HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 26/00. t .._ -- _ . . .. . . . .. :094 � �` �F p,� 1tEPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble DATE: September 1, 2000 Solicitor for the City REPORT NUMBER: L26-00 SUB]ECT: Trnnsfer of Eaumrnt - Veridian Corporation - Pazcd Stnets-1, Scedon 40M-1231, Part of Blocks 19 und 21, Plan 40M-1231 - Pickering, designated as Parts 3, 4, and 5, Plen 40R-19362 - Eile: RE0012 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Iaw should be enacted to authorize the exceudon of a Tiunsfer of Ensement from Thc Corporailon oPthe City of Pickering to Vendinn Connxtions Inc. for tF.e purposes of accessing end mainteining the existing underground power cables located on the closcd portion of Pickering Parkway (formerly Sheridan Mall Parkway), Pickering. ORI(3M: Request from Veridion Connections Inc. dated August 4, 2000. AUTHORI7'Y: MunicipalAcl, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. M.45, section 191(1). FINANCIAL IMPLICA'�'IONS: Nonc. EXECUI7VE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKdROUND: In Stptember 1983, Council enacted By-law 1731/83 to stop up, close and authotize for sale to the � adjoining owners parts of Pickering Pazkway (formerly Sheridan Mall Parkway). Tfvs road ctosing by- !aw was registercd on June 4, 1984 es Instrument No. D178361, however conveyances to the adjoining owners werc never finaliud and therefore the lends still remain in Ciry ownership. Vcridian Connections Inc. has recendy contected the Ciry to request that the City hansfcr an easement to them over a ooriion of thcse lends in order that they be able ro nccess end maintein the underground cable ' services that exisG (See sketch attached). Enactment of the nttachul dmft bylaw witl nuthorize thc exceution of lhe Trnnsfer of Easemrnt which Easement will be cegistored on GUe, ' � .f - r � ' - � � i`a _ . .. , U,�. „. .. .f , u _ •-� r a� � ,,.0 � - .� 3 �i ,: , ;, , ,095 , � _, . . _ t ;X �. iu�� �o cawott L 2c-oo ` s�t�« i, z000 ' ` SubjaK:_ Transfer of Easement . , Pago 2 ' Veridien Connections Inc. r ATTACHMENTS: 1. DraR By-1aw with Transfer of Easement attached es Schedule A. 2. Locadon Mapping/Site Sketch. " , Prepared by: APProv bY: J arsons John Rcbk . JEP . Attnchmonts Copy: Chief Administrative Offiar City Clerk Director, Planning and Development Director, Operntions and Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Cou il � as J. Quinn, Chiaf A mi tive Officer ', ;`,' �`: , Y � � , , t'; �� -� : �� -. • �� r :i . �. , i . '`.:_ .... ..-� ..� . ,�..�.` � �..� ., . `�... . ..'. . ;.{ ... .. .... ., 1.,!t:�A,,. ...E;�,. o. . . , , . _ � , ,. �,: i #': ATTACHMENT# � TOREPORTt� . O96 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINa BY-LAW N0. Deing a by-!aw fo aulhorize fhe executlon oja Transfer oj Easemen� from The Corpuration ojlhe C!ty ojPlckering �o �erld/an ConnecNons Inc. over lhose Par�s of Bloc�Es 19 and 21, Plan 40M•1231, and Part oj�he Slreels-1, Plan 40M-1131, Pickering, designated as Parls 3, 4 and S, Plan 40R-19362 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 191(1) of the Munlctpa! Act, RS.O. 1990, Chep. M.45, tha Council of 't'he Corporntion of the City of Pickering may pass by-laws for disposing of interests in lands owned by it; end VI�IEREAS The Corpotation of thc City of Pickcring wishes to trnnsfer an easement, subjcct to certnin tertns and conditions, over those Parls of IIlocks 19 and 21, Plan 40M-1231 and Pnrcel Streets-1, Plan 40M-1231, Pickering designated as Parts 3, 4 nnd 5, Plan 40R-19362 to Veridian Connections Inc. for access and maintennnce of the underground power cnbles nnd associnted equipment; NOW THERGFORE, the Council of the Coqwmtion of the City of Pickering HEREBY LTIACT'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mnyor and Cierk are hereby nuthoriud to execute a Tmnsfer of Gasement from Tl�e Corpomtion of the City of Pickering to Veridinn Connections Inc. over those Parts of Blocks 19 and 21, Plnn AOM-1?31 nnd Parcel Streets-1, Plan 40M-1231, Pickering, dcsignated as Parls 3, 4 and 5, Plnn 40R-19362 for access nnd mointennnce of the undcrground power cnbles nnd associated equipment which tmnsfer shall bc subject to the terms nnd conditions, more particularly set out in the Transfer of Easement nttnchcd heato as Schedule A. BY-LAW read a first, second nnd third time nnd finnlly passcd