thc minimum upgrades I will bc proposing in my rcport to Ajux Council - cost opproximalcly 5820,000 lo SI.Sm. I would ccrtninly like thc opporlunity to discuss this projcct furthcr wilh Whilby, Pickcring and thc Regian as lo ils' fcasibility. xcgnrds, i Thomas W. Flood Dircclor, Rccrcation Scrvices TWfllk cc: McmbersofCouncil R. Parisolto, Chief Adminislralivc Officcr R. MJcrson, Rcgional Chair L. DeLoyde, Director of Planning nnd Dcvclopment Services T. Quinn, ChicCAdministralivc Ofliccr (Pickcring) W. Yewchyn, Durham Separntc School IIoarJ L. Morgulis, Durham DisUict Public School Doard