HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 1/00• � `,�.� OF Pl�� � � W f O REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: January 4, 2000 Ciry Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL I/00 SUBIECT: Greater Toronto Services Board Request to Endorse Policy Regarding lhc Oak Ridges Moraine RECOMMENDATION: That the correspondence dated December 16, 1999 from the Grcater Toronto Services Board regarding iha Oak Ridges Moraine be received; and That the Cauncil of ihe City of Pickering hereby endorses ihe rnotion passed by ihe GTSB on Decembcr 3, 1999 to urgc thc Provincc of Onlario to ensure that no morc approvals be given to proposed development or aggregate applications going through the process for six months in the Oak Ridgcs Morainc; and That a copy of this resolulion be fonvarded to: I. Thc Honourablc Tony Clement, Atinisiry of hlunicipal Affairs & Housing 2. The Honourablc lanet Ecker, MPP, Pickcring/Ajau/Uxbridge 3. Greater Toronto Ser�ices Board ORIGIN: Lettcr from the GTSB daicd Dccember 16, 1999 AUTHORITY: htunicipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To endorsa a motion of the Greater Toronto Services Bnard that the Province be urged to suspend approvals for proposed development aggregate applications going through the process for six months in the Oak Ridges Moraine. BACKGROUND: Allached to this Report is a copy of corzespondence from the Greater Toronto Services Board advising of'a motion that was passed by the GTSB at its m��eting of December 3, 1999 urging thc Province to ensure that no more approvals be given to proposed development or aggrcgatc applications going through Il�c process for six months in the Oak Ridges Moraine. The motion gocs on to request thc Province to collaborete wilh the Regions oP Durham, Pecl nnd York and the City of Toronto in completing their Long Term Strategy for the Oak Ridges Morainc. 20 , � Report to Counn) CL 1/00 DUe: 1�nuary 4, 2000 Subject: GTSB Motion Rc: Oek Ridges Moraine Page 2 At the request of the GTSB, I em forwarding this motion to Cauncil for its endorsement A7"fACHMENTS: 1. Letter from GTSB dated December 16, 1999 Prepared By: �> ��,-- Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Attachments Copy; Division Head, Corporate Projecis and Policies Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council c r �'�' �ot�/ omas J. uir Chic Adminis livc 0�ccr • • � �TS�ACHMEN7 a_.L. fc �tE1�R'� r: c� ,/U�21 Greater ibronto Servlces Board 9 Decrmbcr Ib. 1999 To: Thc Clerks of all GTSB hizmber `lunicipalilics At its mc�ting on Friday, Dtcember 3, 1999, �he Greater Toronto Sen•ices Board passed the follo«•ing motion reearding the Oak Ridges Jforaine a•hen it amended and udopted Clause i of Countryside S Em ironment 1Vorking Group Rcpon No. d: " That the Gre�ter Toronto S�n ices Board urge ihe Pro�•ince of Onmrio to ensure that no more appru�•als be ¢i�en to proposed de�elopment or aggregate applications goin¢ �hrouch the process for six months in the Oak Ridges �toraine, and th�t durine �hat period, the Pro�•ince, in collaboration �eith the Regions of 1'urk, Durh�m and Pcel, the Ciry of Toronto and othcr stakcholders, prepare a Policy Statcmcnt fur thc Oak Ridges �toraine; and as ��cll, the Rcciuns of 1'ork, Durham and Pecl completr their Long Term Strategy for the Oak RiJges �lur�ine: In the altemati�•e, the Board inJicate ihat it expects the Pro�•ince to put a policy rcgardine thc Oak RiJgcs \foraine into efl'ect immediatel}•, using �hc 199� Oak Ridees �tor�inc :\Iliancc Jocumcnt as a basis. AnJ bc it furthcr resol<<d that Ihc E3uard funhcr rcqucst thc Pro� ince tu: I. Immediatcly rcconfirm ihc Pro� inci�l imcrcsi in thc protcction and enhancemcnt of ihe O�k RiJgcs �torainc undcr thc Planning Acr ?. Immediately adopt the 199�! Oak Ridges \loruinc �irategp ,is interim pro�•inci�l policy; 3. Commit funds and siat'f resourccs io upJ�tc thc 199�3 Stratcg�• u ithin 6 monihs: �. Commit to adopt � dctinimc Pro�incial Polic} Statcmcnt uithin G months; 5. Assist in thc preparation oPstnngcnt perfurtnancc standards to bc applied to all de� clopments and a monitoring program to measure the impacts of de�•elopmenl on the Oak Ridges \toraine; 6. Pro��ide a scientifically based pro��incial groundw•ater policy; and 1000 Murcay Ross Par{,i�•ay Toronto, Onwrio M3J 2P3 Te1:416-338-?989 Fir �I1G-33fl-299� Toll Frcc:1-877-335-3319 a i � i E . .�. � 22 • • 7. �latch funds that thc Regions/Citics commit lo thc purchasc of panicularly sensitive areas on thc Oak Ridges �torainr. And be it funher resolvcd ihat thc BoarJ also requests the Provincr to actieely panicipate in 0118 hcarings to ensure the protection uf �he Oak Ridges �torainc and of thc Provincial interest: and That the Federal Gu�emnunt cummit funds and staCf resuurc�s to assist m the protection and management of the Oak Ridges �toraine �nd recogniie the imporlant role the Oak Ridges Jloraine plays in the Great Lakcs' �tater qualiry and quantiry." 1Vould you please submit this motion to your Council for endorsemcnt. 1'ours truly, �{ , 't.,1 /� � L v, �,..— / L��torrow Fj�ecuti�•e Dircc r . -._ .3 .. �. . . � . - .... ...�.! . t