this 2nd day of Octolxr, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Hruce Tnylor, Clerk aeoois ' I� y�r�uui.t n on�wwrwwWw�w �� Transfer/Deed of Land 097 A Form 1— Land Rpbtratlan Refam AN (1) WOI�try Q Land Tltla � (�) PaD� 10l p+pa (i) �wKY Bbdc PmwM Id�ntlllaqq yg335 0019 � Q (1) ComlMntlon Two-001100 s i Do9an f 2.00 0 ? (6) WacAptlon Thh b o: DN b� ❑ CantoUdalbn ❑ ,� Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 LL designated as Parts 3, 4 and 5, Reference Pian 40R-19382 a Town of Ptckedng p New Property IdenllNen Regfonal Municlpality of Durham Aaditlo�ul• � Sas � 6diediM E%OCUUoM AddltlOtW: ❑ 6tlied�la (6) ThI� (a) Redefulptbn �(b) Sdbdule for. (7) IntamVEstab TnmNmd c°�ei�°.°� PaNS�ia�M O;�a«w��0 we: �� ❑ ower�x Easemenl (e) 7nnaterort�) mso-.n.rn«�web�a,rorenm.ir,daurawr«se.ndaltine.w�uar.n.kmraKw.�eqmeenvnodau,aw� the properry treneferted has not been ordinarity occupled by eny OHicer w Dlrador of The CoiporaGon af the City ot Pickering or by .................................................................................. any of He apousea ea thelr famlty residence. Date of Sqneture Name(e) ... ......... .. .. ..... . . .. .... .. .... . . Sqnaturo(e�... . . ... . ..... ..... . . ,f..Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Per. ; 2000 ; ....................................... ............................,.,.. . .�. � � Neme• ; � � ...................................... . ...................... .�.... .i.. .� Tllle: ' i � ' � ............� .............................�.....i...i.. .. ...................... i i � IAve have authod to bind the Co ralbn � ' ' (i) 8pow�(�) of Tnnd�mr(�) I Mroby conunl to Nb V�nuclbn Date o151pnature Name(q Sqruturo(�) , Y M. D i ' i ...................................................................... � ...i�.�.. � � .'.. � i � (10)Tnml�ro��)Addnp �Espanade,Pkkering,Ontario. L1V8K7 lor9�rvlu pt) TnroGnN�) Y ataMMnh p i i VERIRIQN C.QNN�CT.IONSINC .................................................7....�...�... � � � � � ......................................................................�... �...�.. ..� � . � � � � � � . . . ........................................�... .�...�.. ........................ . . . � � � � � (t7)Tnrof�m(�)Addens�gZOBa Street,Pickerin Ontario.L1W3R8 1ots�rviu Y�Y 9, (1a) Tnmhrort�) rne awrx« vemAS m� b me nesi atme awie�or� wonieepe ma eeun. w. o-wrer don na cmo-evme.«�an aa a me awvyq nct Dale ol Signaturo OaN ot Sqnature � Y� M� D� � Y � M� D Sqnamm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . .�. . . . i . . .�. Sqruturs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . i. . .�. . . BdlUror Por Tnroferor(�) I heve explaMed Ihe efted of seUbn 50 of tAe Plennlrp Act to the tnnsfn�or a� 1 have made Inqulrles ol lhe Uanahror to � detarmine that thb trenafer does nol eontravene Nat secllon ond baaed on lhe Inlortnatbn �upplbd by lhe Vanaferor, to Ihe bsst o! my knowkdpe ard �be6el, lhb trontler doos not ao�Uavene that sedbn. I om an Ontarb wAdlor In pood etaMlnp. , DaM ol Sqnatwe N� �� Y � FI D o Addieseol sqnature. . . i . ; .i. . SopeNor .................... ... .. . � � (U) sollelWrrorTramroro�(QlNwtrves8GledtlwtltlemthbWdrdbN�tlrial+ndwiwsrolevoAUM�amua�MdOUlEisw�nmd� mer ro m�fwnna� u en an In �udiau.s ea (Z2J (a1(r) au,s PlwiYa ra �M"W b IM Dnl d riy qaMWOe W WANtld� trmW � b� doe�namno-.w�.�.mo�eoamsri+�xq�a.iana.v�ronMau,.u�amr�orm.wvr.rablwiomMoMC.�oweaeor�,000a�W,a�o. ��� � ' Name �nd � Dote of Slpnrture a� Addroso ol �� � Y M, D 9 SoAdwr � . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i � $ 9qn�ture. . . i . . 1. . �. . . (16) Mtat�P RoIImIN�anWr ��'' �rw�.� �uv ; ue. ; rr. � FmmdT�x ' � _ ' Replslnlbn Fee (tE) MuMdpalAddm�aiProp�rfy (1n Docum�ntPnpandby: u��MferT�x Alen Bsnnatt Not Aaslgned BENNEIT BEST BURN B�rrlstm �nd Bolloltois 8ox 188, �3 VlotoH� 8troet, " Aurors, OnUdo LAO JH3 Toai . • � °'°�' Schedule °"`°"""°"°`"�� /�o r. oad.no ra.� �— u�a e.uw.aa� e.ro�. �r.+ � ���7Q . , PW� 2 d AddMlorol Prop�Ay IdnMM�r(q �ndla OUrr hdarmtllon Box (3) PropeAy Identlflen - contlnued from Page t Part 4- Part ot PIN 28335 - 0028 Pert 5- PaR ot PIN 28335 - 0027 U�Zj 00 9 :i . � 099 3 THIS AGREEMENT madc in duplicate the day of ,2000, BET�VEEN: THE CORPORATION OF TIIE CITY OF PICKERING (6ereioeRer referral to av the "Grantor") OR 7HQ FfR3T ppRT - and - VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. (hereinafter roCerred to as the "Grantec") OF TI IL� SECOND PART WHEREAS the Grantor is the owner in fee simple and in possession of the lands in the City of Pickering, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, more particularly described in Box (5) on Page 1(hereinaRer referred to as the "Eazement"). AND WHEREAS the Grantee has installed or is about to install undPrground power cables and essociated equipment in, on end under the property for t6e transmission of electrical energy; AND WIIEREAS the Gran►ee has requested the Grantor to execute this transfer, and the Grantor has egreed to do so in order to facilitate the works program of the Grantee, and the Consenting Mortgage hes ugreal to consent thereto; • NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT �VITTIESS�TA: The recitals hereinbefore contained shell form an integral part ofthe agreement. ln consideration of the premises, thegrant ofeasement and the sum ofTWO DOLLARS (52,00) now paid by the Grantee to the Grantor (the receipt sufliciency whereof is hereby acknowledged), the Grantor does hereby grant, transCer and convey unto the Grantee, its successors and aasigns, the free, unintertupted and unobstructed right and easement in perpetuity: (a) To enter on and construct, install, operate, maintsun, in, on, under and through the property, undergound cables and any other essociated fixtures, including above grade warning signs, or equipment in the opinion of the Grantee may be necessary (all or any of which works are heroinafter referred to as the "cables"); (b) To enter on cut and remove all trees and bush for a distance of 1.5 metres on each side of the centre line of the cables (hereinafter referred to as the "strip"); (c) For the servants, agents, wntracton and workmen of the Grantee et all times to pess and repass with any equipment along the atrip to examine, repair and renev; the cebles. (d) To remove, relocate and reinstall the cables in, on and under the strip. TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the Essement or right in the nature of an easement for underground power cables, and the ancillary purpoaes referred to, in, across, under and through the property unto the Grantce, its successors and assigns, for ita and their sole and only use forever, in perpetuity, TFIE Crrentor covenants and agrecs not to erect in, on end under the strip any buildings, sUUCtures, property line fences or other obstnictions of any neture, and further covenents and agrees not to � � 100 .2. chnnge the grade of We etrip it; in tho opinion of the Grantee, auch acta would interfere with the cablW. AND the Grantor covenants with the Granteo that it ha�. the righl to coavey the aaid rights and easements to the Grantee, notwithstanding any act of the Grantor. AND the Crrantee shall have quiet possession of tha seid rights and easements, free from ell encumbrances, save as herein provided. AND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that it will execute such further assurances of the said rights and easements as may be requisite. AND The Grantor roleases to the Grantee all claims upon the estate herein conveyed for the rights granted by this egreement, but subject to the provisions hereof ALL covenants herein contained shall be conswed to be several as well as joint, and that wherever the singulaz and the masculine are used in this agreement, the same shall be construed the plural or the feminine or neuter whera the context or the parties hereta so require. TC IS L�NDERSTOOD and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the burden of this agreement and alI of the covenants herein cantained shall run with the Gasement, and the benefit of the agreement end of all covenants contained herein shell run with ell other lands and interests in land owned, occupied or used by the Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose ofoperating and meintaining the cables, and that this agreement shall he binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto end their respective successors and essigns. IN WITNESS WIiEREOF the pariies have executed this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence oC ) ) THE CORPORA.TION OF TAE CITY OF 1 PICKERING Per: i/We have authority to bind the Corporation (Grantor) VERIDIAN CONNEGTIONS INC. Per: (GS) Cheirtnan General Maneger UWe have authority to bind the Cocporation (Grantee) �